Rip (Part I)

  New Year’s Eve @ 8:19am:

  “Yes Danni that is truly crazy.” Merna Vlad smiled at her co-anchor of her show ‘Morning With Merna’, as if she truly cared for anything she had to say.

  Merna-a woman with short black hair and big black framed glasses- glanced into the camera now addressing her audience.

  “In other news, Rapper Lil Holler met with the Mayor of Morrinstown today where he donated three million dollars to each Public School within the small town populated by ten hundred people. It was a surprising yet generous gift on his behalf. Which almost makes up for the scandal he had in November which saw him burning the American Flag, but hey! Who am I to judge right?”

  She smiled into the camera so wide that the back molars in her mouth were visible to the viewers at home.

  “Anyway moving on to actually talented people, do you remember troubled Hollywood actress Ella Filerante? The blonde actress who was crowned ‘America’s Sweetheart’? The same actress that had a video of her going viral four months ago yelling at an elderly couple and wishing that they died slowly? Well, once again Ella is back in the news but this time she isn’t yelling at anyone. Well in a shocking twist, Ella was spotted at the Gideon’s Women’s Shelter donating her designer dresses as well as designer shoes. She also made a shocking donation of three hundred thousand dollars which would give the shelter enough money for much needed renovations. How amazing is that?” Merna asked finally addressing her co-anchor who smiled in amazement.

  “That was extremely generous of her. It seems that many of the celebrities are being charitable this week. I sure hope it’s a disease that is contagious.”

  Laurel Quinn muted the television screen in her office and swiveled around in the chair to get back to her work, unfortunately that wasn’t going to happen once she heard DING, indicating that she had a client. She didn’t remember having any appointments until after noon. She got up from her chair and walked out of her office freezing in place as she saw a man that stood at 5’8, he had stringy greasy hair, wore a black tuxedo that was a few sizes bigger than him and hanging out the corner of his mouth was a small wooden toothpick. The man was in awe at the beautifully decorated waiting area, she recognized him to be Slinky-her father’s right hand man.

  “Good God!” She sighed crossing her arms across her chest. “What are you doing here?”

  He flashed her a smirk, took the chewed toothpick out of his mouth and bowed before her.

  “Good day Princess. I am honored to be in your presence.” His mocking tone frustrated Laurel in many ways than she could admit.

  “That makes one of us.” She stated. “Now why are you here? Is my father coming back? I assure you I can only tolerate him once a year.”

  Slinky shook his head straightening his back and he placed the toothpick back in his mouth. “Nope. Your father is busy back at home as we speak, but he sent me.”

  “Ah. If the King can’t torture me why not send the Court’s Jester?” Laurel replied back causing Slinky to chuckle. He ran his hands through his greasy hair remembering how outspoken Laurel always was. At this point in life he learned to love and accept her humor and not to take offense to it.

  “Have you checked any of your texts on the burner phone your father gave you the last time he was here?”

  The question-Laurel admitted- was a stupid one. Of course she didn’t check on it. She actually had a job and none of that involved her checking messages on a flip phone, especially when it came to her father. “No I didn’t. The phone is at home because as I told him I have no interests in anything he has to say.”

  He nodded his head listening to her words and he took out a piece of paper from the inside of his large suit. He unfolded it and sighed. “There are many bad guys in this world Princess. Some aren’t bad-like your father. He does what he does solely because he loves you, but then you have other bad guys that-“

  Laurel rose her right hand at him causing him to stop speaking. “Spare me the Fortune Cookie lingo, I haven’t drank enough coffee to figure out what you’re trying to say. So please, get to the point.”

  Slinky gave her the sheet of paper without a moment of hesitation and Laurel snatched it from his hand and read it to herself.

  On the sheet of paper was a colored picture of Laurel which was clearly taken out of a photo shoot she did with Gladore Magazine three years ago, but over her picture were the words “Wanted Dead: Laurel Quinn! Reward: $36.8 Million. Must Bring Proof To Collect Reward!”

  She arched her right eyebrow and glared at the greasy skinny man who nodded his head in a vain manner as if he was singing ‘I told you so’ in his head.

  “Someone put a hit out on me?” She asked not really surprised since this wasn’t the first time someone threatened her life-and it surely won’t be the last either.

  “Seems like it Princess.” He said once again taking the toothpick out of his mouth. Laurel watched as he glided over towards the black cushioned seats the waiting area was filled with and he sat down spreading his legs open. “Your father discovered this when an idiot from the Raider Mafia confided in him about selling a few guns to your dad so he could use it to kill you. The poor sap had no idea who he was talking to when he showed your dad the flier. Once the sap spilled the beans-well your dad spilled his guts.”

  Laurel could picture the grisly death the man faced at the hands of New York City’s deadliest King Pin. One thing Vincent Capella would die protecting was Laurel.

  She didn’t want to think too long and hard about how much her father loved her because then that would humanize him and that was the last thing she wanted to do. “Has he found out who ordered this hit?”

  Slinky shook his head. “Unfortunately not yet. But he sent in your Knight in Shining Armor-“

  “Unless that Knight is Matt Bomerson then it’s useless.”

  “Sorry to burst that bubble Quinny, he’s a ‘mo.-“

  It was a fact that broke Laurel’s heart, the handsome actor looked as if God slowly handcrafted every inch of him to perfection. Sculpted every muscles, scars, pore and even pearly white teeth; but Laurel could only bask in the actor’s handsomeness as he was openly Gay and has been married to his partner-a fellow publicist- for more than thirteen years.

  Slinky cleared his throat noticing Laurel was wandering in her thoughts-something she always had done even when she was younger. Vincent always joked that she was speaking to her inner Demons- a joke that her mother never really enjoyed.

  “Your father gave me strict orders to come back at midnight and take you over to the Safe House.”

  “Absolutely not!” She interjected dropping the flier on his lap. “I have an agency and clients who need me! I also have-“

  “What do you have exactly Princess?” Slinky asked sitting up on the chair closing his legs to ensure the flier wouldn’t fall on the floor. “Were you going to say friends? That Andrew Garfieldson fellah isn’t your friend he’s your assistant. Then that Dick from downstairs isn’t a friend either he’s just someone you vent to when you get bored. Face the facts Quinny, you don’t have real friends and based on who you are and the life you live, you will never have any friends that will genuinely care for you. That’s just the way it is in your lifestyle.”

  “What lifestyle? What my father-that man does, doesn’t concern me nor does it have anything to do with me. This hit is just by some failed client that I rejected. Plain and simple.”

  Slinky grabbed the flier from his lap and jumped to his feet smiling. “Interesting hypothesis ya have there Quinny. But if you truly know me you’d know this isn’t up for deliberation. I advise you to pack a bag of clothing-not heels we aren’t going to the Five Stars at Guadalupe for crying out loud. Make sure you get your affairs in order as well.”

  He made his way out of the office never once turning around because he knew deep down how much Laurel wanted to throw something at him or punch him. Whichever came first. He didn’t want to take th
at chance so he walked out casually and she watched as he made his way toward the elevators.

  Laurel stormed into her personal office trying to sort through the thoughts currently ambushing her mind. From the TSK and now to whomever this coward was putting a price on her life it was easily laughable. She had no idea who would do this but she did have a few ideas on the person’s character. Clearly they had to be rich in order to pay such a high wage to have her killed and she could also tell they were a coward since they wanted to hire someone rather than off her themselves.

  Laurel cleared her mind as her office phone began to ring and she answered it, “Quinn.”

  “H-Hello Laurel. It’s Meryl.”

  “Did you kill anyone else?” She asked not really thinking about the question until it came out of her mouth and she realized it was rude and she apologized. “Sorry I just had a very interesting past few days.”

  “That’s understandable. I hate to make it even worst.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Meryl paused for a few seconds and then she started to speak again, her tone was filled with doubt and sprinkled with a little fear, “I received a letter in the mail and..someone knows what I did. They said they were going to tell the police if I don’t pay them a certain amount of money for their silence.”

  ‘Son of a bitch! These bastards move faster than Taylor Switter moves through men.’ Laurel thought to herself. “Did the person sign TSK511?”

  “Yes they did. How did you know? Who are they?”

  “A pain in my ass is who they are.” Laurel mumbled to herself. “It’s a long story. Listen to me, there is nothing to worry about. As of right now this person has been sending the same threats around to various people. I assure you no one but Tony and I know about that night.”

  “A-Are you sure?”

  “Trust me, the Police haven’t even found his body. Just go about your day. I’m working on this as we speak.”

  “A-are you sure? I’m not scared of many things Laurel, but you and I both know this particular secret coming out could ruin everything.”

  “As I said, you have nothing to worry about.”

  Sure, the words which came out of Laurel’s mouth might have made Meryl feel better, but not even the Crisis Manager could believe what she just said. With the terrorist group like TSK, nothing is certain. Nothing is guaranteed and everyone is in danger.

  3122 Exer Avenue In Apartment 6C:

  Tony Vincetti stared out of the bedroom window as the Grey clouds started to darken. He didn’t remember any of the meteorologists mentioning rain in the New Year’s Eve broadcast, but he expected nothing less from Mother Nature who clearly was punishing everyone. Just last month there was a heatwave. A heatwave in November! It was insane just thinking about it.

  He rolled over a little trying not to wake up Jace who was sleeping next to him. The thirty year old Brit only had on a pair of black and red boxer briefs, his muscular chest was covered with some hair and two scars were visible over his right breast where he was shot twice years ago on a job. Every day he would look at the scars and always think about how he was lucky enough to be alive. Life is something many people take for granted by being stressed, worried and even with people fearing what others might think about them, which causes many people to live through the eyes of others rather than live for themselves.

  Throughout Tony’s life he had lost himself in ways he could never think about, he ended up finding himself when he started working for a man whom went by the name ‘Mr.B’. Not much was known about this mysterious boss except he paid hefty amount of money for the assassination of anyone, male, female, politician, celebrity, artist, news anchor, doctor, mother, father, brother, sister etc. Tony would receive files on his intended target and he would kill them with one swift attack leaving behind no DNA, no proof he was there and making each kill seem like a suicide.

  Tony’s mysterious past was something that he longed to forget because he wasn’t a hero nor a martyr, he was a cold blooded killer that had one hell of a body count. He never thought in a million years that his intended target, Laurel Quinn, would see something in him that he didn’t and she hired him to work for her giving him a second chance in life. But Jace did something else to him, he brought him back to life; giving him a second chance at finding love.

  The sound of thunder roared outside causing Tony to sigh and roll his eyes as it scared him but he wasn’t going to admit that anytime soon. Jace opened his eyes slowly and Tony smiled. “Good morning, Love.”

  “Good morning and Happy New Year’s Eve.” Jace replied softly as he stretched out his limbs smiling.

  Tony leaned down and kissed the Private Investigator’s forehead.

  Being a Private Investigator wasn’t a luxurious lifestyle that Jace could have imagined himself living, but as a New Yorker he always had a hankering for helping others. Sure, it seemed strange but Jace didn’t care, he was fearless, smart and quick on his feet whenever he came across a problem; plus he blamed his sleuthing skills on his father who exposed him to the book series ‘The Hardy Boys’.

  Jace could sense something was weighing heavy on Tony’s mind as he clenched his jaws together-a notion that the P.I had studied his boyfriend doing various times which meant Tony was thinking about something. “What’s wrong?” He asked sitting up on the bed.

  Tony smirked shaking his head. ‘Out of all the guys to date in this city I choose to fall for a bloody P.I’. He thought to himself as he sat up on the bed and looked at Jace. “I-I know we’ve been dating for two months but I am-“

  “Two months?” Jace asked snickering and shaking his head. “Good Grief, is Laurel working you that hard? We’ve been dating for six months.”

  Tony tried to hide the fact that was shocked at the new information he just obtained but he couldn’t. His eyes were widened in shock and his cheeks were blushed red as he wanted to die from embarrassment. Jace saw his nervous state and he smiled kissing him softly on the lips. He pulled away slowly resting his forehead against Tony’s. “You’re lucky today is the last day of 2017. So I’ll let that burn with the rest of the year.”

  “Mmm, thank you. I promise to make it up to you.” Tony said sighing in relief that Jace was understanding and didn’t overreact too much.

  Jace leaned back sitting up on the bed, “I will hold you to that promise. Besides, I understand. We’ve both been busy in our professional lives that it’s easy for us to forget the time and the day of the week.”

  “Speaking of that-“. Tony looked at the Private Investigator with a solemn expression on his face. “You never told me why Darlene Hart was a person of interest on one of your cases. What was that about? Do you think it’s linked to her death?”

  “I don’t believe it is. I mean, at first I did because Darlene did an exposé last year on a Pharmaceutical company named Manticore Corporation. They have been experimenting with dangerous weapons and diseases. The FBI, CIA and Homeland Security were never able to find them after they left Plum Island and moved onshore. Luckily for them I did, as well as Darlene. Apparently she was trying to impress her boss by moving away from entertainment and move on to something more hard hitting and innovative. She showed me a video of her interviewing a former scientist who confirmed that Manticore Corporation has been building Biological Weaponry and has been using homeless people as guinea pigs. When their experiments failed they moved onto runaway teens. Eventually the experiments failed again, so they discarded the bodies in various beaches as well as forests in an eighty mile radius from Urban neighborhoods.”

  “Making it appear as if there was a serial killer on the loose.” Tony added causing Jace to nod his head.

  “Exactly! That tape proved everything about Manticore but I know they got to her, because the next day she destroyed every copy of the tapes.”

  Tony didn’t expect all the information he was given. He honestly believed Jace’s job involved him going after cheating spouses, retrieving antique diamond crested go
lden eggs etc; but the last thing he ever expected was the twenty six year old going against a large corporation.

  Tony grabbed Jace’s right hand and stared into his brown eyes. “Are you bloody insane? You can get yourself killed. Please tell me you aren’t looking for these people anymore.”

  Jace adored how caring and concerned Tony was about his wellbeing but this was his job.

  Sure it wasn’t like assisting a Crisis Manager or making a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning. He was against forces that were dangerous, scary, powerful and sinister; this alone proved just how different both Jace and Tony’s worlds were.

  Jace caressed Tony’s hand and smiled. “You don’t have anything to worry about. I am not looking for Manticore and I do not have plans to find them. You have my word.”

  “Good because I-“


  Tony let out a sigh of frustration as the doorbell echoed throughout the two bedroom apartment that Jace called home. He leaned his forehead against Jace’s and caressed his face softly. “Let’s ignore the door, yeah?”

  “No can do.” Jace replied back softly with a smirk. “It’s Marco.”

  Tony pulled away from the P.I and lowered his eyebrows. “Who the bloody hell is that?”

  “The delivery man from ‘Pancake Familia’. I exposed a corruption with the Immigration office who tried to falsify documents trying to deport Marco and his family back to Mexico. Ever since then he has brought me free pancakes every day at this time.”

  “And you eat all of that?”

  Jace shrugged getting off of the bed. He already had on a long black t-shirt so he didn’t need to put anything else on. “Sometimes I just give it to Mrs. Baker who lives upstairs. Her grandchildren rarely come to visit her. It’s sad really.” He gave Tony a wink and walked out of the bedroom down the long hallway as the doorbell rang again.

  Tony watched as Jace left his sight and he softly bit his bottom lip smirking. He hated to admit it but he was falling for Jace in many ways, ways that he was scared to confess.


  The sound of gunfire rang out through the apartment causing Tony to jump out of the bed and unto his feet. He ran over to a black duffle bag that laid under Jace’s bed and he took out a black handgun. He quickly took the safety off and walked out of the bedroom slowly making his way down the long hallway passing by pictures of Jace with his family. His heartbeat pounded inside of his chest as he crept slowly toward the corner of the hallway, around the bend was the door to the apartment. He didn’t have a mirror to see if anyone was standing there but he could hear heavy breathing.

  Without a second to waste Tony jumped around the corner lifting the gun up hoping to find someone standing there, but all he saw was Jace lying on the ground in a pool of blood. “No, no no” He dropped the gun and quickly ran over to Jace dropping to his knees not caring that he was pant less in a pool of blood.”

  “Stay- Stay with me, Love. Don’t you bloody leave me.” Tony looked at the Private Investigator’s chest and saw two gunshot wounds. One was above his right breast and the other wound was in the middle of his stomach. “Stay with me Jace.” His voice cracked as he placed pressure on the wounds using both his hands.

  Jace watched as Tony’s eyes watered and he applied more pressure on the wounds, his hands now being covered with blood. “Anthony, I l-l-l-ove you.” Jace said breathing heavily and Tony nodded as a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

  “I love you too, but you aren’t going anywhere.” He looked over his shoulders at the apartment door across from Jace’s “SOMEONE HELP ME! HELP SOMEONE HAS BEEN SHOT!”

  He looked back down at Jace feeling the life of the man he was beginning to love, slip away from his fingers. “Don’t go Jace please.” He cried, “You make me human. You make me sane please don’t go. Please, love stay with me.”