ADidn't fancy it last night then
[email protected] AI thought it would be best for me mam and dad if I stayed
[email protected] ARight yer are lad, me mam's down the wash-house, let's get down to it, eh. I've got a funny feeling that things are going to start hotting
[email protected] AIf they get any hotter we'll melt,@ joked Davey.
AGo on with yer,@ said Paddy hoisting himself higher so that he could observe the street, Ayer dad sometimes pops over of a morning so we'd best keep a weather-eye out for >
[email protected] On the wharf stood Father Salamanga, he wore a slightly grubby cassock, in one hand he fingered his rosaries, in the other he held a Bible, alongside him Don Espadrille stood, sweating profusely under the hot sun. The lieutenant of guards was blocking access to the gangplank whilst Don Espadrille remonstrated with the priest. ABut my dear Father, it is not possible for you to go onboard, the ship is in quarantine. The rules of quarantine expressly state that no man is able to go onboard quaranta - forty days, until the vessel is proven to be all clear of
[email protected] From the deck of the galleon Captain Alonzo added his voice, AGood Father, would that you were on board, but our friar has shown great courage in these matters and has ministered to my men with the care of the virgin mother
[email protected] All three men crossed themselves.
Father Salamanga spoke, AI have only the welfare of yourself and your crew at heart Captain, if you are in good hands then so be it,@ he smiled, AI understand you have been given leave to sail today,@ at this point he stared meaningfully at Don Alonzo, Awithout an emissary of His Holiness onboard you sail without sanctity and without observance of the law which requires that a man of the cloth must be in attendance on all His Majesty's
[email protected] Captain Alonzo hissed at one of his officers, AHernando, find the friar, this priest knows something we do
[email protected] A hurried search through the three decks of the galleon; in officers sleeping quarters, down in the hold and even in the small area set aside for the animals; cow, goats and chickens that would provide fresh produce during the voyage, revealed that the friar was indeed no longer on the ship. By the time Hernando and the men returned the priest had already asked to speak to the friar and excuses had been made for his not being present.
AIt is of no matter you are in good hands,@ said the priest, he turned to leave but as Don Espadrille and Captain Alonzo sighed with relief he seemed to have an afterthought and turned back, AAnd the name of your good
[email protected] AFriar Domingez,@ replied Don Espadrille.
AMy friends I fear that your good friar has left your ship, I spoke to him last night travelling northwards on the self-same road upon which God called me to do his work in this
[email protected] Captain Alonzo became desperate, AThe pox has already taken two of my
[email protected] he shouted, AWould that the good father were onboard but to what avail? Would he not run the risk of suffering the same death as that of me and my
[email protected] He stepped back from the gunwale so that he was not observed by the priest and asked his officers, AHow did the friar get ashore? Was the watch last night not aware that he had left the
[email protected] Father Salamanga cried out so all aboard could hear him, AIs it not written: You shall not be afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness; A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand on thy right hand but it shall not come to you, neither shall any plague come to thy
[email protected] The captain had no answer. A plank was lowered to the wharf.
Father Salamanga hesitated but stepped onto the plank, slowly he inched his way up trembling as he passed over the shimmering water below. Seeing his fear the captain thrust his foot firmly onto the timber sending it shaking along its length. With a loud hiss the priest fell to his knees and grasped either side of the thin plank. Every man around stopped working and watched him as he crawled up onto the galleon, still trembling he raised himself up and stared hard at the captain, in a voice filled with menace he said, ASurely in the floods of great waters they shall not reach him. Thou art a hiding place for
[email protected] The voice and stare sent a shiver down the back of the captain, he knew the words were meant for him.
Paddy was grim-faced, AYer'd better let the old feller know he's
[email protected] The old man had removed enough planking for him and Chacuti to be able to crawl through into a narrow section of the hull which had an inner and outer skin, the old man was wearing his helmet and was able to see in the blackness of their hideaway but Chacuti sat in total darkness.
ALooks like they're in a flippin' coffin already, how does he reckon they're goin' to survive a trip to flippin' Spain in
[email protected] AHe's got some water in that small cask Uncle Paddy,@ said Davey touching the place on the mirror where the cask lay, Aand look, they've got a big lump of
[email protected] AWell the rat's will just love that. And tell him the biggest one of the lot's going to be after more than a lump of
[email protected] Davey told the old man the Shaman was aboard. He replied, AThe child must never fall into the hands of that monster, tell me when he draws near and with the trust her father has invested in me I shall make sure that she does not fall prey to him. But we are below the waterline here boy, it is my hope that the beast will not be able to find
[email protected] AFat chance,@ said Paddy, Afat flippin'
[email protected] AHe may be right Uncle Paddy, maybe that's why the snake, I mean the Shaman, didn't bother even to look for them, maybe he knew that it would be too hard to find
[email protected] Paddy chewed his lip, AYer may be right lad,@ then added, Amore like too hard to find them
[email protected] The ship heaved into life as the mooring ropes were cast away, its sails were run out, they filled and picked up the breeze sending the stately ship coasting from the wharf. As the magnificent galleon reached deeper water more canvas was unfurled, the old man could tell from the sound of the water rushing past the hull that the vessel was increasing in speed but knew from the lack of pitching that they were still within the area of the estuary and its flat waters. A tremendous rumbling vibrated through the ship and he knew that above them gun-crews were rolling out the cannon for a farewell salute. Chacuti cuddled close to him for comfort when a terrific crash sent the ship lurching backwards then rocking forwards as the cannon fired. From onshore came a booming roar as the battery of the fort fired an answering salvo.
AHave a scout around lad, check were the Shyman is, I don't like this setup one little
[email protected] On deck Father Salamanga had gathered his new flock, they stood back from the five seamen who were laid out on the deck. The men's bodies were covered in red spots which were slowly turning black, the moans and groans the men made told of the pain they were in. Above the assembled men, on the raised poop deck, stood the captain with his first-mate Hernando and the other officers.
Overhead the wind tugged at the acres of canvas pushing the noble vessel towards Mother Spain, three of the sails carried great red crucifixes which ballooned outwards as the gusts swelled them. Men crawled high in the rigging, unwinding sheets and hauling on halyards, tiny figures to the men who stood far below. As the ship passed from the shelter of the estuary into the broad ocean waves showed the galleon's lack of seaworthiness as it began to pitch and yawl. The men in the rigging swayed out over the ocean, rocked back above the deck, then swayed out over the ocean on the other side of the vessel.
Captain Alonzo ordered the two men at the tiller to alter course, they heaved on the great wheel forcing the rudder through the clear blue waters; the galleon jibed as it felt the wind spill from its sails then, as the canvas snapped back open with a crack, the ship kicked forwards and took up its new tack.
AO ye of little
[email protected] shouted the priest. AIt is your own evil ways that have brought this pestilence upon
[email protected] The men cast their eyes down towards their comrades who lay crying in their pain. AThe Lord's anger must be appeased through
[email protected] AWhat did he
[email protected] exclaimed the captain. He turned to two armed sailors, AMarines. Arrest
[email protected] [email protected] urged Hernando, Athe men are terrifi
ed of the pox spreading, if it were the Devil himself telling them he could get rid of it they'd listen. Let the priest have his say, he will show himself up as a
[email protected] Captain Alonzo considered the advice and realised with some annoyance that it was sound, AI shall be in my cabin, take the
[email protected] he ordered, then strode down from the poop-deck, he stared hard at the back of the priest but thought better of doing anything to interfere and made his way below decks.
The priest handed Juan his Bible and told him to read from the text of Leviticus. The pig-tailed seaman read hesitantly but well enough for the priest to carry out his instructions. Two chickens were fetched, one of them Father Salamanga took by the neck...
AWhoa! >ang on the slack. This feller's up to his funny business again,@ said Paddy. AYou was tossin' and turnin' enough the other night without watching this. He's only playin' for time, soon as he gets the chance he's going to be after the old man and kid. Check >em out lad, see what they're doin'
[email protected] The old man was in the captain's cabin, Don Alonzo was pacing up and down.
AThe good father is controlled by a demon. You must make every effort to destroy this fiend before he begins his foul work, already he wins the blessing of the crew. They will not be keen to act against him,@ said the old man.
The captain crossed to the window and looked out upon the wake of the ship, AI saw fear in him when he crossed on the plank to us. Why would such a devil ever be
[email protected] AThe power of water holds a horror for him, it can be used as our weapon to destroy him. But wait! Is it not the case that if this devil can dwell within another man's body, if we destroy him, would we not be making a danger to ourselves that he will take yet another body? Perhaps one of your dying men would become his next
[email protected] AWhat if we were to seize him and clap him in
[email protected] asked the captain.
The old man seemed to be talking to himself, AThe Shaman was able to turn himself into a snake, the boy had told me that he still has the power to do
[email protected] AWhich boy, was it not a girl that you have secreted on
[email protected] AYes, yes, if you take the Shaman then you must trap him, he must be held in something that he cannot wriggle out of. Something strong that he will not be able to burst apart, above all his life must be preserved or else every man on board will run the risk of being possessed by this
[email protected] AWill not the power of prayer suffice to destroy him and send him back to the foul regions from whence he
[email protected] AConsider; even now he uses the good Book itself to administer to your men. This demon has such stealth and cunning we must make careful preparations in the utmost secret, if we are to be able to trick him into a trap from which he cannot
[email protected] AI doubt you not old man, I know you of old, but even so I find these things of which you speak to be of such mystery that I can but wonder whether I am not in a dream and will wake
[email protected] The old man gripped him by the shoulder, AI only wish that what you are saying was the case. It is
[email protected] AAnd this helmet you wear, it is strange,@ he placed his hand upon his chin and stroked his goatee as he thought hard, then remembering what he was trying to draw from the depths of his memory he said, Awhen we sailed together to Ceylon we saw such a helmet. The giant helmet of Jetawanaramaya resembles it in the finest
[email protected] AThese things are known only to the Gods, we men can only follow their
[email protected] AThen I shall make preparations, the carpenter shall begin work at once on a place of confinement for this creature that has crawled up from the nether world. Come, first I shall assist you in returning to your place of
[email protected] He crossed to the corner of the room where the chest filled with chains lay. It had been moved revealing a small trap-door set into the floor of the cabin. The lid of the trap-door hinged downwards, the old man lowered himself into the hole until his feet found the rung of a short ladder. He then aided the captain in dragging the huge chest into position, but for the fact he wore the helmet they would never have managed to shift such a massive object unaided. As soon as the chest was in position the old man closed the trap-door and descended into the darkened hold. He crossed to the planking which led into their hiding-place and whispered, AI am returned child, are you
[email protected] Chacuti made no reply, fearful, the old man listened and heard a clicking sound, the clicks increased in speed until they blended into one continual sound which rose in pitch until it became a whistle, ADo not fear child, the sounds you hear are dolphins, they swim alongside us, they are the most friendly creatures that God has placed upon the
[email protected] Chacuti moved in the darkness and listened to the sounds which had terrified her. AI am safe,@ she told the old man. Reassured he crossed through the hold; climbing over kegs and barrels and all the other paraphernalia with which it was filled, to where a solid wall of timber had been nailed. He tested the wall for soundness and examined the nail heads which were clean and bright, they had clearly only recently been struck home. Not until he was satisfied that nothing had been interfered with did he return to their hiding-place. After climbing inside he placed a wooden board into the hole, it fitted perfectly and lined up with the planking between the baulks of oak.
AWell he seems snug enough in there. But he knows, you knows, an' I knows who or what is goin' to be lookin' for
[email protected] Davey nodded, ABut they're below the level of the water aren't they. He said that might stop it from finding
[email protected] Paddy scoffed, APigs might fly lad. Pigs might flippin'
[email protected] The captain walked from his cabin and began to return to the top-deck but Hernando met him, ACaptain, the priest is taking strange actions. I felt I should report to you before he goes any
[email protected] The captain looked out through one of the open gun-ports and drank in the salt-air and the fine misty spray thrown up by the great ship, he was thinking hard. His mind made up, he sat down upon one of the cannon and motioned for his officer to sit opposite him on another. AI must take you into my confidence Hernando,@ his eyes scanned round the deck, all the hammocks had been neatly stowed away giving a clear view of the whole layout. AThis voyage will be subject to a number of
[email protected] Hernando looked puzzled, he was about to speak but the captain seemed intent upon supplying him with answers, so he held his tongue.
AWe have onboard two stowaways, for want of a better description. They are running from this priest. You will remember the cook, from our voyage to
[email protected] Hernando nodded assent, Ahe is one of the stowaways, the other is a strange child with wide staring eyes which tell of horrors that you and I have never witnessed. The old man has told me the priest is a devil. Not just an evil man but something terrifying, something which has hunted him and the child down to our ship. We have the pox onboard but if I were to only believe half of what the old man has told me this demon is more deadly than any
[email protected] AThen let us take him and rid ourselves of this menace,@ said Hernando, Aeven now he runs
[email protected] AIt is not so simple, we must trap him or run the risk of losing our own souls, go to the carpenter, tell him to fashion a great chest, bound in chains, we must capture this
[email protected] AI shall see that it is done,@ said Hernando. He strode off but the captain called him back, this time with a more earthly concern, ASee to it that the men keep these gun-ports shut, otherwise every privateer between here and Spain will see that there's little more behind them than
[email protected] AAye-aye
[email protected] He heard a noise from above and stood up, listened for a moment then hurried on his way . He emerged to an uproar; men were leaping and howling, jumping and bawling, some were playing instruments; a small drum, a Jews's harp, a fiddle and an accordion all throbbed away. It was like a scene from Dante's Inferno. Three of the dying men had risen to their feet and were performing acrobatics, juggling, standing on their hands and spinning cartwheels. The priest was tending to the remaining two men who still lay close to death. Seemingly unnoticed the captain crossed to the stairway to the poop-deck and witness
ed Father Salamanga scraping his thumbnail over the raised spots which covered the men's bodies. The nail scratched deep opening up the spot which bled momentarily then healed over as if it had never been there.
AIt's a
[email protected] shouted one of the men trying to dance a horn-pipe with the captain, AWe're all
[email protected] The captain shrugged the man off and climbed up onto the poop-deck, AWhat has taken place
[email protected] he questioned the officers.
AIt is as you see Sir,@ replied one of them, Athe priest has cured the
[email protected] AThe Devil takes care of his own,@ muttered Paddy.
AI'm going to ask the old man about the girl while all this is going on,@ said Davey.
He swept through the length of the ship and plunged down into the hold, through the planking their view moved as he jerked his head slightly forwards. The old man sat, cuddling the child and talking to her, telling her tales of the sea and the countries which lay beyond it.
AI hear you boy,@ said the old man.
AI don't know how it happens but someway or other Chacuti ends up here,@ said Davey.
AAnd where is
[email protected] asked the old man.
AWhat an idjit, tell him bloody Liverpool,@ said Paddy.
AShe's a ghost up in a big old house which is called the same name as the ship you're on,@ said Davey, Awe think that she'd be safer with us than left on her own. I've already seen the Shaman. He's right close to
[email protected] AYou said you saw him in water
[email protected] AYeah that's right, come right up out of it at me he
[email protected] AThen it was the Shaman in flight. Water would have destroyed his body. What you saw must have been his astral-self. Did you have the helmet in your possession when you saw
[email protected] Davey remembered hunting through the woods with his blowpipe, AYes! I had
[email protected] AThen this is a puzzle we must try to understand, without the helmet the fiend cannot fly. The Shaman did not fly from the temple when I ascended into the heavens because I wore the helmet of power and he did not. Only the gods themselves are capable of passing through time, only in their craft could this be
[email protected] ATell him >e doesn't know what he's going on about lad, you saw him didn't
[email protected] AHush Uncle
[email protected] AFrom what century do you
[email protected] asked the old man.
AWe're in the nineteen
[email protected] AThen you are four hundred years ahead of my time. The child must pass away long before then but it appears that her spirit must remain upon the Earth,@ his brow furrowed sending a pulse of blood across the scar upon his temple, AI begin to
[email protected] ASee what? What's he goin' on about, ask him,@ said Paddy.
AThe child has broken two of the crystal skulls, their energy will preserve her for all time. The Shaman will know this, his knife will allow him to destroy the child's spirit and seize back what she has taken. We must never allow him to do this, it is not only the soul of the child that is at stake in these matters. The future of mankind would be in
[email protected] AIf you want we could go right forwards and tell you what's going to happen,@ Davey offered.
ANever do that boy. I feel that we are both destined to be a part of this picture, to help each other. If we work together we will save the child, the skulls power is such that they can alter the fates but with the helmet in our hands we can surely defeat
[email protected] AHow come you've got the helmet and so have
[email protected] AThe cloak of the future casts its shadow over that knowledge, together we shall go forwards and learn of these
[email protected] AMe and me Uncle Paddy keep wondering how we can do anything to help you. I mean we're in the future so what's happened to you and Chacuti has already happened, hasn't
[email protected] said Davey not sounding convinced.
AThe Gods transcend time, they voyage to where they will. Look around you and you will
[email protected] Davey looked at the strange assortment of dials and objects surrounding him in Paddy's bedroom, they were there, not so he could ever take hold of them but were real enough for him to be able to see them clearly.
AI tell yer what lad, you two are a pair together. What's the point of all this stuff, let's just get on with it. Ask him about getting her out the
[email protected] AI counsel that you stay close to me, help me as I shall help you. When we learn how the child enters the great house then we may also learn whether we must remove her from
[email protected] ATell him while he's having his adventure the flippin' Shyman's flying around
[email protected] growled Paddy between clenched teeth, AShe'd be far better off here with people she knows than hanging about being
[email protected] Davey moved slightly forwards causing their vision to move out through the hull of the ship above the churning sea. It was black outside.AIt's night-time, he'll be after
[email protected] Without another word he swept through the ship seeking the priest.
The hammocks had been unslung from their positions lining the bulwarks of the galleon where they had been packed as protection from arrows and musket-fire; the men lay alongside each other, crammed together like sardines, head-to-toe, rocking gently from side-to-side as the ship carved its way through the heavy swells of the Pacific Ocean. The exertions of celebration had exhausted them, not even the customary arguments over taking each others space had taken place, they had fallen into their berths praising the divine intervention of the good priest Father Salamanga.
He was beneath were they lay, crawling on all fours like a cat, skirting round the cannon, evading ramrods, shot and charges, heading towards the stern of the ship to where the deck narrowed until only one hammock lay swinging in a tiny space. The pig-tail of Juan swung rhythmically over the side of his hammock...
AI'm going to get the old man to warn the
[email protected] said Davey.
AYer'll be too late
[email protected] The Shaman rose stealthily to his feet, his knife flashed . Not a sound was made, he held his prize exultantly in his hand, his body shook as it absorbed the power of the seaman's soul. With ease the monster lifted Juan's body from the hammock, slung him over his shoulder like a haunch of meat and crawled to one of the gun-ports, a quick shove and he was gone.
AHe's goin' to kill them all one by one, there'll be nobody left sailing the ship if he has his
[email protected] AI'm going to tell the old
[email protected] AThere is nothing that can be done boy. The captain was made aware of the dangers before we sailed, he chose to leave that port rather than face the certainty of the pox taking them all. But he is a false man, I knew him in a far off country named Ceylon. His greed cost the lives of forty men in Trincomalee harbour. He appears to be on the side of what is right but the only side he is on is his own, he has no love for any man but only for gold. Nevertheless, if any man can catch that fiend it is Alonzo, but he will not take the chance of giving him any warning, not before he is ready to spring his
[email protected] AAren't you going to let him know what's
[email protected] AIt is pointless, Alonzo will find out soon enough what has taken place, it would be too dangerous to leave here whilst the shroud of darkness provides cover for the fiend. There is the added danger that the men will not act against the priest now he has cleared the ship of
[email protected] AWhy'd the Shaman bother doing
[email protected] ATo be secure amongst the men whilst he searches for us, their souls will now be strong and healthy. He will feed upon them until he finds
[email protected] Davey looked down at the child huddled upon the old man's lap. AWe've got to do something for her Uncle
[email protected] ANow this old feller's taken charge it doesn't seem like we're allowed to do owt at all,@ said Paddy crossly.
AI'll go up to Carnatic right now, I'll try and get her out the place,@ said Davey.
AGood lad, that's more like it. Keep the flippin' helmet on and yer'll be okay, yer've seen how it protected the old man, the Shyman can't touch yer if that's on yer
[email protected]