Chacuti's Tale

  She stood in the same bedroom where Davey had first seen her, her feet seemed to float slightly above the floor, perhaps on a thick layer of carpet which had once covered it he thought. He stared at her eyes, those wide staring eyes that had shown themselves frightened in the face of the child in the mirror were now even larger and set into a face that was the most beautiful he had ever seen.

  AI knew you would return,@ she said in her sad voice.

  Davey blurted out, AI know who you are and I've seen what's been happening, do you remember how you got here and who was chasing [email protected]

  Her reaction to his questions showed that she knew exactly what he asking, AI have been here for many many years, the old [email protected] she paused and looked towards the boy.

  AI know him, that is the old man. He can talk to me but I need to look into a mirror. It's this helmet, it's special, the old man's got it as [email protected] He looked sheepishly at her, as if expecting that the difficulty he felt in talking of things which he couldn't understand to something which possibly didn't even exist, would be equally disbelieved by the whatever floated before him. But such beauty, she had to exist; although he could see straight through her transparent outline every feature was perfect, her large swept-eyes, the mascara which lined them; the bare arms save for the gold bracelets upon her wrists and the bangles fastened to her thin upper-arms and her jet-black hair which floated gently across her bare shoulders and reached down to the long white dress.

  She stared without speaking.

  AI've come to help. Come with me back to me Uncle Paddy's, you'll be better off with us than stuck in here on your [email protected]

  AI can never leave. The house protects me from harm. If I should ever leave then I would be in danger. Nothing of evil may enter this house and yet it is evil that keeps me [email protected]

  AI know. It's them skulls you smashed. You shouldn't have done that, that's why you're stuck like you [email protected] He decided to press her to leave, AYou know who's after you don't [email protected] She showed a look of terror. AWell he's getting too close for comfort. He chased me the other day when I was up this way. The sooner you get out of here the safer you'll [email protected]

  ABut I must not, the old man told me that it is not safe for me to leave this [email protected]

  Seeing that she was growing fearful Davey made one last attempt, AThe old man knows who I am, he's told me to come here and see [email protected]

  ADid he tell you I should [email protected] she asked.

  AWell kind [email protected] began Davey, then added, Awell not [email protected]

  AMany years ago, the old man told me that I should remain here but you are the boy I saw in the mirror, you wear the helmet of power and I will do as you [email protected]

  Davey was having second thoughts himself, ANo maybe you're right, hang on a mo', let's just check this [email protected] He walked to were the small window, cross-hatched with lead, was set into a wall. The thickness of the wall cast a shadow upon the glass allowing it to act as a mirror. As soon as he gazed into it the old man appeared, he was looking into the room. In his hands he too held a mirror.

  AI see you boy,@ he said looking past Davey, Aand the child. She is [email protected]

  Davey was too stunned to answer. He just nodded.

  Chacuti crossed to the window and stared at the image of the old man. It was but a short moment before she saw herself as a child, crouching down behind the old man, and broke down into heavy sobs. The child too cried with fear of whatever had befallen the spirit who gazed upon her.

  ADo not upset yourself child, it will all go well for you soon, you have my word upon it,@ said the old man. AThe boy will aid us, we shall free you from whatever accursed prison you are in,@ he looked towards Davey, ABoy, speak with her, learn all that you can from her. Whatever she says may prove of use to us in our fight. I must focus my attentions upon our present [email protected] Davey watched him using the mirror to look from out of their hiding-place in the hold, through the deck he searched, between the skins of the ship's hull and amongst all the equipment littering the hold itself, searching for anything which might indicate the presence of the Shaman. AIf you think of where he is the helmet will take you straight to him,@ advised Davey.

  AJust as the water casts it's cloak over our position boy, it shields the actions of the fiend from us, he is near, I sense him, but cannot find [email protected]

  Davey turned away from the window and back to Chacuti, she was dumbfounded, AIt is the old man, I was there with him, you must help him. The snake it is [email protected]

  AWhere is [email protected] shouted Davey, but immediately shouted again, ANO stop! Don't tell me. [email protected] He returned to the window and gazed upon the old man. AIf I find out what's happened from her I won't be able to help you will [email protected]

  AShe is there with you in the future boy. Whatever has happened to her cannot be changed, it has taken place. Nothing can undo her destiny. But there will be many things she does not know and many things she has not seen, you will be able to work with me upon these matters. Whatever the girl may tell you will aid us in our task, do not be afraid of her, she is no spirit, her body has passed away but she is not dead, the power of the skulls preserves [email protected]

  AWhat's made all this [email protected] asked Davey, Ais it all [email protected]

  AThe fates have taken you to her, they have thrown the helmet of power into your lap, the Gods themselves await the outcome. Good shall triumph over [email protected]

  Davey turned back to Chacuti. She sat upon the chair or whatever object it had been which had long since disappeared. Her face was buried in her hands. AIt's going to be alright,@ said Davey, Ayou heard [email protected]

  AThe power of the Shaman is strong. He will never give in until he gets back what he [email protected]

  AWell we're going to give him a run for his money,@ said Davey, he laughed when he realised that she wouldn't have the faintest idea what was meant by the expression. His laugh caused the face of the spirit to brighten.

  ARight, that's better. Now come on let's get cracking, the old man says we should go through everything from start to finish, that way we might have a trick or two up our sleeves waiting for [email protected]

  ABut I do not wear them,@ said Chacuti looking very sorry for herself.

  Davey laughed, AYou stop your worrying, I'm here now. You must tell me everything that you know Chacuti. This business has gone on long enough, now we're going to finish it. We're going to help [email protected]

  AIt has been so long since anyone has said my [email protected] She began to speak, faltered, then sobbed heavily, AMy family,@ she cried, AI have never known what happened to [email protected]

  Davey turned towards the window, ALook and you shall see,@ he told her.

  AIt is my father,@ was all that Chacuti said.

  They watched the snow falling during that long, cold night. The expected pursuit by the Spaniards did not take place until first light, such had been the effect upon them of Father Salamanga's rising from the dead. Through the early morning mists they appeared, dragging their cannon behind war-horses, all the men were fully armoured, the sound of swords clattering against the bands of steel which protected the horses flanks carried across the frozen ground. When they reached the canal the Spaniards fired off a hail of cross-bow bolts and arrows whilst the Incas replied with spears, flung further by means of throwing-sticks, and slings which hurled fist-sized stones with great force. It was a stand off situation but the commander had the use of cavalry. He issued orders to Carlos; forty horses and their riders peeled off from the body of men.

  ATo where do they [email protected] asked Chacuti.

  Davey followed the men as they hurtled along the canal bank, the ground was frozen firm so that they were able to maintain a gallop. They continued their course, wiping away the snow which built up on their faces, until they reached a point where the canal narrowed at a great rock, without climbing the rock they urged their mounts onto the frozen surface of the canal. The horses reared and bucked as they were forced up the bank onto the ice, they knew it would never hold their weight but with fists and spurs the men drove them forwards. The ice groaned and bent beneath the weight of the lead horse
. A tearing cracking sound was followed by the ice suddenly shattering and horse and rider plunged through into the freezing mire below. The men were hardened soldiers and did not halt, they knew the cold would not get to them before they reached the other side. Plunging forwards the horses forced their way through the ice aided by the men who sat astride them using swords and war-hammers to hack a passage through the frozen surface. Up the far bank the animals climbed, their strength was terrific, the men clinging to them were half-frozen but Carlos knew that their charge would send the adrenalin surging through their veins and the cold would soon be forgotten.

  Lord Axa had seen the movement and realised the danger, the speed of the horses was not something he had ever experienced. To bring his reserve of men into the fray in time to meet the animals would be impossible. He reached to his belt and sounded his horn. Quickly the few men who still maintained their position near to the bridge retired and raced to join the body of men who were in reserve. It was fortunate for them that they did so. With swords drawn, lances couched and axes swinging the Spaniards tore along the opposite canal bank. Finding that the Incas had already withdrawn Carlos received further orders which were shouted across the canal by the sergeant-at-arms. He assigned a number of men to hold the position then galloped in pursuit of the retreating Incas.

  AWhere is [email protected] asked Chacuti. It was well for Lord Axa and his men that there was a hogs-back ridge of rock close by, through a narrow defile in the ridge his men retired in a tactical retreat. Davey swung back to the horsemen and witnessed them bearing down upon a handful of men who guarded the entrance to the defile. At their head stood Lord Axa.

  Armed with their obsidian clubs with only leather shields as protection Axa knew the Incas were no match for the armoured riders who bore down upon them. He ordered his men to get amongst the rocky outcrops which were all around them thereby preventing the use of horses. The Spaniards loosed off arrows, cross-bow bolts and fired an arquebus but the warriors were too well protected. Angry at missing the opportunity of slaughter Carlos sent a rider back to the canal with the order, AFetch the dogs of [email protected] Dismounting he led a group of men in to the attack.

  The ground was to the liking of the lightly dressed Incas; in full armour, carrying double-handed swords which were ideally suited to furious swinging from horseback, the Spaniard's fighting ability was drastically reduced. The snow covered rocks were treacherous, by dodging amongst them and only fighting when absolutely necessary the warriors kept the Spaniards at bay and gave the body of their men time to make good their retreat. At one point a number of Spaniards succeeded in forcing their way into the defile. Axa ordered, ALet them go, they won't get [email protected] Davey followed the men into the passage and witnessed Kabah and Labnah hurling huge rocks down upon the soldiers from the high sides of the defile. By the time Davey had returned to the fray the remaining Spaniards had retired back to their mounts. Lord Axa ordered all his men to retreat into the defile and brought up the rear.

  AHave they [email protected] asked Chacuti, Awill the soldiers let them [email protected] Her answer was not slow in coming. The rider returned with four great fighting dogs. The animals had been able to slip and slide their way over the canal without breaking through its icy surface. Wearing collars studded with spikes, their huge mouths hanging open revealing great fangs they looked fiercesome and dangerous.

  AHup, get in [email protected] urged their handler as the dogs ran into the defile. The speed of the animals was awesome as they scented their quarry and gave chase, Kabah and Labnah slammed down rocks onto the animals and succeeded in killing one and injuring another. Undaunted the two remaining dogs scrabbled and clawed their way over the rocks.

  AThey send in their [email protected] shouted a warrior to Lord Axa. They halted and looked back, the sound of the animals barking grew as they hurtled nearer. The sides of the defile at this point were too high to permit any possibility of climbing them in time, the speed of the animals was such that at any moment they would appear.

  ALeave [email protected] ordered Axa. His men obeyed. He waited, club in one hand, shield in the other. The animals bounded around a corner and charged down upon him. He slashed his club hard down upon the head of the lead dog felling it but the other animal hit him and sent him crashing to the ground. The weight of the animal as it landed upon him knocked the breath from his body but he quickly recovered and hit hard with his club into the animals side. It had no effect, the club's obsidian blade was wedged into the head of the other dog. The huge fangs bore down upon his throat and only the fact that he was able to get the thin leather shield to cover that vulnerable area saved his life. He dropped the club and managed to get a grip upon the thick folds of flesh around the animal's neck but its power was immense, he realised that the strength of his arm would not be able to hold it off for very long. As its slavering jaws neared his face, he felt the dog jerk and stiffen, the clubs of Kabah and Labnah slammed into the animal, with a whimper its body was dragged from the chieftain. The brothers helped Axa to his feet, without a word they continued into the defile.

  ADo they get [email protected] asked Chacuti.

  Davey followed the band as the defile became more and more tortuous, twisting and turning and steadily rising as it climbed a massive mountainside. At a point where the defile was in almost total darkness through the sheer height and steepness of its sides, they came upon a huge wooden gate, next to it a number of steps had been cut into the rock-face to act as a ladder. The warriors climbed the steps which rose twice the height above the gate. A huge body of water was held in check by the gate which allowed only a trickle to escape down the defile. The path continued, hew out of the solid rock almost level with the surface of the water. Axa turned to the brothers, nothing was said but the three men remained at the gate.

  Davey swept back down the defile to where the Spaniards were slowly advancing. They had tied a number of shields together and in groups of four were holding the shields above their heads as they moved up the pass. The first group of four was led by Ricardo and Vargas, the amount of gold they were wearing hampered their every movement, even in the danger of their present position the men had only thoughts for only one thing. ADo you reckon this might lead us to an even richer city than [email protected] asked Vargas.

  AThere's got to be something at the end of this, otherwise why would they all bother coming up [email protected] retorted Ricardo revealing his horrible gold tooth as he struggled beneath the weight of shields. AWhy couldn't you have kept your mouth shut instead of volunteering us for [email protected]

  AIt'll be a damned sight easier than trying to repair that bridge,@ barked back Vargas, Athese Incas have got no fight in them, look at that lot back in the [email protected]

  Davey had a quick look at the bridge, the main body of Spaniards were busy salvaging whatever could be retrieved from the burnt structure, Ortéga had been placed in charge and already men were rushing off to obtain the materials necessary to repair the damage.

  Davey returned to the men wending their way up the passage. There was about thirty of them, the slight increase in the trickle of water at their feet went unnoticed as they intently peered up between the protection of shields or darted quickly from corner to corner of the chasm expecting the Incas to charge down upon them at any moment. They came across the bodies of the first two dogs, their handlers cried as they picked the animals up and staggered back down with them in their arms. The same happened for the second pair of dogs but by now the trickle was noticeably becoming a stream.

  AWhat is [email protected] enquired Vargas. Ricardo looked down suspiciously at the water, AI don't like the look of [email protected] The two men studied the trickle and watched it growing rapidly. Carlos was following on behind and passed shouted orders up to them, AKeep [email protected] but the two men had thoughts only for their own skins, they ignored the orders, dropped the shield cover and began climbing the sides of the defile. The men behind realised what they were doing and began to copy them, soon the whole sides of the cleft were covered with men trying to climb upwards and out of any possible danger. The increase in fl
ow of water below warned that their fears were correct.

  Worn smooth by the passage of water over the ages, the rock did not provide enough purchase for so many men, some dragged their comrades back down and attempted to climb in their place only to find themselves being pulled back in turn. The water steadily increased until soon it had risen to ankle-height and was covering the rocky floor. Carlos and a group of men were splashing their way back down, if he had been able to remove his heavy riding boots he would gladly have done so, at every stride the spurs threatened to trip him but he knew that by the time they were removed whatever lay in the watery danger would be upon them.

  Davey swept up to where Lord Axa and the brothers were hacking furiously into the timbers of the gates, freeing the pent-up waters from the ice which had welded the gates to the volume of water which lay below. Labnah was pulled to safety as the gates gave way and the water was released. Like a mad animal it powered down the defile, roaring and raging like a wounded bull.

  Ricardo and Vargas were high, the first blast of flood swept beneath them tearing screaming men from the rock walls and engulfing them in its midst. They looked at each other, Ricardo gave his horrible grin as they looked down upon the torrent of death which rampaged below.

  Davey remembered his first glimpse of the two men torturing their captives and shook his head. He moved their view up the defile and saw a huge wall of water following on behind the initial torrent, it slammed into Ricardo and Vargas, it continued to explode down the defile, rising higher and higher between the steep sides as it fought to descend. Carlos and the other men were caught and battered down in the torrent. As the wall of water burst forth onto the plain far below horses were galloped to safety.

  AWell I don't reckon anyone's going to be chasing your dad after that [email protected] said Davey.

  ATo where does my father [email protected] asked Chacuti.

  Davey returned to the warriors, they had caught up with the rest of the band wending their way up the final sections of the defile, the air was still between the steep sides; no snow was able to penetrate into the pass, the volume of water which had been pent-up beneath their footway now flowed as a steady stream. Presently they emerged into a wide valley, beyond it high-peaks completely snow-covered towered in the distance. The sun had risen and shone weakly through the falling snow but it was slightly thinner than it had been during the night.

  Several warriors were pointing to the place they were heading to; set between the peaks of extremely high mountains a smaller peak jutted upwards, its sides were approaching vertical, its top seemed as sharp as a thorn. Davey looked at Chacuti, AHow can they live on that, what's the point of going [email protected] He raced over the valley and shot up the mountainside to the top of the thorn. There he beheld a sight which amazed him, AThe hidden [email protected] he exclaimed.

  Concealed upon the mountain-top was a miniature city; walls, houses, terraces, steps and storehouses, animals and carefully tended gardens all appeared before him. The thatched roofs on the houses had large eaves to throw any falling snow clear of the buildings below, people were already outside shovelling away the night's snowfall. The thickly thatched roofs allowed no smoke to escape from the fires burning within. To Chacuti's cry of, AWhere is my mother and [email protected] he moved inside one of the homes. Mother and daughter sat upon low chairs at an equally low table, the table was filled with food which had been carefully stored within the storehouses for such an eventuality. Chacuti wept as she saw them and heard her mother singing to Panqui.

   I have no joy, I have no gladness;

  The earth does not fill me.

  I have suffered sorrows in the world.

  The earth has only been lent to us,

  Tomorrow, or the day after,

  The giver of life will beckon us to his home

  Davey's eyes were filled with tears when he had finished listening to the woman. He decided that Chacuti had seen enough. AIt is time to return to your tale Chacuti, your family are all well and safe in the hidden city. It is for you that we must now [email protected]

  He moved his view away from the window, the images within it faded and disappeared. Chacuti had reached out her hand towards the glass, she withdrew it and looked towards Davey. Although he could sense she was more at peace knowing the fate of her family something still disturbed her. She moved nearer to him and in a voice barely more than a whisper told him her tale, it was a tale of terror. He listened spellbound, unable to drag his thoughts away from the slight voice which gripped him fast with this tale of giant men and strange evil happenings. It was only when the voice cracked and broke into a sob that the spell was undone.

  ASomething terrible happened. I cannot speak of it,@ she sobbed, ARichard fought to save me but it was impossible, he spared me from pain but they killed him, I saw heaven open itself and watched him enter. He held out his arms to me and called me to go with him but whatever is in me held me here. It keeps me until the Shaman finds [email protected]

  AWell that's not going to happen now is it, we're onto him. You wait and see, you've told me a lot, I'm going to go back and see my Uncle Paddy and we'll play this game through to the end. We'll beat this Shaman don't you [email protected]

  AThe old man showed me something and said that when the boy in the helmet came I should show [email protected] She rose from her seated position and floated across to the window, in the deep recess in the wall into which the window was embedded she placed her hand over a certain area. AIn here lies something which he said would be important to [email protected]

  Davey looked at the section of wall, it seemed exactly the same as the rest of the wall but remembering how the old man had used the helmet as a tool he used its flange as a chisel and chipped away. It was sandstone and offered tough resistance to his efforts but he persevered, before long a small hole appeared and he realised that the sandstone was not a solid block but was a thin casing. He struck harder and the casing began to break up, soon he was able to use his hands to tear away the remnants. Within the wall was a small chest, he manoeuvred it out of the hole and held it in his hands. He was absolutely amazed, not just because he was holding the chest but because of the fact that any disbelief he might have still held about the reality of the white lady's existence had now disappeared. She had shown him something real and tangible, something about which he could not have had any prior knowledge whatsoever.

  With trembling fingers he turned a small key and raised the lid. In the chest were gems; diamonds, rubies and emeralds. Bars of solid gold which looked like little chocolate bars were thrown in haphazardly amongst silver objects which were shaped like little animals. In amazement he lifted a small fortune in one of his hands. What the action uncovered shocked him even more, in the bottom of the chest lay a dagger. He recognised it at once, it was the Shaman's. Hurriedly he closed the lid and stammered to Chacuti that he must go.

  AI'll come back, I promise, don't you worry now. I've got to talk to my uncle about [email protected]

  He ran from the house carrying the chest, it was very heavy but the helmet gave him the strength to carry it at speed. As he ran his legs wobbled, weak at the knees with the thought that in his hands he carried an absolute fortune.

geoffwidders's Novels