Page 14 of Escaping Destiny

“Well, do you want the short version or the long one, Demon?” I asked, grinning from ear to ear. I was scared shitless of having twins, but I wasn’t passing up an opportunity to mess with the Demon.

  He gave me a blank stare before he lowered his eyes again. “She didn’t let me see twins, Flower.”

  “I would hope not, Demon, because had you seen them, and not told me, I’d be kicking your ass.”

  His eyes lifted to mine, the silver inside of them shining. “Only you would have twins, just to fuck with me.”

  “I blame Ryder,” I said, and smiled as snorts and grunts of agreement filled the room.

  Ryder was smiling, as were his men. He shot me a smoldering look before he got the meeting back on track. “Like I was saying, the scroll that was found indicates there are more relics than we’d originally thought. We have one out of four that were hidden inside Tèrra, but this document shows that there are more pieces to the puzzle. Each relic has two pieces. These counterparts that were hidden inside of Faery are the activation pieces for lack of a better word of what to call them.” He paused and looked around the room before continuing. “I couldn’t make the scepter work beyond coming to life, but at least now, we know why it wouldn’t work correctly. Based on the scroll, Ristan was able to locate one of the secondary pieces. The problem is, it was hidden by the Fae. We hid it, and it won’t be as easily obtained as those inside the human world will be. Ristan, the room is yours.”

  “I think the secondary piece was hidden to protect the power of the relics from being used by the humans, or in this case, the Mages. We had always thought that the relics would only work in the right Fae hands. However, the Mages have proved resourceful and they have been systematically finding ways around many of our magic. I think the ancients knew what might happen, and put safeguards in place for the relics. Those who have gone into slumber are even now being awakened. They would be able to tell us what they know, and exactly why they were hidden. Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of waiting for them to become fully awake. The Mages have followed us here, and we know they are not stupid.” Ristan nodded to Zahruk, who then took over the room.

  “Okay, so it’s the same as last time. It’s going to be heavily guarded magic, but we have no idea of what kind, or if there are creatures set in place to thwart us from entering. What we do know is it won’t be as easy as the last one,” Zahruk said, winking at me.

  Shit, if that was easy…what the hell were we in for this time?

  “This is what we think is going to be there.” Zahruk flipped on a monitor and worked the flat screen from where he sat beside Ryder. On the screen were drawing and diagrams for what looked to be a huge cave. “This was set up by the previous Dark King; it’s the labyrinth.” Several strings of violent curses erupted from around me before Zahruk turned his eyes on me. “For those of you who don’t know what that is, I’ll be explaining it,” he said slowly, as if I was lame in the brain department.

  “It’s where the Dark King used to send his warriors as a final test. If they made it through the course, and most didn’t, he would place them in his secret guard. Only very few of those who went inside, made it out alive. Which is why Kier shut it down when he took the throne,” I said, trying to pull all the data and information from my brain. Details about this place were sketchy, but I had come across some information about this bad boy before breaking into the Dark Fortress.

  “Impressive,” Zahruk said with a tilt of his head. “But it’s not that simple. Those who make the journey can use no glamour, no magic. Those who journey with us can use simple glamour, but not to assist those who will try to enter the labyrinth.”

  “Define simple glamour, because nothing with you guys is ever simple,” I quipped, eliciting snorts from the men.

  “Fair enough,” Zahruk mused, with a sexy smirk lifting the corners of his mouth. “We can glamour things like food, water, and fire. Basic survival items only, nothing defensive, meaning no weaponry so we will have to glamour what we think we will need ahead of time and bring it with us. This actually applies to as many of our basic needs as possible so we won’t be tempted to use magic unnecessarily. No sifting as we use the ability in battle, so this trip will be on horseback. Break the rules governing the labyrinth, and you cannot go inside.”

  “Shit, so you guys will be roughing it.” I laughed, the men did not look happy about this thought.

  “Well, anything regarding the labyrinth is called a trial for a reason. It is supposed to test your mind, body, and resolve,” Zahruk countered.

  “This is going to be good. I can’t miss or be tempted by something I hadn’t gotten the hang of yet. You guys on the other hand…” I teased them with a small smile. “I studied what information was available on the labyrinth before I took on the Dark Fortress. If Kier shut it down, does he have any idea of what is inside? We can’t afford to go in blind. It’s a Fae creation, so it’s gonna be full of tricks and crazy shit.”

  “We know a little about it. Kier has given Adam a rough draft idea of what should be there, but like many things in Faery, it will have changed with time since it was given life from Kier’s father. Everything in Faery changes. Unlike your world, Synthia, Faery gives rights to the land. Which means it’s a living breathing world. We are going to have to go in fairly blind, and hope for the best,” Zahruk replied.

  Every eye in the room turned to Ryder as he made a disgruntled sound. “Kier said whoever we send through it has to be pure of heart, pure of intention, and sane of mind. There’s nothing in the Dark Kingdom that shows how to make it through this labyrinth. He sent Adam to help us, since we need someone from the royal line to access the start of the labyrinth.”

  “Question, the Light Fae had all the relics, so why didn’t they know about the other pieces?” I asked, thinking out loud.

  “The Light Fae wouldn’t use the relics. The Queen wasn’t stupid. She was blinded by the love of her child. We think one was hidden by the Dark King, and one by your grandfather, Synthia. Two were hidden by my father, and those we will save for last, since he was a sadistic prick.”

  “So the ancients might have known about these safeguards, and this scroll had the information on it. I’m surprised that at least the Heirs weren’t told about it. Seems a bit short sighted to me.”

  “Not necessarily.” Ryder mused. “I was barely through Transition when they hid the relics, and even though I knew most of what my father was up to, he didn’t tell me everything. This would have happened sometime around the eleventh century. Our history is much like yours. Over time, it becomes useless and forgotten. Unlike you, we don’t always teach our children of our history in books. The fact that your Guild has our scrolls is telling, because that means the Mages infiltrated one of the Castes. That’s the only way to explain how they would have obtained it. Alden is looking for more, but we are out of time. We need to start collecting them before the others figure out what we are up to.”

  “Okay, so we have the Dark King’s son helping now. You also have me to open the Blood…err whatever theirs is called, or where it’s hidden. And, we have you to find your father’s. So why are we still sitting here?” I asked, tapping my fingers on the table as I watched him.

  “Because we need to be fully fed before the trip, and since you are coming with, I’m bringing more people than I had planned to. Eliran will also be coming with us, as well as a few others. This won’t be a simple thing, Pet. We can’t sift until the trial is complete, nor can we use magic for protection. Riding there will take weeks.”

  “I don’t need to travel with a doctor, Ryder. I’m pregnant, not sick.”

  “You’re pregnant with twins, Synthia, and that is a rarity within the Fae. You also carry my twins in your womb, so plan on being at the back of this retinue with armed guards protecting you at all times. You will be guarded and kept safe for the entire time we are out of the kingdom. Do you understand? There are many who will want you dead for the simple fact you carry my child in your precious
womb. Say no to any of the safeguards I have put in to place, Pet, and you stay here in fucking bubble wrap.”

  “Children, Caveman; I carry your children inside my womb. I don’t mind guards, but if you try to put bubble wrap on me, know this: I’ll kick your ass while I’m popping the damn bubbles,” I smarted off. Fucking bubble wrap me!

  “They don’t know that. No one outside this room with the exception of Eliran knows you carry twins, Synthia. You may tell Adam, but you will tell him to keep this information to himself. It’s important that we keep this quiet for now; I need to keep you protected. You are a target, as you were before, Synthia. But now, you and the infants you carry are all targets for my enemies to use against me. Liam was allowed inside; anyone else who comes will be killed. You will always have one of the thirteen close at your side from now until you give birth. Pick one, and remember he will be with you like fucking glue,” Ryder said, narrowing his eyes. He’d ignored my bubble wrap comment, which was probably for the best.

  “I pick the Demon.”

  Ristan grinned.

  “Ristan, any arguments?”

  “No, Ryder. But I will need time to clear up a few things before I can babysit,” Ristan said, with a playful grin on his face.

  “That’s fine. Okay, we will meet in the main hall in the morning when the others have arrived. Asrian, you will stay here at the castle, and keep things moving along with the Horde petitions and hearings. Get the help of a few of the others as well. I suggest you all feed and rest tonight.”

  “As you wish,” Asrian said, bowing his head slightly. “I will hold down the fort, you take the guards you need, and I will keep a skeleton crew here with enough show of force to let those who think we are weak in your absence, think twice.”

  “Summon Vlad, and get the others back here as soon as possible.”

  Chapter Twenty

  We were walking back to his chambers when he finally said something that didn’t include his plans to wrap me in a protective bubble. “You sleep with me tonight, Pet.”

  “In bubble-wrap?” I asked, tossing him a serious look. I refused to be wrapped in anything. I may have been pregnant, but I was still a warrior. I was never helpless.

  “In my arms,” he replied smoothly in a seductive voice. “Bubble wrap is only for when you are away from me.”

  “Smart ass,” I growled through a smile that spread quickly across my face.

  “I’ll show you my ass if you show me yours, Fairy,” he said mimicking my nickname for him. I raised an eyebrow at him, surprised, because he was playing with me. It was out of character for him, but it was one of his many surprises of character.

  “You got it all wrong, Ryder. You are the Fairy, and I am the Pet. Keep it straight, Ryder. I’m pregnant; I get confused easily in my current state.” I teased him, until I turned to catch the heat burning in his golden eyes. I swallowed over the lump forming in my throat. Shit, he was hot!

  I could play coy and act like I didn’t see the smoldering heat burning in them, but I was weak, and he wouldn’t let me go with him unless I’d fed. And let’s be honest, the heat in his eyes? I wanted to see it as he drove himself deep inside of me.

  “Now you admit it?” He continued to play. I liked this lighter side of him, even if he did want to bubble wrap me, and lock me in a panic-room until I gave birth.

  “No, I’m not a Fairy. I’m Fae, and even though I suck at being one, I’m here. My old life is gone, you knocked me up. So yes, Ryder, I admit that I’m Fae, and I’ll even admit to being Blood Fae, and hell, while I’m at it, I’ll admit I like you. Now you, you’re still a Fairy,” I said, smiling impishly.

  “You like me,” he said, shaking his head. “You like me.”

  “Yes, it could be the hormones, but you are kinda cute…for a Fairy.”

  “For a Fairy?”

  “You should really get this hallway checked out, seems to have an echo in it.” I smiled even wider.

  “I guess I could admit a few things,” he replied in a sexy voice that was filled with heat.

  “Such as?” Yes, I was curious to know what he felt, since he never said anything apart from wanting me. Shit, we were having twins! And, I had no idea where we stood on this.

  “You’ve got a great ass,” he said, never taking his eyes from mine as we walked, oblivious to anyone watching us. “Your screams when I fuck you? I like that shit, too. The noises you make when I drive my cock balls deep and you ask for more? Fuck, I seriously like it…a lot.”

  Okay, maybe I fell right in to that one. “Flattery will get you nowhere,” I continued to tease him.

  “I love the way that your eyes glaze over with heat, and your bottom lip quivers when you scream my name. I love the way you come on my cock,” he continued playing.

  I swallowed and shivered involuntarily. Freaking Fairy had game! And he was using it all on me, and I was allowing it. “I like the way you fall over when I kick your ass.”

  “You’ve never kicked my ass,” he replied easily.

  “Never say never, Fairy,” I said before I turned and kicked out with one foot, while I planted my hands against his chest and shoved him. I stayed long enough to catch the look of shock on his face, before I turned and ran as fast as my legs would carry me down the long hallway. I squealed with laughter from the look on his face as I ran forward.

  I’m not sure what I had expected, but c’mon, he was Fae. He sifted in front of me, which I hadn’t seen coming until it was too late. I ended up colliding full-force with his much larger frame. Hitting Ryder at a full sprint is like hitting a brick wall. I screamed as I started to fall backward, but he caught me easily.

  “Shit!” he growled with a hint of laughter in his tone.

  I was quickly pulled up and pressed against the warmth of his wide chest, which I’d just a second ago face planted. “What the hell do they feed you? Cement?” I said as I relaxed against him.

  “You knocked me on my ass, Pet.”

  “I did, didn’t I?” I snorted, happily flashing him a haughty smile.

  “I should spank that pretty ass for doing so,” he whispered heatedly as he stalked me. I was walking backward toward the door I knew to be behind me.

  “You wouldn’t,” I said, already knowing that he would. He was the epitome of a male. He was strong enough to do it, easily. I was almost surprised by the heat that erupted from the mere thought of his hands on my ass.

  He took one step for every three I had taken. He caught me the moment we passed through the door to his lavish bedroom. One hand snaked around to the small of my back, and lifted me up against his immense chest, the other finding my ass where he then smacked it softly, almost teasingly. I smiled and bit into my bottom lip. He continued walking toward the bed, as if my weight didn’t hinder him at all.

  His eyes burned with intensity as he turned us around, and lowered himself to the bed with me still pressed against his body. I spread my legs until I was straddled on his lap. I lifted my face until our mouths were close enough for either of us to make the first move to kiss.

  Neither of us did so. Instead, we sat like that for minutes, just together. Both of us were afraid to move to dispel the peace, which was so new to us. No snarky comments came easily to mind, no brutal alpha male shit either. Just us. This was the man I’d fallen in love with, even with his sheer dominance and his need to control.

  Right now there was none of that between us, and it wasn’t needed. I wanted him, and even though we had many issues to work through, right now wasn’t the time to discuss it. I had a craving, and only he could give me what I needed the most.

  His mouth lifted and brushed against mine, softly. His breath wafted to me, with a subtle hint of rum on his tongue. I inhaled and drank him in, even as his hands tightened on my ass. He rocked his hips slowly, showing me the desire he felt, and I had created.

  I moaned and grinded my body against his massive erection. He growled hungrily from deep in his chest, the sound sent chills racing down my
spine. It created a spike in my temperature, and my nipples hardened with the need for his attention.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered through the thickness of lust.

  “I need you inside of me, Ryder.”

  “I can smell how wet you are already,” he growled and sifted us around, until I was beneath his massive frame. I spread my legs to accommodate his length, as he pressed his body against mine. His hands cupped my face, and tilted it to give his mouth full access, to ravish it.

  I moaned louder, but his mouth captured it as his tongue delved deeper to find mine. I felt his possession as his mouth warred with mine, and won. His hips gyrated against mine, placing pressure against my wetness. Creating a fire that smoldered, and burned white hot inside of me. He was still kissing me as his magic filled the air, and removed all of my clothes, except the slinky black lace panties.

  When he finally pulled away, I cried from the loss of the heat from his body. He stood back and gave me a devastating smile. I watched his face as his eyes slid down my naked chest, until they rested on the lace that covered my pussy. The heat from those eyes fed my need, and before I knew what I had done. I’d lowered my hands and was rubbing where I needed him to be.

  “Fuck,” he said with so much heat in his voice that it went directly to my core, sending a new wave of heat rushing over my body. I felt his magic radiate through the room until it was kissing my nipples, and caressing my thighs. “You’re so fucking hot. Do you have any idea how beautiful you really are?”

  I wasn’t comfortable with beauty. I had never thought I was pretty, and even though I was Fae now, I still wasn’t comfortable with my own looks. Ryder saying it, not once but twice, made me blush and something inside of me felt warm as tears threatened to fall from my eyes with the sincere tone in his voice. This beautiful beast thought I was beautiful.

  I fought against the thickening in my throat that his words had created, and I blinked back tears as I sat up to go to him. He stopped me with his eyes alone. The possessiveness in their expressive depths was enough to stop me cold. This man was saying he wanted me, without having to move those beautifully skilled lips.