Page 15 of Escaping Destiny

  I stayed rooted to the bed, as if I’d become a part of it. I felt melded to it and unable to move from beneath the amber hunger that was burning for me in them. This beautiful creature dominated the space, filled it brimming with his presence. The air grew thick around me, and I knew what was coming before it kissed along my spine, and rained tendrils of a thousand kisses over my neck and face.

  “The beast needs to feed, Synthia. He wants to feed from you,” he said, even as his body began to change, as if he couldn’t stop it from happening.

  “Ryder,” I said as a sliver of ice crept up my spine, which did little to cool the heat that was coiled in my belly. His eyes blinked from gold to obsidian, and brands that had been stationary, now slithered over his skin. Skin that had changed from bronzed, to pale as he stood before me. I ran my tongue over my dry lips and stifled a violent tremor that fought to be let loose.

  “You’ve been with him before, Pet. He was there in Transition with us.”

  I shook with the memories from Transition, as if I’d known it all along but hadn’t been able to believe it. My mind went back, as if I was back in the room during my own Transition, and watching it from above. Ryder was there, but he was different; he was larger. His skin had been paler, and he’d been inside of me, the beast had.

  He’d spread my legs, and spread me from the inside. His tongue had grown, and it hadn’t just been Ryder who was with me, but the beast. He’d ensured I had made it through Transition, and now I knew why Ryder hadn’t needed the help to bring me over. He already had help in the form of his beast.

  “You allowed him to fuck me without asking me?” I accused.

  “He didn’t need to ask you, and it’s not like he really could at the time, anyway. You challenged him, and he accepted. You allowed him out, you wanted him! You may not have been able to admit it back then, Pet, but you knew. You have seen him in my eyes often, and you chose to ignore it. You took him in small measures during the hunt, on our first night together. You have nothing to fear here. Not from us,” he said even as his hair grew longer, darker and his features became more defined, his skin paling to a soft alabaster.

  His eyes smoldered with desire, even as his voice dropped a few octaves. His hands rested on his hips, as his body grew larger by about six inches overall; his brands writhed and changed. His wings unfolded, until they were spread behind him, wide and beautiful.

  “Say yes,” Ryder urged. “I’ll be right here with you. If you want him to stop, all you have to do is tell me.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, and as he stepped back from the bed, allowing for me to stand, I did.

  “Sit,” he said after I’d stood in place for only a few seconds.

  A small bench with a soft pillow placed a top it appeared, materialized by his magic. A thin metal pole appeared after that, with a chain that hung from a small connected metal that was embedded in the pole itself. I tore my eyes from it and looked at Ryder, who was smiling roguishly.

  “Yes, I plan to tie you up and take full control of your passion. It is how I like you; at my mercy, begging me to allow you to come,” his voice came out multilayered, and husky as hell.

  “You always have control,” I replied honestly. He was always in control; he didn’t need chains to do that. I stepped closer until I was inches from the bench, and lowered myself down until I sat on it. I lifted my hand without waiting for him to ask, and spread my legs until my knees rested on the bench.

  He said nothing; his eyes just watched my movements as if he was memorizing each line, every curve of my body. Those eyes shifted, and when I blinked, they were obsidian. His body shimmered and his brands pulsed with life. He cracked his neck as the pulse in his jaw ticked. He stepped closer and ran his thumb over my face before he released it to grab the chain that hung above my head.

  “You will have no control this time. He’s going to be hungry and demanding. If you don’t want this, Synthia, tell me now.”

  “I can handle the beast,” I replied, finding the thought of finally knowing what was taking me thrilling. I’d always thought that Ryder had something inside of him, and even though I hadn’t been aware of it at the time, I’d fed his beast, and in return, it had knocked me up.

  Ryder had been as surprised as I was that his beast had intentionally impregnated me. Ristan had told me how he’d found out moments before I’d been taken from my own wedding to Adam, and now his gentle caress of my stomach in my dream made complete sense.

  The metal clicked into place, restraining my hands above my head, and I watched as Ryder lowered himself until he was eye level with me. His mouth pressed against mine, and the kiss was consuming. This was what the songs wrote about; with one kiss, I was helpless to pull away. With one kiss, I was a boneless mess, and with one kiss, I was his.

  He pulled away, but in his place now stood his beast. The Horde King knelt before me, his silken eyes taking in everything. The room grew thick with his power. The electricity he created, slithered over my skin. “Are you afraid of me?” he asked, his voice layered and hypnotic.

  “Yes,” I replied, and my lips quivered as I did so. I wasn’t terrified, but to say that I wasn’t afraid at all would be a lie. I could now see the difference of Ryder being in control of this form and his beast.

  His hand came up and tested the weight of one breast, and then the other. He smiled, and I sucked in my breath. He was terrifying, but he was also the most beautiful creature that I’d ever seen in my entire life. I leaned my head back against the pole, and watched him as he caressed my skin, until a moan stole from between my lips. His eyes watched every reaction that I gave to his touch.

  “I smell your wetness,” he said, his fingers sliding over my skin until they rubbed my clit through the silk panties that Ryder had left me in. I hissed with pleasure as his skillful hands pressed against me, right where I needed them to be. He removed his hands, and placed them on the delicate skin behind my knees, and lifted them until my legs were bent and spread for his wide girth.

  His mouth lowered, until he was raining soft kisses along my inner thighs. His hands rested on my knees, holding them apart for him to devour my flesh. And he did, with his lips and his tongue. His mouth was the match to the kindling of which he started the fire with. My entire body came alive for him, the panties soaked from the desire he was creating inside of me.

  Knowing he was a part of Ryder made this okay. Seeing the gold flecks in his eyes, made it okay for me to do this. This was the being that wanted me, and he was a part of the man I loved. I felt his head lower, until he pressed his mouth against my panties. His wings expanded, until they blocked out the light from the candles of the room.

  Stars erupted behind my eyelids as his breath fanned against the wet sleek heat of my need. He licked around my panties, his hands sliding beneath my ass, and lifting it easily. I opened my eyes, and was met with the galaxy of stars in his inky depths. I’d been wrong before, it wasn’t a constellation of stars locked in his endless depths. It was the gold from Ryder’s own eyes, as he watched me from inside the beast.

  His mouth lingered against my thigh a moment before his teeth nibbled against my tender flesh. His teeth pressed against me, as his tongue slid over the wetness, scorching my flesh. I watched him nibble, and tease me with his fangs as he tasted my blood from the small pin pricks his fangs had left. I found pleasure from his bite; no pain was forthcoming. My eyes found his again, and I gasped with pleasure as he sucked on my clit through the panties.

  I felt the panties rip, and looked down to find them gone. I shivered at the thought of his strength, but that thought was fleeting as his mouth replaced the silk, and everything inside of my head turned to one focus. That the beast was using that tongue, and fuck was it good!

  It pushed against my opening, and entered until I could take no more. He was pushing, and pulling, and his nose was pressed against the sensitive nub, which was a crescendo of sensations all at once. He growled against my skin, and I moaned louder as I pushed ag
ainst the pole, trying to give him more range to torture me with.

  And then it was gone, and he was kissing me. Hard and passionate; curling my toes until I thought they would cramp. This beast was made for fucking, and I was his target. He changed what he was doing so quickly, that my mind would register one thing, and he’d have moved on to another thing.

  His finger entered my wet sheath, and then another and another until I cried out from the pain and pleasure that assaulted me. I was crying out, pleasure sending waves of heat rushing through my entire body. I felt the chains lower, which meant he’d undone them with magic, and I took full advantage of them, pulling his head closer. Magic kissed my flesh, and then I was on my back on the bed. He didn’t fuck around. He was in full control, and I was at his mercy, his will was my own.

  “Fuck, your body is so tight; it fits me like it was made for me, alone!” He growled, as he parted my legs, and looked over my head. I did so, too, following his eyes. The length of chain laid forgotten, and the need for it gone. He wasn’t done with them yet, though.

  He smiled, and as I turned back to look at him, I saw the fangs. Full sparkling white fangs, which I hadn’t noticed before. I blinked, and when I looked again—they were still there. I shivered as he brought his tongue out to lick one, and then the other.

  “I am the spirit and power of every breed of the Horde. I am their leader and in being the king, I can take any shape; any form at any time.”

  “So, you are a vampire, too?” It was a lame ass question, but hey, I was currently fully exposed, and getting scared now wasn’t an option. He nodded and flicked his wrist, much like Ryder did. The thin chain that had held my arms to the pole now had been secured to the thick wood of the headboard.

  “I am whatever I choose to be, or Ryder needs me to be. I have been with Ryder since his Transition. Once Danu decided he was a strong enough host, she unlocked the rest of my power and allowed us to merge as one. It is the difference between a Fae, and the Horde King.”

  “Uh, do you have a name? I mean, Ryder called you his beast, but is that your name?” I asked uncomfortably.

  “I have no name, little one. I am part of Ryder and he is part of me. I can truly be the beast he calls me. However, I will not hurt you,” he said and sat back on his haunches. “I am always with Ryder, and even though I am death, I could never hurt you, Synthia. Even before Ryder knew he wanted you, I was there, telling him to go after you. He fought against it, not understanding the need I had for you. You were mine the moment I first laid eyes on you. I cared not how I got you; only that I did. I could have killed you, killed this little obsession that I felt, but the first time he took you, I was lost. When you took us into your body, you knew he was not alone, and yet you asked for more. I could have easily killed you while taking what I wanted, had you denied me. You are my match,” he said thickly, his voice echoing off the walls. “That is what Alazander did not have.”

  “A match? What do you mean by that?”

  “Alazander, as a host, did not have a match. He was not as strong of a host as Danu needed him to be. Over time, his beast took complete control while seeking his match. He became frustrated, endlessly seeking, never finding her. Alazander was weaker than Ryder, and thought the beast made him invincible. Ryder will not make the same choices of his father. He’s a good host for me.”

  “So, is Ryder like the brain and you are the brawn?” I ventured sheepishly. He threw back his head and laughed.

  “I have my own brain; he is the mental strength and conscience to my power. If we are not balanced in his manner…it is very bad. Faery will be feeling the effects of what happened to Alazander for a long time.”

  “Can he hear you when you have control?” I asked, finally allowing the cat inside of me to get curious.

  “Only if I allow it. Right now, all he can see is you talking.” He smiled, and it was dark and deadly.

  “Why did you get me pregnant?”

  “Because I wanted it, and our child will be unlike anything Faery has ever encountered before,” he said with a roguish grin. “He would have let you go to save this world, even though he wants you with everything he is. I wouldn’t. He has one purpose, and that is to save Faery. I wouldn’t allow it to happen. You belong to us, forever now.”

  “Children,” I said.

  “I promise we will make many babes together,” he said as his fingers slid over my flesh.

  “We are having twins,” I said, wondering how much Ryder had allowed him to know. They might be one, but they had a way of blocking one another that they used.

  “Twins,” he said with a huge self-assured smile on his lips. He climbed over my body, and kissed my lips. “This pleases me, and now I will please you.”

  I shivered with his words, and as the air grew thick around us with magic, I moaned. It was everywhere, touching, kissing, and then his mouth was on my center, and his fingers parted my flesh. His tongue slowly licked up, and down over and over until I lifted my hips.

  “You taste of heaven,” he growled.

  I now knew why Ryder growled so much; it wasn’t always him doing it. He shared his body with this creature, and it stood to reason that when he disapproved, he let Ryder know with the deep inner growl.

  His tongue entered me hard, and fast. My hips bucked from the bed even as he lifted them until he had me at his mercy. He continued to move inside of me, until I was wet and slippery on his face, a mixture of juices and a boneless mess.

  “Are you ready to scream for us, Pet?”

  At the name Pet, I opened my eyes and nodded.

  “I can’t hear you,” he said, as he let my hips fall to the bed, and his knees parted my legs easily. “Are you ready to scream for us?” He growled hoarsely.

  “Yes,” I growled back at him, and spread my legs until they could go no further apart.

  Magic filled my body, heating it from the inside. Magical kisses rained down over my face, and nipples, and then I felt him nudge against my entrance. His hands landed on either side of my head, and his eyes locked with mine from where they sat right above me. His brands slithered over his torso, but his wings were now hidden behind his back.

  He pushed into my opening, and nudged his way inside. It wasn’t until he rocked his hips that I knew I was in trouble. He was much larger now than he normally was. I felt fear flicker up my spine, but I’d taken him before, and he wouldn’t hurt me. Ryder wouldn’t let him hurt me.

  “Stop thinking, and just feel me,” he whispered against my ear. I swallowed and tried to relax, but it was easier said than done. He pulled out and shot forward, impaling me on his cock. I cried out as shock radiated through me. Pain erupted as a whimper exploded from my lips.

  It wasn’t until he started moving that the pain lessened, and friction took over. He growled his approval and captured my lips with his. “This is why I wanted you. I knew from the moment I saw you, that Danu made you for me. They can’t take what I can give. You can,” he grounded out as he plunged his cock deeper inside of me.

  I moaned and moved my hips, needing him to move to stop the pain. It was a unique blend of pleasure and pain, and the orgasm was cresting in the middle of it all. I was fucking the beast, and I liked it. I liked knowing that Ryder was watching me, that this was another part of him that wanted me. I was a freak, but damn if this wasn’t worth being one.

  He pulled out, and flipped me over until I rested on my stomach, and then he was pushing back into my wet heat. The gentleness was gone, and I screamed as he filled me to the limit. He grabbed my hair, and pushed with his hand on the small of my back, all while driving his cock inside of me.

  I exploded without warning, and the room disappeared. I was floating. I felt lost, and even as the darkness stole over my mind, I could feel Ryder’s presence, urging me back from the unknown for which I teetered on. He was here, with me and his beast. Not controlling, but guiding and urging. I shivered as something pulled and pushed against me. Hands touched my face, pulling me back until
something hot consumed my mouth. It demanded I open, and allow it control.

  I was being kissed, and fucked, and it was pure blissfulness. He’d grown inside of me, his body long enough to claim my mouth as he fucked me. I exploded again and again, until I finally felt myself feeding from him. I pulled on him, and before I knew I had done it, I’d flipped the beast over and had straddled him.

  I moved, my hands finding my breasts and fondling them as he watched. Shock had registered on his beautiful face briefly, but it was gone just as quickly as it had come. His eyes slanted with heat and grew languid, his mouth slack as I rode him. He moaned and I smiled. There’s something fucking hot about a man moaning, because he can’t stop it from coming out. He couldn’t either, and even though I couldn’t grow as he could, I leaned over and grabbed a fist full of his hair, and brought his mouth to mine.

  I chased his tongue hungrily with mine until he fought back, and then I was in trouble. One minute I’d been riding him, and the next he was between my thighs, fucking me. He nuzzled my neck and bit me as he rocked his hips. I detonated with a scream, sending him over the edge as he pounded into me, both of us in a frenzy of feeding.

  I’m not sure how much time elapsed while we fought to get our ragged breathing under control. He had braced his arms on either side of me, keeping his massive frame from resting on my body. He gently lapped at his bite on my neck. My hands came up, and wiped the wet hair from his face, and then I claimed his lips gently.

  He smiled against the kiss, and whispered into my mouth. “Beauty and the beast,” he said with a chuckle. “Sorry, but I don’t own a library.” His beast was playing with me? I smiled. I could play, too.

  “Bitches love big libraries. The Demon said there are several just lying around. Work on getting me one?”

  He threw back his head and laughed. I smiled and shook my head. “I wasn’t joking, I love books. Big books, momma porn, romance, adventure, I love it all. You are going to need a lot of books to entertain me.”