Page 16 of Escaping Destiny

  “Who says I plan on letting you out of bed long enough for you to read?” he asked, but even as he did, Ryder was once again taking control of the shared form.

  I smiled, and shook my head as golden eyes stared back at me. “What makes you think you can keep me in bed, Fairy?”

  “I can think of a few things to do that would make you beg me to stay in bed, Pet.”

  “Oh really? You think you are that good, hmm?”

  “Are you saying I’m not?” he asked, as he climbed over me, and spread my legs with his knees.

  I smiled, already lost to the passion and heat smoldering in his eyes. “Prove it, Fairy. But I still want my library.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The next morning I awoke to Darynda tapping on my forehead. She was smiling like an idiot, but she was also holding coffee. I instantly forgave the fact that she was tapping on my noggin, and sat up to take the delicious scented coffee.

  I smiled, but managed to hide it behind the rim of the mug. After a few deep sips, I looked up to find Darynda still smiling excitedly. “What’s the smile for?” I asked, straight to the point and not bothering to beat the bushes.

  “I get to go with you! The king said you would need someone to tend to your needs should you have any. I told him you were not like the other royalty and that you could handle it, but he said I should travel with you!”

  “Um, thanks, I think,” I replied, not sure if she’d actually given me a compliment, or not.

  “So, we need to bathe you soon. The men are already gathering in the great hall. He even summoned those he had in the human world back because of the Mages being so close to the borders. Have you ever been on a trial? Because I’ve never been and since we have to actually travel and cannot sift for it, it’s going to take us about a couple of weeks,” she blabbered on, as I emptied the coffee cup and held it out for another absently.

  “One cup; you are carrying the king’s heir,” she said with a smile.

  Gloves off, I wanted the second cup.

  “Two cups won’t hurt us, I promise.”

  She sighed and wagged her finger at me. In the end, she filled the cup and started the bath. I sighed as I crawled out from the opulent bed and stretched, before finishing off the second cup with a happy sigh. I was sore, but not sore enough to ask Ryder for help fixing it. The bath would help, anyway.

  I slid into it, not caring that I was naked in front of Darynda. I’d grown up in the Guild, and privacy wasn’t something we got a lot of. I’d lived with the other girls, and we’d all shared one shower. The water was hot, but not so hot that it burned my skin; rather, it cured the aches from the previous night.

  When I was bathed and finished getting dressed, I smiled at my reflection. I had on tight leather pants, which fit like a glove, with soft suede boots that had slid on like heaven and came up to my knees. The top was a pink long sleeve shirt, and Darynda handed me a hooded faux fur lined winter jacket that was white, long, and beautiful.

  “A coat?” I asked.

  “The weather can change on the Goddess’s whim in Faery,” she explained. “It’s best to be prepared for anything she can throw at us. I have packed for all weather, and you won’t have any problems with wardrobe. We will not be allowed to use magic once we leave the protection of the castle walls, so if there is anything you can’t live without, I need to know now so that I can obtain it for you before we leave.”

  I blinked, trying to imagine a world where weather could change that fast. I hadn’t spent very much time in Faery, and I was putting my trust in her as to what I would need. She smiled as she picked up a large pack and opened the bedroom door and shouted an order to a male servant, who scurried to take the pack from her.

  “Okay, Princess! We are ready. We can meet the king and all of his warriors in the courtyard,” she announced, already turning to leave the room.

  “All the king’s horses and all the kings’ men…” I mumbled under my breath.


  “Nothing,” I huffed with a grin lighting my lips.

  “They will be present,” she continued.

  “And Humpty, will he be there?” Oh hell, I was going for it.

  “I do not know a Humpty,” she confessed with a frown.

  “He’s an egg,” I started to explain, but felt eyes on me from behind. I turned, even as Darynda rambled on.

  “He’s an egg? You name eggs in your land?” she asked.

  Claire was behind us with a haughty look in her eyes. She was trying to catch up with us, which I could have cared less if she had. She managed it with her long legs and dug her hand into my shoulder.

  “Why is she allowed out of the pavilion?” Claire demanded of Darynda.

  “The King wishes it so, and so it is,” Darynda said, tilting her head toward Claire, who stood a few inches taller than us. “It’s his choice.”

  “We will see about that. The room she is in belongs to my sister!” Claire screeched, as if she was trying to cause a scene, and achieving it.

  “Then why don’t you take it up with Ryder? If you are so fucking outraged on your sister’s behalf, talk to the man who placed me there and not Darynda, who can change nothing!” I growled, feeling my brands start to move, which had happened only twice so far since I’d turned into a freaking fairy.

  I turned and headed off down the hall without waiting to see if Darynda had followed. I wasn’t dealing with Claire’s shit right now, or ever for that matter. She was inconsequential, and I was glad to be leaving her behind for however long it took to get the relic.

  We made it to the great hall when I got my first look at everything that was being prepared to go with us, including the men.

  All of the thirteen were here in full armor, as was the Shifter from the throne room where Ryder had given him audience to hear his complaints. There were men running back and forth, as women came in carrying packs. I noticed some of them preparing to go with us—including Claire. I swallowed the rage at the idea of her journeying with us, after I’d thought I was getting away from her.

  She noticed my glare and turned on me. “What’s the matter, Witch? Oh, you thought I wouldn’t be summoned to journey with the King?” She batted her brown eyes and lifted her hair from her face with her fingers.

  “I was hoping that, yes,” I said, already dismissing her.

  “You think he would forget me so easily after all we have shared together?” she continued.

  “Pretty much!” I threw over my shoulder as I wound my way through the large crowd, trying to spot the King. She continued talking, but I ignored her bitchy comments easily. Darynda was close on my heels, and was doing a fine job keeping close to me as I sped through the crowd.

  “She isn’t going to stop, Synthia. Not until you make her,” she said from behind me.

  “I’m not playing her game. She isn’t worth my time,” I replied crisply.

  “She’s Fae, and that means if she needs to, she will prove she is worthy of his bed to reclaim his eyes.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I snapped as I spun around on her, narrowing my eyes.

  “It means she will turn to trickery or any other means to hurt you, Synthia. Strike first, fast and hard.”

  “No,” I said as I shook my head. “I may be Fae, but I’m not into proving who is the better bed mate. Ryder wants her? He can fucking have her, but he won’t touch me ever again.” Having a chat with Ryder’s beast gave me a measure of confidence that I hadn’t felt before. Ryder may think that he had to fulfill that contract with her sister, and Claire could try and crawl into his bed, but I had a feeling the beast would have his own thoughts on the matter.

  I turned and caught a glimpse of Ryder, who was dressed pretty much as he was during the Wild Hunt. He wore the heavy obsidian cloak again, and I shivered with the memory that outfit brought with it. The heavy fabric was absorbing the light from the many windows above Ryder, catching it and giving it a colored façade. Under it, he wore the same
form fitting black armor the others had on, but the cloak itself was once again tied together with the black studded onyx jewels that held it together. A single red dragon was embedded in the middle of the silver disc that hung from his neck.

  Sinjinn walked over to me when he noticed my presence, and held out a matching cloak. His chocolate brown eyes, with the sea green centers smiled as he approached. “Hey, little momma. It is cold outside, so I get to wrap you,” he said in greeting as he held out the matching cloak.

  I took the cloak and unfurled it, and almost sighed at how soft the fabric was. I’d felt it before as I’d leaned against Ryder after he’d claimed me in the hunt. I swept the fabric out, and over my long coat. Sinjinn was quick to manifest the matching dragon clasp that would secure it in place. His fingers worked deftly as he locked the clasp and stood back with a smile.

  “Thanks,” I said, tossing him a small smile as I took in Ryder. The man was impossibly sexy. He radiated sex off of him in turbulent waves, which washed over my skin.

  “Anytime,” Sinjinn said as he stepped out of the way and glamoured on his own cloak over his armor.

  My eyes swept the hall. One of the men turned and I realized he wasn’t one of the thirteen, but he wore the armor of the Elite Guard. He had long bright blond hair, and as his eyes met mine, I jumped as I realized they were gray and aqua. It was the guard who had tied me up on my first night here. He winked and wiggled his fingers at me before returning a comment to Savlian. I tapped Sinjinn on the shoulder.

  “Who is he? I never saw him with you guys back home,” I said, lifting my chin to direct him.

  Sinjinn looked over and chuckled. “He is one of us. That’s Lachlan; he was the one holding down the Horde while the future Horde King was out wearing lipstick and prancing around in tights.” His lips twitched with his words. “He and Asrian are trading duties for now.” He grinned at me as the realization dawned. “Yes, we assigned him to be your guard at your presentation. We figured he was the only one of us you wouldn’t recognize right off the mark.” I shook my head at him. I should have known; Ryder always was one step ahead.

  “Lift the hood, Pet. I’d have you covered before we enter the bailey,” Ryder said, offering his hand in my direction. I took it, and I quickly put the hood over my head and followed Ryder as he led us out of the bustling hall and into the bailey of the castle.

  Remembering my brief stint outside with Ryder; I placed our current position at the upper most castle; the biggest of the three tiers. The Horde Kingdom looked as enchanting as any Scottish castle from the fourteenth century from the outside, and inside it was breathtakingly beautiful. It was a bit of a mind bender for me as I always thought that the Horde was scary and that they must live in an awful nasty place. Then I remembered the flowers of the cove and realized that the Horde had a dangerous beauty about it. As if they wanted those coming in, to be lulled into a false sense of security. Ristan once told me that they came from one of the most dangerous places imaginable, so that had to be the case. Put in that perspective, it made sense. It was just another way for them to show their strength to those opposing them.

  “You will be riding with me,” Ryder said thickly.

  The men looked like we were gearing up for war, and I was ready for it. Even in my condition, I wanted to be busy. I wanted to be out and about, instead of locked away and wrapped in bubble wrap. “Riding?” I said after his words registered in my brain.

  “Yes,” Ryder said with an impish grin lifting his lips.

  The words had barely left his mouth, when I heard the clip clop of hooved feet over the cobblestones. The horses were being led into the huge courtyard. Ryder’s war horse was the same one that had been with him during the hunt. He was huge with blood red eyes that were sharp, and alert. I stepped back instantly, colliding with something hard. I turned to find Aodhan with his blue and black hair looking down at me with a cheeky grin on his lips.

  “By all means, Princess,” he said, and pulled me against his body. His ice blue and electric blue eyes searched my face as I looked up at him from where I was pressed against his hard body. “I don’t mind at all.”

  “Aodhan, if you want to keep your hands, I suggest you get them off of her,” Ryder growled as he reached for me and pulled me against his body.

  “Just seeing if she’s into me, my King.”

  “She’s not,” Ristan said as he pushed his way through to where the Elite Guard had gathered. Darynda was standing beside Z, and Adam, who would be joining us for the trial according to Ryder. He wore black armor as well, but on his was a coat of arms that marked him as a royal from the Dark Kingdom.

  Darynda waved to me, but she was eyeing Zahruk with something akin to hunger in her eyes. I shook my head as Ryder headed to the horse and easily mounted him. He turned back to me and held out his hand. I accepted it, and was assisted by Ristan, who had snuck up behind me.

  “Allow me, Flower,” he said smoothly, as he hefted me up to Ryder, who placed me astride the horse, in front of him.

  I was wrapped in one of Ryder’s big arms, as he turned to address the crowd gathering in the huge courtyard. “We ride for the Horde!” He growled over the crowd, and it erupted in cheers that sent my skin tingling with the sheer volume of it. “Those who stay are to protect the kingdom, and those who ride protect the princess, and the future heir!”

  I rolled my eyes. The big guy was a little too happy that his little warriors got the job done. It was a once in a lifetime (I hoped) thing to see the Horde warriors, and the elite guard ride out of the castle. They moved like a well-oiled machine, the entire assembly was three horses wide, and as far as the eye could see when I tried to look back.

  “Am I riding the entire time?” I asked as I noticed a few wagons toward the back.

  “You ride with me. I can make sure you are safe this way. The Mages are in the area, and the Shifter is here to sniff them out if they get too close. I’m not taking any chances with you. We won’t be able to use glamour, or cast magic when we leave these walls. It is part of what I was telling you last night; to be mentally ready, we must walk as mortals. The elders thought it gave the warriors time to reflect on their past as they prepared for their future as a chosen warrior,” he replied against my ear.

  “You plan on squishing me with your arm for the entire ride?” I countered as I turned my face and looked up into his beautiful amber eyes.

  He laughed and loosened his hold on me as I shifted to rest against his back. “How long of a ride is this?”

  “A few days journey to reach the trail to the labyrinth. After that it should be two weeks or so, to reach the actual labyrinth itself. The men and Adam will stay with you when I enter the trial.”

  “Ryder, Vlad and his men have arrived,” Ristan said as he rode up beside us.

  “Good, find the Shape Shifter and see if he has caught any scent of the Mages.”

  When it got quiet again, I closed my eyes and rested against the protection of Ryder’s body. His soothing scent wafted in, and even though it was morning, I fell asleep in his arms. In the last month I’d been falling asleep with an ease I wasn’t used to. I was willing to bet it had something to do with being pregnant.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I awoke to Ryder whispering in my ear, and opened my eyes to see everyone around us dismounting. I yawned and turned my face to his. “Are we there yet?” I asked, knowing we weren’t.

  “No; we need to water the horses, and rest them for a little while. You slept for a couple of hours straight,” he informed me with a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

  “That’s what happens when you keep me up all night,” I shot back, barely concealing a smile and slight blush. He dismounted and held his arms out for me, so I slid from the horse and was instantly pressed between his body and that of his huge war horse.

  “I enjoyed last night. Didn’t you?” he asked, and my heart melted right into my feet. I had. I’d enjoyed being with him and his beast. It had felt right, as if
this was where I was supposed to be, and I was his. Right about the time I was going to reply, Claire came strolling up to where we stood.

  “Darynda is looking for you, Synthia,” she said sweetly, as she batted her almond shaped eyes at Ryder. “Is there anything you desire from me, Sire?”

  “Not at the moment, Claire,” Ryder replied, and I felt my claws extend. I pulled away from Ryder and took off without asking where Darynda was, only when a hand landed on my arm, did I notice that I’d started walking without asking where she was.

  “Princess,” Silas said, as he stopped me from entering the wooded area. “It’s not safe to wander around unprotected.”

  “Who says I’m unprotected?” I asked, lifting a brow at him. I may have wandered off, but I was never unprotected.

  “I wouldn’t wander too far, Princess, you might get eaten by the big bad wolf,” he continued.

  “Is that so? I have an army behind me, and I assure you that I am never defenseless,” I dropped my voice a few octaves to make sure he understood what I was saying.

  “You’re pregnant,” he replied, as if that alone meant I was a defenseless female.

  “I am, but I’m also a trained assassin of the Guild. I enforced the laws inside the human world, and I was damn good at it. I may be pregnant, but I can still kick ass.”

  He smiled, his eyes lighting up with something akin to pride. “You will be a worthy queen to our king.” He bowed his head, causing his shoulder length blonde hair to brush against his shoulders. “I’ll escort you back all the same. I’d feel much better knowing you were safe within camp.”

  I didn’t argue with him, since I hadn’t meant to come in this direction, anyway. I didn’t stand around to see if he followed, as I headed back in the direction I had come from. I made it five feet before I was surrounded by Ryder’s posse, and Ryder himself. He and the Shifter stared at one another for a moment with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.