YEAR 2:

  APRIL 13: “I’ve been wanting to take _______lessons, like . . . FOREVER!!” Explain why.

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 14: What type of candy would you love to munch on right now? List your three favorites.

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 15: You and I have A LOT of things in common! List them below.

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 16: If you could be on the cover of ANY magazine, which would it be and why?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 17: What’s something you can do now that you couldn’t do last year?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 18: If you could create a holiday, what would it be called, and how would you celebrate it?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: My holiday would be called National Dork Day! We’d have a big carnival at school and appreciate the things that make us unique!

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 19: What toppings do you love on your pizza?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 20: It’s right around Easter time! Take time out to count your blessings! List them below.

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 21: What’s your FAVORITE movie of all time? Why?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 22: What’s your favorite ROMANTIC movie? Why?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 23: YOU just gave ME a GLAM makeover! Describe my FAB hairstyle and CHIC outfit!

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 24: I just gave YOU a GLAM makeover! Describe your FAB new hairstyle and your CHIC outfit!

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 25: Name as many balls (example: “basketball”) as you can in the space below. Then circle your favorite ball and cross out your least favorite.

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 26: Do you remember a time you were SO HAPPY you wanted to CRY? Details, please.

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 27: Choose ONE word to describe yourself. Why this word?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 28: Choose ONE word to describe your BFF. Why this word?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 29: You’re dining out with your family! LOVE the quality time or EMBARRASSED that kids from school will see you with them?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  APRIL 30: You went a little crazy at the pet store! Come up with cute names for your four new pets: Dog? Cat? Goldfish? Monkey?

  YEAR 1:

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  MAY 1: OMG! You’re working at a KISSING BOOTH to raise money for CHARITY! Name the first six people in line for kisses!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 2: What personal item do you own that is PRICELESS? Why is it so valuable?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: My diary is priceless! It’s like a BFF in book form. I’d probably have a meltdown if I ever lost it.

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  MAY 3: “I am SO over _______!” Fill in the blank and state why.

  YEAR 1:

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  MAY 4: If your life were a book, what would the title be and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  MAY 5: “I’d clean the house for a month if only my parents would let me _______!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 6: MOTHER’S DAY is just around the corner! List FIVE reasons why YOUR mom is the BEST mother EVER! Now make a Mother’s Day card for her with this special note written inside.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 7: If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 8: You and your BFFs are playing TRUTH OR DARE! Which one do you pick and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 9: What TRUTH would you dread most? What DARE would you dread most?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 10: YOU just launched a FAB new fashion line for tween girls! Describe what your clothing line looks like.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 11: Your parents have a chat with your teacher about your progress in class. Are you as cool as a cucumber or sweating bullets?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 12: Would you rather travel by plane, train, or boat? Why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 13: You just totally BLINGED out your locker at school! What does it look like?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 14: Do you carefully plan out your day or just go with the flow? Why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 15: You and your BFFs are planning the most AWESOME one-week vacation EVER! Details, please.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 16: Make a list of the things in your backpack or purse. Circle the most important thing. Cross out the least important thing.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 17: WHO do you miss most when they’re not around and why?

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  MAY 18: What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: For Christmas, I got five-sizes-too-large work boots from my neighbor, Mrs. Wallabanger. And she gave my dad a pair of pink sequined Uggs that were way too small. I think she accidentally switched our presents!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 19: Are you a dog person or a cat person? Why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 20: What family activity makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 21: What family activity do you HATE so much you’d rather chew tinfoil?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 22: Would you rather spend the day floating UNDER the sea or ABOVE the clouds?

  YEAR 1:
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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 23: Who should win the Coolest Teacher of the Year award at your school and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 24: What do you hope will happen by the end of the school year and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 25: What’s the KLUTZIEST thing you’ve done in public lately?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 26: Describe a time you had a problem with a friend and made things right.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 27: The term “GGG” means “giggling, gossiping, and glossing.” Which of these are you the most guilty of doing?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 28: You’re spending a day at the beach! What’s the first thing you plan to do: chillax with music, build a huge sand castle, or go for a swim?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 29: Name your three best qualities.

  Nikki’s answer:

  1. I’m very DORKY!

  2. I’ve got a wacky sense of humor.

  3. I’m a pretty good artist.

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  MAY 30: It’s raining and you’re stuck inside! What three video games would you like to play?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  MAY 31: Describe your most romantic fantasy date! Details, please!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 1: Your teacher is making you watch a SUPERlong, SUPERboring documentary about SLUGS! EWW! Do you force yourself to pay attention, do you doodle in your notebook, or do you fall asleep?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 2: What was the best compliment you’ve received lately? How did it make you feel?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 3: Name someone you know who’s smart and loves to read, like my BFF Zoey.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 4: Name someone you know who’s a HOPELESS ROMANTIC and BOY CRAZY, like my BFF Chloe.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 5: What makes you really hyper?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Whenever Mom takes me to the art store to get new colored pencils, paints, and stuff, I get really excited and hyper, like Brianna in a candy shop.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 6: What makes you totally exhausted?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 7: You just started a band with six of your friends! What is your band called, and who does what in it?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 8: What color nail polish best fits your mood right now? Give it a cool name.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 9: Congratulations! You just won the Nobel Peace Prize for making the world a better place. What did you do to get it?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2: