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  JUNE 10: FINALLY! School’s out for the summer!! What do you plan to do your first week at home? Make a short list.

  YEAR 1:

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  JUNE 11: “I used to think ______________was totally LAME, but now think it’s really COOL!”

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 12: “I used to think ______________was really COOL, but now think it’s totally LAME!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 13: You just started a dance crew that performs at local events! Who is in it? Give your group a cool name, like Dorkalicious!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 14: FATHER’S DAY is just around the corner! List FIVE reasons why YOUR dad is the BEST father EVER! Now make a Father’s Day card for him with this special note written inside.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 15: My friend Zoey has a famous quote for every occasion. What was the last really deep thing a friend said that totally blew your mind?

  YEAR 1:

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  JUNE 16: WHO or WHAT do you FEAR as much as Brianna fears the tooth fairy?

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  JUNE 17: What makes you wanna throw up in your mouth a little?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Watching my sister, Brianna, eat her favorite snack: a ketchup-and-banana sandwich. EWW!!!

  YEAR 1:

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  JUNE 18: What’s the most awesome party you’ve been to this year? What made it so special?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 19: You’re a SUPERfamous celebrity! Are you a singer, actress, supermodel, athlete, or something else? Explain.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 20: What do you look forward to most about getting older: attending high school, driving a car, dating, getting a part-time job, or something else? Explain.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 21: Do you have more fun hanging out at the mall with your seven closest friends or chilling in your room with your BFFs?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Chilling in my room with Chloe and Zoey, of course !

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 22: OMG! Your annoying little sister just stole your diary! How do you plan to get it back?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 23: When was the last time you tattled on your brother or sister? Explain what happened.

  YEAR 1:

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  JUNE 24: When was the last time your brother or sister tattled on you? Explain what happened.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 25: WOW! You have a video on YouTube with 1 million views! What are you doing in it?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 26: If you could be any age right now, what would it be and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 27: Today Chloe, Zoey, and I will be hanging out at YOUR house! SQUEEE! What are we going to do together? Plan a SUPERfun day!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 28: If you could create your very own DREAM summer camp, what would it be called? Describe it.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 29: Make a list of the stuff you’ll bring to your dream camp so you and your bunkmates will have a ton of fun!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JUNE 30: You just landed your very own reality show starring YOU and your BFFs! What is it called? What is it about? Who are your other costars?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 1: It’s ninety-two degrees outside! Would you rather spend the day splashing around at the BEACH or the WATER PARK?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 2: What is the one thing a family member does that DRIVES YOU NUTS?!!!

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Brianna likes to drive me crazy by letting Miss Penelope “taste test” my food. One time Brianna dunked her entire hand in my spaghetti! EWW! It was SOOO gross!!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 3: “OMG! I can hardly wait until_________________!!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 4: HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Which do you enjoy most? Sitting in the dark watching FIREWORKS or running around in the dark with SPARKLERS?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 5: There’s a 50% OFF sale at the mall! List five things you need to add to your summer wardrobe to kick it up a notch.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 6: You discover a dusty time-travel machine in your attic! Are you going to travel into the PAST or the FUTURE? Where do you decide to go and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 7: You need CASH for a concert ticket . . . and QUICK! Do you become the neighborhood dog walker? Open a lemonade stand? Or set up a girl-powered car wash?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 8: Which celebrity are you SO sick of, you’d like to send him/her on a one-way trip to Mars? Why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 9: What was the last thing your mom or dad did that was SO embarrassing, you wanted to take out a newspaper ad that read “Teen Girl Seeking NEW PARENTS! No experience necessary!”

>   YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 10: You just landed the BEST summer job EVER! What are you doing?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 11: You just got stuck with the WORST summer job EVER! What are you doing?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: I’d feel REALLY sorry for anyone who has to babysit Brianna! Wait a minute—that IS my summer job !!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 12: You just earned your wings as a fairy godmother! To WHOM would you grant three wishes and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 13: What was the last movie you saw that SCARED you so badly you had to sleep with the lights on?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 14: What’s your FAVE ice cream flavor?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Birthday-cake-flavored ice cream with confetti sprinkles! YUMMY!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 15: “I would have a complete MELTDOWN if_________.”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 16: If you were going to be stranded on a desert island for two days, what three things would you bring with you (other than food and water)?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 17: OOPS! You’re in trouble with your parents! Which punishment do you most DREAD? No TV for a week, no cell phone for a week, or no leaving the house for a week?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 18: “My favorite song of the summer is __________.”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 19: Describe a time you tried really hard to do something special, but it didn’t quite turn out the way you had planned.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 20: What do you daydream about?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 21: Your dad just announced that your family will be spending some quality time together in the wilderness! Would you rather stay in a TENT, a CABIN, or an RV (recreational vehicle) and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 22: You just got your driver’s license! SQUEEE!! Describe the dream car you’ll be driving to school every day.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 23: OMG! You just found a can of MAGICAL repellent. Name three things you’d love to spray to make them magically go away.

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: MacKenzie! Just kidding !

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 24: What do you want to be when you grow up and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  JULY 25: What was the last movie you saw that made you cry your eyes out?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  JULY 26: What book would you LOVE to see turned into a movie?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Um . . . I think you already know MY answer: DORK DIARIES!

  YEAR 1:

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