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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 14: Who is your NEWEST friend?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: My newest friend is Marcy. I met her when I joined the school newspaper.

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  SEPTEMBER 15: Which friend have you known, like, FOREVER?

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  SEPTEMBER 16: What do you wish you were doing right now?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 17: “The most AWESOME thing about my life right now is __________!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 18: “The most CRUDDY thing about my life right now is __________!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 19: Theodore L. Swagmire III is my dorkiest guy friend. Who is YOUR dorkiest guy friend?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 20: Which of your friends reminds you most of Chloe?

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  SEPTEMBER 21: Which of your friends reminds you most of Zoey?

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  SEPTEMBER 22: What girl at your school reminds you most of MacKenzie?

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  SEPTEMBER 23: “MacKenzie would be a much nicer person if only she would __________.”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 24: What thing does your mom or dad say over and over again like a broken record?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: If they say “Young lady, I expect you to be a good role model for your sister!” one more time, I’m going to SCREAM!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 25: Has anyone ever done something to you “accidentally on purpose”? Explain what happened.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 26: Who’s the funniest kid you know? What was the last thing he/she did to make you laugh?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Sometimes Chloe is such a clown! Whenever she does jazz hands, I totally crack up.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 27: What kid at your school would you like to become better friends with? Why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 28: It’s picture day, and you have a zit the size of a small grape! YIKES! What are you going to do?!!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 29: Would you rather be a cheerleader cheering for your team or an athlete playing in the game? Why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  SEPTEMBER 30: You’re running for president of the student council! List five reasons why you’d be AWESOME in that position.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 1: Who’s the LAST person you’d want to be stuck in an elevator with?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 2: How would your friends describe you?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: They would say I’m friendly, funny, and a fantastic BFF!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 3: What cherished toy do you still SECRETLY play with whenever you can?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 4: Your dad just raked up a huge pile of leaves. Do you help pick them up or run and jump into the pile?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 5: What’s the nicest thing you’ve done for someone lately?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: I surprised my sister, Brianna, with a batch of homemade cookies !

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 6: What’s the nicest thing someone has done for YOU lately?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 7: You’re ready to make some MUSIC! Do you join the marching band, orchestra, or glee club?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 8: What makes you feel SUPERinsecure?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 9: What gives you an instant boost of confidence?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: A group hug with my BFFs, Chloe and Zoey!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 10: You’ve decided to try out for a sports team! Which will it be?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 11: Are you an OPTIMIST or a PESSIMIST? What have you said or done lately that reflects this?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 12: MacKenzie is in a clique called the CCPs (Cute, Cool & Popular). Make up a cool name for your group of friends. Write the name and the initials below.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 13: What do you want to be for Halloween this year? Describe your costume in detail.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 14: OMG!! Your crush finally asks you to the Halloween dance! What do you do?

  A) Grin from ear to ear and say, “Sure!”

  B) Toss your hair with a sly smile and say, “Let me think about it and get back to you.”

  C) Scream, “AAAAAAAAH!!!” and go hide in the girls’ bathroom

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 15: You’re going to the Halloween dance with your crush! SQUEEE! What costumes will you both wear as a couple?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 16: Who do you NOT get along with, no matter how hard you try? Explain.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 17: Your teacher has agreed to take your class on a field trip! Where do YOU want to go and why?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: The art museum. I LOVE art!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 18: Who was the last person to make you smile? Details, please.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 19: You just finished carving your pumpkin and have leftover PUMPKIN GUTS!!! EWW! Do you throw them away, throw them at someone, or throw up?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 20: Chloe, Zoey, and I need cool ideas for Halloween costumes! Please give each of us a suggestion.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 21: You’re planning a big Halloween bash! Come up with a cool party theme with decorations. Who will you invite?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 22: I once wore a smelly rat costume to a Halloween party for Brianna’s dance class. List three costumes that you think would be even more HIDEOUS!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 23: OMG! Your parents are dressed up as a chicken and an egg and are insisting on going trick-or-treating with you! What do you do?

  A) Say, “No way!” and stay home

  B) Say, “Okay,” but ditch them at the first house

  C) Join in on the fun and dress up as a farmer

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Ditch them at the first house! Just kidding !

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 24: “What I like MOST about the fall season is __________! What I like LEAST about it is __________!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 25: Draw your very own jack-o’-lantern! You can make it happy, silly, or scary. Then, with your parents’ permission, use this design to make a real one!

  YEAR 1:

  YEAR 2:

  OCTOBER 26: What would be the perfect Halloween costume for MacKenzie?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: The Wicked Witch of the West, for sure !

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 27: “My favorite Halloween candy is ___________! My least favorite Halloween candy is __________!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 28: Your school is having a haunted house to raise money for a charity! What will you do to help scare your classmates out of their wits?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 29: Your magic crystal ball shows you what happens to Brandon and me in the future. What do you see? I’m DYING to know !

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  OCTOBER 30: Your neighbor has a sign on a bowl of candy that says “Help yourself!” Do you take one piece, a handful, or all of it? Why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2: