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  OCTOBER 31: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Will you be trick-or-treating with friends, attending a party, or handing out treats?

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  NOVEMBER 1: You have to read your winning essay in front of the ENTIRE school! Are you cool as a cucumber or sweating bullets?

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  NOVEMBER 2: CONGRATULATIONS! You just opened a new store in the mall! What’s the name of your store, and what do you sell?

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  NOVEMBER 3: What is your favorite bubble gum flavor?

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  NOVEMBER 4: “I’m comfortable being the center of attention when __________.”

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  NOVEMBER 5: “It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but when no one is looking, I like to __________.”

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 6: Your crush asks you to hang out at the very same time you’re supposed to meet up with your BFFs. What do you do?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 7: OMG!! YOU just made the front page of your school newspaper! Details, please! Write the headline below.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 8: If you were a dog, what breed would you be and why? Pick out a cute doggy name for yourself.

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  NOVEMBER 9: “Although it’s tough, I’m trying really hard NOT to __________.”

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 10: If you could be an exchange student and attend school in another country, what country would it be?

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  NOVEMBER 11: Who do you admire most and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 12: What’s your fave color and why?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Periwinkle, because it’s a cute nail polish color and a fun word to say .

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  NOVEMBER 13: What was the last test you took in school that was so DIFFICULT it almost made your BRAIN explode? Explain.

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 14: If you could give away anything that you own to charity, what would it be and why?

  YEAR 1:

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  NOVEMBER 15: If you could give away anything that your PARENTS own to charity, what would it be and why?

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 16: As a sleepover prank, your BFFs wet your clothes and stuff them in the freezer. What do you do?

  A) Get mad and go home

  B) Laugh it off while drying your clothes

  C) Spray whipped cream inside their sleeping bags

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 17: What weird habit does your mom or dad have that drives you crazy?

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 18: “If I ever get a detention, it will probably be for __________.”

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Hmm . . . probably getting caught writing in my diary during class. But that has NEVER, EVER happened. YET!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 19: “I always feel invisible when __________.”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 20: Which celeb would make a really cool older sister? Explain.

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  NOVEMBER 21: Which celeb would make a really cool older brother? Explain.

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  NOVEMBER 22: Whose cooking do you FEAR most? Why?

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 23: Have you ever pretended to be sick so that you could stay home from school? What did you do, and did it work?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 24: Would you rather be the oldest or the youngest child in your family and why?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: I’d like to be the youngest so I could switch places with Brianna and make HER babysit ME! Mwa-hahahaha!!!

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 25: The shy new girl at school just dropped her book. What do you do?

  A) Smile and pick it up for her

  B) Introduce yourself and ask her where she’s from

  C) Invite her to sit with you and your BFFs at lunch

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 26: “The Thanksgiving food that I LOVE eating is __________!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 27: “The Thanksgiving food that is so gross I would secretly feed it to my DOG is __________!”

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 28: The Thanksgiving season is a time for reflection! What are you thankful for?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 29: You’re invited to attend the very FIRST Thanksgiving dinner back in 1621! What yummy dish will you bring to share?

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  YEAR 2:

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  NOVEMBER 30: Who would be best at writing a Miss Know-It-All advice column, you or one of your friends? Please explain.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 1: You just got six inches of snow! SQUEEE! Do you build a snowman, go sledding, or make snow angels?

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 2: If you could live inside the world of any BOOK you’ve read, what book would it be and why?

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 3: If you could live inside the world of any MOVIE you’ve seen, what movie would it be and why?

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 4: What was the last thing you BEGGED your BFF to do? Explain.

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 5: You and your BFFs decide to take a dance class! Do you choose ballet, tap, jazz, modern, hip-hop, or something else? Explain.

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 6: If you could read anyone’s diary without their knowing it, whose would it be and why?

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 7: What GRADES are you trying really hard to earn on your report card this semester? List them below.

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  DECEMBER 8: What is the funniest or weirdest DREAM you’ve had lately? What do you think it meant?

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 9: Are you mostly a TALKER or a LISTENER? Explain.

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: I’m probably more of a talker! I’m ALWAYS venting about all the DRAMA in my life .

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 10: Which pampered pooch would you place in your posh purse? A Yorkie, a Chihuahua, or a poodle? Explain.

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 11: If you could switch LIVES with any of your classmates for one week, who would it be and why?

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 12: If you could switch PARENTS with any of your friends for one week, whose would it be and why?

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  DECEMBER 13: What kind of cookie could you eat a dozen of in one sitting?

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  DECEMBER 14: Are you ticklish? If so, where are your three most ticklish spots?

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 15: Have you ever done something that you’ve regretted? What was it, and what lesson did you learn?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: I toilet-papered MacKenzie’s house as a joke. But I learned that even a harmless prank can sometimes have serious consequences.

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 16: What feels the coziest on a cold winter night: a fleece nightgown, fuzzy pj’s, or footie pajamas?

  YEAR 1:

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  YEAR 2:

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  DECEMBER 17: “I’m always a nervous wreck whenever __________.”

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Whenever we have a test in geometry !

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  YEAR 2: