Page 7 of Taunting Destiny

  I jumped as the shower door slammed open, and Ryder walked inside naked, his smile all predator with no trace of the gentle creature who’d held me all night and made me feel safe. I had just finished washing my hair, so I stepped back as he crowded me, until I felt the cool black slate tiles against my flesh.

  “I'd run, little girl, before I decide the sight of your tight, wet body is too much for my puny little caveman brain to resist.”

  “Seriously, did you climb in here just to tell me that?” I challenged with a glint of anger in my eyes.

  He was baiting me, provoking me—and it was working. His eyes glanced off to the side for a second, and he seemed to get more annoyed.

  “Your boyfriend is waiting for you in the club,” he snapped, and dismissed me as he grabbed the soap.

  “Why do you even bother with a shower? That neat magic trick you do is a lot faster.”

  “Faster isn’t always better, it’s just more convenient. Sometimes, Syn, this feels…better on my flesh. Like other things, I like to feel it, and enjoy it.” He smiled wickedly and ran his eyes down my body…slowly, hungrily.

  With hungry eyes I watched him lather his body. His hands slow and methodical as they dipped lower to stroke his cock with the soap. I mewled as my eyes feasted on him until I heard his dangerous rumble that ripped my eyes back to his. “You’re staring at my cock again, Syn. Either get on your knees and fuck me with your mouth or get out.”

  He was a bastard. I pushed past him and tried to leave the shower, but his hand snaked out and pulled me back into the water with him. His eyes watched me expectantly, waiting. I pulled my arm away and turned to shove the door open and leaving him and his bi-polar ass behind. I was beginning to think that he did it on purpose, that he was trying to push me away.

  Chapter Eight

  Adrian wouldn’t even look at me, let alone talk to me. I didn’t blame him for it. This was my mess, and I’d dragged him into it. I'd kissed him, unable to stop myself, while trying to fight against something I couldn’t control.

  Everyone assembled in the mansion’s foyer. The air was tense and no one was making eye contact with me, except Ristan. The Demon was the only one who seemed to want to push Ryder's buttons. “Looking ravishing as always, Syn, or should I say ravished?” he waggled his eyebrows and smiled impishly.

  “Neither?” I offered, feeling eyes lock onto my back.

  “You slept in his bed. Interesting turn of events,” he continued.

  “Your point? I’m assuming you have one.” I growled.

  “Oh, I don't have a point, not one I'd volunteer while you have Ryder's brand on you. That would be suicide.” The last word was tossed in Adrian's direction.

  “Oh, Ristan, I didn’t know this was a show.” I stepped closer to him, grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to my face. “You sure you don't want a taste?” I licked my lips and watched his eyes lower to my full mouth. “Just a little one?” I was teasing him, and he knew it.

  “Tempting, Flower, but you won't find me losing my neck just for a kiss—it would have to be much more for me to take that leap.”

  I pushed him away, just in time to feel Ryder's eyes on my skin. I turned to catch him watching me with murder in his gaze. “Trying to catch flies with all that honey, Pet?”

  “Just getting in some practice for when this brand comes off.”

  “Is that so?” he challenged, stepping closer to Ristan, the threat visibly clear.

  I glared at him. “Blame me, Ryder, not the ones I’m trying to catch.”

  “Make no mistake, Synthia, I will blame all the guilty parties involved,” he challenged me, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Ryder's amber eyes scanned my face as if to say this wasn’t over, and he was right. He didn't own me, and he damn well wasn’t going to tell me who I could fuck if he planned on going all caveman every time I didn’t swoon at his feet. I was adapting to the best of my abilities.

  I smirked at him, knowing he'd witnessed my display of teasing Ristan.

  “Fucking try me, little girl. Just fucking try me,” he growled, as the rattling noise started deep inside his chest. I blinked, seeing something shining from deep inside his eyes, as if something, besides the man, was staring back at me.

  “Should I get on my knees and beg, Ryder? Would that please you?” I asked, feeling sweat bead on the back of my neck. I didn’t know why I was trying to antagonize him. Only that I was, and I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

  “I promise to make you beg, later. In the meantime, try keeping that fucking snarky mouth to yourself, Pet,” he growled in warning.

  “Make me,” I shot back.

  When Ryder got pissed, I could see something beneath his cool façade. He was always in control—except around me. And I wanted to know what it was he was hiding. He moved in closer, the rattle intensifying. “You don’t want to challenge me. I like to win. I like to play games, just so I can win.”

  I shivered and pulled away from him. “Promises, promises, Ryder.” I turned to meet his men's shocked faces. “What?” I barked, fed up with the testosterone level in the mansion.

  “We are gathering and meeting your Guild at the Darklands,” Ryder said, holding out his hand for me.

  “I can sift by myself!” I snapped.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I was irritated, and my skin felt on fire. I blinked and shook my head, and ended up throwing out my arms and holding onto Ryder for support as I lost my balance. He scanned my face and narrowed his eyes on me. “What's wrong, Syn?”

  “I'm fine. Just a little dizzy. It’s probably from not eating today.”

  “Sift then,” he said, stepping back, while everyone in the room watched us. I closed my eyes and imagined his club, but my mind latched onto Ryder and I didn’t move. I waited for the weightless feeling I'd experienced in his shower, when I'd sifted to him before. Nothing happened. I snorted and shook my head and tried again.

  This time the weightlessness came and I smiled, until I hit something hard and bounced off of it to the sounds of laughter and snorts. I opened my eyes and looked up from where I sat on the floor of the foyer—at his feet. “I sifted,” I said proud of myself, even if I had only sifted to Ryder.

  “That's twice in one day you landed at my feet, Synthia. I think I preferred the first time in my shower,” Ryder replied wickedly, watching me as his words brought heat to my cheeks.

  Adrian gave an angry grumble next to Vlad, who was quick to check his attitude. “That’s enough, Adrian.”

  I swallowed past the pinch of regret and looked up to Ryder, who had held his hand out. I slapped it away and got to my feet, closing my eyes. I sifted again and, this time, the entire room erupted into laughter with the exception of mine, Ryder's, and Adrian's. I felt hot tears pushing against my eyes, but I held them in check as I climbed off my ass again.

  I ground my teeth together and held out my hand for Ryder to sift me. He shook his head and took it, pulling me in close against himself. “Sifting takes time,” he whispered close to my ear, before he sifted us inside his elegant club. It looked the same as it did before the bomb had gone off and killed seventeen Fae. Ryder had blamed it on my Guild, but, in the end, I'd proven it wasn't and prevented a bloody war.

  “Thanks,” I said when I had my bearings, and tried to step away from his touch.

  “It's sexy, Syn,” he whispered, refusing to move away from me as I tried to put distance between us.

  “What's sexy?” I asked, even though I was afraid to know the answer.

  “That every time you sift, you land at my feet.” He smirked and turned, walking away as he left me with my mouth hanging open.

  I looked around the club. It looked so different during the daylight hours when it was closed. It was still elegant, but something was missing without the music, flashing lights, and partying people.

  I rubbed the back of my neck and found it drenched in sweat. Maybe I had picked up a flu bug somewhere. It would be just my luck and, c
onsidering I was supposed to be immune to everything, getting sick would just be the icing on the cake.

  “You look like you could use a drink,” Vlad said from behind me. I turned and looked into his beautiful silver eyes. He led me over to the bar while the rest of Ryder’s group fanned out to the tables to meet with a few of the Fae that were waiting for them. I didn’t recognize any of these Fae.

  “Is Adrian okay?” I blurted anxiously, since I felt I'd been the one to get him beaten up by Ryder. I slipped onto one of the bar stools, while Vlad made his way behind the bar.

  “He's tough. Some lessons have to be driven home. He knew you were off limits. He made a choice, and that falls on his shoulders—not yours.”

  “I kissed him, Vlad, he didn’t kiss me,” I argued.

  “So you did, but he didn't pull away from you. He took it further by placing his hands on you when he knew better. That makes it his fault. He’s been warned against doing it many times.”

  “Contract or not, Vlad, I'm not a piece of property, and I'm not some fucking animal that Ryder can collar and claim as his own. He had no right to brand me.”

  “Be that as it may, Syn, he did, and it can't be undone unless he removes it. Drink? Gin and tonic right?” Vlad said, already turning and diving into the endless bottles behind the bar.

  “Please, make it strong,” I mumbled, turning away from Vlad to take in everyone who was in the bar. I was surprised to find Alden sitting further down the bar by himself, watching me carefully with a sad smile. He was surrounded by the few Guild issue guards who stood just far enough away to give him a little breathing room.

  Alden nodded and started towards me, settling on the seat next to me as his elite guards took standing positions close enough to protect him, should the need arise, but far enough away to give him some semblance of privacy.

  “We gotta stop meeting like this,” I said with a quirky smile.

  “This one is bad, not saying the last one wasn't,” he rushed the last words in when I glared and opened my mouth to say just what he had. “This one looks like it was more than likely radicals. Hate crimes are unstable and unpredictable. I'm relieved to know you are with him.” Alden nodded in Ryder's direction and continued. “He won't let anything happen to you. The National Guild in Washington D.C. wants us to assist the Prince on this one. I told them I had my best working side by side with him, Synthia.”

  “Did you tell them I was your best?” I looked right at him and saw his hesitation. “Figures. Wouldn’t want them to know I'm on the job, anyway.”

  Not that I had known I was.

  “Are you okay, Synthia?” Alden asked when I wiped the sweat from my forehead and neck yet again.

  “I'm fine,” I growled.

  “Don't use that word on me, girl. I taught you to say it, and I know you better than you think I do. You're sweating profusely, Synthia Raine.” He held his hand up to my cheek and swore. “You're burning up.”

  “I'm fine, just coming down with something,” I snapped, tired of being told what I was and wasn’t.

  “Drink this, Syn. It might help,” Vlad said setting the glass down on a napkin and pushing it closer to me. I accepted it and threw back the glass, drinking it all, and enjoyed the burn as the alcohol slid down my throat.

  “Another one,” I said, sliding my tongue over my teeth.

  “Your wish is my command,” Vlad said, eyeing me carefully, before looking past me to where Ryder sat with his men, pouring over what I assumed were crime scene pictures. Vlad quickly made another drink and pushed it to the place where the empty glass still sat. “Syn, when you cured those people earlier—what did it feel like?” Vlad asked, leaning against the bar and using his folded forearm for support on the glossy surface.

  “I don’t remember. I just remember being pissed that we couldn't help them. I was pissed at feeling useless, and was tired of death. It's stupid. I don’t understand why someone would do that to another being—even if they are Fae. I'm tired of people pretending to be God and deciding to end someone else's life, just because they can!” I was shouting, and the entire bar had gone silent. I slumped down and shook my head—this wasn’t me. Normally I could control myself better.

  “The blood called to you?” Vlad continued, as if I hadn’t just had a mini-meltdown.

  “I don't know. I just knew I could do it. Knew if I removed the iron they would live, or hoped they would, anyway. I have no idea how, or why I did it, Vlad, I only know that being helpless isn't something I like or will accept.”

  “You removed the iron. You saved everyone in that room, Syn. My question is—did you feel the need to taste it?”

  “You mean did I want to rip into their necks and suck the blood?” I narrowed my eyes on his silver ones.

  “Something like that, yes.”

  “No, I'm not a vampire.” Ewww….

  “But, you cleaned Fae of iron—from their blood. And you seem to have won over Ryder’s men by doing so.” He replied, reaching over for the empty glass, before tipping his head to where Sinjinn sat smiling at me invitingly. Sinjinn was another of the men who was always close at Ryder’s side.

  “And?” I blinked at Sinjinn and shook my head.

  “And that’s not an easy feat. They are loyal to one and one alone. Yet, you have them looking at you with respect now.”

  “I’m supposed to care?” I snapped, feeling my head swim as heat seemed to pool into one central location, and it was pissing me off.

  “Syn, are you okay?” Vlad asked cautiously.

  “I'm fine, just feel weird.”

  “Feverish?” he questioned, while handing me yet another drink. I nodded, and he shook his head and looked back to where Ryder was sitting.

  I shook my head, and grabbed the glass from the bar. I walked to where Ryder was sitting with a few of his men and a few Fae I hadn't met yet. Heat blossomed from my core and flared through me again, making me halt dizzily for a moment. I ignored the heated looks I got when I interrupted the conversation by placing my glass on his table. Ryder's nostrils flared as his eyes locked with mine and lowered, sliding lustfully down my body. “Like it?” I purred and enjoyed the shock in his eyes as they flew back up to meet mine.

  “Syn, are you feeling okay?” he asked, coming up to stand beside me. His eyes scanned the men in the club, who were all now looking at me. I felt sexual and erotic. His eyes lit up as he took me in.

  “I feel fine. Why does everyone keep asking that?” I replied in a raspy voice.

  “You’re sweating, and you look…”

  “Hot?” I asked, smiling impishly.

  “Sick.” He didn’t agree with me, which made me tilt my head awkwardly.

  “I’m on fire,” I whispered and closed my eyes, feeling the room tilt around me.

  “Sinjinn, go get Eliran,” Ryder mumbled from where he stood next to me as his eyes took me in carefully, seductively.

  “I feel amazing,” I said reaching for him and pulling him closer to my body.

  “Syn…” Ryder warned as he scanned the club. “Fucking hell, woman.”

  I turned my heated face around and found every male in the place watching me with lustful looks—well, with the exception of Alden and his guards. They just looked really confused, and unsure of what was happening. I felt like the sexiest bitch on the planet. Fucking hell was right…

  “Ryder…” I growled huskily, not sure if I wanted to throw him on the table and ride him like a fucking horse, or curl into the fetal position and cry. I was in Transition.

  “Syn, don’t fucking move. Just hold still and stop rubbing your…” His eyes dropped down to my hand, and I followed his gaze. I was grinding myself on my own hand. What the hell was wrong with me?

  Ryder stepped closer to me, his eyes glowing golden amber before the thick lines of obsidian swallowed them. “I claim you, Syn. Agree?” His voice almost sounded strangled.

  When I didn’t agree, he growled a sound, so inhuman that I found myself intrigued, and I
wanted to see what was inside of him; to see the layers of this creature bared before me. I licked my lips and stepped closer. “I’m so hungry, Ryder. Help me.”

  “Dammit, Synthia, focus. Don’t make me fight my own men. You have to choose, them or me. Now.”

  His men? The thirteen hard bodied men surrounding me? Oooh, and there were a few other Fae closing in as well. Oh, fuck yeah. That would be a ride… I purred, throatily, considering it. I could take them—all of them. I closed my eyes and inhaled the musky masculine scent of the Fae around me. All were now throwing some serious fuck me vibes my way. I wanted them all and, I wanted them now. My inner naughty girl was telling me to choose them, while, somewhere deep inside I fought against the overwhelming rush of hormones that were trying to control me.

  “Ryder…” I couldn’t get more than his name out.

  “Say it,” he snarled and stepped closer to me.

  I opened my eyes and stepped away from him. I could hear the others growling and pushing past each other, trying to get closer to me. I growled, hungrily, wanting each and every one of them to take a turn. I wanted to feed from them all. I shook my head, trying to dispel the things running through it. He placed his hands on my shoulders and tugged me close to himself.

  “Pet, listen to me very carefully. I won’t force you to choose me. But I won’t allow my men to take you. They will hate themselves afterwards. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Ryder was talking, but it wasn’t penetrating inside my brain.

  I wanted sex, and I didn’t care who fucked me right now. I shook my head. That wasn’t right. I shouldn’t think like that. I wiped my face with my hands and moaned as I felt the touch of my skin. I shook my head harder and met his eyes, black and deadly.

  My Ryder.

  I reached out, and my vision swam and doubled. Oooh! Two Ryder’s…hot damn. “I want you both,” I whispered through my dry mouth. Two Ryder’s—I’d won the fucking lottery! Jackpot baby.

  “Both of us? Both of who, Syn?”