Page 8 of Taunting Destiny

  “Both of you, Ryder,” I replied, already trying to remove my clothes.

  “Fuck,” he gritted out, scrubbing his hands over his face. He pulled me against himself and struggled to gain control of my hands. I didn’t understand why he wanted me to stop. Didn’t he want me naked? “Choose, or I’m going to break my own fucking rule with you, Syn. I’ll fuck you right in front of them and show them who you belong to.”

  The males in the room growled with approval, and my inner naughty girl smiled. My hips flared as moisture pooled between my legs. “I want you to feed me, Ryder, both of you.”

  “Syn, there is only one of me.”

  “So you say, but I don’t think the God’s would be so cruel to only make one of you, when two could be so much fun.”

  His lips jerked up at the corners of his mouth. “You couldn’t handle two of me, Pet. You can hardly take me as is. You need to decide, before you start a fucking riot.”

  I smiled and bit softly into his neck, enjoying the animal-like rumble that vibrated through him. “Woman, you are going to be the death of me,” he whispered and grabbed my hair to pull my face back.

  “I want you, Ryder.”

  I blinked as his eyes closed in relief, his forehead leaning against mine as he released my hair. “Say it louder so they can hear you, Pet.”

  “I choose you,” I growled hungrily and closed my eyes, feeling the world spin around me as I did so. When I opened them again, I was standing across the room from Ryder. Zahruk was smiling down at me with something more in his eyes than should have been there. Had I just sifted? Without landing at Ryder’s feet?

  “I say we take turns, she can handle it. One at a time, at first, then both. Until she’s so full of cock, she knows nothing but the need to ride it harder.”

  I blinked…shook my head and tried to find Ryder.

  “Z,” Ryder warned.

  “Ryder, she’s woman enough to fuck us all. I want my cock inside of her at least once before tonight is over.”

  “Not going to happen, brother. She’s mine. She chose me.”

  “I want her,” Sinjinn said, sifting back in.

  “I want her as well,” Savlian said, smiling wickedly as he strolled even closer.

  I was starting to get whiplash, and the distinct feeling that I should have sifted my ass to safety, because it was in danger of being violated. I turned, watching Ristan stroll up with a smile on his lips.

  “I should have made popcorn for this shit. It’s about to get real in this bitch, finally,” he said and slid into one of the booths close to Ryder.

  “Ristan…you good?” Ryder asked with marked strain on his face.

  “By good, you mean I don’t want to drive my cock inside the petals of my little Flower?”

  Ryder nodded.

  “Yeah, I’m good. No intense need to fuck her. Yet.”

  “Good. Make sure they don’t kill themselves then. When they come around, send them out of here. You and Z are in charge. Let me know if there are any leads or if anything comes up—especially from the healers. We stay on top of this. I need to be kept in the loop.” Ristan snorted at that statement.

  “Like you’ll be in any condition to attend to anything over the next couple of days,” he smirked.

  Ryder’s eyes narrowed angrily at Ristan. “You and Z know what to do for the time being. Send Asrian and Sinjinn to watch the field, in case those assholes come back to drop off any more wounded. Have them trade off with Cailean and Aodhan, if need be. This is a scouting mission only. No one is to take unnecessary chances without me present. If you find any more wounded or dead Fae, you are to notify me at once. I need to know right away if anything happens. These are our people dying, and it is our job to protect them if we can. Figure something out for the rest of them to do to keep them busy, Vlad?” Ryder asked as I moved closer to him, watching the men do the same.

  They were stalking me, I moved, and they all followed. I smiled and continued to move, watching as they followed me like a pack of wolves cornering prey. I giggled like a drunken school girl, even as Ryder shook his head.

  “Ryder…you need to get her and that fucking sweet musky scent, the fuck out of here. I only have so much fucking restraint, Man!” Vlad growled from the bar where his fingers were white from holding himself in place.

  “Vlad,” Ryder sighed. “You liaise with the Guild if need be.”

  Others were grabbing themselves in inappropriate places with sweat beading on their foreheads and wild looks on their faces, reminding me of the night of the Wild Hunt. Adrian was one of them, and the pain in his vivid blue eyes floored me. Ryder noticed it as well and, pulled me closer.

  “They will be all right once I get you out of here, Synthia. It is a natural instinct for us to react when a woman goes into Transition…This is why I wanted you close to me.”

  “Take me out of here if I’m hurting them,” I whispered, feeling another wave of heat as it started to spike inside of me. He smiled and pulled me closer as we started towards the elevators that were no longer guarded. The guards stationed near the elevators hadn’t been immune to me either and were currently straining to stay upright against the wall, away from their post, and had such pain and longing in their eyes that I had to look away from them.

  Chapter Nine

  We took the elevator down several floors below the club and quietly exited out into a fairly dark hallway. We passed several doors and stopped before one that was fairly ornate and had wards in a beautiful, elegant script above the door frame, sealing the room. Ryder passed his hand over them to disable the wards, and the door popped open. He gave me a small smile and motioned for me to pass through into the darkened room. I peered around the room and couldn’t see anything—no furniture, just a blank dark room. He waited until the door closed before he turned to look down at me. His eyes were glowing from his hunger, the gold having finally returned to them. He stepped closer as I took an involuntary step backwards.

  “Second guessing your choice, Pet?” he smirked, his body dripping with sexual confidence.

  “No,” I said, honestly. I had no doubt that Ryder was the right man to fuck me silly, or that he’d get the job done. He’d save me from myself, if need be.

  “Looks like I’m getting that little fucking Fairy happy meal after all,” he smiled impishly as he watched me.

  “I ache everywhere,” I whimpered, ignoring his comment as another wave of blazing heat shot through my body.

  He sniffed, and licked his teeth hungrily. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

  “We need some ground rules,” I shot back at him as the butterflies began to fight inside my stomach.

  “No rules. Not for this—not that kind, at least. You won’t be able to follow them soon anyway.” He turned and passed his hand just above the door frame and set the wards on this side of the door.

  “Ryder,” I whined as my hands swept down, and ran over my wet, sleek heat. Ryder moved in closer to me and pulled me into his arms, resting his head on top of mine. This was pretty effective for helping me keep my hands to myself.

  “I need to make sure you understand what is about to happen to you. Do you remember how out of control Adam seemed to be when he attacked you? By that point, he was in full Transition. If my men hadn’t stopped him, there’s a very good chance that he could have killed you. Because you hadn’t Transitioned yet, he would have fed until he’d drained you of soul and mind, leaving nothing of you when he was finished. You’re going to be the same way soon.”

  I shivered and nodded. That part, I knew. “I won’t hurt you though, right?” I asked.

  “No. I will have to restrain you at first to make sure you don’t hurt either of us. I also need you to answer something for me honestly. Do you trust me in this room?”

  “What’s that got to do with anything?” I mumbled, unsure where he was going with it.

  “I want to dominate you. That need doesn’t ever stop for me when I am around you. Here and now, though, you
will need me to be gentle. Soon, you will be the one trying to dominate me. You’re going to only have one thing on your mind, Pet, and that’s the need to feed. I need to know if you trust me, Synthia.”

  I shivered at the intensity of heat in his eyes. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, I did. Well, inside this room I did. Outside we were still shady. “In this room,” I replied watching his lips tensed in wait for my answer. “I trust you, Ryder, in this room.”

  His lips turned up at the corners, and it made my heart flip in my chest. This beautiful creature was about to bring me over to his world, to our world. I watched as he ran his hands through his hair and nodded.

  “Will you let me have control of your body? Will you let me control your pleasure, and rule it for Transition?” he asked as he stepped closer.

  “Define control,” I asked through trembling lips.

  He gave me a lopsided grin. “It’s almost the full moon outside, Pet. In Faery, we call it the Fae Moon, because it creates a fever of hunger in each one of us that fights to be let loose. This makes sex off the charts for our race, and is going to add to your Transition. In order for me to control your pleasure, I need to be in full control of your body—at least until you go mindless, at that point you will do anything to get what you want, and need.”

  I shivered and shook my head. I didn’t want to become a mindless fuck machine. It was bad enough that my entire life had been flipped upside down, but now I was going to go crazy and Ryder was more than willing to become my victim. “You have it, Ryder, for Transition only.”

  “Good enough for me,” he whispered and stepped closer to me. My mind was running different scenarios, overburdened with what was coming, and what was going to happen soon. I felt my eyes burn as tears fought to push through. “Don’t be afraid, Syn,” he whispered and smiled reassuringly. “We are good together. I promise not to hurt you, or to let you hurt me. I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”

  His thumb wiped away the tears, and he kissed me. I moaned hungrily against his mouth. I tried to stop the sob, but it was out before I could. He pulled me against himself until he cradled my head against his well-defined chest. “I got you. You’re safe.”

  “I can’t do this,” I cried softly, trying to push the weakness away. This wasn’t just about Transition. It was what I would be afterwards.

  “Look at me,” Ryder whispered thickly.

  I met his molten gaze, and gasped at the strength I found there. He stood at arm’s length, giving me room to panic if I decided to. I was afraid of what I was becoming. He could see it, as he saw everything, as if he was in-sync with my emotions and mind.

  “It’s okay to panic if you need to, Synthia. I understand. You were not given a lot of time to come to terms with what you are. Most are born knowing what they are, and accept what they will go through.”

  “I am not panicking. I don’t panic. Why would I panic?” Shit! I was sooo panicking!

  He snorted, but the grin that lifted his full mouth told me he was not mocking me. I probably would have laughed at myself, if not for the dire situation. “Of course you don’t. You’re Synthia and, from what I have seen, you can handle pretty much anything that gets thrown at you.”

  “What do we do now?” I asked lamely, letting the fear show in my eyes.

  “Well, you can get on the bed and start, or I can help you get there. Soon, your hunger will take over, and you will need to feed. Right now, I’m trying to give you choices so that this is as easy for you as it can be,” he said calmly, bringing his arms up behind his head and locking his fingers together. He shook his head and smiled gently, his muscles straining against his cotton shirt. “I’m here to help you, Synthia, not hurt you. This isn’t something you can do alone, or even control. It’s going to happen whether you want it to or not.”

  Something about Ryder and the word “bed” coming from his lips made my lady parts get all wet. I groaned. “Great, so I'm going to turn into the horny version of Cookie Monster?” I squeaked trying to lighten the sober mood.

  He smiled and kissed my forehead. “Tell me when you're ready for me. Right now, you smell like the most exotic drug, and I'm a fucking addict. Understand?” he replied hoarsely.

  “Am I going to be like Adam was?” I asked, not bothering to hide the fear in my eyes or voice from him.

  “I have no idea, but I'm all for you forcing my cock into every place it will go.” He wiggled his eyebrows even as I blanched.

  “Seriously, who says shit like that at a time like this?” I asked out loud, but he just laughed. The sound was strangely comforting.

  “Transition isn't something that happens a lot anymore. Our people struggle to keep their children alive, often they do not survive infancy, much less make it as far as Transition. Those Fae upstairs, they were all willing to fight just to prove they were strong enough to feed you—it's twisted into the fiber or our being, and branded into our souls. No female in Transition should ever suffer. It’s the greatest gift a male of the race can ever receive from a woman.”

  “And you laid claim to mine. Isn’t that kind of like cheating?” I asked, lifting a brow pointedly.

  “Pet, I'm not above admitting to the fact that I cheated to get what I want. I want you right now, and that should scare the fuck out of you. I have never wanted anything as badly as I want to be buried inside of you. Yes, I cheated, and yes, you agreed. You might hate me after this, but I promise to fuck you until you need no other man inside of you. I promise to be what you need right now, and more. By the time I am done with you, I will know you inside and out, and you will know how absolute pleasure feels.”

  “What are you, Ryder?” I asked, lifting my eyes to meet his.

  “I'm the one who is going to bring you into my world, Syn, into our world. I’m the one who’s going to make you scream my name, very soon.”

  I rolled my head on my neck. Sweat was beading on my forehead, and the nape of my neck was wet with it. I felt on fire, and it scared me. I was changing. My pulse was spiking as blood hummed inside my head, my ears listening astutely to the beat of it. It caused my body to sway along to the beat, seductively. I must have closed my eyes at some time during the overwhelming sensations, because a throaty growl made me open them.

  Ryder was standing in front of me. His shirt had been removed, and he was holding a thin silver necklace in his hands that looked somewhat like an elegant collar. His eyes searched mine for an answer. “It’s beginning. Can you feel the call of it?” he asked, watching me closely.

  “I’m afraid,” I repeated my earlier words. “I’m afraid of what will happen. I’m afraid that I won’t remember it.”

  “I’ll walk you through every moment of it, if that is what you want when you come through it.” He offered.

  “What if I turn into a monster?” I asked, failing to keep the hesitation from my voice. I could turn into anything, and, knowing I could wake up and be part of the Horde, was mind boggling.

  “You won’t be a monster, and if you do change into one—you will still be mine. Personally, I like a woman with horns and a sexy little tail.”

  “I think I have a fever,” I replied lamely, not wanting to even consider the fact of being a monster.

  He smiled roguishly, his lips kicking up in the corners as he stepped forward. “I need to get this on you before you get further into the Transition. This will keep you from sifting out. The chains on the bed will allow you to move, for now, but they will allow me to keep my distance if need be.”

  “So, you can torture me by refusing to give me what I need?” I asked confused.

  “Oh, Pet, I plan to feed you everything you need, and much, much more. I’m not going to make you hurt, or torture you in any way…unless it adds to your pleasure,” he grinned knowingly as he bent over, placing my nose entirely too close to his masculine scent. I growled hungrily and felt something pushing inside of me, trying to get out.

  As he secured the collar around my neck, I felt a strong pulse
of magic swirl through the room, and a candle flared to life. Then two, three, and five—then more as they lit up, all in ornate holders set into the walls at different points around the room. It created a shadowed effect. I scanned the room carefully, my eyes landing on the bed. It was big enough to fit several people on it, just like the rest of the beds I had begun to associate Ryder with; however, this one had a modern feel, with its thick, black metal frame surrounding the mattress and four rail-like posts that rose above the bed several feet, bending to a graceful curve that ended in a square black rail canopy that was slightly smaller than the mattress. The canopy was topped with small brass spires where it met each post. Black silk sheets covered the mattress, and an amazing supply of pillows was stacked in front of the headboard. Attached to each post were long silver chains that were secured to a sturdy looking thick, black leather cuff.

  Vases, filled with red and white roses, were set randomly around the room. I looked at him and caught a hint of unease, as if this wasn’t something he did often—if ever. I took it in slowly, knowing I’d soon be unable to appreciate the beauty. Ryder cleared his voice a little.

  “Transition only happens once, Pet. I believe you said that women liked to be—what was it you said—wined and dined?” I had to smile at the thoughtfulness of Ryder trying to set me at ease with everything that was going to happen. It was so out of character for him, and, yet, it tugged at my heart that he was trying.

  “Thank you,” I said softly, at a loss for anything else to say.

  I was running out of time, losing a battle with whatever was inside of me. I walked slowly towards the bed. I wanted it to be my own choice to be chained not because I had to be, but because I wanted to be. I bent low on the black sheets and crawled across them until I was in the middle of the bed.

  “Okay, Fairy, let’s do this.” My voice sounded a bit shaky.

  “Fairy is it?” he asked, lifting a single brow.

  “Yup,” I whispered.

  He smiled, and sifted. He reappeared between my legs, his huge frame holding mine down gently. He sank further into the mattress with a naughty grin on his mouth. “Scared?” he asked, watching me tremble. I didn’t need to answer him. He could see it in the way my lip quivered, and the way my body trembled with the unknown. He reached over and gently secured one wrist with a thick leather cuff, and then did the other one. The chains attached to the cuffs jangled a bit, which startled me, but sent a coil of heat pooling to my core. I was at his mercy, and he had none—not in bed.