Page 15 of Garrett

  The scraping sound of skates hitting the ice filters in, and my eyes sweep the ice as the players pour onto it. It's hard to recognize them, because they don't have on their game jerseys. About half the players are in plain white jerseys and half in plain black.

  My eyes roam over each player briefly, and immediately I recognize Garrett. Even with his helmet on, I recognize the length of his hair and his strong jaw and chin in profile. When he turns my way, his green eyes glow and he raises his hand slightly in a wave to me.

  It feels like a million little mice are pitter-pattering over my heart, and, yeah...I'm also hit with a rush of desire for this man, because, damn...he's so fucking hot decked out in his gear.

  "Close your mouth," Sutton whispers to me. "I'm afraid drool might start flowing out."

  I shoot her a quick glare, but snap my mouth shut so I don't slobber all over myself.

  "Hey, Sutton," I hear, and my head turns to find a really pretty girl about my age with dark blond hair plopping down into the seat next to her.

  "Hey, Gina. Where's Benjamin?" Sutton asks.

  "My parents are visiting and they have him for the day. Figured I'd come out and watch the scrimmage."

  Sutton turns to me. "Olivia...this is Gina Toast. Her man is Zack Grantham and they have an adorable little boy named Benjamin."

  I reach across Sutton and shake Gina's hand. "I'm Olivia...Sutton's cousin. Nice to meet you."

  She gives me a wide, friendly smile. "Likewise. So, coming out to help Sutton support Alex?"

  Before I can even answer, Sutton jumps in and with relish says, "No way. She's dating Garrett. He's nuts about her."

  Gina's jaw drops and her gaze slowly slides back and forth between me and Sutton. "Get out of town."

  Then she pins me with a direct stare. "Seriously? You landed Garrett Samuelson, renowned ladies' man and king of the one-night stand?"

  I can't help but laugh, and whereas most girlfriends would be offended, it's completely true what she just said. "Well...we've gone out for a week and a half now, which I've been told is a record in his book."

  "That's practically like him marrying you...or doing a blood pact. A week and half?"

  All of us laugh, and I'm sure the more people that find out that Garrett is seeing one woman now, it is going to cause lots of raised eyebrows and colorful comments.

  "So, which one is Zack?" I ask Gina, as the coach blows the whistle and several of the players head to the bench, leaving five guys in white jerseys and five guys in black jerseys around the center ice circle.

  "He's actually the second guy to the right of Garrett," Gina says as she points to him. I can't tell much, other than he's tall and big like the rest of them.

  "He's on Garrett's team," I point out, noting that both of them are wearing black jerseys.

  Garrett had invited me to this scrimmage a few days ago. His words came off as if it wasn't a big deal to him, but I could tell by his tone he really wanted me to come. I'm not sure if it was the prospect of having someone to support him, or maybe he just wanted to make a statement to everyone that he was off the market. Regardless, I couldn't say no, and Stevie was only all too happy to give me the time off since I wouldn't take a full week off after my treatments as he had demanded.

  The scrimmage would last only thirty minutes, and Garrett told me the coaches would choose the teams. Looks like Garrett and Zack will be on the same line together, but Alex is wearing a white jersey.

  "I'll bet you twenty dollars that Garrett's team wins," I say suddenly to Sutton.

  She blinks at me in surprise, then her lips curl upward in a challenging smile. "You're on, and your man is going down, bitch."

  Gina laughs at both of us, and then the whistle blows and we are all cheering our men on.


  We all head over to Houlihan's after the scrimmage game, which is a popular hangout with the locals and the hockey players. While their celebrity causes a bit of a stir, for the most part, the customers are used to having professional athletes among them and aren't too obnoxious.

  Of course, as soon as we sit down, a few fans trickle over to ask for autographs. It's beyond adorable to watch Alex, Garrett, and Zack talk to the kids that come up. Not so adorable the women that bat their eyelashes and speak in breathy moans. Sutton and Gina ignore them, talking to each other while the men sign autographs and chat with the fans, but this is my first real experience with Garrett's celebrity. I find it fascinating, a little exciting, and yeah...a little annoying the way the women act.

  Garrett speaks with everyone the same. A friendly smile, a quick pose for the camera. He doesn't flirt with the women, but doesn't ignore them either. I recognize something hot flowing through me and I realize it's a bit of jealousy. And maybe doubt. Because some of the women that flock to him are really, really gorgeous.

  "You'll get used to it," Gina says as she leans around Sutton to look at me.

  I swing my gaze back to her and have to chuckle. "Is it always like this?"

  "Sometimes," Sutton says. "Particularly in here, because this is a known hangout for the Cold Fury. But there are times Alex and I go out and no one ever says a word."

  "Not enjoying the women that seem to seek them out," I mutter softly so the guys can't hear me. Not that they would even be paying attention...what with all the flirty boob being bandied about.

  "Yeah...that really takes a bit to get used to," Gina says with a wise nod. "You just have to trust your guy to do right. There's some guys on the team that are whores...cheat on their wives when they're on the road. But others are golden."

  I turn back and take in a cursory glance as Alex, Zack, and Garrett hang out with the fans a few feet from the table we had been seated at. They look to be in their element, and truly this is nothing more to them than part of their job.

  Turning back to Gina, I ask, "How long have you and Zack been married?"

  "Oh, we're not married," she says with a smile. "We've been together almost seven years now."

  "And no urge to tie the knot?" I ask teasingly.

  "Not really. We're both happy like this. I's tough sometimes that women think he's available because he doesn't have a ring on his finger, but Zack sets them straight."

  "I totally understand," I tell her with commiseration. "My mom and dad didn't get married. I mean...they did some type of hippie ceremony, but nothing legal."

  Gina laughs and Sutton gives a snort. "Well, I'm happy to be married to Alex, but honestly, I'd be happy just being with him, so I get you, Gina."

  A waitress comes up to take our drink orders. "Do you ladies know what you want to drink? I can come back for their orders," she says as she nods over to the guys.

  "I'll have a Blue Moon," Gina says. "And I know what Zack wants. He'll take a Guinness on draft."

  Sutton says, "I'll take a glass of your house Riesling, and Alex will have a Sam Adams."

  The waitress turns to look at me. "Um...I'll just have a Bud Light. I have no clue what Garrett wants."

  "He drinks Sam Adams too," Sutton supplies to the waitress, who nods and gives us a quick smile before leaving.

  "How do I not know what Garrett drinks?" I ask in bemusement. "I think I just failed my first test."

  "Failed your first test in what?" Garrett asks as he sits down in the chair next to me and scoots it a little closer. His arm comes up to casually rest on my shoulders and he leans in to kiss me on my temple. He's so fucking natural at all of these little things...the touches, the looks. It's like he was born to be with someone, and I'm just lucky enough that right now, it's apparently me.

  "I didn't know what you drink," I say with a sad face and a dramatic whine. "I don't know anything about you at all."

  Garrett snorts and leans in to give me a not-so-swift kiss. When he pulls away, he says, "That's not true. You know more about me than most."

  "Like what?" I dare him to prove me not a fool.

  "What's my favorite candy?"

br />   "What position do I play?"

  I roll my eyes. "Right wing."

  "Favorite food?"

  "Steak, medium rare, with grilled veggies."

  "Favorite song?"

  " 'Eleanor Rigby,' Beatles."

  I look around the table and no one is paying us any attention. Zack has his arm around Gina, whispering something in her ear, and Alex is showing Sutton something on his iPhone.

  Garrett leans in closer to me and places his lips near my ear. The nearness of him causes goose bumps to break out on my arms. "What's my favorite sexual position?" he whispers subtly.

  My entire body quakes from the sexual promise in his voice and his breath along my neck. "That's one I don't know," I murmur back.

  "Well, for future tests, my favorite is with my face between your legs."

  I have to clamp said legs together hard to relieve the sudden ache there. Garrett gives me a knowing look and then leans back into his own chair, turning toward Alex. "Hey, dude...what are you and Sutton doing this weekend?"

  Alex turns his attention to Garrett. "No plans. Why?"

  "How about the four of us go somewhere? Like an amusement park or something fun." Turning back to me, Garrett asks, "What do you think? Are you up for something like that?"

  Yeah...I'm up for anything with Garrett. I'd be happy sitting with him in an empty room with bare walls, but the prospect of going to an amusement park...spending an entire day outside, expending adrenaline on thrilling rides, holding hands while we walk along...watching other women drool and lust over my guy. Sounds divine.

  "I'd love to," I tell him with a grin.

  "Yeah...that sounds cool," Alex says, and Sutton nods.

  Garrett turns toward Zack and Gina, "What about you two? Want to go to an amusement park with us?"

  "Man...that sounds fun, but Gina's parents will still be here and we need to hang with them."

  "Some other time, then," Garrett says.

  Zack and Gina start talking softly to each other again. They look completely in love as Zack holds an arm around her shoulders and nuzzles her every so often. Alex and Sutton are totally at ease with each other, laughing over something on his phone.

  I turn to Garrett and he's facing me, eyes shining like emeralds and seriously intent. "Thanks for coming to my scrimmage."

  "Thanks for inviting me," I tell him with a smile. "It was a lot of fun, and because your team was victorious, I won twenty bucks off Sutton."

  "You bet on my team?" he asks with an astonished grin.

  "I bet on you," I tell him. "You've proven to have more tenacity than anyone I know. I figured you'd get the job done."

  Garrett's hands reach out to grab me by my waist, and he pulls me over onto his lap. When I'm settled with my arms around his neck, he leans in to kiss me. "I really, really liked having you there watching me. I wanted to impress you, so I played harder."

  "You always impress me," I tell him. "It was really kind of hot, watching you out there."

  "Yeah?" he asks with keen interest. "Like how hot?"

  "Like you will be a very happy man if you take me to your house after we finish eating."

  Garrett groans and leans in to kiss my neck. "Let's leave now," he whispers urgently.

  I push back from him, laughing. "No way. We're hanging with friends, then we can go. I'll still be all hot and bothered later."

  He wraps his arms around me tighter and hugs me to him. "You're such a tease. I'll make you pay."

  "Get a room, you two," Alex yells at us, and Garrett and I just swivel our heads his way, shooting him devious grins.

  Reluctantly, I crawl off Garrett's lap and sit back down in my own chair. But gosh, this is so much fun. Hanging casually with Garrett and his friends, sexy banter and tons of flirting, the promise of some mind-blowing sex later on.

  I'm happy.

  I can actually put aside my worries.

  And, yeah...that's because of Garrett.

  Chapter 17


  I watch Olivia's ass swaying in front of me as she jogs up the stairs to her apartment. For the past few hours, I've sat in the backseat of Alex's Suburban with her as we all drove back from a quick getaway to Busch Gardens. She sat on the driver's side behind Alex and I sat on the passenger side behind Sutton. There was a great big divide between us, but what could we do...we were strapped into place with our seat belts. We ended up bridging the divide by holding hands in the center, but it was driving me nuts sitting that close but not really being able to touch. Her long, bare legs encased in a pair of tiny shorts and flip-flops were begging to be stroked. She was wearing a purple tank top that curved low over her chest and showed a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage.

  By the time Alex pulled up to her apartment to drop us off, I was sporting a semi and was pretty sure I was going to attack her right inside the doorway.

  Which is actually kind of funny in a way. I mean, I love sex. Would have it every day if I could, but that's not something that's ever been realistic. As much as I was a serial one-night stander, I didn't go out with a woman every night. It was more like once a week.

  But with Olivia, I want to be inside her several times a day. She and I practically broke the hotel bed this morning when we woke up, and here I am now, just a few hours later, and I'm dying to have another taste of her sweetness.

  Olivia pulls her key out and starts to unlock the door. I drop the duffel bag that had our clothes for the weekend on the concrete landing and step in close behind her. Putting my hands on her hips, I press in so she can feel my cock at her backside and growl in her ear, "I'm so fucking horny. It's been murder sitting next to you in that car and not being able to touch you."

  Turning away from the door, Olivia loops her arms around my neck and grinds her pelvis against mine as she pulls me down for a bone-melting kiss. She lifts her mouth away just enough to say, "Me too. Got a condom handy?"

  "In my wallet," I grit out as one of her hands drops down to my erection, squeezing me not so gently. "Fuck, baby...I'm going to pull you down to the landing in a second if you don't get the fucking door open and get inside."

  Olivia spins back away from me, her breath coming in short gasps as she fiddles with the lock. She almost drops the key when I bring my hand up between her legs and cup her. "Can't wait to get my mouth on this."

  She shudders and lets out a tiny moan, but manages to get the key in the lock and turn it.

  Then I'm pushing her inside and we are a tangle of arms, lips, and legs. Her hands slide into my hair and my fingers dig into her ass as I pick her up and walk her to the couch. Our teeth bang against each other as we kiss in a frenzy of lust and need.

  Rather than lay her down, I spin and lay backward, bringing her body on top of mine. She mashes her lips to mine, thrusting her tongue in my mouth while she grips my hair even tighter. My hands fly up the backs of her thighs and burrow in under the edge of her shorts, trying to get just a little touch of the wetness I know I'll find there. But she only kisses me for a moment, because she rears up into a sitting position, straddling my waist. My cock pushes against her core and she grinds down against me. Then she's scooting back and working at my button and zipper with quick but clumsy hands.

  "Need you in my mouth," she pants.

  "Fuck," I hiss, and I bat her hands away because I can be quicker. Because I need to be in her mouth. In a nanosecond, I've got my zipper down and Olivia is reaching for my cock.

  I vaguely recognize the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway, and then I hear, " baby girl. I missed you so much."

  Olivia shrieks as if she had just been electrified and scrambles off me so fast, she almost falls backward over the coffee table. I come flying up off the couch, hastily zipping up my pants, but there's nothing I can do about the massive erection pushing against them.

  Both of us turn to stare at a woman wearing a bright patterned dress made of flowing silk standing in Olivia's living room. She has long golden blond hair flowing loose
ly with two tiny braids at each temple that are pulled behind her head, and she stares at Olivia with dark green eyes that look very familiar to me.

  "Mom?" Olivia says in disbelief, frozen in her spot for just a second. Then she's flying into her mother's arms. "What are you doing here?"

  I watch as Olivia hugs her mom, and her mom hugs her back hard with her eyes squeezed shut, but not tight enough to prevent the tears leaking out. I see love and fear in her gaze when she opens her eyes again and looks directly at me with a small smile.

  Finally, the women break apart, and her mom steps past Olivia and holds her hand out to me. I can see Olivia just over her shoulder, watching her mom tenderly. "And you must be Garrett. I've heard so much about you. I'm Maryana."

  Her voice has sort of a dreamy quality to it and I shake her hand with a smile. Looking over to Olivia, I raise an eyebrow and grin at her. "You told your mom about me, huh?"

  Olivia shrugs nonchalantly. "I might have mentioned you," she hedges with a coy look.

  "We're on the same page, then," I say as I release Maryana's hand. "I told my mom about you too."

  "You did?" she asks with a wide, incredulous smile.

  "I did. The night we got down to the beach."

  Olivia beams at me, then I'm forgotten as she walks back up to her mom and wraps her arms around her. Laying her chin on her mom's shoulder, she says, "Again...what are you doing here? You weren't thinking of coming to visit until next week."

  "I sent you a text, sweetie...yesterday. That I couldn't stand it anymore and had to see you. I sent my flight info and everything."

  "I didn't get a text," Olivia says as she pulls away from her mom with a frown.

  "I'm sure I sent it," Maryana says as she walks over to the small kitchen table that sits half in the kitchen and half in the living room. She reaches into a purse that's lying there and pulls out her phone. We watch as she scrolls for a minute, then she gets a sheepish look on her face.

  Turning to us, she holds the phone up but we're standing too far away to see what it says. "Oops. It appears I sent the text to Oliver. My bad."

  "Who is Oliver?" Olivia asks.

  "Just someone I was seeing. Ended abruptly. Poor manners on his part, though, not to text me back and tell me I'd sent him the information by mistake." Turning the phone back around, she looks at it with brows furrowed. "I'm betting that had something to do with the fact I broke up with him by leaving a box of his stuff that he had left over at my house on his doorstep one morning."