
  Augusto Santa Cruz

  * * * * *


  Words Carried by the Wind

  Copyright © 2013 by Augusto Santa Cruz.

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

  Youth 4

  Looking above our heads 5

  Running Away 7

  Senses 8

  Tick Tock 9

  Life… 10

  Rain Drops 11

  Slaves 13

  Singing Soul 14

  Skies 15

  Love 17

  Wishing to get lost 19

  Truth 20

  Simplicity of Words 21

  Humans and time 22

  Sixty Moments 23

  Tick Tock 24

  Many Roads 26

  Friend? 29

  Wandering in the Universe 41


  Want to play with me?

  Want to go out with me?

  There's a whole world outside

  Why don't you just come with me?

  Let's run through the grass

  Fly in a paper plane

  Sail away on a plastic boat

  Let's wander all around the world

  Since we were children we dreamed

  To conquer this World and there were

  No boundaries, no limits at all

  Since were children we had it all

  C'mon let's go and watch the stars

  C'mon maybe we can get that far

  Leave your insecurities away

  Leave your pain away

  Looking above our heads

  The leaves of the tree sway

  In a lullaby sung by the wind

  A melody of love and mysticism

  Coming from the tranquility of the sea

  While children are playing outside 

  The merry-go-around keeps turning

  A second turned into an eon

  As the wind sways back and forth

  Timeless as the rest of the Universe

  Infinite as the seas and the wind

  A melody of love and mysticism 

  From the tranquility of the sky

  Looking above our heads

  While resting on the green grass

  Can you feel the World turning?

  To the sound of our hearts

  The Sun above our heads

  Watching over for us

  Let's dance as the planets around

  To the rhythm of the star


  Goodbye my love

  It's time to part

  Life has given us 

  Two different paths to take

  I’m leaving My love

  I am taking a stroll

  Without you, for life

  Does not want us to be one

  The wind will blow our memories away

  Goodbye My love

  Goodbye My love

  The sea will wash away our pain

  Wlecome back My love

  I will always be waiting for you

  Forever and ever

  My heart is open for you

  Do not worry My love

  Though it might hurt now

  Soon you will find someone else

  Bon voyage My love

  Running Away

  Stuck in the middle of nowhere

  All I can think about is run

  But, where to? Where from?

  No destination in, No destination out

  This life I am living feels like

  Emptiness all around

  This path I've chosen is not

  Not the right one. Run

  Where to? Where from?

  Running, that's what I've done

  All my entire life, all my life

  This path overwhelms me

  Run. Where to? Where from?

  Run. Just run. Away to the middle 

  Of nowhere. Just go. Just go.

  While the drums play

  Stronger and higher I want to go

  Reach the skies with my hands

  Stronger and higher I want to go

  Meet my destiny with thee.


  As the piano keys keep pressing down

  My mind wanders off and it lets go

  All the pain, all the restrains

  Are left behind, are left in the past

  No, I don't want to go back there

  I want to live in this free world of mine

  Allow me to dive in waves of freedom

  Let this melody become my soul

  As the birds fly away in the blue skies

  As I look up and gaze to the Sun

  No words can describe this feeling of mine

  Make me become one with this sight

  The Wind is blowing and whispering

  Telling me waves of change are coming

  As the waves of the sea come and go

  Take all the sadness from my soul

  As the piano keys keep pressing down

  Here I stand stranded in this World

  No, don't let my bubble burst

  Let me live in my own World.

  Tick Tock

  Tick Tack Tick Tack goes the clock 

  Tick Tack without stopping at all

  Life is full of mysteries Tick Tack

  Love is a mystery in itself Tick Tack

  The clock of life never seems to drop

  People comes and goes as the rain drops

  The mist of the morning fades away

  Just as people comes and goes nonstop

  Tick Tack Tick Tack goes the clock 

  Tick Tack without stopping at all

  The Wind keeps blowing

  Taking it all away without reason at all

  So, the clock keeps ticking for you and for me

  Although we want to run away Tick Tack 

  The sound of our lives haunts us both

  No one will escape that sound as

  Tick Tack Tick Tack goes the clock 

  Tick Tack without stopping at all.


  Let me make myself useful to humanity

  Allow me to broaden the limits of my heart

  Let me shine as the brightest of the Stars

  Allow me to smile everyday to make someone smile, too

  Give me strength, to become the strength of others

  Make me strife to be the best I can be

  Give me courage to fight against this World's darkness

  Make me someone who can bring happiness to others


  Let me paint the sky blue even when it rains

  Allow me to raise my children in a World of Peace

  Let me be become hope for all humanity

  Allow me to see this World full of happiness

  Give me wisdom to touch people's hearts

  Make me become useful to others, too

  Give me enough reason to stand up when no one else can

  Make me someone who will embrace everyone

  Life...just let me protect this World.

  Rain Drops

  While the rain drops

  Angels are crying

  So, they used to say 

  In the ole' country

  While I am coated by

  By their drops of silence

  I look above and think

  Where are you now?

  Did time forget about us?

  As our drops deluge

  While falling down

  So does our sense of time

  In this eternal wait of mine

  All I can do is stare at the sky

  Let the wind bring change

  Let the sea take the pain away

  Let the rain purify our hearts again

  Let the soil absorb our love forever

  Did time make us forget?

  That promise we once made

  While questioning my life

  All I know is I've got to wait

  For thee to find me, for me

  To find thee


  So everyday I watch them carefully

  Indulged and preoccupied by work

  Pity is all I feel for them

  Do they think their existence is ruled by that?

  Their low self-esteem makes me ponder

  Is it better to follow the rules to the dot

  or maybe it's better to live my life to the fullest

  Work is just that, there's nothing more to it

  Nowadays, seems what's important

  Is to go up and up

  As everything that goes to the top

  Falls steadily to the floor

  Their tendency is to judge

  They cannot see far beyond their eyes

  Life's just much more than work

  Oh poor things, what a lowly life they live in

  Singing Soul

  Why is it that I sing

  The same verses again and again

  Why is it that life sometimes

  Feels void and uneasy

  Walking around town

  All I do is sing

  But, who am I singing for

  Is it me or this is just an illusion

  Walking down the wrong path

  Is not the first time nor the last

  Why is it that I keep on singing?

  Is it me or my voice will just faint

  Sometimes in the blue of the night

  All I want is my voice to be heard

  Can you hear me from afar?

  Is it just silly to think that

  Walking around town

  All I do is sing

  But, who am I singing for

  Is it me or this is just an illusion


  Those days you feel down for no reason

  Just go out and look up the skies

  Let yourself be embraced

  By the vastness of this World

  Love the World

  Love your friends

  Love your family

  Love yourself

  Love the World

  There are times when we're down

  Let's not be defeated and trust our hearts

  Those times will soon pass 

  Let me hold your hand and hug you

  No matter how sad we feel sometimes

  We shall always smile 

  Life is not static and happiness is always there

  For us to chase

  Love the World

  Love your friends

  Love your family

  Love yourself

  Love the World

  Hold on to your dreams

  Hold on to your friends

  Hold on to life

  Hold on to this World

Augusto Santa Cruz's Novels