Believe that better days will come

  You are never alone

  For I am always with you

  Just hold on to that little hope left on your heart


  Love the World

  Love your friends

  Love your family

  Love yourself

  Love the World


  I love you I love you, it can't be helped

  That has nothing to do with this

  When the leaves fall from the tree of life

  It means a heart has been broken

  Swiftly moving through the air

  Hardly shattered against the floor 

  The glass has been broken

  Crossing the fine line of reality

  Can be dangerous sometimes

  There are times you can't go back

  As air moves through the mountains

  It might take the bitterness away

  However, what has been broken

  Will never be the same again

  Love is a dangerous feeling

  A sharp knife hard not to play with

  If you play with it 

  It can stab you in the heart

  Once you've crossed the line

  Bearing the pain will only

  Make you stronger at the price

  Of becoming heartless

  Wishing to get lost

  As I am on the ground

  Gazing at the skies above

  All I can picture with the clouds above

  Is your angel face

  There are millions of things

  That separate us every single day

  Though we're together

  All I think is how impossible this is

  Your innocence appalls me

  It drifts me to another land

  One which I can believe on people again

  I drift away on your hazel eyes

  Same as the sky above our heads

  You're a beautiful and completely

  Unknown universe to me

  One that I wish to get lost in


  Truth is that there will always be

  Times of turmoil on this land

  Truth is that people are here to learn

  Times of despair might come.

  The price of the land of the free

  shall be the eternal yearn for happiness

  is it that hard to attain it.

  Is it even real? I ask thee.

  Though they wait for the Messiah 

  to come down and save them,

  Truth is that the only one who can

  is their inner self.

  Looking outside has never been the answer

  the only way to achieve real happiness

  is if you look within your essence

  For better times are to come.

  Do not lose yourself in the battle

  the storm with wither away

  Only if you seek the answer

  Within your true self.

  Simplicity of Words

  In the simplicity of words, I cannot find

  a way to express what I feel

  sometimes I feel you near

  some others just far away.

  The wind of uncertain

  weaves the curtains of my heart

  though your gentleness is enough

  I cannot help but to feel I want more.

  Sometimes I want to give up

  Just for the sake of your happiness

  this road is a tough one

  However, if you were to choose it.

  I would like to be the one at your side

  do not be afraid of taking my hand

  I will hold you strongly

  will not let you fall.

  Humans and time

  In times of despair

  Humans tend to cry

  In times of unhappiness

  Humans tend to shout.

  Although, there are times when humans


  In the course of life

  There are millions of moments

  Yet humans still cry for

  the time to pass by.

  Coming and going from all directions

  Humans still do not enjoy

  The moments of life

  Humans still can't realize.

  The real joy of being alive.

  Sixty Moments

  Hours pass by; moments do not

  Sixty seconds of life

  Sixty moments passing by

  As life goes on, life blooms

  As sixty moments pass by

  Your life sits and watches

  The moments of others pass by

  Is there an end to life?

  The answer is yet to be discovered

  Life is a moment

  Sixty seconds of life equals sixty moments to

  Treasure in your heart

  Sixty seconds can change your life

  As you are sitting 

  Watching the seconds pass by

  Sit, wait, and those sixty seconds

  Will never come back

  Or do something

  That will make those sixty seconds

  The most important in your life.

  Tick Tock

  Tic tack the clock runs by

  Tic tack is the sound of time

  Tic tack goes on and on

  Tic tack is the sound of the heart

  How much time I've left

  Ain't the question

  How can I make the best of it

  Seems to be the real deal

  Hesitation is out of the question

  The clock keeps ticking

  So, our lives keep running

  Time isn't the question

  Tic tack the clock runs by

  Tic tack is the sound of time

  Tic tack is the rhythm of your heart

  Tic tack is our time

  Let's live honestly

  Caring not about what people says

  Let's be ourselves

  Working hard to give our best

  Tick tack goes on the sound of life

  Will you just stay and stare

  Or will you be part of it

  Tick tack follow the beat of your heart.

  Many Roads

  There are many roads

  One can follow in this life

  You can choose your own

  Or have them choose for you

  The crate is now open

  Sometimes you might be 

  Confused and not knowing 

  Where to go next

  Choosing the road to follow

  Can be a hard thing to do

  Trying to look away

  Ignoring reality won't ease it

  Will the pain go away?

  Will the pain just dissipate?

  If you're in doubt 

  Have the courage

  To break all the barriers

  If you're in doubt

  Just try again!

  Try again, again, and again

  Life is vast as this universe

  We live in right now

  Opportunities are infinite now

  Chin yourself up and look ahead

  Just try again!

  Try again, again, and again

  The future is on your hands now

  Don't waste any more of your time

  Live for your happiness

  Live forever!

  Where are they heading?

  As I stand in front of the window

  I see them coming and going

  I wonder where are they going?

  Why am I standing here?

  If I only could figure out

  The reason I'm here today

  A faint picture is all I could remember

  If I only knew I would lose sight of you

  When I parted full of dreams and desires

  I got lost into the nothingness of the night streets

  Forgetting all
about my dreams and desires

  Now, as I watch them below

  Coming and going without a path

  I wonder where am I going?

  Feeling I'm becoming one of them

  It scares me

  If I only could figure out

  The reason I'm here today

  What has happened to me?

  Where am I heading?

  That is yet to be resolved...


  Looking at the people

  Passing by me

  I come to think

  I’d love to hold your hands

  I want to look at your eyes

  To tell you that,

  I love you forever my friend

  Though you might have not realized

  You’ve become the motive

  Of my mere existence

  You’re my everyday hero

  Days and nights pass by us

  As I stand still waiting for the

  Time to decide our fate

  We come and go

  My best friend you might wonder

  Our care and love for each other

  Is well as it is now, that’s okay by me as well

  However, I want you to know

  I love you

  Lost in a Dream

  When I look into your eyes

  I get lost inside a dream

  When you smile my world shines

  I want to run to you

  Though it is impossible

  The weak line of friendship

  Between you and I can break

  Is it worth it?

  I want to embrace you forever

  Silently I pray to the stars

  Asking for a miracle

  I want to hear those words again

  When you say 'I love you'

  Are you joking? Or is it true?

  In my dreams all I want is you

  I don't want to believe

  It's easier to keep it like this

  You fooling around me at all times

  While I hope that does not vanish

  In the weakness of our hearts

  When you say 'I love you'

  Are you joking? or is it true?

  I want to take the next step

  Oh, I want more courage

  The sour flavor of life

  I'm afraid of

  I don't want to lose you my friend

  I love you


  Everyday I wake up thinking today something wonderful will happen in my life...

  Time passes by, everyday I still have the same determination...

  Still, I have been blind for not seeing...

  Being alive in itself it's a wonderful thing...

  I've gotten to meet wonderful people that brightens up my day...

  I have a wonderful family...

  Wonderful friends...

  I live in a beautiful city...

  I listen to wonderful music everyday...

  I eat really good food everyday...

  I must say I appreciate life so much...

  Just because Life in itself is Wonderful…


  Isolated in a blue World 

  Marked by the insecurities of the past 

  I walk along a path of doubt 

  Seeing the World go around and ‘round 

  I stop and hesitate of the turns 

  Life gives every minute of the day 

  Where will life take me today? 

  Confined in a blue World again 

  Life as eternal as it is 

  Means one moment at a time 

  Try not to live it all at once 

  You may regret it later in time 

  Isolated in a blue World 

  Try to see the light of Sun 

  Through the window of your heart 

  Walk the path of life with a smile 

  A revolution in this blue place 

  Will start and wipe the insecurities 

  Away from this eternal place 

  No longer confined in this blue place 

  Now, alienated to a World of Light 

  Blue has gone away 

  The warmth of your light 

  Has touched me again 

  Lead the way to happiness 

  A Human Revolution is taking place 

  A strong will to live happily 

  In this blue World that I was confined in.


  Gray colors in the skies

  Everything looks black and white

  Sad faces all around the place

  Walking down the line, there’s no light

  Suddenly your smile passes by

  A ray of light blinds my eyes

  As winter falls down

  Summer kicks in to my life

  Is as if the Sun sings a lullaby

  To my broken heart

  Your mere existence in life

  Brightens up my life

  Love, is born from a tear

  Grab my hand and walk with me

  Don’t be afraid of me, anymore

  Tough times might come

  We’ll find our way through

  Love, is born from tears of sorrow

  Love, we’ll stand together this winter

  Love, let’s cry together these times now

  Love was born from a fallen tear


  Oh, my beautiful princess

  Where are you?

  Lost in the Universe

  I've been searching for you

  Countless eons have passed

  Longing for thee to be my side

  Oh, my princess

  Galaxies I have searched for thee

  Your scent of moon light

  I miss, my princess

  I will keep seaching

  All throughout the universe for thee

  Oh, my princess feel

  The sorrow of my heart

  Since you're not with me

  My princess look out for me.

  Life could disappear in a snap

  Sixty seconds left to live

  There is no time to hesitate

  Dress with the colors of life

  We seek outside what we

  Must take out from the inside

  Spread your wings and fly

  Through a sea of adventures

  Sixty seconds left to live

  What will you do now?

  Don’t hesitate, fly away

  Feel the blue of the sky

  Inhale the purity of this World

  Feel the beat of life within your heart

  Sixty seconds left to live

  Follow your heart 

  Shine through of who you are

  Wake your inner self

  Fly through this Universe of life

  Shine my precious light

  My light of hope.


  It is something that makes me smile

  Your voice, your love, your passion

  The flavor of live you try to carry along

  It is something that comes from above

  You've taught me to live carefree

  Your heart and passion make me 

  Who I am now

  You raised me to be the man I am today

  Without borders and languages

  I understood your heart

  In my mind there you are

  I treasure you with all my might

  Sour, yet sweet is your flavor

  Flavor of life, I'll carry in my heart

  Here you are back again

  To bring happiness into my life.

  Journey of Life

  I want to go back

  To that place I was

  Before I was born 

  Into this world

  Everyday, every night

  I want to go back

  To a place where people's

  Hearts are full of light

  Keep searching for the 
  Light of hope

  Inside of my heart

  Will I light it up?

  This world is so cold

  Yet, its nature so bright

  People's hearts are gone

  And I keep searching for thee.

  From the confines of the Universe

  Light was born from love

  A heart that beats to the rhythm of it all

  Light comes from all around

  The womb of a mother

  It embraces the love of all

  It resembles our fate, our love for all

  For us to go back once our journey ends

  Wandering in the Universe

  I had a dream the other day

  I was flying around the Universe

  Collecting shines, there before my eyes

  I met you, with your golden light

  Irradiating happiness and life

  I had the luck to witness

  The born of a new Star

  Travelling all around the Universe

  I've found happiness with thee

  Even if you're gone someday

  Your shine will hang there

  In the stellar room of heaven

  From this pocket of Stars

  I handpicked the best shine

  That is yours the love of my life

  Today, I set you free

  But I will find you again

  Throughout the Universe

  In this our pocket of Stars

  Our lives are destined to be one.

  Merry Go Round

  Everything in the Universe revolves

  Around the unknown and mysterious

  Forces within our hearts

  Everything we see is within us.

  The Space is empty and full 

  At the same time

  The distance within our hearts

  Resembles that of the Stars

  Love and Hate emerge at the same time

  Within our hearts

  At moments of sadness we try to give up

  Yet, we can't.

  The Space and Universe are one

  Deep within our soul 

  We realize, the outside is a

  Reflection of us.

  The Merry-Go-Round of life

  Gives a 360 degree turn

  And our future is bright

  Once again Space and time

  Deep-rooted within us

  Teaches us to live life

  As carefree as we can

  Live now, Live today

  As tomorrow you may die

  Do not regret a thing

  Within your heart

  Space and time are only one

  Your own self.

  Calling Your Name

  In my head your name's still 'round

  When I wake up my heart aches so much

  I know you feel the same way

  Is like the shooting star

  Travelling all around the universe

  Seeking your soul to be at my side

  You have forgotten those times

  We'd spent together under the sun and stars

  It's like a shooting star 

  Burning passions distilling love

  All around the Galaxy

  I seek for you, once again

  I call your name at night

  In my dreams and fantasies

  The shooting star is still burning

  Distilling passions and love...


  All I want is to fly up to Space

  So I'll see you again

  Spica is the star I seek

  I, now, want to see you

  Hanging around this city

  Does not fill my needs at all.

  Is it true that you love me still?

  I'm a child from Earth, will you take me?

  All I want to fly to space

  Seek your presence and time

  So you'll be with me again

  Here, and now, I want you by my side

  Spica is the star I seek

  Deep on your heart you want me, too

  I'm a child from Earth, will you take me with you?

  In my dreams I want to see you.


  Life is a very precious gift 

  It is like a battery that keeps a person going 

  However, a battery will run down someday 

  Just as life will, somdeay, expire 

  A battery can be easily replaced 

  However, a life can not 

  After many years have gone by, 

  it is something that will end someday 

  A person annot live without life 

  However, there are people who disregard their life 

  When they have a lot of time left 

  When I see people like that, it makes me sad 

  Life is continuously running for them 

  So until my life is ready to give out, 

  I'm going to live my hardest.

  Beautiful World

  Under this lonesome sky

  I lie on the grass and wonder

  This place is beautiful,

  More so when you’re around

  Funny how when I see you

  My stomach hurts badly

  All I do is to ridiculously laugh

  Not knowing what to say.

  An impulse comes and possesses me

  I want to kiss you now

  When your lips touched mine

  I ceased to exist, took off to space

  An angel came down to Earth

  Embrace me with your wings again

  We might walk separate ways

  However, I wish everyday

  To be with thee once again

  There is an abysm between us now

  Even more an impulse comes and possesses me

  I want to kiss you now

  When you smile, my World falls apart

  Taken into another dimension

  Everything is better then

  With your gentleness, take me there again

  When your lips touched mine

  I ceased to exist, took off to space

  So then, once again

  Take me into your arms and kiss me


  In times of despair

  Humans tend to cry

  In times of unhappiness

  Humans tend to shout

  Although there are times when Humans


  In the course of life

  There are millions of moments

  Yet humans still cry for

  the time to pass by

  Coming and going from all directions

  Humans still do not enjoy

  The moments of life

  Humans still can't realize

  The real joy of being alive.


  Solitary as the black sky

  Above me you lie

  As I look up for solace

  You water me down

  My heart is thirsty

  Above me only gray skies

  I want to run away

  To the fields I met you before

  This storm is watering me down

  Storm guide me with your wind

  I run with despair

  Want to find you again

  Storm blow my dreams high

  Above your clouds where

  There’s the warm light of the Sun

  Embrace me on your clouds

  Feeling the mist of your rain

  One feels the freshness of your heart

  Allow me to stay here forever

  I can see the light through you

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Augusto Santa Cruz's Novels