Page 25 of It Is About Islam


  “  obliges Muslims to attain a higher standard of wisdom’ ” Qasim Rashid, “Islam Backs Free Speech: Column,” USA Today, January 9, 2015, • “  free to be a bigot or even an idiot’ ” William Saletan, “Muslims for Free Speech,” Slate, October 3, 2012, • “  never shy away from ever defending this right’ ” William Saletan, “Muslims for Free Speech,” Slate, October 3, 2012, • “inaugural Muhammad art exhibit and contest” Sasha Goldstein, “Garland Shooting Suspect Elton Simpson Tied to Previous Terror Probe, Authorities Say as Search of Phoenix Apartment Continues,” New York Daily News, May 5, 2015, • “a jihad-inspired act of mass murder” Catherine Shoichet and Michael Pearson, “Garland, Texas, Shooting Suspect Linked Himself to ISIS in Tweets,” CNN, May 4, 2015, • “  jihad against freedom will only grow more virulent’ ” Bob Price, “$10,000 Muhammad Art and Cartoon Contest to Be Held at Site of ‘Stand with the Prophet’ Conference in Texas,” Breitbart, February 11, 2015, • “on Fox News that she ‘knew the consequences’ ” Jeff Poor, “Muslim Leader: Geller Should Be Tried and Executed,” Breitbart, May 7, 2014, • “not just Jihadists, believe is a grave insult” Eric Weiner, “Why Cartoons of the Prophet Insult Muslims,” NPR, February 8, 2006, • “  motivated by anything other than hate is simply hogwash’ ” The Editorial Board, “Free Speech vs. Hate Speech,” The New York Times, May 6, 2015, • “Chris Matthews mused on MSNBC” Josh Feldman, “ ‘When You Provoke People . . . ’: Matthews, Guest Tackle ‘Causality’ of Texas Shooting,” Mediaite, May 4, 2015, • “  as provocative as hosting a “Muhammad Drawing Contest” James Taranto, “ ‘Free Speech Aside’: In Defense of Provocation,” The Wall Street Journal, May 4, 2015, • “  bought into an ideology that is sick’ ” Jeff Poor, “CNN’s Cuomo to Pamela Geller: ‘N-Word Gets Treated Same Way Depictions of Mohammed Does,’ ” Breitbart, May 29, 2015, • “  because it’s offensive, not because legally I can’t’ ” Billy Hallowell, “ ‘Snap Out of It: CNN Host Likens Drawing the Prophet Muhammad to Saying the N-Word,” The Blaze, May 28, 2015, • “  exercise of that right includes using good judgment’ ” Erik Wemple, “Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren Scolds Pamela Geller,” Washington Post, May 6, 2015, • “riots throughout Europe and the Middle East” “Rewind: Danish Newspaper Satirizes Islam,” 60 Minutes: Overtime, CBS, January 8, 2015, • “including the New York Sun, the Philadelphia Inquirer” Julie Bosman, “Protesters at Philadelphia Paper Ask It to Apologize for Cartoon,” The New York Times, February 7, 2006, • “and the left-wing Harper’s magazine” “Harper’s Publishes Mo Cartoons,” Michelle Malkin, May 17, 2006, • “  our readers’ culture when it didn’t add anything to the story’ ” Joel Brinkley and Ian Fisher, “US Says It Also Finds Cartoons of Muhammad Offensive,” The New York Times, February 4, 2006, • “  look at with whom you’re expressing solidarity’ ” Brian Knowlton, “Syria and Iran Fuel the Riots,” The New York Times, February 8, 2006, • “  cartoonists union to draw Muhammad as they see him’ ” Jytte Klausen, The Cartoons That Shook the World (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009). Note: Ironically, Yale University Press decided at the eleventh hour to exclude from publication the very cartoons that the book was written about. In a press release, YUP Director John Donatich explained, “On behalf of the Yale Press, the university consulted a number of senior academics, diplomats, and national security experts. The overwhelming judgment of the experts with the most insight about the threats of violence was that there existed an appreciable chance of violence occurring if either the cartoons or other depictions of the Prophet Muhammad were printed in a book about the cartoons published by Yale University Press.” (See “Statement by John Donatich,” Sept. 9, 2009. • “Many were forced into hiding” Creg Margason, “Artist Goes Into Hiding After Denmark Terror Attacks,” Fox News, February 16, 2015, • “Many were forced into hiding” Peter McGraw and Joel Warner, “The Danish Cartoon Crisis of 2005 and 2006: 10 Thinks You Didn’t Know About the Original Muhammad Controversy,” The Blog (blog), The Huffington Post, September 25, 2012, • “still require twenty-four-hour police protection” Daily Mail, “Controversial Cartoonist ‘under police protection’ after posting derogatory picture of Prophet Muhammad,” January 12 2015, • “  trumping the fundamental right of free speech’ ” Daniel Pipes, “Naser Khader and Flemming Rose: Reflections on the Danish Cartoon Controversy,” Middle East Quarterly 14, no. 4 (Fall 2007), • “  it shows that violence works’ ” Teis Jensen, “Danish Newspaper Says Won’t Print Prophet Cartoon,” Reuters, January 9, 2015, • “no ban on using Muhammad’s image in Islam” Christiane Gruber, “The Koran Does Not Forbid Images of the Prophet,” Newsweek, January 9, 2015, • “  to act otherwise than with justice’ ” Qasim Rashid, “Islam Backs Free Speech: Column,” USA Today, January 9, 2015, • “  but refraining from doing so’ ” Council on American-Islamic Relations, “US Muslims Condemn Paris Terror Attack, Defend Free Speech,” press release, January 7, 2015, • “invoking the war in Iraq—’represented Christianity’ ” “Paris,” Russell Brand, January 10, 2015, • “  and his miracles are described in every detail’ ” “Product Description: Muhammad: Messenger of Allah, Revised Edition,” Islamic, accessed June 21, 2015, • “what must be done with those who disrespect Muhammad” Qadi ‘Iyad Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, Ash Shifa (Muhammad: Messenger of Allah) (Norwich, England: Diwan Press, 2010). • “  a clear statement or allusion??
? ” Qadi ‘Iyad Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, “Muhammad: Messenger of Allah: Part Four, Section One,” trans. Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley, Masud, accessed June 21, 2015, • “through Muhammad’s daughter Fatima” Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, “Al-Husayn ibn Ali,” accessed June 21, 2015, • “  Whoever curses my Companions, beat him’ ” Qadi ‘Iyad Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, “Muhammad: Messenger of Allah: Part Four, Section Two,” trans. Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley, Masud, accessed June 21, 2015, • “  in any manner that might cause disrespect for them’ ” John McManus, “Have Pictures of Muhammad always been forgiven?” BBC News, January 15, 2015, • “  depict him in any shape, any way or form’ ” Emma Graham-Harrison, “Drawing the Prophet: Islam’s Hidden History of Muhammad Images,” The Guardian, January 10, 2015, • “would be murdered like Theo van Gogh” Ed Pilkington, “South Park Censored After Threat of Fatwa Over Muhammad Episode,” The Guardian, April 22, 2010, • “documentary on the mistreatment of women in Islamic societies” “Gunman Kills Dutch Film Director,” BBC News, November 2, 2004, • “  encourage Muslims to kill whoever does that’ ” Tim Lister, “Security Brief: Radical Islamic Web Site Takes on South Park,” This Just In (blog), CNN, April 19, 2010, • “The executives feared similar reprisals” Jake Tapper and Dan Morris, “Secrets of South Park,” ABC News, September 22, 2006, • “  we couldn’t just show a simple image’ ” Jake Tapper and Dan Morris, “Secrets of South Park,” ABC News, September 22, 2006, • “  refused to broadcast an image of Mohammad on their network’ ” Jake Tapper and Dan Morris, “Secrets of South Park,” ABC News, September 22, 2006, • “  We’re afraid of getting blown up’ ” Jake Tapper and Dan Morris, “Secrets of South Park,” ABC News, September 22, 2006, • “but with a catch” Yusuf al-Qarawadi, “Freedom of Expression from an Islamic Perspective,” On Islam, January 8, 2015, • “ ‘dignity should not be transgressed upon’ ” Yusuf al-Qarawadi, “Freedom of Expression from an Islamic Perspective,” On Islam, January 8, 2015, • “  punishments for such transgressions vary from fines to death’ ” Angelina Theodorou, “Which Countries Still Outlaw Apostasy and Blasphemy?” Fact Tank, Pew Research Center, May 26, 2014, • “Qatar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran” Angelina Theodorou, “Which Countries Still Outlaw Apostasy and Blasphemy?” Fact Tank, Pew Research Center, May 26, 2014, • “blogger in Tunisia was jailed for ‘insulting Islam’ ” Amnesty International, “Tunisia: Blogger Jailed for ‘Insulting Islam’ Must Be Released,” press release, March 12, 2013, • “song that was considered offensive to the Muslim faith” Syed Raza Hassan and Katharine Houreld, “Ballooning Pakistan Blasphemy Charges Engulf Television Stations,” Reuters, May 20, 2014, • “  have been hurt for any reason can file a case’ ” Syed Raza Hassan and Katharine Houreld, “Ballooning Pakistan Blasphemy Charges Engulf Television Stations,” Reuters, May 20, 2014, • “enact laws to counter it, including deterrent punishment’ ” Patrick Poole, “Largest Islamic Body in the World Calls for More Anti-Free Speech Laws in Wake of Charlie Hebdo Attack,” PJ Tattler (blog), PJ Media, January 12, 2015, • “  imminent violence based on religion or belief’ ” United Nations Human Rights Council, Resolution 16/18, “Combatting Intolerance, Negative Stereotyping and Stigmatization of, and Discrimination, Incitement to Violence and Violence Against, Persons Based on Religion or Belief,” April 12, 2011, • “  must be followed by sustained commitment’ ” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Adoption of Resolution at Human Rights Council Combatting Discrimination and Violence,” press release, March 24, 2011, • “  old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming’ ” Andrew C. McCarthy, “Coercing Conformity,” National Review, December 28, 2013, • “he said, ‘then we still have a problem’ ” “Ekmeleddin Ihsano?lu, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,” The Interview, France 24, October 5, 2012, • “would lead to demonstrations and violence” “Ekmeleddin Ihsano?lu, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,” The Interview, France 24, October 5, 2012, • “  suppress speech that casts Islam in a bad light’ ” Jeremy Rabkin, “Islam and Free Speech,” The American Spectator, March, 2009, • “58 percent of US Muslims surveyed replied ‘No’ ” Andrew J. Bostom, “Sixty Percent of US Muslims Reject Freedom of Expression,” American Thinker, November 1, 2012,