Page 26 of It Is About Islam


  “  the favorable moment for helping them to another step’ ” “Jefferson Quotes and Family Letters: Extract of Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper,” Monticello, accessed June 22, 2015, • “to mock the Court’s decision” Michael Lucchese, “ISIS ‘Celebrates’ SCOTUS Decision by Tossing 4 Accused Gay Men Off Roof,”, June 30, 2015. • “drowning those inside” Joe Tacopino, “ISIS slowly drowns prisoners in a cage,” New York Post, • “record their heads being blown off” Sharona Schwartz, “Islamic State’s Latest Execution Video May Be Its Most Horrifying Yet,” TheBlaze, June 23, 2015, • “enemies are ‘people who have perverted Islam’ ” “Obama: We Are at War with People Who Perverted Islam,” USA Today, February 18, 2015, • “  trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself’ ” George W. Bush, “George W. Bush Addresses Muslims in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks,” Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University, September 20, 2001,–11-attacks. • “and as ‘a war against evil, not against Islam’ ” See, for example: George W. Bush and King Abdullah of Jordan “Remarks by President George W. Bush and His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan,” (speech, The Oval Office, Washington, D.C., September 28, 2001), and The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, “President Bush, President Havel Discuss Iraq, NATO,” press release, November 20, 2002,–1.html. • “  majority of Muslims reject that interpretation of Islam’ ” Jeremy Diamond, “Why Obama Won’t Call Terror Fight a War on Radical Islam,” CNN, February 1, 2015, • “  worthless to us even if they are worth billions of dollars’ ” Kareem Shaheen, “ISIS Fighters Destroy Ancient Artifacts at Mosul Museum,” The Guardian, February 26, 2015, • “ISIS vandals demolished the ruins of Hatra” Chris Johnston, “ISIS Militants Destroy Remains of Hatra in Northern Iraq,” The Guardian, March 7, 2015, • “before leveling the entire place with explosives” Kareem Shaheen, “Outcry over ISIS Destruction of Ancient Assyrian Site of Nimrud,” The Guardian, March 6, 2015, • “  what they can’t sell they destroy’ ” Loveday Morris, “Islamic State Isn’t Just Destroying Ancient Artifacts—It’s Selling Them,” Washington Post, June 8, 2015,—its-selling-them/2015/06/08/ca5ea964–08a2–11e5–951e-8e15090d64ae_story.html. • “slaughtered thousands of Christians in Nigeria” Mark Anderson, “Nigeria Suffers Highest Number of Civilian Deaths in African War Zones,” The Guardian, January 23, 2015,, and Stoyan Zaimov, “Boko Haram Hacks to Death Dozens, Including Scores of Christians; Continues Forcing Young Girls to Carry Out Suicide Bombings,” Christian Post, May 28, 2015, • “as young as nine or ten years old as sexual slaves” Catrina Stewart, “Nigeria’s Abducted Schoolgirls: We’ll Send Them as Slaves, Pledges Boko Haram Terror Leader,” The Independent, May 6, 2014, • “  took slaves himself during [the] Badr war’ ” Ryan Mauro, “Efforts Mount to Gloss Over Islamist Ideology of Boko Haram,” The Clarion Project, May 15, 2014, • “  by tongue and teeth’ ” Anonymous, “Al-Qaeda Manual,” in Voices of Terror: Manifestoes, Writings and Manuals of Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Other Terrorists from Around the World and Throughout the Ages, ed. Walter Laqueur (New York: Reed Press, 2004). • “  underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it’ ” Graeme Wood, “What ISIS Really Wants,” The Atlantic, March 2015, • “  to an organization that has decisively eclipsed it’ ” Graeme Wood, “What ISIS Really Wants,” The Atlantic, March 2015, • “  and ultimately to bringing about the apocalypse” Graeme Wood, “What ISIS Really Wants,” The Atlantic, March 2015, • “one in four think highly of Hezbollah” Global Attitudes Project, Muslim Publics Share Concerns About Extremist Groups (Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center, September 10, 2013),–10–135.pdf. • “aren’t the least bit worried about Islamic extremism” Global Attitudes Project, Muslim Publics Share Concerns About Extremist Groups (Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center, September 10, 2013),–10–135.pdf. • “and al-Qaeda ‘comes from nowhere’ ” Ryan Mauro, “Efforts Mount to Gloss Over Islamist Ideology of Boko Haram,” The Clarion Project, May 15, 2014, • “  We do not even understand the idea’ ” Eric Schmit, “In Battle to Defang ISIS, US Targets Its Psychology,” The New York Times, December 28, 2014, • “  for me it’s about avoiding failure’ ” Eric Schmit, “In Battle to Defang ISIS, US Targets Its Psychology,” The New York Times, December 28, 2014, • “  Islam is the religion of war’ ” Robert Spencer, “Islamic State Caliph: ‘Islam Is the Religion of War,’ ” Jihad Watch, May 14, 2015, • “  until Allah is worshiped alone’ ” Robert Spencer, “Islamic State Caliph: ‘Islam Is the Religion of War,’ ” Jihad Watch, May 14, 2015, • “  never for a day grew tired of war’ ” Robert Spencer, “Islamic State Caliph: ‘Islam Is the Religion of War,’ ” Jihad Watch, May 14, 2015, • “laid the blame for a shoot-out . . . on the free-speech event’s organizer” John Hinderaker, “Blaming Pamela Geller,” Powerline, May 5, 2015,, and Carol Brown, “Media Piling on Pamela Geller,” American Thinker, May 6, 2015, • “publishing U.S. secrets in the fight against al-Qaeda” Gabriel Schoenfield, “Has the New York Times Violated the Espionage Act,” Commentary, March 1, 2006, • “amounted to a tragic case of ‘workplace violence’ ” Michael Daly, “Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by US,” The Daily Beast, August 6, 2013, • “shouts of ‘
Allahu Akbar’ as he gunned down his victims” Ewan MacAskill, “Fort Hood Gunman Shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as He Opened Fire,” The Guardian, November 6, 2009, • “correspondence Hasan carried on with Anwar al-Awlaki” David Johnston and Scott Shane, “US Knew of Suspects Tie to Radical Cleric,” New York Times, November 9, 2009, • “he was ‘on the wrong side’ in the U.S. Army” David Usborne, “Fort Hood Gunman, Nidal Hasan, Was on ‘Wrong Side’ in War Against Muslims,” The Independent, August 6, 2013, • “considered himself a ‘Soldier of Allah’ ” Peter Selvin, “Apartment’s Detritus Offers Glimpse into Suspect’s Life,” The Washington Post, November 12, 2009, • “  this includes my oath of US citizenship’ ” Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne, “Hasan Sends Writings to Fox News Ahead of Fort Hood Shooting Trial,” Fox News, August 1, 2013, • “even I was shocked by the media’s response” Wilson, “Glenn: ‘After What I Have Learned This Week I’m a Changed Person,” Glenn Beck, April 19, 2013, • “  could this be homegrown terror’ ” Scott Whitlock, “ABC speculates: Could this be ‘Homegrown Terror?’ Newsbusters, John Hall, April 16, 2013, • “  promised victory and we will surely get it’ ” Eric Levenson, “Here’s the Note Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Wrote Inside the Boat Where He Was Captured,”, March 10, 2015, • “were ‘lone wolves’ . . . not connected with any terrorist group” David Crary, Denise Lavoie, Eileen Sullivan, and Lara Jakes, “ ‘Boston Suspects Were Lone Wolves Motivated by Radical Islam,’ ” The Times of Israel, April 23, 2013, • “at least thirty US citizens involved in a ‘lone wolf’ terrorist plot” Brian Bennett, “White House Steps Up Warnings About Terrorism on US Soil,” Los Angeles Times, May 18, 2015, • “  who may strike with little or no warning’ ” Brian Bennett, “White House Steps Up Warnings About Terrorism on US Soil,” Los Angeles Times, May 18, 2015, • “  anti-Christian images, or any other religious belief’ ” Joel Brinkley and Ian Fisher, “US Says It Also Finds Cartoons of Muhammad Offensive,” The New York Times, February 4, 2006, • “his parole in a completely unrelated case” Evan Perez and Erica E. Phillips, “Alleged Maker of Anti-Muslim Video Jailed in Fraud Case,” The Wall Street Journal, September 28, 2012, • “wound up spending a year in a federal prison cell” Steve Gorman, “California Man Behind Anti-Islam Film to Be Freed from Federal Custody,” Reuters, September 26, 2013,, and Victoria Kim, Abby Sewell, and Jessica Garrison, “Jailing of ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Creator Raises Free Speech Worries,” Los Angeles Times, October 2, 2012. • “  churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied’ ” “At UN Debate, US President Urges Dealing Honestly with Tensions Between Arabs and West,” UN News Centre, September 25, 2012, • “sharia law into the fabric of our society and our judicial system” Ryan Mauro, “Assembly of Muslims Jurists of America,” The Clarion Project, January 28, 2014, • “  first official Shariah law system in the United States’ ” Benjamin Gill, “Islamic Shariah Tribunal Begins Operating in Texas,” CBN News, February 6, 2015, • “  invade the White House or invade Austin’ ” Benjamin Gill, “Islamic Shariah Tribunal Begins Operating in Texas,” CBN News, February 6, 2015, • “  Islamic principles that Muslims live by’ ” Dina Samir Shehata, “Anti-Sharia Bill Dead, but Sentiment Alive,” Austin Chronicle, May 22, 2015,–05–22/anti-sharia-bill-dead-but-sentiment-alive/. • “announce their allegiance to America and our laws” Dina Samir Shehata, “Anti-Sharia Bill Dead, but Sentiment Alive,” Austin Chronicle, May 22, 2015,–05–22/anti-sharia-bill-dead-but-sentiment-alive/. • “doubled to more than 2 million between 2001 and 2010” Meghan Neal, “Number of Muslims in the US Doubles Since 9/11,” New York Daily News, May 3, 2012,–11-article-1.1071895. • “urging the resettlement of as many as 65,000 more Syrian refugees” Martin Matishak, “Senate Dems Call on Obama to Resettle 65,000 Syrian Refugees,” The Hill, May 21, 2015,, and Justin Fishel and Mike Levine, “US Officials Admit Concern over Syrian Refugee Effort,” ABC News, February 12, 2015, • “having traveled from Minnesota to join the Islamic State” Jamie Yuccas, “Minneapolis Has Become Recruiting Ground for Islamic Extremists,” CBS News, August 27, 2014, • “  Liberty and Popery cannot live together’ ” James H. Hutson, ed., The Founders on Religion (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005), 41. • “  they appear to merit the enjoyment’ ” Steve Coffman, ed., Words of the Founding Fathers: Selected Quotations of Franklin, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton, with Sources (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012), 53. • “  of any sect—or they may be Atheists’ ” George Washington, Writings, ed. John H. Rhodehamel (New York: Literary Classics of the United States, 1997), 555–56. • “  giving it on all occasions their effectual support’ ” George Washington, Writings, ed. John H. Rhodehamel (New York: Literary Classics of the United States, 1997), 767. • “  because America is one country’ ” The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, “President Promotes Compassionate Conservatism,” press release, April 30, 2002,–5.html. • “  Democracy, whiskey, sexy’ ” Jim Dwyer, “A Nation at War: In the Field: 101st Airborne; A Bridgehead, and a Thirsty Welcome,” New York Times, April 3, 2003, • “  in every human heart the desire to live in freedom’ ” “The President’s Public Expression of Religion,” Frontline, PBS, April 29, 2004, • “as the Protestant Reformation is ‘highly doubtful’ ” James Q. Wilson, “Islam and Freedom,” Commentary, December 4, 2004, • “  thereby create an opportunity for lay rule’ ” James Q. Wilson, “Islam and Freedom,” Commentary, December 4, 2004, • “  and other efforts to remake society’ ” Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (New York: HarperCollins, 2015), 60. • “  comprehensive tradition of the Prophet Mu
hammad’ ” Thomas J. Haidon, “The Islamic Reformation,” FrontPage Mag, January 18, 2015, • “  will prove to be nothing but rhetoric’ ” Thomas J. Haidon, “The Islamic Reformation,” FrontPage Mag, January 18, 2015, • “  can disguise their people as migrants’ ” Jamie Dettmer, “Meet the Islamic Fanatic Who Wants to Kill ISIS,” The Daily Beast, June 10, 2015,