Jurand awoke from his long sleep in the presence of the priest; he forgotwhat had happened to him and where he was; he began to feel around in bedand at the wall. The priest caught him in his arms and wept, tenderlykissing him, and said:

  "It is I! You are at Spychow! Brother Jurand!... God tried you.... Butyou are now among your own.... Good people brought you here. Brother,dear brother, Jurand."

  Then he repeatedly pressed him to his breast, kissed his brow and hishollow eyes; but Jurand appeared to be stupefied and unconscious. At lasthe moved his left hand toward his head and brow as though wishing todispel the cloud of sleep and stupor from his mind.

  "Do you hear and understand me?" asked Father Kaleb.

  Jurand moved his head affirmatively. Then he stretched his hand towardthe silver crucifix on the wall which he had once taken from the neck ofa powerful German knight, pressed it to his lips and heart and then gaveit to Father Kaleb.

  "I understand you, brother!" said the priest. "He remained with you. Heis able to restore to you all you lost, just as He delivered you fromcaptivity."

  Jurand pointed with his hand heavenward, a sign that all will there bereturned to him. Then his hollow eyes were filled with tears, and anindescribable pain was depicted upon his tortured face.

  Father Kaleb having observed his painful emotion concluded that Danuskawas dead. He therefore knelt at the bedside and said:

  "O Lord! Grant her eternal rest in peace, and everlasting bliss be hers.Amen."

  Then Jurand lifted himself up and began to twist his head and move hishand as though wishing to check the priest, but the priest did notunderstand. At that moment old Tolima entered, and with him were thegarrison of the town, the former and present elders of the peasants ofSpychow, foresters, fishermen, etc., because the news of Jurand's returnhad rapidly spread throughout Spychow. They embraced his feet, kissed hishand and bitterly wept when they saw the old and maimed cripple wholooked like another being, not in the least the once invincible knight,the terror of the Knights of the Cross. But some of them, especiallythose who used to accompany him on his expeditions, were enraged; theirfaces grew pale and determined. After a while they crowded together andwhispered, pulled, and pushed each other. Finally, a certain Sucharz, amember of the garrison and village blacksmith, approached Jurand, claspedhis feet and said:

  "We intended to go to Szczytno, as soon as they brought you here, butthat knight, who brought you, hindered us. Permit us, sir, now. We cannotleave them unpunished. Let it be now as it was long ago. They shall notdisgrace us and remain scathless. We used to fight them under yourcommand. Now we will march under Tolima, or without him. We must conquerSzczytno and shed the dog-blood. So help us God!"

  "So help us God!" repeated several voices.

  "To Szczytno!"

  "We must have blood!"

  Forthwith a burning fire took hold of the inflammable Mazur hearts, theirbrows began to wrinkle, their eyes to glisten. Here and there was heardthe sound of gnashing teeth. But in a moment the noise ceased, and alleyes were turned toward Jurand, whose cheeks reddened and he assumed hiswonted warlike appearance. He rose and again felt for the crucifix uponthe wall. The people thought that he was looking for a sword. He found itand took it down. His face paled, he turned toward the people, lifted hishollow eyes heavenward and moved the crucifix in front of him.

  Silence reigned. It was beginning to get dark; the twittering of birdsretiring upon the roofs and trees of the village, penetrated through theopen windows. The last red rays of the setting sun penetrated into theroom and fell upon the raised cross and upon Jurand's white hair.

  Sucharz, the blacksmith, looked at Jurand, glanced at his comrades andlooked again at Jurand. Finally, he bid them good-bye and left the roomon tiptoe. The others followed suit. When they reached the courtyard theyhalted, and the following whispered conversation ensued:

  "What now?"

  "We are not going. How then?"

  "He did not permit."

  "Leave vengeance with God. It is obvious that even his soul has undergonea change."

  It was so indeed.

  Those who remained were Father Kaleb and old Tolima. Jagienka withSieciechowa, who were attracted by the armed crowd in the courtyard, cameto learn what was the matter.

  Jagienka, who was more daring and sure of herself than her companion,approached Jurand.

  "God help you, Knight Jurand," she said. "We are those who brought youhere from Prussia."

  His face brightened at the sound of her young voice. It was obvious thatit brought back to his mind in proper order all the events which hadhappened upon the road from Szczytno, because he showed his thankfulnessby inclining his head and placing his hand upon his chest several times.Then she related to him how they first met him, how Hlawa, the Bohemian,who was Zbyszko's armor-bearer, recognized him, and finally how theybrought him to Spychow. She also told him about herself, that she and hercompanion bore a sword, helmet and shield for the knight Macko ofBogdaniec, the uncle of Zbyszko, who left Bogdaniec to find his nephew,and now he had left for Szczytno and would return to Spychow within threeor four days.

  At the mention of Szczytno, Jurand did not fall down nor was he overcomeas he was when upon the road to that place, but great trouble wasdepicted upon his face. But Jagienka assured him that Macko was as cleveras he was manly, and would not let himself be fooled by anybody. Besidesthat, he possessed letters from Lichtenstein, which enabled him to travelin safety everywhere.

  These words quieted him considerably. It was obvious that he wished toget information about many other things. But as he was unable to do it,he suffered in his soul. This the clever girl at once observed and said;

  "We shall often, talk about things. Then everything will be told."

  Then he smiled and stretched out his hand and placed it upon her head fora while; it seemed he was blessing her. He thanked her indeed very much,but as a matter of fact he was touched by the youthful voice like thewarbling of a bird.

  When he was not engaged in prayer, as he was almost all day, or asleep,he wished to have her near him, and when she was not there, he yearned tohear her speak, and endeavored by all means in his power to call theattention of the priest and Tolima that he wished to have that delightfulboy near him.

  She came often, because her tender heart sincerely pitied him. Besidesthat, she passed the time in waiting for Macko, whose stay at Szcytnoseemed to her uncommonly long.

  He was to return within three days, and now the fourth and fifth havepassed by and it is already the evening of the sixth, and he has not yetreturned. The alarmed girl was ready to ask Tolima to send a searchingparty, when suddenly the guard upon the watch-oak signalled the approachof some horsemen, and in a few moments was heard the tramp of the horsesupon the drawbridge, and Hlawa accompanied by a courier appeared in thecourtyard. Jagienka who had left her room, to watch in the courtyardbefore their arrival, rushed toward Hlawa before he dismounted.

  "Where is Macko?" she asked, with beating heart and alarmed.

  "He went to Prince Witold, and he ordered you to stay here."