When Jagienka realized the import of Macko's message, that she was toremain at Spychow, she was almost stunned. Grief and anger rendered herspeechless for a while, and with wide opened eyes she stared at theBohemian, which told him how unwelcome was the information he broughther. He therefore said:

  "I should also like to inform you, what we heard at Szczytno. There ismuch and important news."

  "Is it from Zbyszko?"

  "No, from Szczytno. You know...."

  "Let the servant unsaddle the horses, and you come with me."

  The order was executed and they went into her room.

  "Why does Macko leave us here? Why must we remain at Spychow, and why didyou return here?" she asked in one breath.

  "I returned," replied Hlawa, "because the knight Macko ordered me. Iwished to go to the war, but an order is an order. Knight Macko told methus: 'Return, take care of the lady of Zgorzelice, and wait for newsfrom me. You may have to escort her to Zgorzelice, since she cannot gothere by herself.'"

  "For the love of God, tell me what happened! Did they find Jurand'sdaughter? Has Macko gone there to search for Zbyszko? Did you see her?Have you spoken to her? Why have you not brought her with you? Where isshe now?"

  Hearing such an avalanche of questions, the Bohemian bowed to the girl'sfeet and said:

  "Let it not displease your grace if I do not reply to all questions atonce, for it is impossible for me to do so, but, I shall if nothinghinders, endeavor to answer them one by one in the order according asthey were put."

  "Well, did they find her?"

  "No, but there is sure information that she was at Szczytno, and that shewas probably removed to a distant castle in the east."

  "But why must we remain at Spychow?"

  "Bah! If she were found?... It is true, as your grace is aware.... Therewould be no reason for remaining here...."

  Jagienka was silent, only her cheeks reddened. But the Bohemian said;

  "I thought and am still of the opinion, that we shall not be able torescue her alive from the talons of those dog-brothers. But everything isin God's hands. I must relate to you from the beginning. We arrived atSzczytno. Well. Knight Macko showed Lichtenstein's letter to the bailiff,who kissed the seal in our presence, and received us as guests. He didnot suspect us in the least and had full confidence in us, so that if wehad had a few of our men in the neighborhood we could easily have takenpossession of the castle. There was no hindrance to our interview withthe priest. We conversed for two nights; we informed ourselves of strangethings which the priest got from the executioner."

  "But the executioner is dumb."

  "He is, but the priest speaks to him by signs, and he understands himperfectly well. They are strange things. It must have been the finger ofGod. That executioner cut off Jurand's hand, tore out his tongue, and putout his eyes. That executioner is such that where men are concerned hewould not shrink from inflicting any torture, even if he were ordered topull the teeth of the victim; but, where girls are concerned, he wouldnot lift up his hand to kill them, or to assist in torturing them. Thereason for this determination is, because he too had an only daughterwhom he loved dearly, and whom the Knights of the Cross have...."

  Here Hlawa stopped; he knew not how to continue his narrative. ThisJagienka observed, and she said:

  "What do I care about the executioner?"

  "Because this is in order," he replied. "When our young master quarteredthe knight Rotgier the old _comthur_ Zygfried almost raved. They said atSzczytno that Rotgier was the _comthur's_ son. The priest confirmed thestory, that no father ever loved his son as much as Zygfried lovedRotgier; for his thirst for vengeance he sold his soul to the devil. Allthis the executioner saw. The _comthur_ talked with the slain Rotgier, asI am talking to you, and the corpse smiled; then he gnashed his teeth,and for joy he licked his livid lips with his black tongue when the old_comthur_ promised him Zbyszko's head. But as he could not then getZbyszko, he ordered Jurand to be tortured in the meanwhile and thenplaced Jurand's tongue and hand in Rotgier's coffin, who began to devourit...."

  "It is terrible to hear. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost,amen," said Jagienka. Then she got up and threw a log of wood on the firebecause it was night already.

  "How," continued Hlawa, "how will it be in the day of judgment? Becausethen everything belonging to Jurand must be restored to him. But thatsurpasses human understanding. The executioner then saw everything.Gorged with human flesh, the old _comthur_ went to take Jurand'sdaughter, because the other, it seems, whispered to him that he wanted todrink innocent human blood, after his meal. But the executioner, as Ihave already told you, who did everything, but would not hurt or kill agirl, placed himself upon the staircase.... The priest said thatotherwise the executioner is stupid and half a brute, but in that matterhe was wide awake, and when necessary he has no equal in cunning. He saton the stairs and waited, until the _comthur_ arrived and heard thebreathing of the executioner. He saw something shining and started backfor he thought it was the devil. The executioner struck him in the neckwith his fist, so that he thought the bones were completely shattered. Hedid not die, but fainted, and became sick with fright. When he recovered,he was afraid to repeat this attempt upon Jurandowna."

  "But they have carried her off."

  They have, but they have taken the executioner with her. The _comthur_did not know that it was he who defended Jurandowna. He thought that somesupernatural power, good or evil, did it. He had taken the executionerwith him and would not leave him at Szczytno. He was afraid of histestimony, for although dumb, he could in case of a trial testify bysigns that which he told the priest. Moreover, the priest finally toldMacko that old Zygfried no more threatens Jurandowna, because he isafraid; and although he ordered somebody else to harm her, nothing willhappen to her as long as Diedrich lives; he will not permit it,especially as he has already protected her once."

  "But does the priest know where they have taken her?"

  "Not exactly, but he heard them talk of a certain place called Ragniec,which castle is situated not far from the Lithuanian or Zmudz frontiers."

  "What did Macko say concerning that?"

  "Pan Macko told me the following day: 'If it is so, then I can and willfind her, but I must hasten to Zbyszko, to see that he is not entrappedby them through Jurandowna as they did with Jurand. They have only totell him that if he comes by himself they will give her up to him and hewould not hesitate to go; then old Zygfried would wreak his vengeanceupon him, for the death of Rotgier, in unheard-of tortures.'"

  "True! It is true!" exclaimed Jagienka, alarmed. "If that is the reasonof his hurried departure, then he is right."

  But after a moment she turned to Hlawa and said:

  "Nevertheless he made a mistake in sending you here. There is no need toguard us here. Old Tolima can do it as well. You, being strong andintrepid, could be of much help to Zbyszko there."

  "But who would guard you in case you were to go to Zgorzelice?"

  "In such a case they would have to convey the news by somebody; they willdo it through you. You will precede them and take us home."

  The Bohemian kissed her hand, and asked, with emotion:

  "But during the time of your sojourn here?"

  "God watches over orphans! I shall remain here."

  "Will you not find it tedious? What will you do here?"

  "I shall ask the Lord Jesus to restore happiness to Zbyszko and keep allof you in good health."

  Then she burst out weeping, and the armor-bearer bowed again at her feet,and said:

  "You are indeed like an angel in heaven."