In the woods, about a mile to the east of Kowno, which Witold haddestroyed, were stationed the principal forces of Skirwoillo, extendingin time of need from point to point in the neighborhood. They made quickexpeditions sometimes to the Prussian frontier, and at others against thecastles and smaller fortified places which were still in the hands of theKnights of the Cross, and filled the country with flame of war. There thefaithful armor-bearer found Zbyszko and Macko only two days after thelatter arrived. After greetings, the Bohemian slept like a rock the wholenight, only on the following evening he went out to greet the old knightwho looked fatigued and ill-humored and received him angrily, and askedhim why he had not remained at Spychow as ordered. Hlawa restrainedhimself till Zbyszko had left the tent, when he justified his conduct,which was owing to Jagienka's command.

  He also said that apart from her order, and his natural inclination forwar, he was urged by the desire, in case of emergency, to carry the newsto Spychow at once. "The young lady," he said, "who has a soul like anangel, is praying against her own interest for Jurandowna. But there mustbe an end to everything. If Danusia is not alive, then let God give hereternal glory, because she was an innocent lamb. But should she be found,then it will be necessary to let Jagienka know it immediately, so thatshe may at once leave Spychow, and not wait until the actual return ofJurandowna, which would seem as though she were driven away in shame anddishonor."

  Macko listened unwillingly, repeating from time to time: "It is not yourbusiness." But Hlawa had resolved to speak openly; he did not entirelyagree in this with Macko; at last he said:

  "It would have been better if the young lady had been left at Zgorzelice.This journey is in vain. We told the poor lady that Jurandowna was deadand that something else might turn up."

  "Nobody but you said that she was dead," exclaimed the knight, withanger. "You ought to have held your tongue. I took her with me because Iwas afraid of Cztan and Wilk."

  "That was only a pretext," replied the armor-bearer. "She might havesafely remained at Zgorzelice, and those fellows would have hurt eachother. But, you feared, sir, that, in case of Jurandowna's death Jagienkamight escape Zbyszko. That is the reason why you took her with you."

  "How dare you speak so? Are you a belted knight and not a servant?"

  "I am a servant, but I serve my lady; that is the reason why I amwatching that no evil betide her."

  Macko reflected gloomily, because he was not satisfied with himself. Morethan once he had blamed himself for taking Jagienka with him, because hefelt that in any case, under such circumstances, it would be, to acertain extent, to her disadvantage. He also felt that there was truth inthe Bohemian's bold words, that he had taken the girl with him in orderto preserve her for Zbyszko.

  "It never entered my head," he said, nevertheless, to deceive theBohemian. "She was anxious to go herself."

  "She persisted because we said that the other was no more in this world,and that her brother would be safer without than with her; it was thenthat she left."

  "You persuaded her," shouted Macko.

  "I did, and I confess my guilt. But now, sir, it is necessary to dosomething; otherwise we shall perish."

  "What can one do here?" said Macko, impatiently, "with such soldiers, insuch a war?... It will be somewhat better, but that cannot be beforeJuly, because the Germans have two favorable seasons for war, viz: winterwhen everything is frozen, and the dry season. Now it is onlysmouldering, but does not burn. It seems that Prince Witold went toKrakow to interview the king and ask his permission and help."

  "But in the neighborhood are the fortresses of the Knights of the Cross.If only two could be taken, we might find there Jurandowna, or hear ofher death."

  "Or nothing."

  "But Zygfried brought her to this part of the country. They told us so atSzczytno, and everywhere, and we ourselves were of the same opinion."

  "But did you observe these soldiers; go into the tents and look foryourself. Some of them are armed with clubs, whilst others withantiquated swords made of copper."

  "Bah! As far as I have heard they are good fighters."

  "But they cannot conquer castles with naked bodies, especially those ofthe Knights of the Cross."

  Further conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Zbyszko andSkirwoillo, who was the leader of the Zmudzians. He was a small man andlooked like a boy, but broad shouldered and strong, his chest protuded somuch that it looked like a deformity, his hands were long, they almostreached his knees. In general he resembled Zyndram of Maszkow, a famousknight, whom Macko and Zbyszko had formerly known in Krakow, because healso had a tremendous head and bowed legs. They said that he toounderstood the art of war very well. He had spent a lifetime in fightingthe Tartars in Russia, and the Germans, whom he hated like the plague. Inthose wars he had learned the Russian language, and later on, at thecourt of Witold, he had learned some Polish. He knew German, at least herepeated only the three words: "Fire, blood and death." His big head wasalways filled with ideas and stratagems of war, which the Knights of theCross could neither foresee nor prevent. He was therefore banished fromthe lands on the other side of the frontier.

  "We were talking of an expedition," said Zbyszko to Macko, with unusualanimation, "and that is the reason why we came here so that we too mightlearn your opinion."

  Macko sat down with Skirwoilla upon a pine stump covered with a bearskin. Then he ordered the servants to bring little tubs full of mead fromwhich the knights drew with tin cups and drank. Then after they had takenrefreshment, Macko asked:

  "Do you want to undertake an expedition?"

  "Burn the German castles...."


  "Ragnety, or Nowe (new) Kowno."

  "Ragnety," said Zbyszko. "We were three days in the neighborhood of NoweKowno, and they beat us."

  "Just so," said Skirwoilla.

  "How so?"


  "Wait," said Macko, "I am a stranger here, and do not know where NoweKowno and Ragnety are."

  "From this place to Old Kowno is less then a mile,"[115] replied Zbyszko,"and from that place to Nowe Kowno, is the same distance. The castle issituated upon an island. We wanted to cross over yesterday, but we werebeaten in the attempt; they pursued us half the day, then we hidourselves in the woods. The soldiers scattered and only this morning someof them returned."

  "And Ragnety?"

  Skirwoilla stretched his long arms, pointed toward the north, and said:

  "Far! Far...."

  "Just for the reason that it is distant," replied Zbyszko, "there isquiet in the neighborhood, because all the soldiers were withdrawn fromthere and sent to this place. The Germans there expect no attack; weshall therefore fall upon those who think themselves secure."

  "He speaks reasonably," said Skirwoilla.

  Then Macko asked:

  "Do you think that it will also be possible to storm the castle?"

  Skirwoillo shook his head and Zbyszko replied:

  "The castle is strong, therefore it can only be taken by storm. But weshall devastate the country, burn the towns and villages, destroyprovisions, and above all take prisoners, among whom we may findimportant personages, for whom the Knights of the Cross will eagerly giveransom or exchange...."

  Then he turned toward Skirwoillo and said:

  "You yourself, prince, acknowledged that I am right, but now considerthat Nowe Kowno is upon an island, there we shall neither stir up thepeople in the villages, drive off the herds of cattle, nor takeprisoners, the more so because they have repulsed us here. Ay! Let usrather go where they do not expect us."

  "Conquerors are those who least expect an attack," murmured Skirwoillo.

  Here Macko interrupted and began to support Zbyszko's plans, because heunderstood that the young man had more hope to hear something nearRagnety than near Old Kowno, and that there were more chances to takeimportant hostages at Ragnety who might serve for exchange. He alsothought that it was better to go yonder at all ev
ents and attack anunguarded land, than an island, which was a natural stronghold and inaddition was guarded by a strong castle and the customary garrison.

  He spoke as a man experienced in war, he spoke in a clear manner, headduced such excellent reasons that convinced everybody. They listened tohim attentively. Skirwoillo raised his brows now and then as anaffirmative sign; at times he murmured: "Well spoken." Finally he movedhis big head between his broad shoulders so that he looked like ahunchback, and was absorbed in thought.

  Then he rose, said nothing, and began to take leave.

  "How then will it be, prince?" inquired Macko. "Whither shall we move?"

  But he replied briefly:

  "To Nowe Kowno."

  Then he left the tent.

  Macko and the Bohemian looked at each other for some time in surprise;then the old knight placed his hands upon his thighs and exclaimed:

  "Phew! What a hard stump!... He listens, listens and yet keeps his mouthshut."

  "I heard before that he is such a man," replied Zbyszko. "To tell thetruth all people here are obstinate; like the little fellow, they listento the reasoning of others, then ... it is like blowing in the air."

  "Then why does he consult us?"

  "Because we are belted knights and he wants to hear the thing argued onboth sides. But he is not a fool."

  "Also near Nowe Kowno we are least expected," observed the Bohemian, "forthe very reason that they have beaten you. In that he is right."

  "Come, let us see the people whom I lead," said Zbyszko, "because the airin the tent is too close. I want to tell them to be ready."

  They went out. A cloudy and dark night had set in, the scene was only litup by the fire around which the Zmudzians were sitting.