Macko and Zbyszko had seen enough of Lithuanian and Zmudz warriors whenserving under Prince Witold. The sights of the encampment were nothingnew to them. But the Bohemian looked at them with curiosity. He ponderedboth upon the possibility of their fighting qualities and compared themwith the Polish and German knights. The camp was situated on a plainsurrounded by forests and swamps, which rendered it impregnable, becausenone could wade through that treacherous marsh land. Even the place wherethe booths were situated was quaggy and muddy, but the soldiers hadcovered it with a thick layer of chips and branches of fir andpine-trees, which enabled them to camp upon it as upon perfectly dryground. For Prince Skirwoillo they had hastily constructed a Lithuanian_numy_, constructed of earth and logs, and for the most importantpersonages scores of booths of twisted branches. But the common soldierswere squatting in the open around the camp-fires, and for shelter againstbad weather they only had goatskin coats, and skins upon their nakedbodies. None had gone to sleep yet; they had nothing to do, afteryesterday's defeat, and had thrown up earthworks during the day. Some ofthem were sitting or lying around the bright fire which they fed with dryjuniper branches. Others were scraping in the ashes and cinders fromwhich proceeded a smell of baked turnips, which form the ordinary food ofthe Lithuanians, and the strong odor of burned meat. Between thecamp-fires were piles of arms; they were close at hand so that in case ofneed it would be an easy matter for everybody to reach his own weapon.Hlawa looked with curiosity upon the lances with narrow and long headsmade of tempered iron, and the handles of oak saplings, studded withflint or nails, hatchets with short handles like the Polish axes used bytravelers, and others with handles almost as long as those of thebattle-axes used by the foot-soldiers. There were also among them somebronze weapons from ancient times when iron was not yet employed in thatlow country. Some swords were entirely made of bronze, but most of themwere of good steel of Novgorod. The Bohemian handled the spears, swords,hatchets, axes and tarred bows, examining them closely by the light ofthe camp-fires. There were a few horses near the fires, whilst the cattlegrazed at a distance in the forests and meadows, under the care ofvigilant ostlers; but the great nobles liked to have their chargers closeat hand, hence there were about twoscore horses within the camp, fed byhand by the slaves of the noblemen in a space enclosed by stacked arms.Hlawa was amazed at the sight of the extraordinarily small shaggychargers, with powerful necks, such strange brutes that the westernknights took them to be quite another species of wild beast, more like aunicorn than a horse.

  "Big battle horses are of no use here," said the experienced Macko,recollecting his former service under Witold, "because large horses wouldat once stick in the mire, but the native nag goes everywhere, like themen."

  "But in the field," replied the Bohemian, "the native horse could notwithstand that of the German."

  "True, he may not be able to withstand, but, on the other hand, theGerman could not run away from the Zmudzian, neither could he catch him;they are very swift, swifter than those of the Tartars."

  "Nevertheless I wonder; because when I saw the Tartar captives whom LordZych brought to Zgorzelice, they were small and matched their horses; butthese are big men."

  The men were tall indeed; their broad chests and strong arms could beseen under their goatskin coats; they were not stout, but bony andsinewy, and as a rule they excelled the inhabitants of other parts ofLithuania, because they lived in better and more productive lands, andwere seldom subject to the dearth which often afflicted Lithuania. On theother hand they were wilder than the other Lithuanians. The court of thechief prince was at Wilno, whither the princes from the east and west,and ambassadors and foreign merchants came, and that contributed somewhatto lessen the roughness of the inhabitants of the city and neighborhood.There the stranger only appeared in the form of a Knight of the Cross ora sworded cavalier, carrying to the settlements in the deep forests fire,slavery and baptism of blood. That was the reason that the people in thatpart of the country were very coarse and rude, more like those of ancienttimes, and very much opposed to everything new, the oldest custom and theoldest warrior clan were theirs, and the reason that paganism wassupported was that the worship of the cross did not bring theannouncement of good tidings with apostolic love, but armed German monksinstead, possessing souls of executioners.

  Skirwoilla and the most notable princes and nobles were alreadyChristians, because they followed the example of Jagiello and Witold.Others even among the common and uncivilized warriors felt in theirhearts that the death-knell of the old world and religion had sounded.They were ready to bend their heads to the cross, but not to that crosswhich the Germans carried, not to the hand of the enemy. "We askbaptism," they proclaimed to all princes and nations, "but bear in mindthat we are human beings, not beasts, that can be given away, bought orsold." Meanwhile, when their old faith was extinguished, as a fire goesout for lack of fuel, their hearts were again turned away simply becausethe religion was forced upon them by the Germans, and there was a generalsense of deep sorrow for the future.

  The Bohemian, who had been accustomed from his infancy to hear the jovialnoise of the soldiers, and had grown up among songs and music, observedfor the first time the unusual quiet and gloom in the Lithuanian camp.Here and there, far away from the camp-fires of Skirwoilla, the sound ofa whistle or fife was heard, or the suppressed notes of the song of the_burtenikas_, to which the soldiers listened with bent heads and eyesfixed on the glowing fire. Some crouched around the fire with theirelbows upon their knees and their faces hidden in their hands, andcovered with skins, which made them look like wild beasts of the forest.But when they turned their heads toward the approaching knights, one sawfrom their mild expression and blue pupils that they were not at allsavage or austere, but looked more like sorrowful and wronged children.At the outskirts of the camp the wounded of the last battle lay uponmoss. _Labdarysi_ and _Sextonowi,_ conjurers and soothsayers, mutteredexorcisms over them or attended to their wounds, to which they appliedcertain healing herbs; the wounded lay quietly, patiently suffering painand torture. From the depth of the forest, across the marshes and lakes,came the whistling of the ostlers; now and then the wind arose, drivingthe smoke of the camp-fires and making the dark forest resound. The nightwas already far advanced and the camp-fires began to burn down andextinguish, which increased the dominating silence and intensified theimpression of sadness, almost to a crushing extent.

  Zbyszko gave orders to the people he led, who easily understood himbecause there were a few Poles among them. Then he turned to hisarmor-bearer and said:

  "You have seen enough, now it is time to return to the tent."

  "I have seen," replied Hlawa, "but I am not satisfied with what I haveobserved, for it is obvious that they are a defeated people."

  "Twice,--four days in front of the castle, and the day before yesterdayat the crossing. Now Skirwoilla wants to go a third time to experienceanother rout."

  "How is it that he does not see that he cannot fight the Germans withsuch soldiers? Pan Macko told me the same thing, and now I observe myselfthat they are a poor lot, and that they must be boys in battle."

  "You are mistaken in that, because they are a brave people and have fewequals, but they fight in disordered crowds, whilst the Germans fight inbattle array. If the Zmudzians succeed in breaking the German ranks, thenthe Germans suffer more than themselves. Bah, but the latter know thisand close their ranks in such a manner that they stand like a wall."

  "We must not even think about capturing the castles," said Hlawa.

  "Because there are no engines of war whatever to attempt it," repliedZbyszko. "Prince Witold has them, but as long as he does not arrive I amunable to capture them, unless by accident or treachery."

  Then they reached the tent, in front of which burned a huge fire, andwithin they found smoking dishes of meat, which the servants had preparedfor them. It was cold and damp in the tent, therefore the knights andHlawa lay down upon skins in front of the fire.
  When they had fortified themselves, they tried to sleep, but they couldnot; Macko turned from side to side, and when he observed Zbyszko sittingnear the fire covering his knees with twigs, he asked:

  "Listen! Why did you give advice to go as far as Ragnety againstGotteswerder, and not near here? What do you profit by it?"

  "Because there is a voice within me which tells me that Danuska is atRagnety, and they are guarded less than they are here."

  "There was no time to continue the conversation then, for I too wasfatigued and the people after the defeat gathered in the woods. But now,tell me, how is it? Do you mean to search for the girl forever?"

  "I say that she is not a girl, but my wife," replied Zbyszko.

  There was silence, for Macko well understood that there was no answer tothat. If Danuska were still Jurandowna (Miss Jurand) Macko might haveadvised his nephew to abandon her: but in the presence of the HolySacrament, his search for her was his simple duty. Macko would not haveput the question to him if he had been present.

  Not having been there he always spoke of her at the betrothal or marriageas a girl.

  "Very well," he said, after a while. "But to all my questions during thelast two days, you replied that you knew nothing."

  "Because I do know nothing, except that the wrath of God is probably uponme."

  Then Hlawa lifted up his head from the bearskin, sat up and listened withcuriosity and attention.

  And Macko said:

  "As long as sleep does not overpower you, tell me what have you seen,what have you done, and what success have you had at Malborg?"

  Zbyszko stroked his long, untrimmed hair from his brow, remained silentfor a moment, and then said:

  "Would to God that I knew as much of Danuska as I do of Malborg. You askme what I have seen there? I have seen the immense power of the Knightsof the Cross; it is supported by all kings and nations, and I do not knowany one who could measure himself with it. I have seen their castles,which even Caesar of Rome does not possess. I have seen inexhaustibletreasures, I have seen arms, I have seen swarms of armed monks, knights,and common soldiers,--and as many relics as one sees with the Holy Fatherin Rome, and I tell you that my soul trembled within me at the thought ofthe possibility of fighting them. Who can prevail against them? Who canoppose them and break their power?"

  "We must destroy them," exclaimed the Bohemian, who could restrainhimself no longer.

  Zbyszko's words appeared strange also to Macko, and although he wasanxious to hear all the adventures of the young man, nevertheless, heinterrupted him and said:

  "Have you forgotten Wilno? How many times we threw ourselves againstthem, shield against shield, head against head! You have also seen that,how slow they were against us; and, at our hardiness, they exclaimed thatit was not enough to let the horses sweat and break the lances, but itwas necessary to take the strangers by the throat or offer their own.Surely there were also guests who challenged us. But all of them wentaway with shame. What has caused you to change?"

  "I am not changed, for I fought at Malborg where also they tilted withsharp weapons. But you don't know their whole strength."

  But the old knight got angry and said:

  "Do you know the whole strength of Poland? Did you see all the regimentstogether? Well, you did not. But their strength consists in the people'swrongs and treachery; there, they do not even possess one span of land.They received our princes there in the same manner as a beggar receivesin his house, and they presented gifts, but they have grown powerful,they have bitten the hand which fed them, like abominable mad dogs. Theyseized the lands and treacherously captured the city; that is theirstrength. The day of judgment and vengeance is at hand."

  "You requested me to tell you what I have seen, and now you get angry; Iprefer to tell no more," said Zbyszko.

  But Macko breathed angrily for a while, then he quieted down and said:

  "But this time, thus it will be: You see a tremendous tower-likepine-tree in the forest; it seems as it will stand there forever; butstrike it fairly with your axe and it will reveal hollowness and punkwill come out. So is it with the strength of the Knights of the Cross.But I commanded you to tell me what you have done and what you haveaccomplished there. Let me see, you said you fought there with weapons,did you not?"

  "I did. They received me at first in an ungrateful and arrogant manner;they knew of my fight with Rotgier. Perhaps they had planned some evilagainst me. But I came provided with letters from the prince; and deLorche, whom they honor, protected me from their evil designs. Then camefeasts and tourneys in which the Lord Jesus helped me. You have alreadyheard how Ulrych, the brother of the grand master, loved me, and obtainedan order from the master himself to surrender Danuska to me."

  "We were told," said Macko, "that when his saddle-girdle broke, you wouldnot attack him."

  "I helped him up with my lance, and from that moment he became fond ofme. Hey! Good God! They furnished me with such strong letters, thatenabled me to travel from castle to castle and search. I thought thenthat my sufferings were at an end, but now I am sitting here, in a wildcountry, without any help, in sorrow and perplexity, and it is gettingworse daily."

  He remained silent for a moment, then he forcibly threw a chip into thefire which scattered sparks among the burning brands, and said:

  "If that poor child is suffering in a castle, somewhere in thisneighborhood, and thinks that I don't care for her, then let sudden deathovertake me!"

  His heart was evidently so full of pain and impatience that he beganagain to throw chips into the fire, as though carried away by a suddenand blind pain; but they were greatly astonished because they had notrealized that he loved Danusia so much.

  "Restrain yourself," exclaimed Macko. "How did you fare with thoseletters of safe conduct. Did the _comthurs_ pay no attention to themaster's command?"

  "Restrain yourself, sir," said Hlawa. "God will comfort you; perhaps verysoon."

  Tears glistened in Zbyszko's eyes, but he controlled himself, and said:

  "They opened different castles and prisons. I have been everywhere; Isearched up to the breaking out of this war. At Gierdaw I was told by themagistrate, von Heideck, that the laws of war differ from those in timeof peace, and that my safe conduct was of no avail. I challenged him atonce, but he did not accept, and he ordered me to quit the castle."

  "What happened in other places?" inquired Macko.

  "It was the same everywhere. The Count Koenizsberg, who is the chiefmagistrate of Gierdaw, even refused to read the letter of the master,saying that 'war is war,' and told me to carry my head--while it wasintact--out of the place. It was everywhere the same."

  "Now I understand," said the old knight, "seeing that you got nothing,you came here at least to avenge yourself."

  "Exactly so," replied Zbyszko. "I also thought that we should takeprisoners, and also invest some castles. But those fellows could notconquer castles."

  "Hey! It will be otherwise when Prince Witold himself comes."

  "May God grant it!"

  "He will come; I heard at the Mazovian court that he will come, andperhaps the king and all the forces of Poland will come with him."

  Further conversation was interrupted by the appearance of Skirwoilla whounexpectedly appeared from the shadow, and said:

  "We must be on the march."

  Hearing that, the knights got up with alacrity. Skirwoilla approached histremendous head to their faces, and said in low tones:

  "There is news: A relief train is moving toward New Kowno. Two knightsare at the head of the soldiers, cattle and provisions. Let us capturethem."

  "Shall we cross the Niemen," inquired Zbyszko.

  "Yes! I know a ford."

  "Do they know at the castle of the relief train?"

  "They know and will come to meet them, but we shall pounce upon themtoo."

  Then he instructed them where they were to lie in ambush, so as toattack, unexpectedly, those hurrying from the castle. His intentions wereto engage
the enemy in two battles at the same time, and avenge himselffor the last defeat, which could easily be effected, considering thatowing to their last victory the enemy considered himself perfectly safefrom an attack. Therefore Skirwoilla appointed the place and time wherethey should meet; as for the rest, he left it with them, for he reliedupon their courage and resource. They were very glad at heart becausethey appreciated the fact that an experienced and skilful warrior wasspeaking to them. Then he ordered them to start, and he went to his_numy_ where the princes and captains were already waiting. There herepeated his orders, gave new ones, and finally put to his lips a pipe,carved out of a wolf's bone, and whistled shrilly, which was heard fromone end of the camp to the other.

  At the sound of the whistle they gathered around the extinguishedcamp-fires; here and there sparks shot up, then little flames whichincreased momentarily, and wild figures of warriors were visiblegathering around the stands of arms. The forest throbbed and moved. In amoment there were heard the voices of the ostlers chasing the herd towardthe camp.