Page 25 of Sirens in Bliss

  “I love you.”

  His face turned up, his eyes softening. “I love you, too, baby.”

  He tossed his body on the bed, carrying them both down. It wasn’t hard to move her body, straddling him, rubbing their skin together. She could already feel his cock stirring to life. It hardened against her pussy.

  “Ride me.” His hands were on her skin, guiding her where he wanted her to be. With a firm twist of his hips, he joined them together.

  Her eyes closed in pleasure, but they weren’t done. She felt callused palms cup her breasts. Her Aidan. Her cowboy. He’d been her first love, the man who broke her heart, the man who put her back together again. When they’d first met, he’d been so beautiful she couldn’t imagine she would ever be attracted to anyone else, but the Aidan who loved her now was a man and not a boy. He bore the scars of a war, and she couldn’t imagine loving him any more than she did in that moment.

  She let her face turn to his, their mouths fusing lightly.

  “Baby, let me get inside.” Aidan pressed her down, gently forcing her against Lucas.

  She was right where she needed to be. She was surrounded by them.

  Something hard but warm pressed against her ass. Aidan worked his cock in and despite calling the plug too large, Lexi was reminded that Aidan was bigger. She wiggled, gasping and trying to relax. Lucas held her hips, forcing her cheeks wide to give Aidan room to work.

  “Let me in.” Aidan’s command washed over her. His silky, dark voice was seduction in itself. “Don’t try to keep me out. This belongs to me. You belong to us.”

  She did. And they belonged to her. Sometimes she forgot that it worked both ways. She needed her Masters to remind her again.

  She let loose a long breath and tried to flatten out her back. The pressure on her ass increased until finally, blissfully, she felt Aidan slide in.

  He shuddered behind her. “You feel so damn good.”

  Lucas pressed up. “Yes, she does.”

  Lexi was suffused with heat as they moved against her, long practice making the action easy. Aidan drove into her ass while Lucas was dragging his cock out. Lucas fucked deep inside her pussy while Aidan was pulling out, his dick lighting up every nerve she had.

  It couldn’t last. They were too hungry, too desperate.

  Lucas twisted his hips, his pelvis grinding on her clit as his cock drove deep and Lexi hurled over the edge. Pleasure crashed over her in waves, knocking her breath away and making her shake.

  Aidan shouted out and held himself hard against her body. He filled her ass with his cum, whispering her name like a benediction.

  Lucas’s beautiful face contorted in pleasure as he found his orgasm. He held her tight, as though she was his anchor.

  They fell together, Aidan pulling her to one side so she was in the middle. Her place. She slept between them so she always had an arm around her or legs tangling with hers.

  Lexi settled down, finally remembering her place in the world.

  Chapter Twenty-One:

  Stef and Jen

  Jennifer cuddled her son in her arms as she looked up at the friends who had gathered in her room. The morning sun was streaming through the windows, giving the little room a soft, gauzy feel. Rachel and Callie had been in the waiting room most of the night, and Nell had shown up with zucchini bread bright and early.

  “He’s so beautiful,” Nell said, staring down at him. She put a hand on her still non-existent stomach. “I hope my baby looks like Henry.”

  Callie gave Nell a hug. “I think whoever the baby looks like, he or she will be beautiful.”

  Nell took a long breath and nodded.

  Jen reached her free hand out and covered Nell’s. Something was wrong. Maybe it was just pregnancy hormones. Jen hoped so, but it seemed like something was wrong with Henry, too.

  “Good lord. Nell, what the hell is wrong?” Rachel asked from her place in the comfy chair. She was bouncing Paige.

  “Rachel!” Callie said, indignation in her voice.

  Rachel just shrugged. “Well, we’re all wondering about it. She’s been moping around for a month. It’s like someone put moody juice in her tofu.”

  “That doesn’t even make sense,” Callie shot back.

  “Neither does tofu,” Rachel replied.

  Nell held a hand up. “I found a gun in the house.”

  Jen felt her eyes go wide. Nell and Henry were pacifists. “Holy shit.”

  She needed to clean up her potty mouth. Her little baby boy was already learning bad words. But, holy shit…

  “That has to be a mistake,” Callie said.

  “Maybe it was left behind by someone else,” Jen tried.

  “No one leaves a gun sitting around,” Rachel retorted. She frowned and seemed a bit more sympathetic than before. “This town can be a dangerous place. Maybe that mess with Gemma’s ex scared him. A man can do some strange things when he thinks his woman is in danger.”

  Nell sniffled a little. “I think he’s hiding something. I think…I think he might have been lying to me for a while now, but he won’t tell me anything.”

  Jen couldn’t believe it. Nell and Henry were solid. They had to be. “Honey, I just went through this with Stef. Men get scared. First he had to deal with the fact that Gemma’s ex nearly killed you and then he had to watch the man die. Now you’re pregnant. It can make a man a little crazy.”

  “What did he say about it?” Callie asked.

  Nell looked a little hopeful suddenly. “I didn’t mention it. Oh, do you really think it could all be a misunderstanding? Or that he’s just scared?”

  Rachel waved a hand her way. “Honey, men are dumbasses. You can always count on them to do the dumbassedest thing possible. For Henry, that means buying a gun. For Max, it’s eating wings. You just thought Henry was perfect. Well, guess what, hon, he has a penis. It was just a matter of time.”

  Rachel had a way with words, but it seemed to work wonders on Nell. She smiled and her naturally sunny disposition seemed to come back.

  “I’m sure you’re right. That incident with Gemma’s ex was very scary for both of us. And my first trimester was a little touch and go. I haven’t told anyone except Laura and Holly, but we actually decided to try a while back and I miscarried twice.”

  Jen’s heart went out to her friend. “I’m so sorry to hear that. That could make any man crazy.”

  Stef would definitely have gone a little nuts.

  Callie pulled Nell in to a hug. “Everything is going to be fine. You just need to talk to him.”

  “And you need to take that gun away. I can’t imagine Henry is any good with it,” Rachel said. “He needs to leave the defense of the town to law enforcement and me and Marie.”

  Nell smiled brightly. “I will. It’s time we talked. He’s been tense. Yes, talking it out will be good. He’s been talking to someone on the phone, too. Someone named Levi. I wonder if he’s a counselor Henry turned to.”

  Jen had no idea who Levi was, but if anyone would talk to a counselor it would be Henry.

  Callie sighed. “Well, we need to start getting ready.”

  Jen wished she could go with them. “Please tell Shelley I’m so sorry I’m going to miss the wedding, but Caleb said no. You know how he just says no and doesn’t really give you an explanation and refuses to argue in any way?”

  Callie grinned. “I might have come up against that once or twice.” She sat on the edge of the bed.

  Rachel shook her head. “One of these days I’m going to throw down with that man. He can be deeply unreasonable. I’ll probably wait until I’m done having babies, though. The man is damn good at delivering them.”

  Jennifer looked down at her boy. She couldn’t complain. “Doc does a good job. And he’s going to let me go home tomorrow, but he’s insistent about staying here for the night. Naomi even offered to stay with me but Doc said…”

  “No,” Callie and Rachel finished in perfect harmony.

  Baby Logan was sleeping, his he
ad on her breast. Naomi had suggested that she hold her baby skin to skin. She’d offered to diaper the baby, but Stef wouldn’t have it. He’d looked a little lost in the beginning and tossed out the first two diapers, but he’d finally managed to get it around the baby’s bottom perfectly. Stef had been the one to put Logan against her breast. He’d sat and watched as their son latched onto her nipple and began to suck.

  Now her baby was sleeping and Naomi had been right. Being skin to skin with her baby was perfect.

  Stef walked in. He took in the scene and his eyes heated for a moment. And then he frowned. “Anyone could walk in here.”

  While Logan was covered in a blanket, her torso was still naked.

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “We’ve seen her naked before, Stef.”

  Callie shook her head, a confused look on her face. “I’ve been naked with Jen lots of times. What’s the problem?”

  Callie was a bit of a nudist. And it was completely true. Before Callie had married Nate and Zane, Jen had felt completely comfortable shedding her clothes at Callie’s house. Nate had caught them sunbathing once and said she blinded him because those boobs didn’t belong to him, so now they only did it at Mountain and Valley and only where she wouldn’t cause Nate Wright hysterical boob blindness.

  Nell frowned Stef’s way. “I sincerely hope you’re not trying to discourage your wife’s very healthy practices.”

  Stef wasn’t amused. He pulled the blanket up. “I think I’m going to have to agree with Max on the whole nursing thing. I don’t know that I want my wife’s breasts on display for all to see.”

  Rachel’s eyes narrowed. “Well, then you should figure out a way to make your man chest produce some milk, mister.” Her face softened, but Jen wasn’t fooled. “Uhm, by the way, Stef, I was just kind of hoping that you wouldn’t kill my dumbass husbands over the whole shooting you and carrying your naked body around town thing. And I want you to know that I have confiscated all the pictures. I also took the thumb drive Max thought he hid.”

  Stef’s face went a little red. “I promise you this, Rachel, I’ll tell the assassin I hire to not touch you or Paige.”

  “Stefan!” It wasn’t nice to scare pregnant ladies.

  The second pregnant lady in the room wagged her finger Stef’s way. Nell gave him a good frowning. “That was very impolite, Stefan.”

  Stef shrugged. “So was shooting me up with sedatives and shoving me in the back of Rye’s truck naked. I have a sunburn on my ass you wouldn’t believe.”

  Jen stifled a smile. “Rachel, he’s not going to hire an assassin. He’s going to jump Max when he least expects it and beat the holy living shit out of him, because that’s what they do.”

  Rachel breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god. He’s been a pain in the ass lately. He really needs a release. Do it quick, Stef.”

  “I will,” Stef agreed. “And don’t you protest me, Nell. This is totally consensual. Mostly. I think I need a physical outlet, too, and it can’t be sex. I asked Caleb if he could shave a couple of weeks off that whole six-weeks-without-sex thing and he just told me no.”

  Yep, that was Caleb Burke. He had zero bedside manner. And he would be the one to perform her baby’s checkups. Baby Logan would have to get used to his gruff doctor, but then he was a Bliss Boy. Jennifer had made damn sure of it. She’d wanted her baby born here and not in Del Norte or Alamosa, and Caleb Burke had made that happen, so she would put up with his “nos.”

  “I think Logan here will keep us busy for a couple of weeks.”

  Stef frowned. “Fine, but I’m sleeping with you.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. He’d talked about sleeping in the guest room so he wouldn’t disturb her. “I thought you had other plans.”

  He turned his Dom eyes on her. “You’ll just have to put up with me.”

  What had Jack Barnes told her? Sometimes a Dom needed a good poking. Her Dom was back in charge. Well, he thought he was in charge, and that was just the way Jen liked it. “I suppose I will.”

  “Ladies, I think Jennifer needs some rest,” Stef said.

  Callie sighed. “It’s time to get to the wedding anyway. I’ll send your regards.”

  “And I’ll be waiting for you to jump Max,” Rachel said. “Do I even want to know what you’re going to do to Rye?”

  Stef shook his head.

  “All right then.” Rachel and Callie and Nell took one last glance at the baby before saying their good-byes.

  And then she was alone with her boys. With her husband and her son. God, she had a son—a little piece of her and Stef—someone totally unique in the world. She wanted her boy to have her sense of humor and his dad’s intelligence and talent. She wanted him to have his namesake’s bravery and Stella’s enduring loyalty. She prayed the universe gave her son Rachel’s stubborn will and Callie’s deep tolerance.

  And that the world around him would give him such bliss.

  “Hey, you’re crying.” Stef’s voice had softened and his hand came out to cup her cheek. “Are you in pain, love?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m just so happy.”

  “Scoot over,” he commanded. “And get rid of the blanket. It’s warm enough in here.”

  Such a bossy man. She moved slightly, and Stef climbed on the bed and wrapped his arm around her, cuddling her close. The blanket fell away and she lay naked from the waist up. Baby Logan’s body moved as he sighed, his eyes opening and his mouth starting to move. She moved her nipple to his mouth and he started to suck. “I thought I was supposed to be modest.”

  “Not around me,” Stef said, his eyes going straight to where his son was nursing. “And that is a beautiful sight.”

  “Stef, I don’t want you to think of me as just a mom.” She remembered how Callie had worried that her hubbies hadn’t wanted her sexually. She didn’t want to get into the rut they’d been in before one long night in the guesthouse had proven to Callie that she was still a woman.

  Stef chuckled a little and moved against her, pressing on her thigh. “Love, does that feel maternal to you?”

  Nope. That was an erection. “God, I’m so glad you’re a complete pervert.”

  “I’m a pervert who loves his wife. Jennifer, I love you. I love our son. I can’t thank you enough for him.”

  “So no more pulling away? You should know that I’ll just pull you back.” She had no intention of ever losing her husband.

  “I live in fear of it.” Stef touched his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss. “I’ll never leave you. Either of you.”

  Logan kicked and started to cry.

  “I think he wants his dad.”

  “His dad is right here.” Stef gently cradled the baby. “Come on, son. Let’s let your mom get some sleep.”

  He took Logan to the rocking chair and unbuttoned his shirt. He cuddled the baby to his chest and started to rock. “Well, Naomi said skin to skin, right? She said it would soothe him. I assume she meant my skin, too.”

  Sweet tears pricked at her eyes. “Yes, absolutely.”

  Logan settled down again and Stef was watching their son.

  Jen laid back and dreamed of their future.

  Chapter Twenty-Two:

  The Wedding of Leo, Shelley, and Wolf

  Leo pulled at the bow tie of his tux.

  “Don’t, son.” Mel was suddenly in his space, standing in front of him. “You have it too tight. Let me.”

  Mel knew how to tie a bow tie? He moved his hands away, allowing Mel access.

  Mel quickly worked the tie into something that allowed Leo to breathe. He looked at himself in the mirror. It was damn near perfect. “Thanks, Mel.”

  The older man smiled. He was in a tux, too, but he was also wearing a trucker hat that sported a tinfoil lining. “You’re welcome. Oh, and I took care of the problem with Robert, though I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention it to your momma. I had a little help from your boss. I told you that one would make a good hunter.”

  “If I ever decid
ed to rid the world of aliens, I could certainly do it,” a low voice said.

  Leo felt his eyes widen. He turned and Julian was standing there looking resplendent in his tux. “Is he still alive?”

  “Of course,” Julian replied steadily. “I wouldn’t kill anyone right before your wedding, Leo. I’ve heard the sheriff around here is quite unreasonable, but Danielle told me not to replace him.”

  “Replace him?”

  “You know, with a more reasonable man. Apparently the town is happy with him. Danielle thinks I should just pay the tickets he’s written us, but I told Finn to do whatever it takes.”

  Oh, god. “I’ll have Wolf talk to Nate. We’ll get it cleared up. So what did you do to Robert?”

  Mel smiled. “Julian just talked to him.”

  Julian smoothed down his jacket, looking into one of the mirrors and checking his already perfect appearance. “I pointed out a few irrefutable facts of life to Mr. Meyer. It’s very likely that he will end up in jail again, and despite the fact that he’s always been in minimum security prison, accidents can happen there, too.”

  So Julian threatened to have him killed. That wasn’t so surprising. “So you and Mel found him and just talked to him?”

  A tiny shake of Julian’s head indicated his negative response. “I simply talked to him. Mel gave him a very sound thrashing. Apparently he’s quite up on all the alien fighting techniques. He’s quite good in a fight. A mean fucker. I like him.”

  Mel tipped his trucker hat. “A man has to stay in shape. I’m going to go see how Wolf and Jamie are doing. I doubt either one of them knows how to tie a bow tie either.”

  Mel shut the door behind him, and Julian’s lips curled up in a little grin. “This place is completely insane. I have to admit, I’m looking forward to the sanity of Dallas.”

  Because Julian controlled his world in Dallas. Julian preferred to control everything, but he’d learned to bend in all the right ways. When Leo had first met Julian, he’d been cold and shut down to everyone except Jack Barnes. Over time, Julian had become more than Leo’s friend. Julian had mentored Leo, taught him how to blend into high society, gave him a place to stay, a job to do, while he sorted through his life.