Page 7 of Crystal Kingdom

  I kept the phone to my ear long after it had gone silent, as if I'd be able to hear him after he'd ended the call. Talking to Ridley had somehow left me feeling more heartbroken and yet rejuvenated all at once. I missed him so much, and I hated it that I couldn't be there with him and that I didn't know what he was going through.

  But now at least I knew that he was alive and okay, and he'd given me a direction. I had to reach the Trylle.



  "I can drive," I offered, not for the first time. The journey from our bed-and-breakfast in Wyoming to the Trylle capital of Forening on the bluffs of the Mississippi River was over twelve hours, and so far Konstantin had driven all of it.

  "I took this car so I could drive it," Konstantin said, and pressed his foot down on the gas of the Mustang, pushing it over eighty to prove his point.

  "I'm just saying. If you need me, I'm here." I sat slouched down in the seat with my bare feet on the dash and stared out the window at the world flying by.

  He softened and let the speedometer fall back a bit. "I'm used to doing things on my own."

  "Yeah, I've kinda figured that out."

  "Are you sure that the Trylle will give you amnesty?" Konstantin asked, retreading a conversation we'd had a dozen times since I'd told him about Ridley's phone call.

  "No, I'm not sure. But I trust that Ridley and Ember wouldn't send me somewhere to get hurt."

  He didn't say anything right away. His lips were pressed into a thin line, and his eyes stayed fixed on the road before us. His knuckles momentarily whitened as he gripped the steering wheel tighter, then relaxed again.

  "What?" I pressed, since Konstantin seemed anxious.

  "Trust and love can be very dangerous things," he said finally. "I loved Mina, and I trusted her with everything, and you've seen how that worked out for me."

  "Ridley and Ember are nothing like Mina." I paused as something occurred to me. "You trust me."

  He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "I do," he said, his voice low and gruff, like he hated to admit it, even to himself. "But everything's different with you."

  "Yeah, I know what you mean," I agreed quietly.

  I turned away to look out the window again. An odd tension settled in the car, and I felt like talking would only make it worse.

  The roads became more winding, reminding me of a piece of string tangled up among the overreaching maples and evergreens. The car rolled up and down the hills along the bluffs, and between the branches I'd occasionally get a glimpse of the dark waters of the Mississippi racing along beside us.

  When we reached the top of the bluffs, the road began to narrow, making it nearly impossible for more than one car to pass at a time. Fortunately, there weren't any other vehicles for us to contend with, so I didn't have to see how the Mustang would handle the sharp embankment that began right at the edge of the asphalt.

  For a moment I could see the river clearly over the tops of the trees, and then the car was plunging down a steep hill, with Konstantin laying heavily on the brakes to keep us from going off the road and crashing into the trees.

  The pavement leveled off a bit, and Konstantin pulled over as far to the side as it would allow and put the car in park.

  "What's happening?" I looked around, searching for any sign of the Trylle palace, but it was only trees that surrounded us. "Why did you stop?"

  "Forening's just up there." He motioned in front of us, but the road curved just ahead, so I couldn't see anything. "Maybe a quarter of a mile. You can walk it from here."

  "I can," I agreed tentatively. "But why would I? Why aren't you driving?"

  He turned to face me, a sad smile on his lips and his gray eyes hard. "I can't go with you, white rabbit."

  I sighed. "I know that you don't know Ridley or Ember, and you have major trust issues, which I get, but--"

  "Ridley doesn't know you're with me, does he?"

  I hesitated. "No."

  "And if he did, I doubt he would've suggested I go with you to Forening to ask for amnesty."

  "The Queen is open to things here--" I tried again.

  "Yes, but the difference between you and me is that I did the things I'm accused of. You didn't," he said, smiling wanly at me. "I would not fare as well there as you, and I would only hurt your case."

  I pushed back my hair from my face and let out a heavy breath. For some reason, it hadn't occurred to me that Konstantin wouldn't come with me. We'd made it together this far. I thought we'd go together until the end.

  "What are you gonna do?" I asked finally.

  He shrugged. "I don't know. I'll figure something out. I always do."

  "Will you go back to Viktor?" I asked.

  "No." He shook his head with finality. "I'll do what I can to buy some time, to keep them from coming after me, but I'm not going back."


  Since there was nothing more to say, I smiled at him, and then opened the car door. Konstantin got out and walked around to the back of the car, so he could grab my duffel bag from the trunk. I went over to him, and we stood together awkwardly after he handed me my bag.

  "Should we hug or something?" I asked.

  Konstantin smirked. "I don't think either of us is the hugging type."

  "That's true. So this is good-bye, then."

  He shrugged one shoulder. "For now."

  We walked back together until we reached the driver's-side door, which he'd left open. I gave him a small wave, then walked ahead down the road. The asphalt felt hot on my bare feet, but I didn't mind. Konstantin hadn't left yet, and I could feel him watching me, so I glanced back over my shoulder.

  "I'll find you if you need me," he called to me, and he got into the Mustang. I made it around the curve, and then I heard his engine rev and the tires squeal as he sped off, leaving me to continue the journey on my own.



  A massive gate blocked the road heading into the Trylle compound, not unlike the one in Doldastam. This one was shiny silver, whereas ours was made of worn iron. The guard shack appeared freshly painted sage-green, with vines growing up the side.

  The guard manning the gate slid open the glass window and leaned down to get a better look at me. He wore a uniform of dark emerald, and he had eyes that nearly matched.

  "This is private property," he said, not unkindly. "If you're lost, you need to head back up to the main road." Since he was Trylle, he probably wasn't used to seeing blond trolls and assumed that I was a human.

  "I'm not lost," I told him. "I'm here to see Finn Holmes. He used to be a tracker, but I believe he's a guard now."

  The guard pushed up the brim of his hat and narrowed his eyes at me. He scrutinized me for so long I was afraid he'd had a stroke or something, but finally, he nodded. He closed the sliding glass window, and I watched as he picked up a black phone that sat on his desk.

  When he hung up, he glanced back at me, but he didn't open the window. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I knew I had no place else to be. I dropped my duffel bag on the road and I leaned against the gate, pressing my face against the cool metal so I could peer into Forening.

  I spotted a few luxurious cottages, nearly hidden among the trees, all poised to take in the full view of the river below us. Knowing trolls, I was sure there were more that were camouflaged better. But still, it reminded me of an affluent gated community in northern California that I once visited while tracking a changeling. The Trylle were by far the most contemporary of the troll tribes.

  My feet were sore from walking down the road, so I sat down on my duffel bag, using it like a chair, and leaned with my back resting against the bars. And I waited, and I waited some more.

  Without warning, the gate groaned and started to move back. I scrambled to get to my feet before I fell over, then I turned around to see Ember's older brother Finn walking toward me. I wasn't sure what he'd been doing before I arrived, but he was dressed in black slacks, a dress shirt,
and a vest. He wore variations of the same clothes every time I saw him, and I was beginning to wonder if he slept in them.

  Finn walked with slow measured steps, and there was a rigidity to him that would make the Hogdragen envious. His dark hair was smoothed back, and his mahogany eyes reminded me of Ember's, though hers were even darker.

  "Bryn," he said, without any hint as to whether he was happy or upset to see me. He kept his expression and voice completely neutral.

  "Thank you for meeting me like this," I said. "I'd heard that Ember had talked to you, and you'd agreed to help me."

  "I did." He motioned for me come inside, so I grabbed my bag and walked through the gates into Forening. "How are you? Did you get here all right?"

  "Yeah, I got here okay. I'm as fine as I can be."

  "Good." Finn started walking ahead, so I followed alongside him. "Are you ready to see the Queen? I've told her about your arrival, and she's anxious to meet with you."

  I wouldn't have minded a few minutes to gather my thoughts and get cleaned up. Especially since I was wearing jeans with holes in the knees, a tank top that showed my black bra strap, and my hair was just pulled back in a ponytail. But I also knew better than to keep royalty waiting.

  "I can meet the Queen now."

  "Good." Finn smiled for a moment. "She's a fair Queen, and there's no reason for you to worry."

  "Thanks." I smiled back at him. "I'll try not to."

  The roads inside Forening were even more winding than the ones that led to it, and it sort of felt like we were walking in circles until we finally reached the palace. Unlike many of the other troll palaces, which were designed more like castles, the Trylle palace was an opulent mansion.

  Long vines grew over the three-story structure, nearly masking the bright white exterior, and the back was made entirely of windows. It sat perched on the edge of a bluff, with the back of the palace supported by beams overgrown with vines. It appeared as if it might fall off the edge and plummet into the river many feet below, but the Trylle had enough magic that I knew that would never happen.

  Finn opened the grand front door, and I'd expected a footman to greet us, but the Trylle apparently had a much more help-yourself kind of operation. Inside the main hall, the floors were marble, and from the front door I could see straight through the house to the breathtaking view through the windowed back wall.

  As Finn led me through the palace, I was once again reminded of the gated community in northern California and the mansions I'd seen there. The chandeliers on the ceiling, the velvet jade runner that lined the corridor, even the furnishings--it was all lavish but it was all so modern. Other than the paintings on the wall, which appeared to be of former Kings and Queens.

  Finally we reached the throne room, where I'd be meeting with the Queen. Finn pushed open two massive doors with vines carved into them. I'd been here once before, when I'd visited Forening as part of a field trip in tracker school and had been given a tour of the palace. But the beauty of the throne room would never cease to impress me.

  It was a circular room, with rounded walls, and the one behind the throne was made of floor-to-ceiling glass, to take in more of that stunning view. In all honesty, it felt more like an atrium with a domed skylight stretching high above. Vines grew over the ornate silver and gold designs etched on the walls, making this room feel much closer to nature than anything we had in Doldastam.

  The throne sat in the center of the room, covered with lush emerald velvet, and I could've sworn that when I'd been here last, the throne had been red. It was made of platinum that swirled into latticing with bright emeralds laid into it.

  Queen Wendy Staad sat in the throne, wearing a long flowing gown. The fabric was a deep evergreen, nearly black, but there was something iridescent about it, so when she moved, it would shimmer and change color.

  Her dark brown curls were arranged perfectly, with one bright silver lock in the front. She appeared young, even though she was actually a few years older than me, but she had a severity about her when she smiled at me.

  On either side of her there was a smaller chair fashioned in the same way as her throne. To her left was Bain Ottesen, the Trylle Chancellor I had met before in Storvatten. He was a rather slight young man with dark hair and features, so only his bright blue eyes gave away his partial Skojare heritage.

  To her right was the King, Loki Staad. He sat rather casually for a King, tilting to one side and resting on his elbow, and he grinned when I entered the room. His hair was lighter than most Trylle's, and it was slightly disheveled.

  "My Queen." Finn bowed slightly as he entered the room, so I followed suit. "This is Bryn Aven of the Kanin. I told you about her."

  I stepped forward and bowed again. "Thank you for taking time to meet with me."

  "You've come here asking for our aid." The Queen folded her hands over her lap, and raised her chin slightly as she looked down at me. "Tell me exactly why we should do that, given that you've been charged with treason by one of our greatest allies."



  May 18, 2014


  I wanted to be the one to call you, but Ridley wouldn't let me. He said it's too dangerous, and even though I know it's true, I still wish I'd been able to actually talk to you.

  Maybe I can soon though. If the Trylle give you amnesty. But they have to, right? Finn promised he'd help you. I know Queen Wendy has gotten stricter over the past few years. (Finn says that the battle with the Vittra changed something in her.) But you need help, and she has to see that. She has to be fair.

  I say that as if anything in life is fair or right. After what happened to Ridley ... I mean, I don't even know what happened with Ridley. Ever since he came back, he's been strange. He won't talk about anything. Tilda says I push too much and I need to just let him be but I just want to know that he's okay.

  The funeral for the King was this morning. It was held inside the ballroom in the palace, and it was standing room only with people spilling out into the street. People turned out from other Kanin communities, but Queen Mina wouldn't let them in. She said that they could be spies for Viktor's army, so they had to wait outside the gates of Doldastam listening to the bells toll.

  She wouldn't even invite any of the royalty from the other kingdoms, because she claims she can't trust them. She says that we can't trust anybody. During the funeral, the Queen spent most of the time swearing vengeance.

  The worst part is that everyone ate it up. They were all cheering when she promised bloodshed to Evert's enemies. Not that I blame them entirely. Somebody in our midst murdered our King.

  At the funeral, Ridley stood in the back by himself. When everyone started cheering, I looked back and saw him sneak out. I hope nobody else noticed because that won't look good for him.

  I'm training harder with Delilah. We have to prepare for what's coming. I don't know what it is yet, but it's something dark and something big. And I can't let her get hurt.

  I know this is terrible timing, but I can't help it. I'm falling head over heels for Delilah. I feel so guilty, since our whole world is falling apart, but my heart doesn't give a damn about time or place. All that matters is how we feel about each other.

  But she has given me so much strength through all of this. I feel like I can do anything for her, and I will. I'll do whatever I must to keep her safe when this war finally begins.

  Can I tell you an awful truth? I'm looking forward to this war. The tension and the waiting is maddening, especially when paranoia is running rampant.

  I'm not sure if I should tell you this, but by the time you get this, hopefully everything will be all over, and you'll want to know about it. Even if it hurts to hear.

  Astrid Eckwell tried to accuse your father of poisoning the King. It was right after the funeral, when everyone was milling about. She just stood up and pointed to him and said it was him. She was hysterical, and the guards eventually dragged her away.

  Queen Mina s
ilenced the crowd, reminding them that the Hogdragen had already investigated your father. But that was all she said, so people kept giving your parents these awful glares until they finally slunk out. Well, they didn't slink exactly. You know your mother. She keeps her head held high no matter what anybody throws at her.

  They should leave Doldastam, but I don't think the Queen will let them. No one can go in or out. Tilda has talked about making a break for it, but I don't know if she will. I don't blame her, though. I can't imagine having a baby here, even though she's not due for a few months.

  You're so lucky that you're not here. I don't know if you're safe. I don't know if you'll ever be safe again. But I still think you're the lucky one.

  Your friend (no matter what),




  It was the look in her eyes that caught me off guard. In the corridor, right before we reached the throne room, there had been a massive painting of Elora Dahl, the Trylle's most recent Queen before Wendy. Jet-black hair, flawless olive skin, dark piercing gaze--she was as beautiful as she was imposing.

  But it was that look from the painting. Somehow, even in a rendering on canvas, Elora made me feel like I was two inches tall. And it was that exact look that Queen Wendy now shared with her mother.

  I wanted to falter under her gaze, but I stood tall, with my shoulders back.

  "I have been falsely accused," I told her coolly, and that caused King Loki to cock an eyebrow.

  "That seems a bit like a convenient excuse, doesn't it?" Queen Wendy asked, unmoved.

  "I was working in Storvatten, under direction of my kingdom," I explained. "The Queen there felt unsafe, and I, along with my comrade Kasper Abbott, was sent to find out the cause of her unease.

  "Upon returning to Doldastam, I discovered information that tied the problems in Storvatten to the Prince, Kennet Biaelse," I went on. "When I tried to bring this to King Evert, Queen Mina blocked my attempts. Kasper and I explained the situation to her, and she accused us of treason and had us sent to the dungeon."

  "What did you say that made her allege treason?" Queen Wendy tilted her head, appearing interested.

  "She said that simply making any claim against an ally was treasonous," I answered.