Page 14 of Shadow's Seduction

  Her cheeks reddened. "Of course. He didn't at first because of the bloodtaking taboo, but now . . ."

  "You like it?"

  Over the rim of her glass, she said, "I think you know the answer to that question."

  Even now Cas was overfull with blood, aching to be pierced. "But I don't relish the idea of Mirceo having full access to my memories." Cas longed to be attractive to his fated one, to appear forever strong and brave--the hero of old.

  When he thought of the things Mirceo could see, sweat beaded his upper lip. "I couldn't stand pity from him. Of all the people in the worlds, not him."

  The vampire's words echoed in his mind: Perhaps you don't lack faith in me. Perhaps you lack faith in you. Maybe so.

  "I felt the same way," Bettina said. "I was horrified at the idea of a brave warrior like Trehan seeing what a coward I was when the Vrekeners attacked."

  Cas scowled. "You were set upon by a gang of violent swordsmen!"

  "I didn't say I was being rational about it. In any case, Trehan did see, and he did pity me. But it was more than that. He explained something very important to me."

  "Tina, I don't think I can bear hearing words of wisdom from that leech right now."

  She glared. "Language, demon. That's my husband you're talking about. Would you call Mirceo a leech?"

  "Yes. Routinely."

  She waved that away. "Trehan explained that when you love someone, you take on their pain as your own. Trehan hurt for me. Mirceo will hurt for you--especially since he'll relive your pain firsthand."

  Could Mirceo ever love him? Was the vampire even capable of it? "Let's speak of something else. I have something to show you." He pulled the coins from his coat. "Mirceo and I collected a bounty."

  Bettina's gaze grew laser-focused on the pouch. "Gold."

  "Not just any gold." He handed it to her.

  She opened it, gasping at the contents. "Holy shit! This is . . . this is dragon gold!" She gazed up at him. "That must've been some bounty."

  "A tough one, yes." She tried to return the pouch, but he held up his palm. "Mirceo suggested we give it to you, and for once, I agreed with him."

  "Thank you so much! Will you please bring him around, so I can thank him too?"

  Cas glanced out over the town again. "I don't see that happening. He and I will most likely go our separate ways for a time."

  "Do you really believe that?"

  "I explained some things to him about demon matehood. Once Mirceo wraps his head around all the implications, that hedonist will cut and run. Trust me." Didn't matter how much Cas wanted more with Mirceo, he couldn't will the vampire to change--any more than he could will time to pass on Poly.

  She chewed her lip, her brows drawn. Hurting for me. Is my yearning so obvious?

  Cas hated that he'd made her pensive. She'd had far too many worries of her own. "I should be going."

  "Where? How will I get in touch with you?"

  He finished his cup. "I'll stop by again soon."

  She hefted the sack of coins. "I could make a ring out of some of these for you to give Mirceo."

  To signal a commitment? Cas shook his head. "A waste of good gold. . . ."


  "Miss me, sweetheart?" Mirceo said from behind Caspion. It was sunset on the fourth day.

  The demon's shoulder muscles bunched. "You. Fucking. Child."

  "I missed you too." He'd counted down the seconds till he could return, choking down blood mead, dealing with his ever-growing lust, and hardly sleeping. Over those nights, he'd hunted for the males who'd hurt his mate, stalking the plane of Abaddon as a deadly mist. But he'd discovered that Caspion had long since killed those fiends. "Let's agree never to part again--"

  Caspion twisted around, his expression half wrathful, half wrecked. "You didn't do as you said you would. You didn't consider things. Or else you would not be here!"

  "I've clearly arrived just in time." In fact, he'd arrived fifteen minutes ago to spy, half-tracing so Caspion couldn't detect his presence or scent. The big demon had been pacing with his hands in fists. That muscle in his clenched jaw had ticked.

  Mirceo hadn't been the only one counting down the seconds. As he'd watched, Caspion had drawn back a fist, slamming it into the wall.

  Voice hoarse, the demon said, "Why have you come back?"

  To get claimed. Mirceo had prepared his body for Caspion, and he had a vial of lubricating oil in his pocket. "Tonight is the hunter's moon--incidentally, my mate and I are hunters--and I have a date with him." He'd decided to bond with his male over more than just pleasure. Mirceo would delight all of his demon's senses with food, spirits, and spectacle.

  They would drink and be merry, celebrating the beginning of their lives together. After Caspion claimed him, Mirceo's anxiety wouldn't arise. Obviously.

  Just don't look at his neck. Ignore your throbbing fangs. If he fed from Caspion right now, they'd both come, which wouldn't do. To drag the demon over the finish line tonight, Mirceo needed to keep him on the edge.

  "This isn't a fucking game! I could kill you for this. Do you doubt my resolve?"

  "No. Nor do I doubt mine. One more time: I don't want anyone but you." Even in their very first meeting, Caspion had revealed hints of vulnerability. After experiencing his mate's past, Mirceo knew why. The demon did lack faith in himself, would think himself unworthy of a prince. I'll convince him otherwise tonight. "I could have gone out for the last few nights and bedded others, but I had zero interest." Keep things light. "Though I do admit to masturbating like a fiend." He held up his palms. "I'm surprised I don't have blisters."

  A low growl left the demon's lips as he clearly called up the mental image. Inhaling for calm, he released Mirceo.

  "Admit it: you're relieved I came back." He's falling for me. Mirceo had known it. Who could resist him when he turned on the charm?

  "Part of me. The rest is too busy reading the writing on the wall."

  Mirceo refused to get dragged into an argument. "Speaking of which . . . I believe you've added to your collection of holes. Since this place is now half mine, lay off." He tapped his chin. "But I do think we should reside in our clifftop villa most of the time."

  Caspion seemed to be grinding his molars. "You're going to see my memories sooner or later. Until you do, you won't know me well enough to make this commitment. Something you witness could change your mind. I won't have you use that as an excuse in a few centuries to take some kind of break."

  "You assume I haven't already dreamed of your past?" Whenever he'd managed to doze for a few moments, Mirceo had experienced even more memories, including the one of Caspion's match against Trehan.

  Mirceo had relived every horror. The fractured bones . . . the iron spike breaking off in the back of his head, lodging into his brain . . . Caspion's own people cheering for a male he despised more than anything. . . .

  Trehan had disgraced him in front of an entire society. How could the demon ever set aside his revenge? Even Mirceo had awakened from that dream with the need to rip out his uncle's throat.

  Cross that bridge when we come to it. "Maybe I know you inside and out, Caspion. And here I stand."

  The demon's expression was difficult to read, but Mirceo got the sense that he'd just passed some kind of test. "I'm giving you one last chance to leave my presence." Caspion sidled closer, looking at him . . . differently.

  Was the demon sizing Mirceo up sexually? For the love of gods, let him be sizing me up sexually! "Leave? Why would I do that? We're heading out on a date. I have a surprise destination for you."

  Menace in his bearing, Caspion circled him. "You're pushing me too far, vampire."

  Mirceo pivoted to keep him in sight. "As you asked of me, I considered all the ramifications of this relationship. Now you will do as I ask."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Tonight you'll treat me like your mate, holding nothing back. Anytime an impulse arises, you must surrender to it. Now, go get dressed. I'
m taking you out to celebrate in advance."

  The demon's blond brows drew together. "Celebrate what?"

  Mirceo laughed. "Didn't you hear? I'm getting marked tonight."


  Cas fumbled to lace his pants, his nerves shot.

  Taking on a legion of Wendigos? A walk in the park. But this . . .

  He would soon claim his mate. Forever.

  Cas had stopped trying to resist the irresistible, to deny the undeniable. At last, he would lose his demon seal, and he'd be experiencing that turning point--with his best friend.

  After he'd changed into his fine leather breeches and an embroidered tunic--demon formalwear--he returned to the deck. Mirceo was gazing out at the sea, his heartbreaking face lit by the full hunter's moon.

  Emotions rocked Cas, that tenderness returning a thousandfold. Mine.

  Mirceo turned to him with his devil-may-care grin, lean and sexy in his thin leather trench and pants that molded to his every muscle. No shirt, naturally.

  But Mirceo's grin faded. "Gods almighty. I'm going to burst with pride to be on your arm tonight."

  Cas, no stranger to others assessing his looks, felt his cheeks heating. His blush reminded him: "Do you not want to . . . drink from me?"

  The vampire rubbed his tongue over a fang. "I'll wait till you claim me to enjoy my feast."

  Mercy! How the hell could Cas make it through their date? When Mirceo had spoken earlier of getting marked, Cas had almost seized the vampire then and there.

  "As fine as you are, demon, you need an accessory." Mirceo pulled something from his coat, tossing it to Cas.

  A black domino?

  Mirceo donned a similar one. The color emphasized the ring of onyx around his gray irises. As if that perfect creature needs any embellishment. "I scored us invitations to the masquerade of the Accession, demon. But you have to promise me we will stay till the clock strikes midnight."

  "An erotic masquerade, no doubt. How could this be a good idea?"

  "You'll see my attention is fixed solely on you--despite all the action around us. I've still got to get you to the finish line, and my obvious obsession with you should make this a lock."

  Cas had to admire his determination--no matter how misguided his agenda. With a long-suffering exhalation, he tied on the mask. "Must we do this?"

  Mirceo took his elbow. "We must." He traced them into a misty garden.

  An opulent palace stood not far away. Lazy strains of music filtered through the night. "Where are we?"

  "The most exclusive new pleasure den in the Lore. Come on." Mirceo linked arms with him.

  Cas hesitated, feeling out of his element, but then Mirceo laughed at his reaction--love that vampire's laugh--and he began to relax.

  They strolled toward the grand entrance, where liveried servants collected Mirceo's invitation. He and Cas stepped into an enormous ballroom packed with masked immortals of all different species.

  The torchlit area was a riot of colors. Decadence seemed to be the theme. Giant nude statuary lined the walls. A swimming pool had been constructed in the middle of the ballroom floor. Water nymphs frolicked in its depths, descending upon any who entered.

  Scantily clad fey performed on a high wire above. A female fire-eater and a male fire-breather made an erotic duo on a spotlighted stage.

  All around them revelers raised hell. In the years approaching an Accession, any party could be an immortal's last, so they tended to make the most of them.

  The dazzling displays lit up Cas's senses. Whenever he was near the prince, everything felt intense, his emotions--and instincts--amplified.

  As he and Mirceo made their way through the crowd, attendees turned to stare. The vampire's sexual magnetism--and shirtless chest--commanded gazes from males and females alike.

  Even over the din, Cas could hear their hearts speeding up as the prince passed. Many seemed to be conjecturing whether Cas and Mirceo were lovers.

  When Cas caught a couple of demons scoping out Mirceo's pale neck--checking for a claiming bite--he took Mirceo's hand in his own, delighting the vampire. Part of him longed to whisk Mirceo away where no one could see him. Part of him needed to show off the prince, to let everyone here know who Mirceo belonged to.

  Does he belong to me? The vampire had returned, despite knowing the risk: eternal monogamy. And Mirceo had made it sound as if he'd already seen Cas's shaming memories--but they obviously hadn't tempered his regard.

  How can I fight this? The prince was too mesmerizing to resist.

  Drinks flowed from a gurgling champagne fountain. Blood mead and demon brew were on tap as well. Mirceo snagged two chalices, handing one to Cas. "What should we drink to?"

  "To the bottom," Cas answered, making him grin. They finished their drinks and grabbed a couple more.

  "Don't forget: you must follow all your impulses." Mirceo drained his cup, then reached for another one. "Now, get merry."

  He had the impulse to please Mirceo, so up went Cas's goblet. The vampire was quick to hand him yet another.

  A sinking realization set in. No matter what Cas chose to do, he was fucked. Separation from Mirceo delivered pain; nearness did the same--because at every second, he felt more and more how well Mirceo fit him. Whenever they were together, Cas comprehended what he would lose if the vampire bolted.

  As he'd done on Poly, Cas would have to let go, to simply take the pain and accept his lot. For better or worse, he would claim the male as his own.

  "What musings hide behind those blue eyes?" Mirceo asked.

  "Thoughts of the future."

  "Hmm. Can we not enjoy the present?"

  Cas adjusted his mask self-consciously. "I am trying, Mirceo."

  The vampire gazed up at him. "I know you are, love. And that means a lot to me." His sensual lips curled, spellbinding Cas. "Come on, I'm keen to show you off. . . ."

  Over the next couple of hours, Cas fell even deeper under Mirceo's thrall. In a daze, he followed the tantalizing vampire through the party. Whatever vintage of brew Mirceo chose for Cas, he drank without hesitation. Whatever Mirceo hand-fed him, he obediently ate, sucking clean the vampire's elegant fingers.

  Mirceo continued to tease him without mercy. In front of everyone, he reached up and traced the shape of Cas's sensitive horns. Grazing, petting, fondling them--till Cas thought his knees would buckle. "My magnificent demon," Mirceo rasped. "I'm so hard for you." Later, as they watched a bawdy skit, the vampire worked his hand into Cas's front pocket, slicing the leather open with a claw. Stretching his thumb through the opening, Mirceo rubbed Cas's frenulum till pre-cum flowed.

  Each time Cas thought he could take no more, Mirceo would laugh and move on to the next sight or sensation. Maddening me!

  Horns flaring obscenely, Cas warned him, "You're playing with fire."

  Mirceo grinned. "Good, I like the burn."

  Tunnel-visioned Cas couldn't see anything but his mate. He felt like a slavering beast chasing a butterfly.

  And like a beast, Cas wanted to devour every inch of Mirceo's body. To make love to him. As his gaze roamed along the vampire's throat, his fangs sharpened to leave their mark.

  Mirceo traced them to a deserted balcony. The voyeuristic vampire often liked to observe debauchery from a vantage point.

  Guiding Cas to sit on a couch, Mirceo settled himself across his lap with casual ease, as if they'd been a couple for millennia.

  Mirceo removed his mask, then untied Cas's. Together, they drank and watched other couples kissing and stroking each other.

  Mirceo said, "You keep questioning my commitment, but do you miss hunting for a partner among all these beauties?"

  Cas shook his head. When a lock of Mirceo's jet-black hair tumbled over his forehead, he reached for it, rubbing the silky texture between his thumb and forefinger. In a gruff tone, he admitted, "I have a hard time even seeing others when you're around." Said the beast to the butterfly.

  "Good answer," Mirceo said. "It's difficult to believe th
at you and I are here together. From my first glimpse of you, I lusted for more."

  "When did you know your feelings ran deeper?"

  Mirceo blinked. "Deeper?"

  Cas thumped his ear. "Prick."

  The vampire laughed.

  Must taste those lips. The urge was undeniable. He leaned in and nipped Mirceo's fuller bottom one, teasing the seam of them with his tongue. Threading his fingers through soft, black hair, Cas pulled him closer.

  He took Mirceo's mouth; he claimed it with a lover's kiss. I need you so fucking much. I'll be good to you, vampire. Just don't hurt me. Though so many have tried, only you have the power to destroy me. . . .

  When Cas drew back, Mirceo's lids were heavy, his lips reddened. "This will be over before it starts, demon. I've never wanted anything as I want you."

  "And you always get what you want."

  "Maybe. But tonight, my wonderful friend, you are going to get what you need."

  "There's no turning back after this, Mirceo." As if they hadn't already crossed the threshold. This next step had been inevitable since the day each had been born for the other.

  "I understand. Speaking of which, do you have any qualms about fucking a male?" He took Cas's hand, raising it to his mouth to suck the forefinger. Mirceo's wicked tongue flicked it, wetting it. Then the vampire placed that finger at his nipple.

  Cas's breaths shallowed as he rubbed the hardened nub. "While you were passed out the other night, I explored your body, aching for everything I saw. I'll show you how much tonight." He gave a light pinch.

  Mirceo went heavy-lidded. "Ah, so you're officially bisexual. Now your desires aren't as restricted."

  "On the contrary. I'm not attracted to anyone but you."

  The vampire gave him a knowing look. "Lots of people are Mircexual. You are not alone."

  Mircexual? Cas's lips twitched. One thing he knew for certain--it would never be dull with this prince.

  "Are you curious about spending? Demon, it's so fucking good. Your balls get so heavy and sore."

  "I try to imagine what it will feel like." Reality hit Cas. I'm going to spend my seed inside Mirceo's body. Soon. "And you? Any qualms about what I'm going to do to you?"

  Voice going low, Mirceo said, "Want to know a secret, sweetheart?"

  His tone made Cas's heartbeat speed up even more. "When you ask me like that, I'm not entirely sure."