* * *

  While Cherub waiters hurried about the crowded dining hall with trays of culinary delights and refilling empty glasses and cups, Zadar quietly sauntered over to Gabrielle’s table, sideling up close beside her. Bending low, he whispered, “My lord prince, may I have a moment of your time? It’s important.”

  At first, Gabrielle wanted to make flirtatious jest of Zadar’s intrusion, but then thought better of it hearing the serious tone in his voice. “Just a moment...” She mumbled, gulping down her mouthful of food before getting up.

  After squirreling themselves away in a quiet corner, Zadar began in earnest, his face somber. “My Lord Gabrielle, I am well aware of the seriousness of the day, and rather should I stand in the field with a wild bull than to intrude here, but I have urgent news that has been bought for us at great cost! Even now, Darla sits alone in the Theater, unable to tolerate the smell of food.”

  Gabrielle replied, approvingly, “I have a little time. Would you like to find a more private place to talk?”

  Zadar shook his head. “No. That will not do at all! It is counsel of the many I seek - part for a warning and also to offer a solution. Look, our sister nearly died delivering up to me the secrets of our brother’s madness. I must be allowed to inform the others.”

  Gabrielle took Zadar’s hand, recommending, “Why don’t you and I find Mother and then we can confer together. If she thinks it is good, then we may be able to make time for it today.”

  Zadar frowned, disagreeing. “Mother should know - does know a bit - said to speak with you. Please! This is not something that is trivial! I will not take a great deal of time...”

  It did not set well with Gabrielle to change the agenda of the program on such short notice, and why the urgency? Resting her hands on Zadar’s shoulders, she sighed, tired. “I don’t know why you do these things to me... I make no promises. If the mood is right, I will give you your moment to speak. If not, then you and I shall have that discussion with Mother afterwards.”

  Beaming from ear to ear with relief, Zadar hugged Gabrielle, planting a suggestive kiss on her lips.

  Gabrielle stepped back, surprised, sputtering in mock disgust, “I have no time for your rutting, nor wish to have my mind clouded with offers of your romance. You think of only one thing, always have. Now be off before I change my mind about allowing you to speak!”

  Zadar looked into Gabrielle’s smoky-gray eyes with yearning and smiled. “Such a pity… Another time...” Away he hurried.

  Gabrielle followed the man with her eyes. She longed for his touch, such an honest lover. A day in his arms could make one forget the evil lurking in this world. A week… a week? For now, she could only dream of the possibilities. Maybe, someday, again… hopefully, soon.