* * *

  The meeting lasted far into the evening, with the commanding officers detailing large portions of upcoming battle plans and how the new military arrangement was to work. Mihai did little more than introduce the proceedings, publicly praising each of the leading military officers. After a brief description of how their new king would work with Command, the organization structure integrating supply and manufacturing with the needs of the various military branches and her expectations for success when war finally came to them, Mihai politely bowed and stepped from center stage.

  Gabrielle and Planetee stepped forward. By the use of charts and three-dimensional maps, they explained the new structure of Navy and Marine Departments and the roles they would play in the future. On the maps, Gabrielle pointed out the major and significant jump portals that needed protection. Among the fifty-one known jump portals in the Children’s Empire, she described the sixteen primary, connecting portals and their importance to the Empire’s safety, and then went on to detail their mission plans.

  It was explained that the Marines, supported by Navy patrols, would garrison strategic bases near these portals as well as maintain contingent forces in distant colonies as long as operations called for it. The Navy would set up and maintain standing additional naval bases throughout the Empire to deal with the Stasis Pirate menace and possible clandestine enemy activities.

  Gabrielle warned, “The Navy must maintain its carrier Battle groups at fighting strength to the point of sacrificing some of the colonies if necessary. This means that our other naval forces will be spread thin, making do with whatever is available. The naval yards are busy upgrading - resurrecting - older battle ships and converting available merchantmen into fighting sloops. The fact still remains that we will be dependent on our Wildcatter allies for providing a large part of our colonial protection.”

  She then pointed toward the Tarezabarian commanders. “Already the Crimson Fleet is preparing to move on the Stasis Pirates, not waiting for a declaration of war. By tomorrow at this time, the Cave Wasps will be departed for the Outer Reaches and into the Trizentine, their captains on a clandestine search and destroy mission in an attempt to contain the Stasis with the hope of driving them from our Empire, or their destruction… whichever.”

  Grim-faced while waving a hand, Gabrielle went on to discuss a troubling subject. “Our weakest point - thus our greatest threat - is the jump portal, Eden’s Gate. Allow me a moment to provide clarity for those of you who may not be familiar with this standing dilemma.”

  “Eden’s Gate is, as some might call it, near the vortex of the universe. Its fingers reach more portal points than any other known portal other than Teleohodos, EdenEsonbar’s home portal. What adds even more importance to Eden’s Gate is that it connects directly down the chute to the Sinai-Ojibwa Jump Portal, located in the heart of League of Brothers’ territory. Three days’ hard running down the chute from Sinai-Ojibwa to Eden’s Gate could put the enemy right at our back door, and we being nearly defenseless to stop his intrusions into our territory. The war would certainly be lost if he possessed Eden’s Gate.”

  Planetee stepped up, adding, “Eden’s Gate has exchanged hands several times during this Age of Rebellion. Our people have purchased its freedom at the cost of thousands of lives, we finally wresting it from our opponent’s grasp during the Great War, but only the exit portal is currently secure. Ever there is a contingent of enemy ships lurking in the shadows of that portal, waiting for some lapse in our vigil to keep it secure. For them, the Sinai-Ojibwa Portal is easily secured by well-equipped bases in a nearby star system. For us, though, we have no supply bases less than three weeks’ running, forcing long tours of duty and countless provision ships in order to keep up a substantial defense of the place.”

  “Should the enemy breach our defenses at Eden’s Gate, we should surely lose our bases in the Middle Realms along with most of our star systems, save EdenEsonbar and its nearby local colonies. Once the enemy was fully entrenched, it would be impossible to drive him away, even with massed assaults that would do little more than add dead to the Silent Tombs. The enemy would then slowly strangle us, whittling away our outer defenses until only this planet - Mother’s home - would remain in our possession. Then…well...”

  Gabrielle spoke up. “Do not become dismayed! We have not revealed these things to you because there remains no hope. Quite to the contrary, we feel confident that eventual victory will be ours, but it will come at a heavy cost! Greater must be the risks that are taken this time, the loss of life and property acceptable sacrifices for the treasures secured. It is sad to say, but success will be measured in obtained objectives regardless of the loss of life...” She bowed her head. “That said, allow me, please, to introduce our Centurion General SarahCnidus, Commander over the Beowulf.”

  Sarah came forward - a tall, majestic woman with a warrior’s stature, but rather shy and somewhat timid with public speech. After a few short comments defining the role of the Beowulf, she requested Richard Finhardt join her, asking him to explain the reason for the Beowulf marauder fleets.

  Richard began, “The Navy will have its hands full protecting and defending this Empire when war finally comes! The Crimson Fleets and Wildcatters are useful, willing forces, but it will take time to integrate them into our military machine. For the foreseeable future, running patrols and convoy duty will be their primary responsibilities. All in all, we should be well-equipped to maintain a good defense of our territories. But merely maintaining a good defense is not our objective…” He waved his hand high, grinning. “We intend to take this war to our enemy!”

  An excited murmur rippled through the audience. After things quieted, Richard continued. “The Beowulf has decided to follow a strategy conceived in the Lower Worlds of men that up to this day has not been widely practiced by the sons of the gods. It is a game where the mice seek to destroy the cat. Will it be dangerous? Yes! Deadly! As it proved to be in my world of old, so it may well come to pass here. Yet, if successful, we may cripple the Beast...”

  A tear trickled down Richard’s cheek. “Recently my people fought a horrendous war in the Worlds Below. As that world went mad, thousands of men took to the seas in iron coffins to fight the enemy from beneath the oceans’ waters. Over half of those shipping aboard those denizens of the deep never returned to home or lover. Yet what they accomplished from their silent tombs nearly brought the world of my day to its knees. My former countrymen, alone, managed to nearly decimate the enemy’s merchant shipping until a very powerful ally joined with it, bringing the might of the planet’s greatest power ever seen into action against us.”

  He smiled grimly. “Those monsters of iron and steel were cramped and uncomfortable but, oh, so deadly! They would hunt their prey singly or in groups. The Navy of my country called their hunting a ‘wolf pack’ because of the way they would gather together to attack the enemy when traveling in convoys. Not only did those brave crews destroy thousands of tonnes of shipping, their actions forced the enemy to expend vast amounts of resources and men to check their hand. When measured against their successes, the loss of those submarine crews was a small price to be paid.”

  “So!” Richard sadly sighed. “It has been decided that the WolfPack Marauder shall find a new life in these Worlds of the Gods. Already, small merchantmen, howkers, colliers, and the like are being fitted out for deep space combat. Like the submariners of my day, our people will take to the decks of these tiny ships and sail off into the unknown on the merciless hunt. Deep into the belly of the Beast will our brave sojourners go, taking the war to our enemy’s doorstep. His city’s they will harass, and his shipping they will rip asunder.”

  Richard became silent as his face clouded in consternation, the room becoming as still. He concluded, choking out the words,

  “Brave is the sailor who goes to his death

  With determined smile as he cries,

p; See! I am become the spear and, in my destruction,

  Shall I shake all the worlds of men.

  Pray for the day, for the night I shall haunt.

  Your worlds I shall burn, my breath a blazing fire.

  Fear not storm or the tempest,

  For merciful they shall be when compared to my rage.

  Fear me!”

  Wiping a hand across his face, Richard turned to Sarah, who slowly nodded her approval. He offered a quiet acknowledgement and returned to his seat.

  Sarah clasped her hands, looking out at the people with resignation, frowning sadly. “Please excuse my friend. He knows too well the sacrifices one will make who sails in our WolfPack Marauder ‘U-Boats’. The chance a brave crew has of returning to home and hearth is slight at best when war comes. There will be no rescue ships searching the wreckage for lost comrades when their boats are torn asunder in the cold of dark space, or wrecked upon some deserted planet in an unknown star system. My friend, Richard, watched a brother and two cousins walk down the gangplanks into those beasts of destruction, never to see them return. He knows such a fate awaits many of those taking to the skies on similar missions in this coming war.”

  She stood tall, grim resolve showing on her face. “Already the black sparrow calls out to those willing to drink the hemlock. Many of your wildest siblings are even now gathering themselves to the coming storm. The ranks of the Beowulf are swelling with those seeking revenge for Satan’s atrocities committed against your kind!”

  Sarah clenched her fists in anger, quietly seething, remembering her own days of slavery in the whoremaster’s house. “I will grant them their wish! We shall rain blood and fire down upon this world until the Great and Fear Inspiring Day comes to its finish!”

  The astounded audience watched in stunned silence as the Centurion General quietly made her way into the shadows. So this was the Gravemaker, Shadow Walker with a grudge, with a passion to rip apart their world, seeking to rid herself of long remembered demons, the woman’s zeal for absolution only matched by her desire for vengeance. Good it was that Mother had declared this child holy else they would have believed a devilish spawn was risen before them.

  Motioning to Trisha, Gabrielle quickly took up the conversation, settling the crowd. “Allow me, please, to present to you our strategy that will eventually win for us this coming war.”

  The rustling murmurs slowly subsided, Gabrielle waiting until the room was again quiet. With Trisha at her side, she explained, “Code-named ‘Operation Triphammer’… after the giant forging machines used long ago in our field marshal’s world… we intend to stretch our enemy thin as he gobbles up our universe. Then, with the wolves and stinging wasps biting on rear and flank, we shall release the hammer, bringing all our might down on a very weary and surprised enemy.”

  Taking Trisha’s hand and lifting it, Gabrielle smiled. “Allow me, please, to permit our field marshal, ElaiaKallos, to provide you with additional information.”

  Trisha blushed, her eyes thanking Gabrielle for being so kind. She began, the reassuring power of a commander echoing in her voice. “Our objective when war comes is complete victory, with our enemy being driven from this realm! First, though, we must survive his coming onslaught… one that is assured. We intend to accomplish this through the three-pronged strategy called Operation Triphammer.”

  The excitement gradually grew in Trisha’s voice as she continued to speak, her body language also expressing it. “First! When the moment is opportune, our king, Mihai, will declare war on the League of Brothers.”

  This revelation was a shock to the ears of those hearing it. Never in all the history of the Children’s Empire had they advanced the initiative to bring war upon their worlds!

  Trisha grinned. “Yes! We believe that Asotos will be as surprised, possibly more so, seeing such a thing has never before been done. A move this bold on our part will prove troubling at best, but it is also hoped that the miscreant will be forced to take action against his adversary before he has fully prepared to do so. His rigid command structure is not conducive to swift countermeasures for the unexpected. The temporary confusion created by our king’s actions will afford us the opportunity to advance the second and third parts of Operation Triphammer before our enemy has gathered his full might against us.”

  Trisha’s next comment sent shock waves through the room. “The second stage of Operation Triphammer is the invasion of MueoPoros...” When things quieted ,she explained, “Preparations are already underway for the full-scale invasion of this planet. As was mentioned earlier, we must maintain the security of Eden’s Gate at any and all costs. MueoPoros is only two days’ running from the Gate, its capital city, Memphis, once called the ‘Gateway City’, it being the port of destination for those traveling to or from that portal.”

  “Through murder and deceit, Asotos stole that planet from us long ago, first by Legion’s butchery at Memphis. Then, through extensive military campaigns, he obtained the capture of the lesser districts. Countless have been the times our brothers and sisters have attempted to wrest Memphis away from Legion, he turning it into his capital, and countless times have we failed. Well, let him have Memphis! It is no longer of any value to the Children’s Empire...”

  Again the crowd went into a tumult, Trisha waiting for the room to quiet. “Far to the west lies the PrasiaOdous Mountain Range. Not only are the mountains filled with expansive natural caverns, Command believes the rock from which the mountains are made will mine easily, affording us rapidly built shelter for our military, including Navy shipping. When our invasion fleets appear on the horizon, Legion will believe that our intent is to recapture Memphis, thus leaving the PrasiaOdous Mountains undefended. Once we have a hold on those mountains, we will have depots close enough to easily provision any fleet securing Eden’s Gate.”

  “To build an invasion fleet of the proportions necessary, we will have to weaken our military strength in other places. The enemy will expect us to do this, but… this is what we want the enemy to expect. Our removal of forces from other parts of our Empire to carry out the MueoPoros Campaign will cover up the cocking of the hammer.”

  She lifted her arm slowly. “The weight of the forge hammer is what smashes the heated iron, but first the hammer must be lifted in order for it to deliver the blow. We must do the same if we are to defeat our enemy.”

  Looking into Gabrielle’s face, Trisha continued. “It has been decided that, under the pretense of supplying our MueoPoros Campaign, we will withdraw our military machine to deep within our territories, and to our indispensable jump portals. Already the dismantling of manufacturing, food processing and other essential industries in endangered colonies has begun. The machine, my friends, is worth far more than all its parts. The machine must remain intact, should all the other parts be dissolved.”

  “The Navy, Marines, Beowulf and our other allies will attempt to protect our weakened colonies. But when it is obvious that it can no longer be accomplished successfully, those territories will be abandoned to their fate. When that becomes the case, all cities, storage facilities, farms, warehouses, supply depots, food supplies, and every other aspect of civilization on those planets will be extirpated.”

  Sighs and sad groans rose from the assemblage. Many were the tears as the people gave thought to the beautiful worlds they and their fellows had created being crushed and burned into oblivion. This was not the war they were expecting, could even comprehend! Oh, yes, wars like this were common in the Realms Below, the world that Trisha and her kind came from, but to deliver such destruction here? Some of these colonial cities were thousands of millennia old, their theaters, works of art, and very structures almost sacred to the children. These were the immortal works of their own hands, works expected to last forever… or at least in their minds to do so.

  Seeing a falling countenance reflected on many faces, Gabrielle spoke up. “Please, listen. It is for good reason that
such decisions have been made. Our objective must be to deny the enemy the luxury of the fruits of our labors. Trust me in this. I have secreted myself beyond the boundaries of our Empire into the worlds of the rebellious ones. It is a dismal place, I assure you. Food is sufficient, if one choose to eat oats and barley with rations of grizzly meat. People labor all day in sacrifice to the gods of war your evil brother has created. Those who languish under the yoke of Asotos’ task-masters eye, with yearning, our larders filled with sweet butters and creamy cheeses, our wine cellars bursting with intoxicating drink, and our fattened cattle.”

  “Yes! Like ravenous wolves after a cold, bitter winter, they long for our riches. This our enemy knows all too well, and he has promised them great spoil should they defeat us. Their passion for the fight, to bring war against us, is to fill hungry bellies and steal our hoarded treasures. Like the living dead, they will swarm ever onward to satisfy their insatiable thirst, drinking up the blood of our labors until nothing of ours remains.”

  She took Trisha’s hand, squeezing it. “It is for this reason that we must lay waste to our worlds. We must steal the blood so that our enemy will starve, their passions waning for the fight. We must leave no vine or fig tree for them to luxuriate under, no shelter to protect them from the blazing heat or driving rains. Charred warehouses, burnt cities, and bloated cattle must be the reward for their lecherous actions. If we are to win this upcoming war, then the invader must be greeted by cindered ruination, poisoned springs, and hopeless desolation.”

  Gabrielle added a tiny piece of consolation. “We do not intend to abandon our brothers to such desperate despair! Already, arrangements are begun to provide escape to safe harbor for all who wish it. It will be only for a moment, and then the evil shall pass. Then, if they should choose, our brothers and sisters, with their souls as a reward, can return to those ruined worlds and build anew better and even more resplendent cities and works of arts.”

  Smooth and soothing are the words of a healer-songstress, and none were better than Gabrielle. She went on in word and prose, crooning with the passion of a maiden longing for her lover’s touch, to describe the future of their world when evil was gone forever. The woman managed to lift the spirits of the weariest of souls. Soon her magic had calmed desperate hearts, filling them with a desire for the coming future days.

  In time, Trisha again took up the conversation. “History reveals that the enemy’s strategy is sit back silently, pretending to avoid any conflict by negotiating a settlement while quietly stationing his players on the board. Then, when the moment is right for him, his armies of ruination will be unleashed, striking fast, hard and ruthlessly. The actions seen at the Prisoner Exchange, as well as related reports regarding his current activities, suggest that this is also being applied to his present method of operation.”

  “As you have been already informed, we intend to foul up our enemy’s plans by preempting his strategy, making war on him first. By appearing to focus all our attention on MueoPoros, he may well believe our attack is an all or nothing attempt to regain that planet, he also knowing the value of Eden’s Gate. This he must stop at all cost, so he will bring the weight of his military down on us there. Prepare for another possible Day of Tears being fought both in the skies and upon the ground when that happens.”

  Another audible groan rose from the assembly.

  Trisha lifted her hand, shaking it, exclaiming “Death and destruction are likely, true, but that coming day will not end as the previous disaster did. There will be no running battle ending in a mutual withdrawal from the contest. No! This time we will stand our ground and force our adversary into retreat! We will hold our position to the last ship, the last soldier! Our enemy will find he faces the unchained beast from the fathomless depths. We, yes, we are to become the panther on the prowl, tearing at front and flank, ripping apart his worlds, and this time we shall not stop until his kingdom lies in smoldering ruins!”

  Trisha put a hand to her chin and began to pace. “Now here is what we believe will happen: Asotos will attempt to distract us from our hold on MueoPoros by attacking our colonies across our Empire, thinking such attacks must be answered by pulling our MueoPoros forces away to offer defense to those colonies. Believing we have taken the bait, he will advance his remaining armadas against us at MueoPoros, feeling we are sufficiently weakened there to permit him delivering the telling blow upon us. What he does not know is that it has already been determined that those colonies are expendable, anything of any value having already been withdrawn to safer havens.”

  “Do not think that we will merely walk away from our cities and territories! No! We shall fight doggedly to protect them with the limited forces available. This will convince him that we have stretched our resources to the limit, over-extended ourselves to take one little planet. Then, while keeping up the pretense of supporting Legion’s defense of Memphis and his planetary empire, Asotos will transfer the might of his machine to overrun our territories. When we see that power of his released upon them, we shall begin an organized retreat while maintaining an aggressive defense wherever possible.”

  Trisha stopped and looked up at her audience. “We intend to stretch our enemy’s line thin, make him overextend his reach! We, for our part, shall continue to compress our line, falling back further into our Empire, strengthening our defenses while preparing to drop the hammer upon our enemy when the hour is right.”

  She smiled. “We will give our adversary no break in this upcoming contest, forcing him to remain continually on the hunt. Like the fanged viper, our opponent will quickly learn how unwise it is to release his grip, even if it be for just a instant. We will stretch him...” The field marshal wrung her hands, spreading them, grinning garishly. “stretch him, until he is spread out like a broken web on a breezy day. That’s correct! Then, when our enemy is stretched to his limit, we shall roll back over him like the angry ocean returning to reclaim its abandoned sea bed!”

  “Then!” She shouted triumphantly. “With the wind at our backs and the WolfPack Marauders and privateers nipping at our foe’s heels, we shall smash through our enemy, riding high on our tsunami of retribution, driving him forever from our worlds!”

  Slamming her fist into opened palm, Trisha cried, “All that awaits our enemy in that day are the black flames of midnight’s fury and the howling, fanged hounds of Hell’s furnaces! Look and see! We are the demons born in the depths of Avaddohn’s Abyss! Deformed and twisted we have become, vengeful and filled with delirious rage! We will tear away the flesh and gulp down the blood! We take what we wish, when we want, and how we will!”

  Trisha paused, hand lifted high as she stared over into Lowenah’s troubled face. Lowenah silently sat there, staring back. Eventually her head slowly sank in sadness, she nodding her approval.

  Trisha then shouted. “For we, united under our holy banner, are become the children of Heaven, Men, and Hell!”

  Jebbson jumped instantly onto his feet, applauding, shouting, “Amen! Amen!”

  In only moments, all those delivered from the Realms below were on their feet, voicing their support, quickly followed by many of Lowenah’s younger children. Then, slowly at first, the remainder of those in assembly stood, adding their support to the riotous tumult.

  Lowenah closed her eyes, fighting back tears. ‘So it has now come down to this. The Sea of Rhiannon turns red with the blood of my loyal saints. Through damnation must salvation come and I… I have released the storm, and raised the dead to destroy my world so that all my children may live. I’ve loosed the chains holding back the Kraken to the ruin of all ships...and me. And I unable to return it to its prison...’

  Trisha quietly made her way into the shadows, slinking into a dark corner of the room. Rumor had it that those she passed saw tears trickling down a distraught face, accompanied by the sounds of soft sobbing. The field marshal’s inner voice believed Mother could little contain her sadnes
s, sharing her feelings with Trisha as the two stared into each other’s souls.

  Gabrielle drew the crowd’s attention to other issues at hand. She concentrated on the mechanics of upcoming operations, sticking to anticipated objectives during the months leading up to war and expectations immediately following its inception. It was late into the evening by the time she was finished.

  Casting her watchful gaze across the audience, Gabrielle could see half-closed eyes, many yawns, and even a few people dozing. Well, it was late, had been a long day, and the information presented weighty. The people should be excused to take their leave. Glancing over at Lowenah, she was about to dismiss the crowd when recalling her earlier conversation with Zadar. Was it really such an important matter the boy had to discuss that the entire party should suffer the lateness of the hour to hear it? She wondered.

  Searching tired faces, Gabrielle finally found Zadar sitting far off in the shadows next to the field marshal, his troubled mind and heart reflected in his anxious gaze. What was she thinking anyway? Zadar was no boy! Countless times he had demonstrated his valor, both on the field of battle and within the haunted council chambers. The man was quick of tongue, but only at lighthearted times. A practiced orator he was, and only spoke up on serious occasions when prompted or out of need.

  Gabrielle sighed, weary, surrendering to the moment. She lifted a hand toward the crowd. “I know the night is late, but further business must be concluded here. Our brother, ZadarFehyVel, finds need to address us. He has promised to be brief, but on him you must wait to have secrets revealed. Please give your undivided attention to this trusted counselor.”

  Zadar hurried up to Gabrielle, squeezing her hand in appreciation. After waiting for her to take a seat, he began. “My brothers... My sisters...” He turned and addressed Lowenah. “Mother...”

  The people looked into the face of a man waxing grave, his smile long since melted away. Clasping his hands together, his eyes searched to find one particular person. When their eyes met, he slowly lowered his head, looking down at the floor in remorse. Silently he lifted his gaze until again he stared into a distraught face. That person slowly nodded as if in great pain.

  Zadar began, “An evil man I am for tormenting the soul of my trusting sister. I have ruined her in mind and body, yet it has not been out of malicious intent I have done so. A demon vision I conjured from her through the sharing of the blood grape. So badly did I harm my sister, I believed her kilt, carrying her to Mother, hoping for a cure. She lives - not by my will - but because so strong a constitution she has so as to resist death. Ever am I in her debt, for so damning are the secrets of the Snake she has delivered to us this night!”

  Needless to say, there were no longer any sleepy eyes in the room, everyone wide-awake, with ears tingling. Whatever Zadar was about, it was worth a good listen. Why, even Mother was sitting up, ears cocked so as not to miss a word.

  Zadar stared into Darla’s face, his eyes pleading, “Rumors I had heard of the contest between my sister and the Worm - rumors that hinted at a mind share, or rather, a probe. Visions of this man’s powers I have had born to me through the dreams of my sisters, they relating a mind with such abilities that it, alone, can induce love’s ecstasy by projecting its thoughts into the mind of another. I, for my part, then, began to wonder if he had done the same when attempting the seduction of my sister.”

  “So I approached my trusting sister with my concerns, sharing my reasons for a dream share, hoping beyond hope such a thing might reveal hidden secrets sequestered deep within the subconscious of her mind. Feeling a dream share would not unlock any secrets hidden there, the act only releasing visions that one wills, my sister offered to me the blood grape wine aged in the Wizard’s Lair under Palace City. Powerful it is, allowing no escape from the visions it creates.”

  Zadar frowned, sad. “I was swept, to my terror, into a world passed, filled with such unspeakable malice so as to make a soul cry out for death, seeking it as the promised reward for sacrifice and faithful works. Through the eyes of our king, when her heart was still filled with innocence and mirth, I watched the sadistic savagery of Asotos unleashed upon a mind seeking love’s romantic rhapsody. I watched - no – endured, through sight and feelings, the abominable acts committed against our sister-king until I, too, wished only for the fields of everlasting death.”

  He shook a finger high, toward the crowd. “From that day hence, I have not been able to shake those sordid visions from my head, my sleep being fitful at best...and this for me being only witness to what our sister-king endured. But, for my poor sister, Rachel, that child became our sister-king for those agonizing hours that the grape held us in its spell. How she has survived to be with us here is beyond my understanding, for I believe that no woman, or man - other than Gabrielle or PalaHar - should ever endure such a contest and retain their sanity!”

  Mihai did not hear Zadar’s final words, she already having shrunk back in her seat, tears of remembrance running down her face as hands covered red, swollen eyes. Darla sat motionless, staring down at the floor, seeking escape from the thoughts of this world by forcing her mind to retreat to more pleasant places, a game she often played when in the company of the ignorantly scornful. It helped little, but a little was better than none at all. At least her demon slept, or silently hid. This was Mother’s house. Her Spirits would allow no abomination of such an unholy manifestation to intrude here in this sanctum. Darla breathed a weary sigh of relief feeling that to be so.

  Tears filled Zadar’s eyes as he continued. “As I watched with sickening dread the desecration of our sister-king as her body, soul, and heart were torn asunder, I wondered how my darling sister, Rachel, could possibly be living this same torture through visions so vivid. It was not until in later quiet hours as I pondered the earlier visions that reasoning and understanding revealed to me what some of you already know, but there is more yet to be disclosed that I doubt any are privy to.”

  “For those wondering, this matter of Michael’s attack on the anniversary of her coming of age celebration I shall offer this bit of information: It is believed by some that Asotos injected into our sister-king’s body a virus of sorts, an abominable creation of some kind, an invention of the man’s sordid mind, a twisted and corrupted manifestation of an earlier gift from Mother - a gift to be given to our sisters by their god-king so that for all time they might carry a living remembrance of him in their hearts and souls. Never would he be far off from any of them.”

  Looking into concerned faces, Zadar admitted, “Much more I could say about this matter but for the hour, and I have promised to be brief. Allow me this little bit more: The demon virus appears to have found its way into our sister-king’s blood, eventually seeking refuge within her brain, there to wait upon the hour to ravish mind and spirit. Yes, I believe it was not the death of Michael that Asotos sought that day before my birthing, but the eventual ruination of our sister-king’s mind and soul as the demon cancer slowly consumed her.”

  The audience was aghast at this revelation. True, some already believed this to be so, but the general consensus was that Asotos had attempted Mihai’s death that day, not her damnation.

  Zadar raised a hand to hush the people. “So it is that I believe that while still living within the host’s blood, Darla came near to our sister-king and drank her sweet elixir of life. What is milk other than blood filtered through the dregs of the body? So my sister, Rachel, drank her fill, revealing to others the demon living within our sister-king’s mind, but the demons entered within her remained undetected for some time to come, yet enter her they did, and remain alive with her down to this day.”

  The gist of what Zadar divulged was somewhat common knowledge, but what followed stunned the crowd. “Lo, through the visions given me by the wrathful grape, I behold there is another stricken by this demon plague who down to this day remains ignorant of the evil hiding within. If this secret is known at al
l, I believe it is to only a few of the gods who walk among us.” He stared into Gabrielle’s face. She quickly looked away, her eyes glancing upon another face in the crowd before seeking the floor.

  “What I have learned poses many troubling questions: Does the demon virus reside but in one host once to the brain it has reached, Rachel merely having drunk our sister-king’s elixir when the virus remained still in her blood? I, too, as a mere babe, drank my fill at our sister-king’s breasts and perceive no monster within me, nor have I been warned of such a thing. Or is the demon virus only dormant, awaiting an hour to release its army of spawn upon this world?”

  He lifted a hand, shaking a finger. “This, I do not know for sure. But I do know that it was revealed to the Wicked Worm at the Prisoner Exchange that his demon-child of sorrow does indeed live, and in a most peculiar place - someone other than his chosen victims. And I am certain that by now he has realized the prizes he had in his possession and allowed to slip through his fingers. Rachel is no longer a stranger to him. Yes! I dread that she does not stand alone in the crosshairs of Asotos’ attention!”

  Zadar revealed Asotos’ current abilities to give the virus to others. “Now I do believe that the Evil Worm has lost his powers to conjure up such a living disease to infect his fellows with, Mother taking them from him when she realized what he had done to our sister-king. That being the case, I believe he will seek the capture of anyone carrying his virus spawn in an attempt to replicate that virus so that he can accomplish a most diabolical plan… to infect all the children loyal to Mother, delivering us all to eventual damnation! Or will it only be the women of this universe? I have no answer for this.”

  Excited whispers like that of a rushing breeze filled the room. The very thought of Asotos’ ultimate diabolical plan was so inconceivable to even the most ancient of Lowenah’s children - for that matter, even to Lowenah - that it had never come up into their hearts to fathom such a thing. To think that any person, no matter how evil, could perpetrate such villainy was beyond the children’s comprehension. Yet, here was the youngest of their siblings revealing it to be so.

  Zadar confided, “I saw into the Wicked Worm’s mind, he exposing his true nature of purpose when he probed Rachel’s soul, believing the woman so witless that she would mindlessly surrender to his wiles. The man was so absorbed, finding secrets hidden within, that he did not bother to cloak his dark, sordid desires as he raped my sister. Yes! Rape, I say! For that was the manly violence he attempted on Rachel’s mind. But my sister is strong-willed, more so than many, and she resisted his attacks and drove the man away, humiliated.”

  He lifted a finger, shaking it. “Debate you may wish to make in your councils regarding my revelations, but give ear, please, to my suggestion offered here. The blood grape is a powerful elixir that cares not for strength of disposition or willpower of the mind. Should it fall into enemy hands, I do believe that it could be weaponized and used for mind control or worse, it being used to probe minds of hapless prisoners to obtain secreted information. The possible threat of this happening is far too great considering this is the year of the Tucklebow Berry’s fruiting.”

  “And…should the Beast ever reunite with any of his spawn - which I hope is contained in but a few souls - he may well realize the power of the blood grape in spreading this loathsome infection, thus damning all our worlds! The demons being released upon an opened mind, drugged up by that berry, well… well, I dare not even guess the torture suffered by the victim of such an attack!”

  The silence in the room was deafening. Fear and doubt crept into many a stalwart heart. To face the Dragon upon the sordid field alone, without Mother’s assistance, well, that was something they could fathom. But to stand a battle line against a silent virus transmitted by the most innocent of touches?! Biological warfare was not new to the people of this world. But how would one deal with a living spirit designed to entrap and enslave the mind and soul, quietly growing within that mind, all the while spewing its infectious spawn to countless others? The thought was too intense. With pleading eyes, the crowd looked to this messenger of doom for answers to assuage troubled hearts.

  Zadar looked toward the floor, sighing. “I suggest that a trusted guard be sent to those mountain valleys where the berry grows. For future generations, the fruit must be preserved but, for the moment, a defense to the death must be mounted to keep that plant out of the hands of our enemy.”

  A voice called out from the crowd, “But what of our sisters already infected? Should we not find fortified, secret keeps for them until the witching hour passes?”

  Zadar answered, “No, and for good reason. First, we must not reveal to the Worm that the secret of the demon virus has been discovered. This will cause him to try that much harder to return his offspring to him. As long as he believes he has time, the fool will remain cautious, not wishing to raise suspicion, he also wanting to keep such knowledge secret. Few will be the confederates he will dare confide in unless he is pressed with need. Let us not press him. For this reason, I recommend that we do not interfere with those who may have the demon spawn residing within them. Proof is that they are not yet infectious, and there are those of us who have the power to detect those demons and what they might be doing - Paul, Garlock, PalaHar, myself and others. I assure you, the Watchers will remain alert, protecting the souls of all of Mother’s children.” Zadar glanced at Lowenah. She smiled reassuringly.

  “Secondly,” Zadar put a hand to his head as if in pain. “whispers in the dark morning hours have warned me to allow freedom to the Fates. ‘Fingers in the pie, fingers in the pie...’ How often have we heard Mother speak those words? Well, I believe many fingers are playing in the pie, and those fingers are up to some mischief that they do not want us to meddle in.” He again looked at Lowenah and she innocently cast her gaze toward the shadows.

  Turning to the crowd, he cautioned, “Do not speak a word of this to any living soul! Carry to your death what you have heard here this day! Let our sisters be, to do whatever duties they have been destined to do. Give them freedom to choose good or bad for themselves. The Whisperers who watch on in secret will allow no lasting harm come to them until the darkness has passed by. All souls must pass through Hell to attain Heaven. Do we view ourselves as any better than the warriors who have already gone before us? So shall we lead our sisters through those fiery gates of eternal torment. If needs be, we all will perish to preserve them alive until the ending hour!”

  PalaHar stood, shaking a fist, shouting, “So shall all our souls pass through Hell to save Heaven! Look and see! Sharon rises and the all the oceans turn to blood. Rejoice! Rejoice! The wind is at our backs as we chase the Boatman on the swelling seas across Avaddohn’s Abyss! Rejoice! The ending hour calls to us and we will obey its voice!”

  “Amen! Amen!” came the exultant reply to PalaHar’s proclamation. The room filled with a deafening response as the crowd stood in support. This was going to be a fight to the finish - no armistice or negotiated peace. It was all or nothing. They would take up the helm and chase Death all the way to its end, whatever that might be. For some strange reason, that understanding filled weary hearts with peace. One more battle, one more war - only one, just one - and then it would be over.

  When the room had quieted again, Lowenah stood, addressing Zadar. “My son, wisdom beyond the ages has been surrender up to you. ‘And so does good fruit burst forth from a rotten tree.’ Legs you have, but also wings to carry you over the rim of the universe into unreachable lands.” She bowed, gracefully extending a hand, taking Zadar’s.

  Standing while keeping her grasp, Lowenah looked into Zadar’s face, hers filled with searching questions. “Oh, wizard sublime - for I perceive you are become a wizard - can you answer for me a most perplexing riddle that has haunted my dreams for countless nights, one that my closest of counselors have found no solution to?”

  She waited for no reply.
“Long has the Serpent of Despair stolen from me my heart and soul by casting humiliation upon me through deceit and treachery. And yet, even now I cannot bring his everlasting demise until my heart is satisfied - but this time not for love but for vengeance...humiliating vengeance. Tell me please, my squire-prophet and whispering prince, how shall I execute my humiliating vengeance against this Evil Worm to the full so that my heart may rest eternal in peace?”

  As he stared into Lowenah’s eyes, Zadar’s face filled with consternation, his answering words grave and ominous. “The firelight of days gone by will light the path of times to come. You walk upon a jagged sky, in search of all the reasons why.” He then asked, troubled, “Do you truly wish to satisfy your heart by deceiving your own laws into believing that the Great God of all things may set the very elements ablaze and not become burned by them?”

  Lowenah’s face paled, she stepping back as if being struck. An audible gasp of shock rose from the crowd. What was this all about? How was it that a child borne of Mother’s flesh dared to question her? Should the Spirits strike him down for such callous insubordination? But, no! As a god he stood, bold, Mother surrendering to his glory.

  Lowenah’s heart burned with an uncertain, lonely ache. Had she really come to the end, only to surrender up to the evil herself? Was she not the Creator of all things, matter, life, emotions… love, joy, hate, fear, revenge? Had her oldest merely succumbed to his own genetic defect, one inherited from her? From her mouth came the title ‘Maker of All Things’. Had she made the evil also, somewhere in the secret places of her mind, only to have it eventually rear its grotesque head once it attained maturity? Had Chrusion only reached that maturity before the others?

  For an instant of time, the doubt of Rhiannon filled Lowenah’s soul with sickly dread. Still, she knew her heart, had suffered its passions and desires for ages unbounded. It was her heart that brought forth the Whispering Voices, the universes filled with mortal life, her children. It was her heart… not her mind… that drove her ever on, always on, to greater and more wondrous possibilities, to this very moment. It was her heart that must be satisfied, not soul or mind. Right or wrong, its ravenous belly must be filled or all would be lost.

  Right now, Lowenah’s heart desired redemption, absolution from the pain and agony heaped upon it by the Wicked Worm. Future’s consequences be damned! For there would be no future should her heart go unsatisfied.

  Bowing her head, Lowenah answered through quivering lips, “Vengeance is mine. I shall repay.” She looked into Zadar’s eyes. “I am the Queen of Darkness! I bring the night, but also the morning. Feed the vulture, so that the earth may be cleansed of its putrid sickness.”

  Tears grew in Zadar’s eyes as he replied. “Very well, but listen, please. I warn you if you choose this road. A child born on a summer day shall fire his heart, your soul to save. And by his brutal strength of might, he’ll bring you harm then do you right. A Queen to him you’ll come to be, surrendering your heart, your throne to him. His heart will be bound with a ruthless passion to protect the one he loves. Your vengeance waked will his banner be, a jealous rage consuming both his heart and soul. Never will blissful innocence be found in this or any of your worlds again. Should your heart become satisfied, its desire fulfilled, then Holy Evil shall ever reign. Now I ask again, do you wish me to continue?”

  Lowenah reflected but a moment, yet in that moment she examined all things past and present. Blissful innocence? Had there ever been a time when it truly existed? For that matter, was anything certain? The universe was built upon a whim, a dream - a very flawed dream at best, if one was to look at this current dreadful age. Oh yes, peace had ruled for so long, but never had it been guaranteed, though she wished not to think of it during those blissful times. Even now, every step taken forward was into an uncertain future, no assurance that good was everlasting. She trusted the Whispering Voices. Now she would have to trust her soul to a man of flesh.

  Closing her eyes and then slowly opening them she softly answered, “Yes...”

  “Very well, then…” Zadar softly replied.

  Lowenah slowly returned to her chair, surrendering the floor to the youngest of her children. Zadar turned his attention toward the others, lifting his arms. “Here I stand, speaking to this great and honorable assemblage. So many wizards, witches, seers, and wise counselors do I see. Yes! And even the Inventor of life and breath itself respectfully stations herself at my feet to listen to what revelations my mouth may offer. Do you not see the folly of it all, that you should surrender up your ears to my words?”

  Zadar shook a finger. “No! Why? Because your humble hearts know that I speak only with permission of One greater than I and that I do so out of love and concern for all the company gathered here.”

  Pausing, Zadar stepped back, clasping his hands behind him, and began to slowly pace in a small circle. “Yet I wonder how long it would be before your hearts would blaze in anger if I should, even with truthful speech, rail against you with denunciations and condemnations for all your real and imagined failures. Should you not wish to stone me in your hearts even though my words might be true, saying, ‘What insolence! Where does this little child gain the right to insult and abuse us in this manner?’”

  He spun about quickly, facing the audience while pointing a finger. “And what if in a contest of your own riddling wisdom, I should best the most ancient and intellectual of you, and then boast of my success through ridiculing speech and insulting gestures, presenting to the world your foolish reasoning?”

  Grinning sinister, Zadar shook a fist high. “And what if I, through truth and winsome words, tore down your worlds of sweet majesty, casting the works of your hands into the sewer, all your wonderful philosophical ideology, scientific hypothesis, political councils, your very foundation works of mind and heart that you have studied and developed over ageless time? And then for me to expose all your whimsical fantasies publicly to the universe so that your own siblings begin to mock you with their ridicule?”

  Zadar leaned toward the crowd, standing on his toes. “And what humiliation would be heaped upon you should I stir up the peoples to riot and bring down your institutions of learning and thought, destroy your council chambers, burn you writings in the public square and openly condemn you to your faces for being false prophets and wicked seers?! Surely you would reel at the humiliation as you watched all your works dissolve into nothing while the names of your greatest counselors became proverbial sayings!”

  Zadar stepped back, resting clasped hands in front while giving his audience time to ponder the things he had spoken. Some people respectfully considered his words. Others were seen whispering to nearby companions, while some showed faces filled with consternation, wondering just what his intentions might be. Yet all concluded, in agreement, that it would certainly be a great humiliation to have such a thing done to them.

  When sufficient time was allowed for the audience to grasp the argument Zadar was making, he continued. “My brothers... My sisters... My trusted companions... Your hearts reveal to me the truthfulness of my revelations. But are you people not the very Children of God - her loyal, chosen, servants? Has not her spirit, this very day, sealed your hearts to truth and loyal honor to your very death?! Yet the thought of such rueful denunciations charged against you and all your works - even if those charges might prove true - disturb your hearts so greatly that your feelings toward me have been placed in question.”

  “You are the chosen ones of Lowenah, holy children with refined hearts. Yet my very presence disturbs you to the point of wishing to drive me away, for fear of what my mouth may yet speak. Worry not, for you are of my flesh and my soul. I love you with all my heart and wish no harm what so ever to any of you, even though a blow you should give to me. I have spoken what I have to reveal this observation I have made, that it is the heart, not the mind, from which humiliation gives rise. Yes! The unreasoning h
eart loves or hates, becomes ashamed or inflamed, not the mind. The war of revenge, then, must be wage against the heart for its success to be made complete!”

  Zadar looked at Lowenah and then back at the others. “Now listen, please, for I have not spoken to you with empty speech or hollow words. Chrusion - the greatest of all of Mother’s children, the most splendid in beauty, tongue, wisdom, and might, until he fell from the heights into the dismal abyss of self-aggrandizing loathsomeness - this same man sees not his world filtered through the mind, for had he done so, he would still walk among us our saint, but he chose to worship the person of the heart, enslaving his flesh to its whimsical platitudes.”

  “And so it has come to pass that only through a corrupted, selfish heart does this man see anything at all, and all things approved by him must satisfy the whims of his degenerate heart. I perceive, then, that one need not bring down the Worm’s house through strength of might to destroy his world, but to only slap his heart a telling blow and he will destroy his own house in an attempt to gain revenge. Through his desire for revenge, will Mother’s revenge be assured.”

  Lowenah leaned forward, ears alert for what her son might say next. He did not disappoint. “I saw in my visions with my sister, Rachel, as the blood grape devoured her mind and soul, the selfish intent of the Wicked Serpent as he sought to enslave her body and spirit. His pride was so great, as I have previously stated, that he believed her already his prisoner, thus not bothering to cloak his real intentions for her should she fall to his entreaties. His humiliation at her refusal to go with him has brought us to the nearing hour of renewed war, the man’s pride refusing to allow him to overlook Mother’s slap. At any cost, he must have revenge on her and her entire house.”

  “Yes, Rachel’s actions proved to be a humiliation to him. But it was not made complete because the woman did not hold the line all the way to its end, but sought another avenue of escape, thus taking a stand neither on his or Mother’s side. Brave and righteous this woman is, few being more so, yet in the Universal Court of Law, her case in defense of Mother cannot be made, thus no vengeance can Mother gain from the actions of my sister.”

  Darla’s head sank in dismay, her silent tears flowing freely. Those who glanced in her direction quickly turned away, wondering if they would have had the strength to have done better.

  Zadar apologized to Darla, cursing the need to reveal these agonizing truths. He explained, “I bring up this matter to make an important point about the Worm. If, because of the stalwart action of one woman, Asotos is willing to risk the fates of war and ruination to accomplish his revenge, then through the actions of one monkey child… one bred through his making… he may well bring down his entire universe for the same cause!”

  Again heads wagged as the room filled with hushed chatter. Zadar quieted them. “It has been said that Tolohe stood in Eden’s garden and made the pronouncement to the woman of her seed and the Devil’s spawn warring to his destruction. I tell you a sacred secret: the woman’s seed was not Abram’s - our Michael - but another, a child of abomination, for the woman’s seed and the Devil’s seed are but one seed.”

  Zadar lifted a hand in pronouncement. “And so becomes Desmond, the Lord of Darkness and the Light. Black and white, evil and good… So shall the seed wield the magic of the Darkness to shatter the night and bring glory to the day. By the serpent shall the Serpent be eaten, and by the fire shall the fire be consumed. Then all the works of Evil shall become holy, locked everlastingly in the very heart of the one loving Lowenah so much.”

  He turned and faced Lowenah. “My Lord, my God, I have revealed, then, to you, my strategy for your vengeful success. Remember, please, the cost for using this weapon. Should you choose to do so, then all hope and life rests upon the future choice of a man untested. Should he fail, then all your works will fade away into nothingness. Remember you own words: ‘Elijah must come or I will destroy all things.’”

  He added one final warning. “Never again will innocence rule your worlds, for forever will the machinations of the Wicked One reside in your house.”

  Lowenah’s face beamed. Ignoring Zadar’s warning, she jumped to her feet, crying out with passion, “You have gifted me with a treasure beyond measure! For you, my wise and noble son, I give the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, aide-de-camp and personal liaison to our field marshal, Trisha.”

  Zadar bowed respectfully, saying nothing.

  After walking over to Zadar and wrapping her arm about his waist, Lowenah pointed toward a person in the shadows. “This man’s trusted companion sacrificed all give to us - to me - secret knowledge that has led to this victorious moment. May I recommend that his ally in deed be promoted to rank of major in the Marine Division serving the Third Fleet?”

  Commodore General Planetee stood, grinning, asking, “For the record, what person of such valor do you refer?”

  Lowenah’s clear answer was quick. “My darling, Rachel...”

  Planetee was beginning to make her acceptance when another voice shouted above the others, “I object!”

  All eyes searched for the person behind the voice. Lowenah turned, surprised, curtly replying, “Ardon! We are not here to debate my decisions. I am an able enough person to conclude the wise road. Be silent!”

  Ardon refused. “No one doubts your intent, or the child’s righteous loyalty to you and cause, but your son’s own revelations reveal a heart in tumult - a tumult that might sway a reasoning mind into making hasty decisions!”

  Lowenah fumed, shaking a finger at Ardon. “This is not up for discussion! I have asked an experienced officer, commander over all Marine forces, permission to do this thing. It is her counsel I will listen to, not yours!”

  Ardon countered, arguing, “Look about you at the faces in the crowd. By your very public declaration, you have invited debate. I am not the only one here concerned about demons and devil spawn, handing the command over hundreds to one untested as to fitness.”

  Lowenah turned her attention away from Ardon and studied the faces in the crowd. Oh yes, many were very angry with Ardon, but others reflected concern over what he spoke. She feared not her daughter, believing fully in the girl’s strength of character and secret powers protecting the girl.

  Ardon suggested, “Another reward, more fitting, should be offered for the woman’s valor. Then all can watch and see if any of our doubts are legitimate.”

  Planetee was incensed and wrathful. “Foolish man! Shut your mouth before I shut it! There is not to be found a more trustworthy soul in the mortal universe than our Rachel. She has never faltered! Nor does she talk to the wind.”

  Ardon chided her, asking, “It is late in the day? Has the wine freed you mouth to speak so boldly?”

  Her face red with rage, Lowenah screamed, “Shut up, you two! All of you! Shut up or I shall teach you all a thing or two! This is My keep! My world! My universe! So easy I brought you into this world, and easier still is it for me to take you out of it!”

  She stared in Darla’s face, now a mask of hidden emotion, the same face so often displayed when as a little child she silently stood in the corner while the others in the room politely ignored her. Where did the girl go at times like this? What worlds had she invented to wander away to? Ardon’s actions were so uncalled for.

  With clenched fists, Lowenah angrily shouted at Ardon, “You have hated my child from the day of her birthing! Why don’t you take the knife and be done with her, instead of raping the girl day and night in front of the public assembly?!”

  Ardon decried the accusation. “I wish no harm to it... I seek what is only good for the others, to make close observa…”

  Lowenah cut him off. “Shut up, you! I will not tell you again...” She then addressed Planetee. “How say you regarding my request?”

  Planetee first looked over at Darla, her heart filled with sorrow for her little sister. She then answered resolutely, “Should you ask her to lead a
ll your armies, I would gladly surrender my soul to ride behind her banner. What you ask is too small a reward for her.”

  Lowenah stared down at her hands in contemplation. So much she wanted to pour her rage out upon Ardon, make an example of him in front of the others, and humiliate him just once as he had done to her Rachel so many times. But no, this must not be done. Other eyes watched and ears listened. Justice, as blind as it often was, must be satisfied in the hearts of her children. But how might Justice be served while teaching that fool, Ardon, a lesson at the same time?

  Slowly she faced Ardon, asking, “If someone wise and long in years, honest and respected among his peers, someone trustworthy to the others clear unto death, were assigned to remain close - as an observer - to make sure no demon spawn might escaped to contaminate this world, would it be enough to assuage your concerns, so that I may gift my daughter with my request?”

  With her eyes boring into his, Ardon felt compelled not to pursue the matter. “Yes...” He slowly nodded. “A wise and noble observer will serve the purpose well...”

  Lowenah then addressed Darla. “RachelOchlah, you have been offered the position of major in the Marines in the king’s service, your appointment pending upon this one little request of mine: to place beside you a trustworthy, noble and wise seer to serve as your leftenant of staff, to serve under your direction and obey your orders unto death, but be accountable for making report to me regarding the issues raised here this day.”

  Fear gripped Lowenah’s heart as she peered into Darla’s face. Grim it was, with an apparent resolve to reject Lowenah’s request. But Darla was a good girl, always obedient to the smallest of Mother’s desires. Darla finally answered that she would, struggling out with, “Your faithful servant...”

  Lowenah slowly turned to face Ardon, a smile creeping across his face melting away as she addressed him. “First Leftenant Ardon, seeing that you are the wisest of all my counselors, and so deeply concerned for the welfare of all my children, I have chosen for you this very important assignment. I know of none other more qualified to carry out all your recommendations you have made here this day.”

  Waiting for no reply from the man struck speechless, Lowenah turned her attention back to Darla. “Major, you have accepted your position in the Marines and have been assigned one of your staff officers. Do you have anything you wish to say?”

  Darla stood there, struggling with her monster within, the veins in her neck turning purple. After several breathless moments, she choked out, “I will obey you in this matter, but be warned: Should this man become a threat to the welfare of the others in my charge, I will put him down, killing him if necessary! There is no place for fools in my command. Have I spoken clearly enough?”

  Lowenah took a step back in surprise. What were her youngest children about? This was a day of revelations for everyone. Looking into Darla’s eyes, she could clearly see that the woman was speaking without bravado. Oh yes, contempt and vehement hatred had spewed forth with her words, but honesty also. This woman cared as much for the people in her charge as a mother for a newborn child. Ardon must play it straight or he might fall victim to Rachel’s violent wrath.

  “Leftenant Ardon, step forward!” Lowenah called.

  Hesitating at first, Ardon dutifully obeyed.

  Lowenah pointed at Darla. “See your new commanding officer!” She then quietly warned, “If you wish to survive, I suggest you carefully heed your commander’s orders...” At that, Lowenah adjourned the meeting, thanking the people for staying, offering refreshment in the dining hall.

  Few lingered in the Theater that night, quietly shuffling out through the double doors and down the staircase to disappear into the late night shadows along the Northern Concourse. Those remaining found secluded corners to conduct unfinished business. Lowenah quickly slunk away to private rooms beyond the auditorium. Silent and empty the dining hall remained, its tables piled high with scrumptious dainties untouched.

  Ardon remained, nervously waiting to be assailed by his new commander only to see her assisted away from the room by Chasileah and Euroaquilo, the woman hunched over in fitful sickness. Breathing a sigh of relief, he hurried off to find Lowenah in hopes of convincing her to have a change of mind by emphasizing his importance to Mihai and her Council.

  The Theater was hidden in deep shadow as Ardon made his way through the catacomb of passageways and antechambers in his search for Mother. Surely she must be squirreled away in one of the many rooms exiting off the main gallery. In time, he came to a room with its door slightly ajar. Peeking inside, Ardon could see Lowenah standing in the distant corner, facing the far wall, her arms wrapped about herself.

  Slowly opening the door, Ardon softly called out, “Mother, it’s Ardon. May I…”

  A caustic response chilled the air. “What do you want...?!”

  Ardon hesitated. “I… I’m sorry if I may have offended you. I didn’t mean…”

  Lowenah whipped around, glazed eyes in a tearstained face glaring at Ardon. “Sorry?! Is that all you are? Sorry? Why didn’t you just take a knife and murder my child this night?! Sent her to Hell, you did, have always done! The prattle of your mouth is excrement to my ears! My daughter! Oh, my little Rachel! What did she ever do to you that you should hate her so?!”

  She shook her fist at him. “All she has ever been to you is an abortion that lived to ruin your perfect little world. Do you think my Rachel has no soul, no feelings?” Gripping her head she cried, “More love does my little child have for me than all my other children combined! You ass, ruthless, evil ass! Murdering my child is not good enough for you, no! Bring her down and drag her through the dirt, rape her heart in the public square, tear her soul apart to extol your own wisdom!”

  Lifting her hands high while pointing a finger back toward herself, she mockingly chided, “‘Oh, the great and wonderful Ardon am I, filled with wisdom beyond normal.’”

  Lowenah angrily poked Ardon’s chest. “Fool! My daughter cracked?! Should you be as sane if Heaven and Hell had conspired against you as it did her! Not one day of peace has my Rachel known, yet to see the dreams and visions of her thankless siblings fulfilled, she has consigned her soul to the fires of Gehenna’s altar, surrendering her virginity up to the gods of war.”

  She then pounded her chest. “My child loves me! Loves me! And for some reason that makes no sense to me, she loves you, too - you and all your uncaring brothers and sisters!”

  “Loves me?!” Ardon cried.

  Lowenah spat, “Yes! Loves you, too! Or you wouldn’t have lived to be standing here. That child could cut you down in the blink of an eye with her bare hands. Had she not loved you, her monster would have torn you asunder this very eve. But, no! With strength beyond normal, the child forced it into retreat.”

  She turned and walked away, staring at the wall. “And you worry about her demon...” Throwing her hands up, Lowenah lamented, “Oh, for the counsel of AsreHalom...”

  Ardon was taken aback as though slapped. “Mother...?”

  Lowenah groaned, resigned, surrendering up the moment. “You crossed the line this day! Deserving death, you are! Tortured will the dreams of my children become during the approaching darkness. It had been my desire to give to them a small gift, a tiny remembrance, a little glimmer of refreshing light to recall when Hopelessness crept about their door. You, such a respected and highly favored courtier murdered the moment, leaving empty their hearts on coming bitter nights.”

  Smarting from Lowenah’s previous insult, Ardon could not comprehend where he had failed. He extended his hands, shrugging in innocent puzzlement. “Mother, how have I failed you? A counselor I am and counsel I gave.”

  Lowenah turned around, grasping Ardon’s hands, her face filled with consternation, countering, “How have I failed you?! Can you not see?! No… No, you cannot...”

  She looked away, sighing, sad. “I must do what is right for my d
aughter-child if it should cost me all the souls in my universe. I must do her right.”

  Looking back into a perplexed face, Lowenah smiled, dismayed. “I do not send you away as a punishment. Lessons there are for you to learn if the other side of midnight is yours to possess with understanding. Yet more…”

  She softly stroked Ardon’s arm. “My Rachel is most precious to me, and I am sending her into the Devil’s cauldron to save both Heaven and Earth. You must protect my child from the witching hour when the stormwind dies and the demons rise from Satan’s abyss. In that hour, the Fates will submit to your decisions, trusting to the wisdom of my counselor. To survive, you must face the necromancer who will taunt you from the other side of the looking glass. To defeat the pursuing demon hosts, you must find the rabbit hole… and to save the world, you must lead my child down it. There, in your secret wonderland far from the ravenous wolves, harbor my child safe until her healing hour.”

  She lovingly squeezed Ardon’s hands, looking into a troubled face. “Protect my Rachel’s spirit, for it will one day assist you in discovering your own soul.”

  Lowenah stood up on her toes and gave Ardon a gentle kiss on his lips. “Remember that I love you. Goodbye, son...” Stepping back, with a lonely smile, Lowenah turned and faded away silently into the dark shadows.