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  (Author’s Note: I gleaned a great deal of information regarding the Council of Eighty from Volume II of the yet to be published Lukas Diaries, authored by MarkusLukas. Following are excerpts from notes I took while perusing those writings, I wishing to include them here for the added insight of the reader.

  MarkusLukas was witness to the Council of Eighty, and his account of it in the Lukas Diaries is his first-hand recollection, which he liberally splashes across the pages of his account.

  MarkusLukas is a rather reclusive fellow, finding pleasure looking out from the shadows rather than standing in the light. His exploits during the King’s War are obscured by stories of the flamboyant and colorful characters that dance across the tapestry of history immortalized, yet exploits they were, and valuable to king and cause.

  Though being a man from the Realms Below, MarkusLukas faithfully served the King’s Council throughout the War as Secretary Delegacy to the Archival Temple –library - in Palace City, he being responsible for organizing and cataloging all governmental communications and documents. His position also opened doors of entry to Mihai’s secret wardroom and council meetings, making him privy to events going on throughout the Children’s Empire… thus the extreme value of his soon to be published memoirs.

  An important point the author made to me was that the term ‘Council of Eighty’ (80) is a misnomer, the true number of those invited never revealed. From the best information I have received to date, it appears that the ‘80’ did not include any of the attendees from the Lower Realms, Mihai and other leading officers or council members, and that the number itself was only representative as to having the meaning of fullness… filled to full, leaving Lowenah flexibility in choice of invitees.)