Page 16 of Veso

  Pregnant? Glen balked at the concept. Memories of something a friend went through a few years ago surfaced. May had gotten knocked up by her boyfriend, they’d gotten married, and it had turned into a nightmare. John had pretended to be happy at first about the baby. Later, he’d resented the hell out of being tied down by a wife and kid. He’d slept around with countless women, taunting May with his affairs. They’d eventually divorced but she’d watched May’s life spiral into pure hell. That would never be her.

  She bucked her hips and grabbed at the bedding, trying to get out from under him. Veso let her go and she separated their bodies. She sat up and scooted away on the bed. “No. It was one time. I’m sure I’m not ovulating. I had a period recently.”


  “I don’t know!” She snagged the covers, jerking them up to her chest to cover her body.

  “Lower your voice.”

  She’d forgotten about the danger outside, solely focused on the one indoors with her. “I lost track of time while I was being held but life couldn’t be that messed up.”

  He stood, totally naked as he kicked off the boxers around his ankles. “So you refuse to become my mate?”

  She stared into his eyes and saw anger there. “A minute ago you were debating about if you wanted me for a mate or not. Now you’re asking me? What made you decide? Is it because the lowly human didn’t beg you to mate? Is that what you were expecting? Get over yourself.”

  He turned away, showing off his muscled ass. He had a great one. She also spotted some red scratches on his upper back, realizing she must have put them there during sex. They weren’t bleeding at least.

  “Get some rest, Glenda. I’ll be downstairs.” His voice came out harsh; it was clear that she’d made him mad.

  He strode over to the ladder, avoided looking at her, and climbed to the lower floor.

  Glen lay down, curled into a ball, and hugged the blankets she gripped even tighter. He was angry but she felt torn up inside.

  What if he was right and he’d gotten her pregnant? She’d been an idiot to say yes to a quickie with him. He was just so hot and she’d wanted him. The consequences hadn’t even entered her mind.

  It was his fault for licking her thighs and brushing his nose against her clit while doing it. He had turned her on and made her ache. He’d been the one to insist her thighs needed healing.

  She closed her eyes and tried to focus on something else. Everything would seem better in the morning. So far no one had attacked the cabin. They might survive through the night again without being found.

  She pushed away any thought of Veso and focused on her breathing. In and out.

  * * * * *

  Veso woke with kinks in his neck from sleeping on the too small couch. He’d dragged a chair over to the end of it and shoved a pillow on the seat to accommodate his longer legs. He stood and stretched, staring at the tiny cracks along the sides of the closest covered window. Hints of light showed through. Morning had come.

  He used the bathroom and then climbed the ladder as quietly as possible. Glenda slept in the center of the bed. She lay buried in covers but one foot and hand stuck out, besides part of her face. He carefully covered her limbs to keep her warm and walked to the edge of the loft, jumping down. The human in the closet made a noise and he listened, hearing light snoring.

  He walked to the front door and unbarred it, peering outside. No movement caught his eye and he inhaled, not scenting Vampire. They must have completely avoided the cabin during the night. He closed the door, barred it again, and walked over to the cell phone. It was time to call his clan. He dreaded it but he couldn’t avoid it any longer. His father had to be worried. His friends were probably out searching for him. He also needed help getting Glenda back to his territory before nightfall. The Vamps wouldn’t dare go after her there, now that they’d already invaded once. The clan would be on high alert.

  Glenda had rejected his offer to mate her. He’d messed up by sharing his thoughts of the pros and cons of mating with her and she’d thrown them in his face. Her words replayed in head. A minute ago you were debating about if you wanted me for a mate or not. Now you’re asking me? What made you decide? Is it because the lowly human didn’t beg you to mate? Is that what you were expecting? Get over yourself.

  He ground his teeth together and tried to cool down. He was a VampLycan. She should be flattered that he wanted her. He had so much to offer. Then again, maybe he didn’t. His future with the clan would be uncertain with a human mate, as would any chance of others taking them in. She’d be in constant danger from Vampire nests and Lycan packs if they had to live in her world. He’d fight them all off but he’d be doing it alone with no backup.

  “Damn.” He ran his fingers through his hair and turned on the phone.

  A few text messages waited. He read them. The human should have checked in already, begun searching for them, and the so-called king had sent threats to the human under his thrall. It was a reminder that the master would kill innocents if Veso didn’t break them free and reprogram their minds, then send them somewhere safe by nightfall.

  He called information, asking for the number for the lodge, then requesting it be connected. It rang four times before a familiar voice answered.

  “It is good to hear your voice, Davis.”

  “Who is this?”

  “It’s Veso.”

  “We thought you were dead!” Excitement sounded in the VampLycan’s voice. “Those damn Vampires said they killed you.”

  “You captured some?”

  “They spoke to Kira. She’s alive but the bastards attacked her too. She was bad off but she’s better now. Where are you?”

  “I’m not entirely sure. We made it to a cabin but I’m estimating I’m still about forty miles from home. I need you to send help. I’m being tracked by human thralls with tranquilizer darts during the day and soldier and Vamps at night. Can you trace the call?”

  Silence greeted him.


  The VampLycan didn’t answer him and he glanced at the phone. It had dropped the signal. “Damn it!” He tried calling back but it couldn’t connect. He walked around, lifting the phone, searching for a stronger signal but it wasn’t showing anything.

  “Goddamn it,” he yelled.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Glenda’s voice drew his attention toward the loft. She clutched a blanket around her body, bare shoulders revealed and her hair messy from sleep. “The signal went down.”


  “It happens sometimes if there’s a storm but it was dry outside. The master must have become worried we’d captured a human since the one in the closet didn’t check in a few hours ago. There were texts on his phone. That damn suckhead probably sent other humans to do something to the tower to take out cell coverage in this area.”

  “I thought you were going to have that guy we captured check in. We discussed this.”

  “I overslept!” He threw the phone. It smashed into the fireplace. “They will be coming for us. Get dressed.”

  “You broke another phone? What’s wrong with you? Maybe we could have gotten a signal outside! Maybe it was just down for a minute or so.”

  “Stop wasting time arguing with me, damn it. I refuse to be drugged again. We’re out of here.” He stomped into the kitchen, yanking open cupboards to grab supplies.

  “Crazy VampLycan,” she huffed from above. “You have anger issues.”

  “Get dressed. We leave in five minutes.”

  “I am.”

  It had been a mistake to throw the phone but he’d needed something to take his frustration out on. Glenda was his mate. He was certain of that now. They’d shared blood when they’d kissed and he’d known.

  A human wasn’t supposed to be his mate, nor had he ever wanted to bind his life with any woman. Even as they fucked, he’d tried to use logic to talk himself out of claiming her. The timing was shit. His clan wouldn’t accept her. They were being hunted.
Then Glenda had rejected him when he’d finally settled down, ready to accept that logic didn’t matter in the face of instinct.

  She is my mate. She’s in danger. I need to get her safe and then I’ll convince her we’ll be together forever. Focus on that.

  He emptied the backpack the human had used, repacked it with food bars, snacks, and bottled water. He rose up and strode to the closet, jerking it open. He grabbed the man and hauled him out.

  “Look at me.”

  The stranger’s eyes snapped open.

  Veso glared at him, allowing his power to flow. “King Charles has lied to you. He’s evil. He’ll kill you and your friends. Do you understand?”

  The man paled, fear showing in every line of his face.

  “You’re going to go find the man and pregnant woman you told me about. Shoot the man with a dart so you can easily control the woman with care and put them on their boat. Get them the hell out of here before dark. Do you understand? Tie them up. You need to keep them safe because they won’t and can’t believe King Charles is evil. He’ll kill you all. Keep them away for a few days. Find a safe place to hide at night. Do you understand?”


  “I’m going to let you go. Stand still until I hand you the dart gun. Then you leave here and go find them, take them with you, and stay away for at least three days. You need to get as far away as you can. Understood?”


  Veso helped the human to his feet, set him free of the restraints, then lifted the dart gun and opened the case with the darts. He removed some of the fluid inside them, not certain if the current amounts wouldn’t kill a human. Small doses shouldn’t harm one. He loaded the gun and handed it over to the human, along with the case.


  The man spun, almost slammed into a wall, then got the bars off the door. He bolted once he was free, heading toward the river. Veso closed the door and decided he didn’t have time to tiptoe around Glenda with his abilities. He leapt up to the loft, avoiding the ladder.

  She gasped, almost falling on her ass when he landed. “Shit!”

  He wanted to howl in frustration. He’d scared her—again. That was no way to convince her to be his mate. She knew he was a VampLycan but it was possible she needed more time to get used to their differences before she’d agree to drink his blood.

  He’d planned to shift, have her ride his back again, but he changed his mind. He could protect her on two legs just as good as on four. They’d move slower but it was important they talk.

  “You know I’m not like you,” he gently reminded her. He stepped around her and dug out clothing he thought might fit him then changed. “We’re leaving. Find a spare set of clothes in case we have to swim again.” He did the same for himself, fisting the extra shirt and sweats then climbing down the loft.

  He located a large bag, shoved the clothing inside, and held out his hand as Glenda came down the ladder. She’d put on a man’s shirt. The cargo pants she wore were baggy but she’d used a shoelace to bind the belt loops together in the front, forming an odd belt. The slippers she wore impressed him. She’d wrapped more laces around her ankles to make them stay on her feet. They’d protect her from injury better than layers of socks.

  “Good job.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled. “I’m still wearing two layers of socks but these have soles on the bottom.”

  “Give me the extra clothes. I’m sealing them up in case the bag gets wet.”

  She didn’t hesitate. “You think they’re coming after us right now? They’ll try to shoot you with a sedative, right?”

  “Yes.” He closed the backpack and put it on, then lifted the shotgun. The shells for it went into the pockets of the sweats. “Stay on my ass and be quiet.”

  “Aren’t you going to try on shoes? There’s a bunch of them up in the loft. I know none of the ones in the last cabin fit you but these ones look larger.” She glanced down at his bare feet.

  “I don’t need them.”

  She opened her mouth, probably to argue. He turned away fast. They needed to go.

  He unbarred the door and opened it, inhaling. The only humans he scented was the one he’d sent away and Glenda. He stepped out, his gaze roaming the woods. No movement or odd sounds alerted him to intruders. The birds sang.

  “What is it?” Glenda pressed up against his back, resting her hand just above his ass.


  He continued to listen, his gaze constantly roaming, before determining it was safe. “Let’s go.” He took off slow for her, at a light jog.

  She shut the door behind her but followed close. They made it out of the clearing and into the thicker spread of trees. Veso relaxed. An attack would have happened as they left the cabin if the master’s human thralls had caught up to them.

  He picked up the pace, heading in the direction of home. There was no way Glenda would make it forty miles in a day but now his people would be looking for them. He hoped they’d be found by his clan soon.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Glen fisted Veso’s shirt and thankfully, he stopped. She panted, wanting to just drop to her knees. “I need to rest.”

  “Damn it.” He took off the backpack and turned to face her.

  “As you love to point out, I’m merely human.”


  She took a seat on the grass in the shade but it wasn’t graceful by any means. Veso crouched next to her and opened the pack, handing her a bottled water. She remembered to sip it. Puking would only make her feel worse. Her sides hurt, the muscles from her ass to her ankles wanted to go on strike, and she was willing to believe once she removed the slipper booties she’d stolen from the cabin, her feet would be bloody stumps.

  “We’re not moving fast enough.”

  She studied him as she took another sip of water. “We’ve been running and power walking for at least two hours straight.”

  “You had to pee and demanded a water break.”

  “Sorry. Again, human here. I’m not super-scary dude with extras.”

  He stopped peering around and held her gaze. “Is that how you see me?”

  “It wasn’t meant as an insult. Really. I’m bitchy, Veso. Tired. Sweaty. Grumpy. I could go on but I won’t.”

  “Do you want me to carry you for a while? You could wear the backpack and I could piggyback you.”

  It was tempting but she shook her head. He might look as if the pace wasn’t wearing him down but she noticed the way his body remained tensed, his gaze constantly roaming. He also sniffed a lot. He expected them to be attacked at any second, and had since they’d left the cabin. Having her on his back might distract him. She didn’t want to have to fight for her life. It was bad enough running for it.

  “I’m good. Just give me a few minutes.”

  He pulled out a granola bar and handed it to her. “Eat.”

  She was grateful that he was thinking about her needs. She took a bite of the dry bar and chewed. It helped her hunger. She finished it and handed him the wrapper. He stashed it inside the backpack, offered her another drink of water, and stood.

  “I know,” she muttered, trying to gain the strength to get up to her feet. “Time to go.”

  He held out his hand and pulled her up. “We’ll walk for a while but we must keep on the move.”


  He gave a nod and took off, walking through the woods. She followed, limping behind. He glanced back and she tried to hide her soreness, forcing a smile. He went back to watching the woods around them, doing his sniffing routine.

  She was slowing him down. He could shift and run. It was tempting to ask him to do that again but she didn’t. While her clothes were dry this time, it didn’t mean she wouldn’t get thigh burns again from riding him. The last thing they needed was a repeat of the night before. He’d want to heal her with his hot tongue and she’d end up getting fucked. Literally.

  Her body instantly responded to the memory. Veso had an amazing body a
nd he knew what to do with it. He’d gotten her off in record time. A spasm gripped her belly, an ache between her thighs just imagining him inside her again. He had a great cock. It had been super hard, thick, and wonderful.

  He stopped in front of her so fast she slammed into his back.

  He turned his head, staring down at her with narrowed eyes. His nostrils flared and a smile curved his lips. “I do have a nice ass.”

  Could he smell her thinking about sex between them? It was possible. He had a nose that could pick up almost anything. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re getting wet.”

  She purposely glanced up at the sky, then back at him. “It’s not raining. I thought we were in a hurry. You know, we have to keep moving, right?”

  He faced forward and started walking again. “I’m going to bend you over in front of me when we’re safe and fuck you.”

  “That’s not exactly motivating me to follow you,” she lied.

  He snorted. “I’m going to have to teach you a lesson later. Lying to me isn’t acceptable. You smell like you want to be fucked.”

  “Maybe it’s wishful thinking on your part. All I want is to lay down for a good hour and get off my feet.”

  He shook his head. “You’re distracting yourself by thinking about sex. I understand. I do it when my body is tired too.”

  Jealousy reared its ugly head. She wondered who he fantasized about. She hadn’t asked him too much about his dating life. He didn’t have a mate. That’s all she really knew as far as the women in his life went.


  “What?” He kept walking.

  “Um, are you seeing someone?”

  He halted fast again and turned. “No. The woods are clear.”

  “I meant, like a girlfriend.”

  “I wouldn’t have fucked you if I was committed to someone else. Mated VampLycans don’t cheat.” He turned away. “Keep moving.”

  “I didn’t ask if you had a mate. I already knew you didn’t. I want to know if there’s some woman you’re sleeping with.” She hurried her pace since he walked faster.


  “Who do you fantasize about then?”