Page 17 of Veso

  He growled low and twisted around once more. “What?”

  “Who do you think about having sex with? Are you in love with someone?”

  His eyes narrowed.

  She lowered hers and felt heat creep up into her cheeks. It wasn’t the most comfortable conversation to have since she wouldn’t exactly consider them a couple. The subject had come up though, and she really wanted to know more about Veso. He had asked her to be his mate. She had a right to ask about his personal life.

  He gripped her chin and stepped closer. “This is not the time to have this discussion. We’ll do it when you’re safe.”

  He had a point but she felt as if he would probably avoid her questions later. “Is there someone in your life that you have feelings for?”

  “No. I only fucked women when my body had a need I could no longer ignore and they offered. I don’t take lovers. I fucked them once but never a second time. I’m also careful to never let them have my sperm.”

  He might not be saying it but she would never forget what he’d told her about his mother. It all made sense. Of course he’d have trust issues with women. His mother had tricked his father into getting her pregnant.

  “We didn’t use a condom.”

  “You’re going to be my mate.”

  “I didn’t agree to that.”

  “Keep moving, Glenda. We’ll discuss this later.”

  She sealed her lips as he began walking again and stared at his ass. He did have a great one. It was firm, rounded, and muscular…

  She just needed to keep moving. More questions filled her head that she wanted to ask. What kind of home did he have? How many other VampLycans lived with him? Did they share one big home or all have their own? Would his father have a cow over Glen being human, possibly try to kill her or something drastic?

  She opened her mouth, ready to launch into another set of questions—they distracted her from her aching muscles—but Veso suddenly stopped and crouched.

  She tried to do the same as gracefully as him but ended up on her hands and knees. She peered around but didn’t see anything but a ton of trees.

  Veso turned his head and held a finger to his lips, then motioned her to go flat. She clenched her teeth and did it, hating that she was pressed against the dirty ground. It would stick to the sweat on her but she didn’t want to be shot with a dart—or worse, to have Veso shot with one.

  He shrugged off the backpack and laid it down, held up his hand to tell her to stay, then crawled on his hands and knees toward some bushes.

  Shit. She didn’t like him leaving her there alone but she trusted him with her life.

  She lay still and quiet, hoping someone wouldn’t stumble upon her once Veso had gone out of sight.

  Veso reached the top of a steep slope. The voices he’d heard were louder from there. He used the brush to conceal his body, peering over the edge to the creek below. Three humans were gathered on the other side of it, all wearing lightweight backpacks, and one held a dart gun.

  “We have to find them,” the smallest of the three stated. “King Charles is counting on us.”

  “I know. They probably stayed by the river. I would. It’ll lead them to other cabins. I’d be looking for a phone that works, food, and weapons.” The bearded man with lots of hair rubbed his jaw with one hand. “I can’t think of anyone who has a land line in this area, can you, Curly?”

  The third man shook his head. “Nope. We were lucky they added that tower two years ago so we could get any kind of shit reception out here. Roger paid for it himself. He’ll be patrolling the river with his boat by now, looking for them. Maybe the guy’ll see him and wave him down, thinking he’ll help ’im.”

  “Maybe.” The bearded man adjusted his backpack next, his body language antsy with his constant movement. “King Charles felt they’d head in this direction. We’ve got to keep looking. The woman was kidnapped by this son of a bitch.”

  Veso frowned. That was the story the Vampire master had gone with? It fit though. He’d want to prey on the humans’ fears to gain a sympathetic bond if they felt resistant in the least to follow his orders. Some humans could begin to think beyond the mind rape if they were away from the Vampire controlling them for a few days. A deep-seated suggestion, like they were actually trying to save a victim, might keep them following his orders longer.

  “One thing’s for sure,” the shortest one snapped, “us standing around like this isn’t finding them. Roger and his crew can handle the river. We’ll spread out and keep searching over here.” He reached down and touched a gun strapped to his thigh. “Shoot him with bullets in the legs if you have to. Just don’t kill him. King Charles wants him alive. I don’t blame him. I’d want to personally kill someone who stole my woman.”

  “Agreed,” Curly grunted. “Just remember. This asshole is on drugs and is going to be hard to take down. Keep your weapons ready and out. He’s supposed to be some skilled hunter too so watch your backs.”

  They broke apart and Veso backtracked to Glenda. She remained exactly where he’d left her. He hated to see the fear in her eyes. He lay down next to her, whispering, “Three of them are just ahead.”

  “Do they have those dart guns?”

  He nodded. “Yes. They are also prepared to shoot me with bullets to cripple me.”

  She reached out and placed her hand on his arm, looking alarmed.

  “We won’t let that happen. Keep quiet and low. Follow me.” He snagged the backpack but didn’t put it on his back. He crawled, leading her to where he’d just been. He felt pride when he glanced back. She hadn’t argued with him and did as he’d ordered. It also looked cute as hell as she belly-crawled, her ass going up in the air every time she lifted a leg to inch her lower half along the ground.

  He paused where he’d watched the men and searched for signs of them. He spotted them right away. The bearded man kept by the creek but the other two had spread out, going into the woods. It meant they would only have to get past two of them. More could be out there but the area wasn’t exactly high on human population. It was too remote.

  King Charles might possibly have up to fifty humans total under his control. More if there were any logging camps. Veso hadn’t left VampLycan territory in a while so he wasn’t certain what was going on with the surrounding areas anymore. One thing was certain though, the master had set up his base and been in the area for a significant time before he’d gone after a VampLycan. He’d known the locations of all the humans.

  It infuriated him. Decker had kept the clan so busy with his bullshit that Vampires had gotten within a hundred miles of their territory and set up a nest. It was just another reason to hate his clan leader.

  Glenda touched his leg, her small hand lightly resting on his calf. He turned his head, peering at her.

  She arched her eyebrows.

  He motioned her to stay quiet and not move as he turned his head back toward the creek, watching the progress of the humans. They were moving away but were still within sight. At least she’d get some rest while they waited to move on. He once again hoped his people would find them soon.

  Another thought struck, a grim one. What if Decker had already returned to the clan? It was possible no one would be sent to search for him. Nabby had been in charge when he’d been kidnapped, and that asshole also wouldn’t lift a finger to help him.

  But Davis would tell Bran, his father, about that call, even if Decker or Nabby ordered him not to. He could depend on three of his close friends too. Lavos, Garson, and Kar would search for him. They had formed a bond over hating the way the clan was run. All of them had been trapped by at least one parent swearing their allegiance to the clan from birth.

  He glanced back to check on Glenda. Her hand remained on his leg. She’d used her other arm to tuck under her face and seemed to be using it for a pillow. Her eyes were now closed. He sniffed the air, not picking up anything that alarmed him. They’d wait it out there for a bit, she’d get a rest, then it was time to keep goin
g. He’d get her to safety even if his friends couldn’t find them. She was his mate.

  The knowledge no longer irritated or angered him. A bond might have been started because of the blood share forced on them inside that mine, but an emotional one had formed since. He couldn’t imagine just letting her return to her human world and never seeing her again. They’d face a lot of obstacles. One of them being her refusal to become his mate.

  He smiled. That was one challenge he’d look forward to. He’d seduce her until he broke her stubbornness.

  Memories of the night before struck and his dick hardened. He should have taken it slower with her but he’d waited too long to know what it felt like to have her under him, to be inside her. Once he got her home, things would be different. He’d teach her no human could compare to him. Even if he had to keep her in his bed for weeks until she agreed to become his mate.

  To get Glenda to agree to mate him would be easy compared to taking over the clan and ridding it of all the rot.

  He and his friends had talked about taking out Decker and making Lavos clan leader. His friend wouldn’t have a problem with him taking a human mate. Kar and Garson would accept her too. They liked all females, regardless of their race. His father, Bran, might not be thrilled to see him bonded with a human, but he had faith his father would help him protect Glenda. He’d done much worse for Veso, like leaving his own clan to join one he hated to raise his son.

  It would work out. It had to. One problem at a time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Glen lifted her head and peered into Veso’s eyes. He was watching her with a frown. He tended to be grumpier than her, even when she was exhausted and feeling like crap.

  “They’re out of sight. We need to get moving again. That’s all the rest you can have right now. I’m sorry,” he whispered. “Stay low, do not talk, and be prepared to drop flat if I motion you to.”


  She pushed up to her hands and knees, getting to her feet. Veso did too, not wasting time brushing off his clothes. He just put on the backpack and took off down the incline. She scrambled after him, struggling with her tired body and attempting not to fall on her face. They reached the creek and Veso scooped her into his arms. She didn’t protest as he sloshed through the water and eased her back onto her dry feet on the other side. He let her go and continued on.

  “Thanks. That was very gentlemanly. I appreciate it.”

  He didn’t glance back. “You’re my mate. I can’t have you getting sick. Keep moving, Glenda. Less talking and faster walking.”

  She stumbled, surprised at his continued insistence. But she wasn’t buying it. He hated humans too much to really want her. She was sure this was just his ego talking. “I’m not going to become your mate just because you say I am.”

  He spun and grabbed her so fast that she gasped, staring up at him. His hands on her hips didn’t hurt but he had a good hold on her. “Let’s get to safety first, then we can fight.”

  “Sorry.” He was right. There were three men with dart guns looking for them.

  He let her go, sniffed the air, and made his way through the trees again. She hurried to keep up. He had a wide stride and she almost had to jog to keep up with him.

  Her mind was still stuck on him saying she was his mate. She couldn’t be. Their lives were totally different. He turned into something with four legs and fur. He was also a bit of a bully and disliked her entire race. That trust issue of his with women would become a problem too. The sex was great, at least that one time, but he’d probably be impossible to live with.

  Her mind brought up a host of other problems they’d face as a couple. She couldn’t see Veso handling her sixty-hour workweeks well. He seemed the type to be demanding. Her job wasn’t the greatest but she’d worked hard to land that manager position. It had been in the bag until she’d been kidnapped. They’d probably fired her for not showing up anyway.

  Veso was probably just messing with her head about the mate thing. Anger was great motivation to survive. It also kept her distracted from thinking about being returned to that mine and becoming a breeding machine for a monster. She’d never hear anyone talk about their family history again without grimacing. Her ancestor was a maniac and mental—and also very much undead. She wished he was buried deep in some graveyard.

  They reached a clearing and Veso stopped. She did too, staring up at mountains the trees had hidden. She gazed at Veso. He was grinning, looking super happy.

  “You know where we are?”

  “Yes. We’re going over that and we’ll hit VampLycan territory. We’re closer than I thought.”

  She twisted her head again, gaping at the mountains. They were tall. Not ginormous, but the idea of climbing a few thousand feet didn’t exactly excite her. “It looks kind of steep.”

  “We’re not going around them. Don’t even suggest it.”

  “You know we don’t have rope this time, don’t you?”

  “We won’t need it. There are a lot of trees.”


  “The humans will want to avoid that.”

  “You’re right. I want to avoid it too.”

  He scowled.

  She turned away and spotted something glinting in the sun. “What’s that?” She pointed.

  Veso stepped closer, following the line of her finger. “Unbelievable.”

  “What is it? Should we duck? Is it those men?”

  “It’s a dirt bike. One of them must have driven it into this area to get here from wherever he lives.”

  She squinted. “You must have super eyes. All I’m seeing is a bunch of green and a tiny shiny spot.”

  Veso gripped her hand. “You may get your wish not to climb if it has fuel and it’s not a trap. He did park it in a hidden spot. From this vantage point, just that tiny bit of it is visible to your eye. But the sun has warmed the metal so I can see it through the bushes.”

  “Trap?” She didn’t like that idea at all but Veso tugged hard, making her follow him or trip. She kept up. He sniffed a lot again, doing his thing and glancing around. “You can see through bushes? Is that what you said?”

  “I’m part Vampire, Glenda. Metal gets hot in the sun and appears near glowing to me.”

  She remembered then that he’d told her Vampires had the freaky ability to see heat at night. It’s why they’d never traveled at night and he’d dug that hole for them to sleep in. She really hoped he was right. A dirt bike meant wheels.

  “What if the person didn’t leave keys?”

  He snorted, continuing forward.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Old dirt bikes don’t have keys, Glenda. Be quiet.”

  She sealed her lips and hurried to keep up with him. He was walking even faster, focused on the clump of bushes. As they got closer she could spot more of the bike. It was hidden behind bushes between two trees. He let go of her arm and put his finger to his lips, then motioned her to stay put. He advanced with caution, then stepped behind the bushes.

  She glanced around, her heart pounding. What if whoever had left that dirt bike was lurking? She glanced at the ground and found a stick. It beat not having anything to hit someone with if they were attacked.

  “Get over here,” Veso whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

  He was straddling the seat, the backpack on the ground. One foot braced his weight and the other was bent up a bit. He studied the woods around them again.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking for the best path to leave this area. I don’t want to go the way the driver came. Wear the backpack for me. There’s not much gas but it might be enough to get us home. Climb on behind me once I start it. Don’t waste time. Sound will carry.”

  She bent, put on the backpack, and eyed the scant amount of seat left for her with dread. Veso wasn’t exactly a small guy and that seat wasn’t built for two people to begin with, in her estimation. It did have a guard over the back tire and an exhaust pipe. It would be
just her luck if the plastic broke and she hit that tire.

  “Great. Just great,” she muttered.

  “Hold on tight. This is going to be rough. Ready?”

  He did something with his hands on the bars, then shoved his raised foot down. The engine tried to catch but didn’t. He lifted his leg, then kicked again.

  That time the engine started. It was incredibly loud in the quiet woods.

  She moved fast, near panicked with the thought of those men with darts rushing toward them. She threw her leg over, hugging Veso in a death grip.

  He slowly took off and the ass end slid a bit in the dirt.

  She realized there were no foot pegs and held her feet out, terrified.

  “Wrap them around me,” Veso yelled, picking up speed.

  He was nuts. Then again, when he took a turn to avoid a rock, her foot hit dirt. It was just a tap but she lifted both legs, trying to hook them around his waist. He was too big to really see around and what she could glimpse, only made her regret trying. He weaved through trees, rocks, and brush at a dangerous pace.

  The dirt bike vibrated hard under her ass, her tailbone taking a beating when they bounced around on the rock-strewn ground as he picked up even more speed.

  “We’re going to die,” she muttered. “Correction, I’m going to die. Shit.”

  Veso grinned. It had been a lot of years since he’d been on a dirt bike but he remembered how to handle one. He was careful not to accelerate too fast again anytime he had to slow. He didn’t want to accidentally pop a wheelie. He stopped when he came to a creek, searching for the best way to cross it. It didn’t appear deep. He could see the stones in the water.

  He reached down and adjusted Glenda’s feet so she didn’t hurt him with her heels. “Hold on tight.”

  “Don’t tell me. My eyes are closed and I’m pretending this is a ride at an amusement park.”

  “It’s just a shallow creek. We’re going to get a little wet.”

  “At least it’s not a mountain.”

  He chuckled and took off slow, steering down a small embankment toward the narrowest section of water.