Screw it.

  She was scared and worried and chillingly aware of the shadows drawing near. She hadnt talked to Mom since last night and she needed to make contact. She reached for the telephone in her bag.

  No answer.

  What the hell?

  She dialed the number again.

  No answer.

  The other side of a coin.

  Your position isnt as strong as you think.


  Her hand was trembling as she dialed Logans room number. I cant reach Mom. Shes not an-swering her phone.

  Dont panic. It may be

  Dont tell me not to panic. I cant reach her.

  It may be nothing. Let me call Pilton and check.

  Whats the chance of that hap

  Im going to call Pilton, he interrupted. Ill get back to you. He hung up the phone.

  Nothing was wrong.

  Fiske hadnt found her.

  Nothing was wrong.

  The phone rang.

  She jumped to answer it.

  Shes fine, Logan said. I talked to her. She and Margaret were just sitting down to dinner. The bat-tery on her phone was down.

  Safe. The relief was so intense, she felt almost sick. Shes okay?

  Shes worried about you. Shed like to break my neck. But shes okay.

  She couldnt talk for a moment. You know that boat to Timbuktu, Logan?


  I want my mother on it.

  Well work on it right away. Will you go with her?

  Hell, yes. Get me out of here. No, Ill see you in Kesslers room in fifteen minutes.

  I have a copy of the DNA report, Gary said as soon as he opened the door. Wheres Quinn with those comparison samples?

  He should be here soon. She looked beyond him to Logan, who was sitting in the chair across the room. Logan told you about Gil Price?

  Gary nodded. Not good.

  Very bad. Youve done everything you can, Gary. Youve got the report for us. For Gods sake, will you leave now?

  When I finish. When I have Quinns samples.

  Thats not good enough. We dont need you any-more. Joe can go to the lab and get

  No, Duncan. Garys voice was gentle but firm. I finish what I start.

  Thats stupid. Youll end up like Gil Price. She whirled on Logan. Tell him.

  Ive tried, Logan said. He wont listen.

  Like Gil. Gil wouldnt listen either. She drew a deep breath. But you have to listen. Shes going to Two sides of a coin.


  Lisa Chadbourne. She phoned me this after-noon.

  Logan sat up straight in his chair. What the hell?

  She wanted to make a deal with me for the skull.

  Why didnt you tell me she called? Logan asked grimly.

  Think about it. Were you in a mood to listen? You wouldnt have been reasonable.

  I dont feel reasonable now either. Did she threaten you?

  In a way.

  What kind of way?

  She washellip; sad. What difference does it make? she asked impatiently. I just want Gary and my mother out of this. Okay?

  Did she say anything to lead you to believe that she knows anything about Bainbridge or your mother?

  Of course she didnt. Shes too smart. Shed never give anything away. She turned to Gary. But you have to

  The only thing I have to do is call Bubba Blues Barbecue, Gary said. Do you want ribs or steak?

  I want you to leave.

  Or maybe a pork sandwich?


  He reached for the phone and started dialing. Give me your order or youll get the ribs.

  She gazed at him helplessly. Dammit. Steak.

  Good choice.

  Joe Quinn arrived at the door thirty minutes after the delivery man from Bubbas brought the food.

  Got it. Joe held up the two black thermal bags. How fast can you get a comparison?

  She eagerly turned to Gary. Tonight?

  He shrugged. Maybe. Ill call Chris and see if I can persuade him to go back to the lab tonight. He wiped the barbecue off his fingers and reached for the telephone. Get out of here. Its going to take some talking. He worked most of last night for me and hes not going to like this.

  Joe opened the door. When youre ready to go, Ill drive you to the lab, Gary.

  Gary waved an acknowledging hand.

  You okay? Joe asked Eve as they walked out.

  As good as can be expected. Gil Price was killed.

  Joe glanced at Logan. Your friend?

  Logan nodded.

  I heard about the press conference. Everythings going to hell, isnt it?

  Thats pretty accurate.

  What are you planning to do with the DNA evi-dence once you get it?

  I have a few friends in Washington who would go to bat as long as the proof is there.

  Joe shook his head. Too chancy.

  Not with Andrew Bennett in my corner. Hes chief justice of the Supreme Court.

  Better than a politician but still risky.

  You have a better idea?

  The media.

  Lisa Chadbournes an expert at manipulating the media.

  Maybe, but name me a reporter whos not ready to blow up an entire administration if it sells newspapers.

  The storys too bizarre, Eve said. And theyve laid too many obstacles for us to even get near a newspaper.

  I could do it.

  Eve shook her head.

  I know a man with the Atlanta Journal and Con-stitution. Peter Brown. Won a Pulitzer five years ago.

  For Gods sake, youd get arrested yourself for harboring criminals, Joe.

  Peter will keep his mouth shut.

  Maybe, Logan said.

  Definitely. He met Logans eyes. Ive already called him and hes interested. Hell, hes salivating. Hes only waiting for the DNA.

  Son of a bitch. Without consulting us?

  I had to do something while I was spinning my wheels in Richmond. Its better than trusting a politician.

  Eve held up her hand. Why dont we wait until we get the results before we start arguing about what to do?

  I want this over, Joe said. I want you out of it.

  No more than I do, she said wearily. Its getting

  Hell do it, Kessler announced as he came out of the room. Hes meeting me at the lab in twenty minutes.

  Lets go. Joe moved toward a black Chevrolet a few yards away. How long will this take, Gary?

  Six, eight hours.

  Pack your bag, Eve.Joe slipped into the drivers seat and started the car. Ill be back as soon as I get the report. Well go pick up your mother and Ill find a safe place for you until we can wrap this up.

  Before she could say anything he was pulling out of the lot.

  Well, we agree on one thing, Logan mur-mured. We both want you out of here and some-where safe.

  The media wasnt a bad idea.

  No, its solid. We may go that route. But we need Washington too.

  Then why did you argue with him?

  He shrugged. Im afraid its becoming a habit. He turned away. Ill go pack and make a few calls to my friends in Washington. I cant let Quinn get ahead of me.

  Tellers research lab was dark except for lights shining in one area of the lower floor.

  Burning the midnight oil, Fiske thought. The center was supposed to close at six; now, why would anyone be there at one in the morning? Two cars in the parking lot. One Chevrolet with a rental tag.

  He had a hunch hed struck pay dirt.

  He popped the lid of his trunk and got out of the car. He opened the lid of his electronic equipment case and took out his listening device.

  A few minutes later he was back in the drivers seat. He settled himself more comfortably and waited for them to come out of the building.


  4:05 A.M.

  Eve was waiting at the window when Joe and Gary pulled up into the motel parking lot. Theyre here, she tossed over her shoulder to Logan. She threw open the door. Done?

/>   Done. Gary handed her the briefcase. Millicent Babcocks sample strongly indicated a relation-ship. A brilliant smile lit his face. Chadbournes saliva was a definite match, of course.

  Of course. I know that. Eve smiled shakily. Youd be scowling and calling me names if it wasnt.

  And rightly so. For wasting my valuable time.

  Ive called and arranged a condo in Fort Lauder-dale for you. Logan gave him a card. Its booked under the name Ray Wallins. Stay there until we call you and let you know its safe.

  Kessler smiled slyly. A luxury condo? With maid service?

  Logan grinned. Maybe. Dont push your luck.

  A man of my skills and intellect deserves luxury. It shouldnt be wasted on philistines like you, Logan.

  Logan handed him an envelope. Cash. It should keep you content for a few months.

  Ah, thats better. Kessler tucked the envelope in his jacket pocket. It will do until the first advance on my best-selling book comes in. He looked at Eve. I may need an assistant, my spelling is atrocious. I might be persuaded to give you a room in my condo if you ask me nicely, Duncan.

  I cant spell either.

  I guess that means no. Oh, well, youd have tried to hog the credit anyway.

  Joe came out of the hotel room carrying Eves bag. Were out of here, Eve. If we start now, we can be at Lanier by nine.

  She nodded, still looking at Gary. Thank you. Youve been wonderful.

  He nodded. Magnificent.

  Youll leave now?

  Ill throw my clothes into my suitcase, put the case in my Volvo, and Im on my way to Fort Lauderdale. Five minutes.

  Well wait.

  Duncan, its not He shrugged. What a stubborn woman. He disappeared into his room and came out a few minutes later. He put his suitcase in his car and turned to face her. Satisfied?

  Yes. She stepped closer and gave him a hug. Thank you, she whispered in his ear.

  Youre really becoming boring, Duncan. Gary got into his car and turned on the engine.

  Are you ready to go? Logan asked Eve. I as-sume youre going with Quinn, since hes done every-thing but toss you in the car. Ill follow you to Lanier.

  Were leaving now. Joe got into the drivers seat. Are you packed?

  Everythings in my car. Logan crossed the parking lot toward the brown Taurus.

  Eve? Joe said.

  She nodded quickly and opened the passenger door. The first obstacle, proof, was overcome. She had the DNA reports in the briefcase in her hand. Gary would be safe and so would her mother when they reached her in a few hours.

  Thank God.

  4:10 A.M.

  Fiske took the listening device out of his ear and dialed Lisa Chadbourne.

  They were staying at the Roadway Stop in Bainbridge, Fiske said. I followed Kessler and Joe Quinn back from the DNA Testing Center. Logan and Duncan are here too. But none of them are staying. Quinn just put Duncans suitcase in his car. Duncan said good-bye to Kessler. Hes not going with them. Kesslers driving out of the parking lot now.

  What about Logan? Lisa Chadbourne asked.

  Hes getting in another car. A brown Taurus.

  Does she have the skull with her?

  How do I know? Shes not going to be carrying a skull under her arm like a purse. I guess she could have stuffed it in her bag. Or maybe Logan has it.

  Or maybe theyve hidden it somewhere. Im not asking for your guesses. You havent seen it?

  The bitch was beginning to annoy him. No way.

  Then dont let them out of your sight. I need that skull.

  Youve told me that. Logans following Quinn out of the parking lot.

  Then go after them, dammit.

  No problem. I know where theyre going. Theyre heading north to pick up Duncans mother at Lanier.

  Youre sure?

  I just heard Quinn say it.

  A silence. Youre positive you wont lose them.

  I wont lose them.

  Then I have something else for you to do.

  Eves digital phone rang when they were forty miles outside Bainbridge.

  Duncan. Dont

  She could barely hear the words.



  Her heart jumped. Gary?

  Another voice. He wanted to say good-bye.

  Who is this? she whispered.

  Fiske. She wants the skull, Eve.

  Where are you?

  Back at the motel. I ran our good Dr. Kessler off the road and then persuaded him to come back to his room for a little discussion.

  I want to talk to Gary.

  Hes not able to talk anymore. She said to tell you it wont be the last. Give her the skull, Eve. He hung up.

  Oh, God.

  What is it? Joes gaze was fixed on her face.

  Her stomach was clenching. She couldnt breathe. Turn around. We have to go back to the motel.


  Fiskehellip; and Gary. I know it was Gary.

  You cant be sure. It might not be him. It could be a trick.

  Dammit, I know it was Gary. He called me Duncan.

  Its a trap, Eve.

  I dont care. We have to go back. Dear Jesus, that whisper. Turn around, Joe.

  The next place I can. Ill put on my emergency lights to signal Logan.

  Hurry. She tried to think. She had the briefcase with the DNA reports, but Logan had the skull. If it was a trap, she had to make sure No, stop. I have to give him the briefcase.

  They pulled off the highway, and Logan stopped beside them.

  Joe got out of the car and shoved the briefcase at him. Were going back to the motel. Kessler called Eve. Its Fiske.

  Get in the car with me, Quinn, Logan said. Eve, you wait here.

  Screw you. Lets go, Joe.

  Joe started the car.

  Ill follow you, Logan said.

  Dont you dare, Eve said fiercely. She wants the skull. If I have to bargain with it to save Gary, Ill do it. But I wont have any bargaining power if Fiske takes it away from you.

  Fiske wont

  Joe was already streaking down the highway toward the motel.

  She wants the skull, Eve.

  Give her the skull.


  The door of Kesslers room was cracked open, and light streamed through the narrow opening.

  Stay here. Joe got out of the car.

  Im going to

  Dont argue with me. Hey, this is what I do. He drew his gun from his shoulder holster. It will be okay. He pressed against the wall to one side of the door and kicked the door open.

  No barrage of shots.

  No one barreling through the door.


  Joe waited a moment and then crouched low and ran into the room.

  She couldnt stand it. She jumped out of the car and ran toward the door.

  Joe was suddenly standing in front of her, barring the way. No, Eve.

  What do you No. She pushed him aside and ran into the room.

  Gary was lying on the floor in a pool of blood, a knife protruding from his throat.

  She fell to her knees beside him. Gary.

  Come on. Joe tried to lift her to her feet, but she shrugged him off. We have to get you out of here.

  We cant leave him. She noticed for the first time the two other knives pinning Garys palms to the floor. Oh, Joe, look what he did to him.

  Its over, Eve. I have to get you out of here.

  Tears were running down her cheeks. He hurt him. He did it on purpose. He wanted me to know he hurt him. She wanted me to know.