Hes not hurting anymore.

  She was rocking back and forth as pain seared through her. Its not fair. He wanted to fight them. He wanted to

  Eve, look at me.

  She gazed blindly up at Joes face.

  His eyeshellip;

  He reached down and touched her hair with the most exquisite tenderness. Im sorry, he said gently.

  His fist lashed out and struck her chin.


  Is she hurt? Logan was getting out of his car when Joe carried Eve out of the motel.

  No, get the car door for me.

  Logan opened the passenger door of Joes car. What happened to her? Fiske?

  Me. He put her in the seat and closed the door. She wouldnt leave Kessler.

  Logans gaze flew to the open door. What



  Not there. Joe went around the car and got into the drivers seat. Get in your car and get out of here. She told you not to come back.

  But it appears Fiske didnt want to bargain after all.

  He wanted to shake her. It wasnt pretty. He reached into the glove compartment and took out a paper towel. Blood. He began to wipe the stains from Eves hands. Lots of blood.

  Shit. Logans gaze was fastened on Eves pale face. What did you do to her?

  I knocked her out. Joe started the car. Kneeling there in Kesslers blood was bad for her. Fiske might as well have been standing over her with another butcher knife.

  A knife?

  I told you it wasnt pretty.

  Shes not going to be pleased that you man-handled her.

  I did what I had to do. Do you have a gun?


  But you didnt tell Eve. Joe smiled sardonically. You knew how shed react. You served me up for bar-becue but you protected your ass. Well, keep that gun handy and stay close behind me. If you get hijacked, I might stop and help you. He backed up the car. If youre lucky.




  Oh, God, hed crucified Gary.

  She opened her mouth to scream.

  Wake up. She was being shaken. Wake up, Eve.

  Her lids flew open.

  Joe. Joe in the drivers seat next to her. Darkness all around her.

  A dream. It had all been a dream.

  A dreamhellip;

  He shook his head.

  Garyhellip; Tears began to pour down her cheeks. Dead?

  Joe nodded.

  She huddled in the seat, trying to get away from the nightmare. But it came at her. Blood. Gary. Joes hand on her hair. Darkness.

  You hit me, she said dully.

  I had to do it, he said quietly.

  You thought I couldnt stand it.

  Maybe. But I knew I couldnt stand it.

  She wants the skull. The other side of a coinhellip; She didnt even try to bargain. She said she had to move forward. She wanted to show me she had the power to reach out and kill someone close to me.

  That seems to be the picture.

  Gary wasnt even really involved, she said numbly. He was out of it. Fort Lauderdale We shouldnt have let him go alone.

  We thought it was safe. We had no idea Fiske knew we were in Bainbridge.

  She wants the skull, Eve.

  Wheres Logan? she asked.

  A few miles behind us.

  He still has the skull?

  Joe nodded.

  Give her the skull.

  She said to tell you it wont be the last.

  Fear jolted through her. My mother.

  Were on our way to her right now.

  She warned me Gary wouldnt be the only one. How far away are we?

  Another three hours.

  Go faster.


  Dont tell me that. She knows I care about my mother. Its only logical that shed choose Mom as an-other target.

  Or that shed make sure youd think that and draw you to her. It isnt a fact that they know where your mother is.

  We didnt realize that Fiske found out about Bainbridge. Her nails dug into her palms as her hands clenched into fists. But he did. He did.


  And he could be on his way to Lanier now. He could be ahead of us.

  But not necessarily to kill your mother. Its more likely that hed want to get there ahead and set a trap. After all, the skull is the objective.

  She took out her phone. Im going to warn them.

  Fine. Good idea. But dont panic them into run-ning. They could be safer where they are until we get there. Just tell Pilton to be on the alert.

  They could be safer?

  Who the hell knew if anything she did would make them safer with Fiske out there?

  Her hand was shaking as she dialed the number.

  Fiske got back in the car hed parked in the driveway of the deserted cottage. Daylight was breaking in the east and filtering through the mist-shrouded tops of the pine trees.

  He figured he had at least an hours lead. He had scouted the Duncan cottage and it was clear the Duncan woman had been busy on the phone. Lights were burning and he had watched Pilton go back into the cottage and shut the door after reconnoitering the perimeter. They were waiting for him.

  Well, wasnt that what he had wanted? A challenge.

  He dialed Lisa Chadbourne. She warned them.

  But theyre still there?

  I think theyre waiting for her. Pilton came out fifteen minutes ago and threw some bags into the van, but no ones come out since.

  Dont let them leave. She paused. And dont touch them. Not until you get me that skull.

  The mother would be a good goad. Better than Kessler. He paused and then insinuated a goad him-self. Though I handled Kessler exceptionally well. Do you want the details?

  A silence. I told you the results I needed. I dont need the details.

  Squeamish. I kept Kessler alive long enough for him to call her. It wasnt easy with knives in

  I said I dont need to know. Now remember that Eve Duncan can only be pushed so far. Dont foul this up, Fiske.

  Youre beginning to sound like Timwick.

  Another silence. Sorry. Ill leave it in your hands. I know you wont fail me. She hung up the phone.

  That damn skull again, tying his hands, keeping him from doing his job.

  He leaned forward and opened the glove box. He had plenty of time to update his list. With one bold, satisfying stroke, he crossed out Gary Kesslers name.

  8:35 A.M.

  Eve jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped at her mothers cottage.

  Hold it. Joe was beside her, pushing her to one side. I go in first.

  He had gone in first at the motel and found Gary. No. Mom!

  No answer.

  Then Sandra called out, Its okay, Eve. Pilton wont let me come out, but everythings fine.

  Relief almost made Eve ill. Were coming in.

  Logan had pulled in behind Joes car. Its okay?

  Apparently. Joe was scanning the surrounding woods. Maybe. Go in and make sure theyre ready to go. Ill stay out here.

  Logan followed Eve toward the porch.

  Wait. Joe asked, Wheres the skull, Logan?

  Front passenger seat. Keep an eye on it.

  Ill do that. Joes gaze never left the woods. Hurry and get everyone into the cars.

  He was out there.

  Christ, he could almost smell him, Joe thought.

  Smell the blood. Smell the hunger.

  His nerves were screaming Fiskes presence. It was as if hed been catapulted back into his past of targets and sanctioned killings. Fiske would under-stand that world. He was out there now, primed, ready. To do what?

  Throw a stick of dynamite into the cottage?

  Launch a sniper attack as they came out on the porch?

  If that were true, Joe would be the first target. The sentry was always the first put down.

  But Fiske was acting at a disadvantage. His orders would not have been solely assassination.

  The skull.

oe smiled grimly. So lets end it now. Lets make the hunter the hunted.

  Are you watching, Fiske?

  He took off his jacket, reached into Logans car, and pulled out the leather case containing the skull.

  Bait, Fiske.

  He deliberately held up the case above his head.

  See it?

  He started running, zigzagging through the brush toward the woods.

  Come and get it, bastard.

  Fiskes eyes opened wide in shock.

  The son of a bitch was taunting him. And he was doing it with that leather case, which had to contain the skull.

  He watched Quinn run across the rough terrain. He knew what he was doing and he was good. Hed be no easy target.

  Pleasure and eagerness suddenly surged through him. The Chadbourne bitch had said to get the skull. First priority. Hed had no idea the priority would offer him such an interesting challenge.

  He set off in a diagonal path to intercept Quinn.

  Margaret, you go in the van with Pilton, Logan said as he came down the steps. Well take Sandra with us.

  Im to go back to Sanibel? Margaret asked. When will you contact me?

  When its safe, Logan said. Im going to let Quinn set up a meeting with that reporter with the

  Wheres Joe? Eve had stopped on the top step.

  Hes got to be around here. Logan swiftly scanned the area.

  Eves gaze went to the car.

  No Joe.

  Her heart was beating so hard it hurt. Fiske.

  I doubt if Fiske could surprise him, Logan said. Quinns tough.

  He surprised Gary.

  Quinns not Gary. Hes not a victim. Hed be more likely to Logan strode over to his car. Son of a bitch.


  The case. Quinn took the case.

  Why? Oh, Jesus, stupid question. She knew why. Joe wanted it over and, as usual, hed taken the matter in his own hands. He thinks Fiske is here.

  And Id bet on his instincts, Logan said. He turned to Pilton. You stay here. Im going after him. If Im not back in Where the hell are you going, Eve?

  She was running toward the woods. Im not going to let Fiske hurt him. I wont let that happen.

  She heard Logan curse. He was following her, running right behind her. What the hell do you think youre going to do? Youre not some kind of commando.

  Joes out there because of me, she said fiercely. Do you think Id let him go alone?

  And how do you intend

  She was no longer paying any attention to him. She had entered the woods and stopped, breathing hard. Dont call him, that would alert Fiske. Then how was she going to find Joe before Fiske found him?

  Dont think of that. Walk softly. Look at the shadows.

  Logan was beside her. For Gods sake, go back. Ill find him.

  Be quiet. Im listening. He has to be

  Logan had a gun in his hand.

  He followed her gaze. You may be damned glad I have it.

  She was glad, she realized with shock. If that gun could save Joe, then she would use it herself. Gary had died because he was helpless.

  Joe must not die.

  The leaves of the bushes moved gently behind him and Joe darted to the left behind a gnarled tree.

  Are you here? he asked softly. Come and get me, Fiske.

  The bushes stirred like the breath of a whisper.

  You want the skull? Its right here. He slipped deeper into the woods. God, it was all coming back. Hunt, find, kill. The only difference was the light. Most operations took place at night. Take it from me.

  Fiske was close. Joe could smell the faintest odor of garlic and toothpaste.

  Where was the scent coming from? Right and a little to the rear. Too little. Too close. Move faster.




  The scent was weaker now. He had a little time.

  Come on, Fiske. Step into my parlor.

  Where the hell was the bastard? Fiske wondered in ir-ritation. It was like following a ghost.

  He stopped behind some shrubs, listening, his gaze traveling around the circle of trees.

  No sound.

  Dammit, Quinn had made no sound since ten minutes before.

  Over here.

  Fiskes gaze flew to the left.

  The leather skull case, sitting beneath an oak tree fifty feet away.

  A trap.

  Did Quinn think he was an idiot? The minute he showed himself, Quinn would put a bullet in him.

  But where was Quinn? Fiske scanned the area around the case. Quinns voice had sounded as if it had come from there, but Fiske couldnt be sure.

  The faintest movement.

  Shrubbery to the left.

  Wait. Be sure. Move closer.

  If he shot, hed give away his own position.

  The leaves were stirring.

  He caught a glimpse of pale blue denim.

  Then it was gone.

  But the bushes were moving.

  Quinn was coming nearer.

  He moved another step closer. He raised his gun, waiting for the next rustle to the right.

  But the next rustle came from the left, far to the left.

  He whirled and pointed his gun.

  Logan. And the Duncan woman.

  His finger tightened on the trigger.

  No. The yell came from above him. He looked up and saw that Quinn had catapulted himself from the branches of a tree.

  Fiske swiveled and got off a shot even as Quinn landed on him and dropped him to the ground.

  Another shot.

  Bastard. Quinn had been waiting up there, lining him up for the kill. Christ, Quinn might have won if not for Logan and Duncan.

  But he hadnt won. Fiske had won, as he always did. He could feel Quinns warm blood on his chest and the body pinning him was limp.

  Another name to cross off his list.

  But first he had to get the body off him. Logan was running toward them and Fiske had to free the hand holding his gun.

  Why couldnt he move?

  Pain. Chest.

  Not only Quinns blood, but his own.

  The second shot.

  He had failed, he had failed, he had failed, he had failed.

  Darkness coming. Horror coming.

  He screamed.

  Fiske was dead when Logan pulled him off Joes body.

  Mother of God.

  Eve fell to her knees beside Joe. His chesthellip; blood.

  Is he alive? Logan asked.

  She could see the faintest throbbing in his temple. Yes. Call 911. Quick.

  She was barely aware of Logan reaching for his phone and moving away. Her gaze was fixed on Joes face.

  Dont you dare die. Do you hear me, Joe? I wont have it. She pulled up his T-shirt. Where was the denim shirt hed been wearing? she won-dered vaguely. Pressure. You were supposed to apply pressure.

  His lids opened. Fiske?

  Dead. She placed her hand on his chest above the wound and pressed hard. You shouldnt have done it.

  Hadto kill him.

  I dont care that you killed him. You shouldnt have risked Who asked you to do that? Youre all the same. Gary and Logan and you. Think you can save Dont close your eyes. Youre not going anywhere.

  He tried to smile. Ihellip; hope not.

  How is he? Logan was kneeling beside her. He handed her a blue shirt, Joes shirt. Can you use this? I found it over there in the bushes. Quinn must have tossed it there.

  She quickly tore the shirt and used a piece of it as a pressure bandage. Did you call 911?