Page 40 of Alien

  The ship rocked from the impact of a loud explosion. It didn’t sound or feel like a direct hit. Red lights flashed. Dio’s voice boomed through the system. “We’re under attack. All hands battle ready. Now.”

  Kal and Shia ran to the bridge. Dio was at the helm, maneuvering the ship at great speed with ease. His oldest brother, Syros, sat to his right, readying the forward weapons for a fight. He looked similar to Dio except more muscular and with longer hair, which he kept in a ponytail. Two other voices chimed in through the coms from stations in the rear of the ship. Max and Codus were ready.

  “Who’s firing on us and what’s the damage?” Kal demanded as he strapped into a seat. Shia jumped into the one beside him.

  “No damage. Shot wasn’t strong enough to penetrate the force field we had in place while making repairs,” Syros said without looking up.

  Dio nodded at the VIS screen. “It’s a Paoni squadron. Idiots think they can take us. They don’t have the firepower or the speed. Vimanis aren’t built for space battles. They’re probably stalling us until a fleet reaches here.”

  Shia leaned squinting at the screen. “Damnit. That’s Gangust Delrado. How the hell did he find us?”

  The voice coming through the VIS confirmed it. “You are under arrest. Prepare to be boarded and taken into custody.”

  “What’s our move, Kal?” Shots zipped around the ship as Dio performed evasive maneuvers.

  Kal looked at Syros. “Until we know which Paoni are in alliance with Delrado, don’t kill them. They may be simply following orders. Singe them. Send them home beaten and get us the hell out of here before a fleet surrounds us.”

  Syros turned to Dio. “Game on.”

  Dio grinned. “Let’s level the playing field. Stun only, men,” he ordered.

  He swung the ship around as Syros opened fire. Several gave them a good fight, but nothing landed a hard enough hit to do any major damage. One by one, they zapped them with a stagger beam, which rendered them inoperable and floating in space. The effect lasted for about an hour, leaving them helpless to do anything but sit back, and enjoy the view. If they were lucky, the fleet would arrive, haul them into the base ship and repair them before some space pirate found them and turned them into scrap.

  Syros missed the last vimani. It was on the run, weaving and dodging the much bigger ship. They gave chase until an ominous shape appeared on the outer edge of the VIS screen. He was leading them directly toward the fleet.

  “We’ve got company coming,” Dio stated as he closed in on the last vimani.

  The system locked on. Syros fired. The vimani sparked and stalled.

  “This isn’t over, Saturnina.” Gangust’s hatred dripped from his words.

  Shia’s eyebrows rose. “How’d he know I’m here?”

  Kal and Dio shrugged. Syros commented, “He’s guessing. There’s no trace we’ve been remotely scanned. That thing probably only has thermal tech on it.”

  Without missing a beat, she spoke clearly, “Game on, Gangust. Game on.”

  Dio did a barrel roll around Gangust’s vimani, scanning the inside and showing it on their screen. He looked like a pissed-off hornet trapped beneath a glass. She muted the com against his tirade of curses and sent a picture to his VIS of her flipping him off right before Dio made the jump to hyper space, leaving him behind in a burst of energy that sent him spinning.

  “Good work, men.” Kal released the seatbelt and stood. “You two have the helm.”

  He unbuckled Shia and took her hand, leading her along the corridor and straight to his compartment. He pressed the button, the large metal door slid open and he guided her inside, closing the door behind them. A huge bed sat against one side of the room. Another door to the left of the bed led to a private bath.

  “What were you thinking teasing Delrado’s prick of a son like that? You heard Syros. He had no evidence you were onboard. Now you’ve marked yourself as a wanted soul.”

  She shrugged. “Seemed like a good thing to do at the time.” She tilted her chin, stretching until she was as close to face-to-face with him as she could possibly be without standing on something. “Besides, I get the sense you like a challenge.”

  “I’ve got the feeling you like to keep things stirred up.”

  “What’s an adventure without excitement?” Her hand skimmed along his cock.

  Kal covered her lips with his, not giving her a chance to speak. While kissing her, he backed her up until her legs collided with the bed. Kal straightened, breathing deeply, taking in her wonderful scent. He pressed his forehead to hers. “I’ve got no idea where this is going.”

  She leaned, placing a slight gap between them as she nodded over her shoulder. “I’m hoping to a real good fucking in that bed. Apparently, I’ve been a bad, bad girl and need to be punished.”

  He snorted a half-laugh, half-heated breath. “I meant the future. I’m not sure what this thing happening between us is going to bring, or if there is even an us.”

  Shia gathered his face in her hands. “I know what you meant. I’m willing to find out. One day at a time, across as many galaxies as it takes, you and I will find the answers to the riddles that plague our existence. We both want revenge, which isn’t exactly a sound foundation to build a relationship on, but I think we can make it work, for now.”

  She kissed him, sucking his tongue into her mouth, teasing him, tasting him. Kal liked the way she took control, ramping up his need as she palmed his cock, rubbing it through his uniform until he thought it would split the material. He grabbed her ass, lifting her, setting her on the bed. Kal broke from the kiss then caught the clasp and drew it down her body, opening the black leather, giving him a peek of her soft flesh. He shoved it apart and helped peel it from her, placing kisses to every newly exposed section of skin. At her feet, he removed her boots and socks, then tugged off the suit and tossed it across the room. He wanted to touch all of her at once, running his hands from her feet, up her legs, her abdomen to cup her breasts and free them from her bra, which flew through the air the second he held it.

  Kal stood between her legs, staring at the beauty before him. She bent her knees, placed her feet flat on the bed and spread her thighs wide. When she fingered herself, he couldn’t help but growl with need at the sight. He grabbed her wrist and sucked her juices from her fingers. She sat upright, wrapping her legs around his thighs.

  “I want you, Kal. I need you naked right now.”

  Shia opened his suit. Kal wasted no time shucking it off. When he bent to unlace his boots, she slapped his ass, which surprisingly made his cock throb. He shot her a raised-eyebrow look across his shoulder as he removed his boots, socks and uniform faster than he ever had in his life. He spun to face her.

  She scooted back from him on the bed, grinning wickedly. He caught her by the ankle and dragged her to the edge. Kal kissed the arch of her foot then rested it on his shoulder. He did the same with her other foot. This position raised her bottom and had her upper back and shoulders pressed into the bed. Cradling her ass in his hands, he lowered, swiping his tongue along her slit, swirling her clit, making her moan. He breathed deep then plowed his tongue into her, fucking her with short spikes bringing her close to but not letting her reach full pleasure. Repeatedly he lapped at her, tasting her, nuzzled her clit but didn’t let her come.

  “Please,” she begged, breathlessly.

  He stopped and met her sultry gaze as he lowered her legs to wrap around his waist. Kal brushed the plump head of his cock along her labia, gathering her slickness before he teased her entrance. He wasn’t sure how he did it, but he managed not to plunge inside. Instead, he stood motionless, soaking in the beautiful Shia. She was perfect for him and in that moment he knew he wanted nothing more than to make this work between them.

  Kal shoved into her, groaning as he seated himself fully. He sucked her breast as he slowly pumped, keeping the pace leisurely though it tested his stamina with each stroke. Without dislodging himself, he maneuvered them farther
onto the bed until her head rested on a pillow and he was comfortably situated over her, fucking her, kissing her, enjoying all that was this woman.

  Shia planted her feet on the bed and met him pump for pump, slow and deliberate. Her insides tightened, waiting for that instant he’d hit just the right spot. His thick cock glided, fucking her, bringing her closer with every motion. She never wanted it to end, perched on the edge of orgasm, lost in the heavenly sensation of bliss Kal was giving her. She could lie there all night, rocking in the waves of euphoria. He nibbled her nipple and a bolt of need shot straight to her clit.

  “Umm,” she moaned.

  “Like that?” he mouthed against her breast.

  Shia wiggled her hips, rotating them, taking his cock farther. “Yes.”

  He did it to her other nipple and she arched her back, pumping against him harder. Kal’s mouth left her breast.

  “Shia.” His heated breath tickled the flesh along her neck. “Look at me. I can’t hold out any longer. I want to fuck you hard and fast. I want to see you come. Come with me, my warrior woman.”

  Shia opened her eyes wide. She didn’t want to miss a thing. She liked that. Warrior woman, and she was his. Damn, she was doomed. Love took her heart and laid it out for him to take. In that moment, she knew he was hers and she was his. There was no going back.

  Kal’s pace increased, pumping into her rapidly, going deeper with each thrust. The touch of his finger to her clit as his cock strummed her pussy, shot her over the cliff. Shia clamped around him, squeezing his shaft, keeping him locked in place as their orgasms combined. His cock throbbed, filling her with his cum in heated bursts. She didn’t look away. Watching him watch her was the biggest turn-on. His eyes darkened and narrowed, showing a fiery need that shifted to a simmering burn as their lust subsided.

  She brushed his hair from his eyes and twined her fingers in it. “Wow.”

  He smiled. “I have to agree. Wow.”

  His cock slid free as he moved to lie on his side next to her. Shia turned to face him. She snuggled close. He reached for her braid and slid it across her shoulder. Carefully, he worked the band from it. Kal held her gaze.

  “I’ve never seen you with your hair free.”

  Shia turned her head, giving him easier access. She liked the way his fingers felt, gently sliding through the braid, unwinding it. Once it was undone, she sat up and shook her head, letting it fall as it may. Kal tangled his fingers in a thick section of it and tugged her on top of him. It fell in waves of vibrant golden-wheat around her shoulders, her face and down her back. It curtained them. His stare was intense, making her wish she could read his thoughts. Both hands stroked her hair, massaging her scalp.

  “If I’d known you liked it so much, I would’ve loosened it earlier.” She sighed as he did wonderful things to her head.

  He lifted her chin from his chest and she connected with his gaze. “You’re beautiful.”

  She met him halfway for a kiss. “Thank you.”

  “Shia, you make me feel things I never wanted to experience again.” He closed his eyes and she sensed he struggled.

  “Kal, look at me.” When he opened his eyes, pain radiated within them. “I had a path set, but it changed. Lying here with you, I know it’s the correct decision for me.”

  “But, I can’t die.”

  “And I won’t live forever, I get that. Let’s enjoy what we have and not plan for tomorrow.”

  “Shia, I had a wife many years ago. She died of old age. We never had children and I never aged. It tore me apart. I’ve been with others over time, but didn’t let it get serious out of fear of losing them, watching them age and die. With Oriana, it wasn’t love. It was lust out of loneliness. I let her get close and it cost me.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I think you should know more about me than you do before you follow me blindly into this battle.”

  She shifted onto her elbows and forearms, hovering on his chest staring at him. Anger swirled in her gut. “You really are confused if you think I follow anyone blindly.”

  “That’s not what I meant. Damn. I’m not good at this.” He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “I know you can handle yourself. I’ve got the scars to prove it.” He gave her a timid smile that cooled a smidgeon of her anger. He stroked her hair down her back and breathed in so deeply, she rose and fell on his chest with the movement. “You’re making me want for something I shouldn’t.”

  “So because you’re eternal, you can’t be happy? You shouldn’t fall in love? That is the most self-righteous bullshit I’ve ever heard.” She tried to roll off him but he held her tight.

  “I can and I have.” He kissed her, long and passionately. “I’ve fallen for you and it scares the hell out of me.”

  Shia smiled. She’d take that as an admission of love without him actually saying the words. For the first time in her life, she felt she truly belonged somewhere. Her course may have changed, but looking at Kal, she knew it was right.

  “Sun Superior Valerianus is afraid of little ole me.” She flicked his nipple with her tongue and he sighed. She stared directly at him as she moved to the other nipple. “Let’s see if there’s anything we can do to work that fear out of you.” She teased the pert bud. His hands fisted her hair.

  “This may take years.” His voice was low and graveled.

  “I think we’ve got time.” She pushed upright, straddling his hips. The thump of his cock against her rump made her smile. “For an ancient alien, you’ve got great recovery skills.”

  He laughed. “It’s a trick that comes with age.”

  “Let me show you the joy of fucking a younger woman.” Shia lifted, positioned the head of his cock right where she wanted it and did a slow glide down its length until she was happily filled. She rocked back and forth. “I’ve got resilience on my side and the desire to be fucked all night long.”

  Shia captured his lips in a fiery kiss, knowing she’d won the heart of the ultimate warrior.

  * * * * *

  It was the longest walk of his life. That bitch had caused this. She’d beaten him for the last time. At the end of the long, narrow hall, he opened the door and stepped inside. Darkness shrouded the room, except for a solitary dim light above the large circular desk.


  “Paoni Shikoba Saturnina aided in a Hellion escape.”

  “Describe the Hellion.”

  “Didn’t get a visual. The VIS scanned Lanius.”

  “Lanius? Are you sure?”

  “The VIS was incorrect. Lanius are jettisoned into black holes, not imprisoned. There are no records on this individual. Earth’s prison cell, hell is not the appropriate location of choice for such an—”

  “Enough. You have one priority. Capture that Lanius. Do not fail me in this.”

  “What does this Hellion have to do with our plans?”

  “He could end them.”

  About Laurann Dohner

  I’m a full-time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

  I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when you write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love to sit down at my computer desk, put on my headphones and listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

  About Leora Gonzales

  I am an original Kansas girl who misses the Sunflower State every day. I spend my time reading and writing making sure my two kids don’t kill themselves or each other. My addictions include tattoos, cursing, good food and good company (not necessarily in that order). I believe that tough moments in life can be combated with good humor, and I find a reason to laugh or smile

  About Jaid Black

  Jaid Black is the pseudonym for Ellora’s Cave’s owner and founder Tina M. Engler. She has been featured in every available news outlet, from the Washington Post and L.A. Times to Forbes magazine, Fox News and the Montel Show. Ms. Engler was officially recognized by Romantic Times Magazine with their first ever Trail Blazer award as the mastermind of erotic romance as you know and love it today. Writing as Jaid Black, her books have received numerous distinctions, including a nomination for the Henry Miller award for the best literary sex scene written in the English language.

  About Tara Nina

  Tara Nina is a romantic dreamer whose dreams are now a reality through the publication of one of her romantic fantasies. She resides in northern New Jersey along with her husband, two children, two dogs and a cascade of supportive friends and relatives.

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  Also by Laurann Dohner

  Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

  Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

  Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

  Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice

  Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal

  Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus

  Cyborg Seduction 7: Taunting Krell

  Cyborg Seduction 8: Haunting Blackie

  Lacey and Lethal