Page 41 of Alien

  Mating Heat 1: Mate Set

  Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate

  Mating Heat 3: Mating Brand

  Mine to Chase

  New Species 1: Fury

  New Species 2: Slade

  New Species 3: Valiant

  New Species 4: Justice

  New Species 5: Brawn

  New Species 6: Wrath

  New Species 7: Tiger

  New Species 8: Obsidian

  New Species 9: Shadow

  New Species 10: Moon

  New Species 11: True

  New Species 12: Darkness

  New Species 13 Smiley

  New Species 14 & 15: Numbers

  Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine

  Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me

  Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1 anthology

  Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2 anthology

  Zorn Warriors 1: Ral’s Woman

  Zorn Warriors 2: Kidnapping Casey

  Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

  Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

  Print books by Laurann Dohner

  Claws And Fangs anthology

  Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

  Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

  Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

  Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice

  Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal

  Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus

  Cyborg Seduction 7: Taunting Krell

  Cyborg Seduction 8: Haunting Blackie

  Mating Heat 1: Mate Set

  Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate

  Mating Heat3: Mating Brand

  New Species 1: Fury

  New Species 2: Slade

  New Species 3: Valiant

  New Species 4: Justice

  New Species 5: Brawn

  New Species 6: Wrath

  New Species 7: Tiger

  New Species 8: Obsidian

  New Species 9: Shadow

  New Species 10: Moon

  New Species 11: True

  New Species 12: Darkness

  New Species 13: Smiley

  New Species 14 & 15: Numbers

  Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine

  Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me

  Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1 anthology

  Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2 anthology

  Zorn Warriors 1 & 2: Loving Zorn

  Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

  Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

  Also by Leora Gonzales

  Bridal Pact

  Also by Jaid Black

  Adam & Evil

  After the Storm (writing as Tia Isabella)

  Before The Fire


  Bossy And Clyde

  Breeding Ground

  Death Row: The Trilogy

  Fatman & Robyn in Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2

  God of Fire

  One Dark Night

  Seeds of Yesterday in Ellora’s Cavemen: Legendary Tails IV

  Sins of the Father

  Sporked in Time



  The Addiction in Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1

  The Beckoned in Ellora’s Cavemen: Tales from the Temple IV

  The Hunger

  The Mastering

  The Obsession

  The Possession




  Trek Mi Q’an saga:

  1: The Empress’ New Clothes

  2: No Mercy

  3: Enslaved

  4: No Escape

  5: Naughty Nancy (in Strictly Taboo anthology from another publisher)

  6: No Fear

  7: Dementia

  8: Seized

  9: Devilish Dot in Manaconda

  10: Never a Slave

  11: No Way Out: Kari

  Guide to Trek Mi Q’an

  Print books by Jaid Black

  After the Storm (writing as Tia Isabella)

  Breeding Ground

  Death Row: The Trilogy

  Dominated anthology

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Legendary Tails IV anthology

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Tales from the Temple IV anthology

  Manaconda anthology

  Notorious anthology

  Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1 anthology

  Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2 anthology

  The Best of Jaid Black anthology

  The Possession

  Trek Mi Q’an saga:

  1: The Empress’ New Clothes

  2: No Mercy

  3: Enslaved

  4 & 6: Conquest (No Escape & No Fear)

  7 & 10: Lost In Trek (Dementia & Never a Slave)

  8: Seized

  Also by Tara Nina

  Arian’s Angel

  Cursed MacKinnons 1: Curse of the Gargoyle

  Cursed MacKinnons 2: Eyes of Stone

  Cursed MacKinnons 3: Cursed Laird

  Cursed MacKinnons 4: Haunted Laird

  Cursed MacKinnons 5: Dual Release

  Devilish Delights

  Double Dilemma

  Night Prey

  Portal to Passion

  Silken Seduction

  Sinful Seduction

  Tasting Devilish Delights

  Texan’s Silky Seduction

  Print books by Tara Nina

  Arian’s Angel

  Cursed MacKinnons 1: Curse of the Gargoyle

  Cursed MacKinnons 2: Eyes of the Stone

  Cursed MacKinnons 3: Cursed Laird

  Cursed MacKinnons 4: Haunted Laird

  Cursed Mackinnons 5: Dual Release

  Double Dilemma

  Night Prey

  Portal to Passion

  Silken Delights

  Texan’s Silky Seduction

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing


  ISBN 9781419994005


  Alien Copyright © 2015 Laurann Dohner, Leora Gonzales, Jaid Black & Tara Nina

  Edited by Pamela Campbell, Rebecca Fairfax, Raelene Gorlinsky & Shannon Combs

  Cover design by Allyse Leodra

  Cover photography by Shutterstock

  Electronic book publication October 2015

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  Laurann Dohner, Alien



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