Page 18 of Moon

  “Why was she kept in her room? Why would she hold the hand of a female and be punished for that? Did the female protest?”

  “The female had experienced a horrific trauma. The therapist held her hand to show emotional support. The client didn’t mind but the guard in the room reported the physical contact.” She blew out a breath and he identified frustration in her expression. “It was stupid but that’s how the supervisors responded to it. Barbara was suspended six days without pay and secluded, just to make an example of her. She was a really nice lady with a lot of compassion. I spoke to her often because we were both getting some grief from Geraldine, who looked down on our qualifications to treat Species.”

  Moon believed Joy. Humans could overreact and he remembered her telling him that was the cause of friction between her and Geraldine.

  “I wanted to touch a lot more than your hand,” she softly admitted as she leaned close enough that her breasts nearly brushed his chest. “I wanted to sit on your lap, let you do anything you wanted to me, and I knew I couldn’t keep saying ‘no’ much longer.” She wet her lips, drawing his focus there, and his dick hardened to the point of pain. He ached to have her. “You made it crystal clear that I wasn’t just a curiosity, to see what it would be like to share sex with a human. Once never would have been enough for us. Someone would have figured it out.”

  He closed his eyes and fought the strong desire to take her to the floor. Her clothes would shred easily in his hands and then nothing would be in his way. He could explore and lick every inch of her. It had always been his desire to memorize her body by taste and touch.

  One of her hands hesitantly settled against his chest. Her palm rested on his shirt but her fingertips found skin. It was enough to snap his control. Moon was done fighting his hunger for Joy. She was right in front of him and almost daring him to take her. This time there wouldn’t be any drugs in his system to give it a surreal quality. No dreamlike memories would haunt him afterward or leave him questioning how good they really were together.

  He slid his hand from her waist to her ass, squeezed her there as he pulled her firmly against his body and lifted. Joy’s gasp of surprise was so slight he barely would have noticed if he wasn’t so closely paying attention. He strode forward, looking for the nearest bedroom. He wouldn’t take her on the carpet. He released her face to wrap his other arm under her ass to keep her from sliding down.

  “Hold on to me,” he demanded.

  He almost expected her to protest but her fingers clutched at his shoulders. She didn’t say a word as he carried her through the living room and into the first bedroom down the hallway. He paused, used his foot to hook the door and push it closed. There wasn’t a lock. He silently promised to beat Flame if the male came to investigate what was taking him so long.

  Human housing had smaller beds that were closer to the floor but it beat not having one at all. He stopped at the bottom and met her gaze as his hold loosened. She slid down until her feet touched the carpet.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  Her smooth white teeth dented her lower lip and he studied her eyes carefully to search for any signs of fear. There weren’t any. She reached for her shirt. It amazed him when she began to undress. His dick jerked in response, wanting to rise even more to the occasion of her surrender. He was going to fuck Joy and this time there was no question that they both knew what they wanted.

  He hated the way his hands trembled when he tore his tank top over his head and tossed it aside. He didn’t give a damn where it landed. They hadn’t had shoes at Medical so he didn’t have to bother to remove them. His thumbs hooked the waistband of the sweats but he paused, contemplating if the bare evidence of how much he wanted her would cause her to change her mind. Some humans were afraid when they saw a Species male totally naked.

  Faint images surfaced in his mind of him and Joy inside the cell. He’d claimed her body before and she hadn’t flinched when she’d seen the length and thickness of his dick. He only wished he could vividly recall the details. The memories might resurface but he was about to make new ones that he damn well would remember. He shoved the sweatpants to his ankles as he bent, working them over his feet. She wanted him and she was going to get him. He straightened and gave her his full attention.

  His knees almost buckled as he gazed at her creamy skin. Joy’s naked body was a vision. She was so different from Species females. No muscles lined her belly—it was smooth, soft flesh. Her breasts were rounded and more generous, the nipples fuller. He swallowed hard, longing to wrap his lips around each one to test how well it fit inside his mouth.

  Blue eyes drew his attention when she eased back to sit on the edge of the bed. The hesitancy he recognized in them didn’t prevent him from taking a step forward, then another, and leaning over her as she lay back flat. He braced his weight to keep from falling on top of her.

  “Spread your thighs wide for me, sweetness.”

  She did it, her legs brushing against his as she maneuvered on the bed. He tucked his chin to watch as she opened her sex to his view. She’d shaved her mound free of hair. He breathed her in—all the wonderful scents of Joy. A hint of arousal also teased his nose. She wasn’t ready to take him yet but she would be by the time he joined their bodies.

  Joy was addictive and did crazy things to him. It was a bit unsettling and he suddenly understood why males wanted to mate females. The idea of wrapping a blanket around her and tossing her over his shoulder flashed through his mind. He’d never allow her to leave his home though if he carried her there. His gaze lifted to the headboard, deciding he’d definitely be tempted to tie her to it if it meant keeping her in the bed.


  Her voice drew his focus. A hint of uncertainty made him realize he’d stilled all movement while he debated the logistics of how to get her to his home without anyone alerting Security that he’d carried her out of the human guest quarters. They might assume he’d had a relapse and wasn’t acting sane. It wasn’t rational to want to do that but it had nothing to do with all he’d recently endured. She drove him crazy.

  She sat up and gripped his shoulders as she peered deeply into his eyes, her worry apparent. “Are you okay?”

  He glanced down at the soft mounds of her breasts and growled. Images of all the things he wanted to do to her swamped his senses, making his dick ache from how hard it had grown. It made him grateful that he was already on his knees or he might have collapsed. “I’m fine,” he managed to rasp.

  She didn’t appear to be convinced. “Are you getting a headache?”

  He gripped her hips, his touch gentle as his fingers curved around the top of her supple ass. He pulled her closer until the head of his dick brushed her where she was spread to fit his body. He hated the way his hand shook when he slid it around to brush his thumb against her clit. Joy gasped, eyes widening, but didn’t pull away. He rubbed it in slow circles.

  “No headache. I can’t wait to be inside you.” His restraint was slipping away as the alluring scent of her arousal grew. “Tell me to slow down.”

  She did the unexpected by reaching between them and wrapping her fingers around his shaft. It was his turn to gasp when the slow torture began as she explored the length with her hesitant touch.

  “Fuck.” He was done waiting. “Tell me if I’m going too fast.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Joy moaned in pleasure when Moon suddenly lunged and warm, full lips wrapped around one nipple. His mouth was hot, wet, and he sucked hard, as if he was starving for a taste of her. Strong tugs shot jolts of awareness through her body.

  Her hand fisted in his hair to keep him in place as she spread her thighs wider to give him room to play with her pussy. Her hips rolled and she arched her back in protest when he released her breast but he only turned his head to give attention to the other one.

  “Moon… Don’t stop.” She’d have to kill him if he did. It would be beyond cruel if he got her hot and bothered then abruptly called a h
alt. Not that she’d blame him for wanting to punish her for the past. “Please.”

  Yes, I’ll beg, she silently admitted. I’ll do damn near anything for him. To have the male she loved that close, reveling in his touch, her fingers tangled in his silky hair, was worth any price.

  She leaned back, refusing to let him go as he followed her down. Her other hand frantically stroked the rigid length of his cock. He was steel-hard but velvety soft at the same time. The thumb caressing her clit pressed down a little tighter, changing from a circular pattern to strum it up and down. Her belly clenched as she almost came.

  “Please?” She wanted him inside her more than she wanted to breathe. The climax would seem less fulfilling without their bodies joined. The emptiness had become a torment that only he could cure. “I need you inside me.”

  Moon nipped her breast and she cried out from the sharp pain but his tongue soothed the hurt before he released it. His chin rose and those sexy eyes of his gazed at her. They narrowed as his nostrils flared while he inhaled deeply. A growl rumbled from him before he jerked her down the bed a few inches more until her ass rested right at the edge. He looked down, shifted his hips. It was easy for her to guide the crown of his shaft to where she wanted it.

  The wetness of her desire was slick when the head of his cock rubbed against her until they were positioned just right. Moon closed his eyes and she watched his handsome face as he hesitated. Joy wrapped her legs around the back of his thighs, tugging at the base of his shaft, encouraging him to enter her.

  “Goddamn you,” Moon snarled. Dark-brown eyes snapped open to lock gazes with her as he pushed his hips forward. “Damn us both, sweetness.”

  It was an emotional slap but before she could reel from the blow of him cursing them both, he was stretching her open and his thick cock was buried in her pussy. The fit was snug enough to draw a sharp moan from her. He grabbed her wrists and her arms were jerked upward above her head. His weight pressed down over her, almost crushing her into the soft mattress.

  Moon repositioned his body by bracing his elbows to lift some of his mass so he wouldn’t restrict her breathing and his mouth took possession of hers. A growl vibrated his chest and made her very aware that they were skin to skin.

  The wild passion of his kiss and the savage sounds he made heightened her desire. He drove inside her deeper, filling her until she was sure she couldn’t take any more and they were linked as completely as two people could get. She shifted her legs higher, wrapping them around his waist to cling to him since he refused to release her wrists, though she franticly jerked her arms.

  He withdrew a little and her vaginal muscles clenched, trying to prevent him from leaving her. He paused, his tongue slowing its exploration of her mouth, before driving into her with one strong plunge. She cried out in ecstasy and turned her head, breaking their kiss to avoid biting him.

  His nose brushed along her throat as he softly growled. “You okay?”

  “Yes. You feel so good.”

  “You’re so tight and hot. Wet.” His breath tickled a little and the tip of his tongue traced the shell of her ear. “I’ll be gentler.”

  “No.” She wanted Moon, all of him, just the way he was. “Don’t hold back.”

  His fingers uncurled from her wrists and she cupped his face the moment her hands were free, loving being able to stroke his cheeks while staring into his beautiful eyes. She could stare into them forever.

  “I’m pretty strong.”

  “I can take it.” Her hips wiggled enough to make both of them groan from the pleasure of the slight rub of their sexes. “I want you.”

  Indecision flickered in his gaze.

  “You’re Species and I don’t want you to pretend to be anything less.”

  One corner of his mouth twitched as amusement showed. “Do you want me to fuck you like an animal?”

  She licked her lips, missing his kiss. “I want you,” she repeated, stressing the point. “Don’t torment me.” That inner doubt surfaced that he might be toying with her.

  An unknown emotion twisted his features before he burrowed his face against her neck. “Hold on to me, sweetness.”

  Her hands slid from his cheeks to the tops of his shoulders. She clung to him as he started to move. The unhurried glide of his thick shaft sliding in and out of her renewed her lust for Moon. Every stroke drove her higher. Moans tore from her throat as her fingernails bit into his back.

  “Yes,” she urged.

  Moon lightly nipped at the sensitive skin under her ear. Each bite was sheer delight and her entire body wound tighter, tensing. He pounded harder, the headboard slamming into the wall with each potent thrust.

  Joy threw her head back and whimpered his name. A haze of rapture stole her ability to think. Moon wasn’t as quiet when he found his release. He threw back his head and snarled.


  She loved the feel of him coming inside her, each tremor of his body filling her with his seed. The swelling that happened at the base of his shaft was even nice, locking them together in a way that seemed right. They both lay spent and panting. He recovered first and lifted his head.

  She opened her eyes to stare into his flushed features. There was something really sexy about the soft look in his gaze and the way his hair fell forward. He cleared his throat before licking his lips. He suddenly twisted his head toward the bedroom door.

  “Don’t you dare come in here,” he called out. “Go away!”

  Joy glanced at the closed door. Moon’s Species hearing would account for how he’d know the house had been breached. He faced her with a grim expression.

  “You and I are going to have a long talk later. I have to go. Harley is waiting and I’d hate to beat up Flame because he’s concerned about me being with you so soon.”

  He was leaving. It wasn’t a surprise since she’d overheard him making plans with Harley but it still stung. She wanted to linger in bed with him. There was a lot to say and she really wanted to know if what they’d shared was only sex to him…or more.

  “Will I return tomorrow to find you gone again?” Anger suddenly narrowed his eyes and sounded in his deepening voice.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” A hundred things popped into her head that she wanted to tell him. “You’ll come back to see me?”

  “Tomorrow,” he confirmed. “Medical wants me to return tonight for another checkup but they’re letting me go home tonight with Security standing by. Other than Security only Harley can be there. The doc wants to be sure I’m drug-free and safe to be around. You know how doctors are.”

  “They are worried.” She could understand that.

  The silence stretched as they watched each other. Moon broke eye contact first as he lifted off her and withdrew from her body. They weren’t locked together anymore now that the swelling had abated. He slid off the end of the bed and she sat up, grabbing at the covers to pull over her naked body. It was slightly uncomfortable suddenly to be so exposed.

  Moon kept his back to her while he dressed. A part of her resented that he wasn’t sticking around. She was reminded of the bitter history of her last boyfriend. Jeff had a way of making her feel used after sex. He’d never spent the night or even bothered to stick around to cuddle afterward. It was impossible not to compare the past with the present as Moon crossed the room.

  Pride kept her silent as he opened the door. The rational side of her knew they hadn’t planned to end up in the spare bedroom for spur-of-the-moment sex and that Harley was waiting at Moon’s home for him to arrive. He had to go. Another part of her wanted to cry because he could have made a phone call to say he’d be late so they’d have some time to work a few things out.

  He took one step into the hallway but stopped. He didn’t glance back but his body language indicated he was torn between going or staying. She hoped he’d turn around and come back.

  “Don’t leave.” He still didn’t move, as if he were waiting for a reply.

  “I won’t,” she ans

  That’s when he slowly looked her way and his gaze found hers. “I’ll see you tomorrow. And Joy?”

  Her heart hammered at that intense look.


  “Be here.”

  It was an order. Pure and simple. She nodded. “I promise, Moon.”

  He closed the door when he left. Her shoulders sagged as she released the tight grip on the bedding. It slipped away from her breasts. She glanced down and her fingers trembled a little as she traced the bite pattern he’d left there. The skin wasn’t broken but he’d definitely left another mark. It was sensitive but didn’t hurt.

  “Damn,” she whispered.

  She was madly in love with someone who might not be able to forgive her for the past. Just because he’d gone to bed with her after he’d become lucid didn’t mean he wanted a future with her. She wasn’t that naïve. Sometimes sex was only sex. The saving grace was that he wanted to see her again. It might be to tell her to go to hell but she’d have to wait until he came back to find out.

  The sticky feeling between her thighs became more apparent. A shower was in order and food wouldn’t hurt either. She had a feeling that it was going to be a very long night. No way would she stop worrying about their next conversation until they had it.

  She wrapped the blanket around her body when she stood, not sure if Moon had thought to lock the front door. The last thing she wanted was to walk down the hallway butt naked and run into Security, checking on her well-being.

  No one stopped her as she fled the short distance to the master bedroom and locked the door. The blanket dropped at her feet and she headed toward the bathroom, debating whether to take a long bath instead.

  A slight buzz sounded and she paused, glancing around. It came from her purse, where it rested on the nightstand. She changed direction and slid her fingers into the outside pocket, glancing at her phone as she checked the caller ID.