Page 19 of Moon

  “Great. Just what I need.” She slid her thumb over the screen and jerked it to her ear. “Hello, Eric.” Her boss had left six messages already and he was probably pissed that she’d taken off without giving him notice despite the calm tone he’d used. He was pretty mellow but he did have a business to run. “I’m so sorry I haven’t returned your calls. I told you an emergency came up and I haven’t had any free time.” She remembered his last voicemail. “Things are a little better but I still need a few days.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” He hesitated. “We, um, have a serious problem.”

  Dread hit. Was he going to fire her? It was a possibility. As much as she hoped things would work out with Moon, being fired was not an option. She didn’t want that on her work record.

  “Someone broke into our offices a little while ago.”

  That was the last thing she’d expected to hear. “Was anyone hurt?”

  “No. It’s Susan’s birthday and we threw her a party at the burger joint down the street. Our entire wing was closed so no one was there when it happened.”

  She cringed. The receptionist was a sweetheart. She made a mental note to call a florist as soon as they hung up to send a gift basket. She had the woman’s address stored in her phone.

  “That’s horrible. Did they steal the computers?” There was a television in reception too but nothing else came to mind that a thief might target. “How did they get past hospital security or down the elevator without being caught?”

  “They didn’t steal any electronics.”

  “Let me guess. A junkie thought we store drugs up there?”

  Eric hesitated again. “I need you to come down here immediately.”

  “I can’t.”

  His voice lowered. “You need to come in, Joy. Whoever they were, they broke into our file cabinets. We’re all going through them to see what is missing or has been tampered with but you’re the only one who can check your files. You could tell if any are missing or if anyone messed with them.”

  “We keep session notes in there.”

  “Exactly. Personal, confidential, very private information.”

  “You think they were going for the files? Maybe they believed that’s where the drugs were stored. Someone high on drugs might have thought the cabinets were locked because they held narcotics.”

  “I have three clients who have stalkers. One of them has a sexual addiction that could put his job at risk.” His voice lowered even more until she had to strain to hear him. “A few are having extramarital affairs. We’re liable if any sensitive information has been breached and we don’t warn them. What if it was someone’s stalker? What if they were looking for information to use to blackmail someone? Do you get where I’m going?”

  Unfortunately, she did. “I understand.”

  “Good.” He spoke in a more normal voice. “The police have arrived. How long will it take you to get here? They are waiting for us to figure out if any of our clients were targeted. Do you have any high-risk cases?”

  “Four.” Jenny, who lived with an abusive boyfriend who took jealousy to an extreme level. She had encouraged the poor woman to leave him but it was a slow process. That jerk would probably kill her if he ever got his hands on those notes and read about their discussions. Paul was gay but wasn’t ready to make that known for fear of hurting his career. He was a professional athlete with a lot of fans. The press would tear his life apart if they got wind of his secret. Maggie was new and it was too early to tell if someone really was watching her the way she claimed. It could be a possible stalker or a case of paranoia. Lesley was a rape survivor who had come in after her attacker had been released from prison. He had made threats and the constant fear she experienced had caused her to seek help.


  “I’m still here. I was thinking.” She glanced at the clock on the nightstand and calculated. “I can make it there in about two hours.”

  “I want you here now.”

  “I’m not in town.” She didn’t mention needing to shower before she left. “It’s going to take me that long to drive there and I will probably get a speeding ticket or two at that rate.”

  “Get here ASAP.”

  “I’m on my way.” She ended the call and rushed into the bathroom. She had no choice. She was responsible for her clients. She had to go.

  Moon wouldn’t come back until morning. She could easily drive to the hospital, deal with the crisis and return to Homeland before he arrived. She had no way to contact him so she’d leave a note on the door and a message at the gate. She wouldn’t risk any more misunderstandings between them. If she was delayed for some reason and he found her gone… Well, she didn’t even want to think about what could happen. She didn’t wait for the water to warm before stepping into the stall. She had to hurry.

  * * * * *

  “This was great. Thank you.” Moon grinned and pushed away from the counter to lean back in his chair. “You somehow make better steaks than I do.”

  Harley chuckled. “It’s all in the seasoning. I keep telling you to use salt and a little pepper before you sear them.”

  “You could leave Security to work in the cafeteria.”

  “Hell no.” Harley sipped his soda. “I couldn’t stand to be stuck indoors all day even if it was to cook.”

  It was a common issue with Species and the reason they had humans working at Homeland. Humans didn’t mind being cooped up inside buildings. “Fresh air is wonderful.”

  They exchanged a knowing look, both remembering all the years they’d been locked in cells at the mercy of Mercile.

  “So…” Harley arched an eyebrow. “Are we going to keep avoiding the subject? We’ve eaten and I updated you about the Gift Female and Shadow. They are happy and in love. Breeze is fully recovering at Reservation. I’ve talked. You haven’t.”

  Moon sighed.

  “You came in smelling of shared sex. She’s still all over you since you didn’t shower before dinner. What are you doing?”

  “Spending time with my best friend.”

  Harley grumbled deep within his throat to sound his displeasure.

  “I don’t know.” It was tough to admit. “Joy’s always been a complication.”

  “Is she leaving?”

  “Not right away,” he hedged.

  “Damn it. Stop that. What is going to happen between you two?”

  “I don’t know.” It frustrated him. He stared down at his legs, resisting the urge to kick the kitchen island he sat in front of. It might feel good to put a hole in something.

  “You have to give her some credit for trying to help you when you were drugged out of your mind.”

  He looked up and held Harley’s gaze. “Which she shouldn’t have been allowed to do. I could have killed her.”

  “That’s what I said at first but I got outvoted. I changed my mind once I realized she was the only one you could connect with. She is an adult female who knew the risks.”

  His temper flared. “I was dangerous.”

  “True.” Harley shrugged. “But you wanted to fuck her more than anything else. She could have gotten you to bark and do dog tricks just by flashing her tits.”

  It took control not to reach over and punch his friend. It would be satisfying to knock him right off the barstool onto his ass.

  “Quit pushing my buttons.” He knew him too well. “You are hoping that if we go a few rounds fighting that I will confess that I still have feelings for her once I calm.”

  Harley’s quick grin made him regret not following through with his fist.

  “There’s no need to push me to talk. She ties me up in knots. I went to human housing because I couldn’t stay away. You being there was my excuse to see her.”

  “Ouch. I missed you too.”

  “Don’t.” Moon was in no mood to play games. “You know you’re a brother. She’s the one I think about when I’m alone.”

  “Stroke material, huh? Is she the one you picture when you—”
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  Moon snarled, flashing his canines. “You’ve either really missed sparing with me or you’ve grown foolish while I was drugged. I meant that the memory of her has tormented me when I feel lonely. It’s not just sexual.”

  All humor vanished from Harley’s features and his eyes narrowed. “Are you going to allow her to leave Homeland or not? That’s what I want to know.”

  “It’s not up to me. We’re going to talk tomorrow.”

  “She’s little and it would be easy for you to keep her around if you wanted to make sure she stays. Refuse to let her leave. I’d like to see her try to get around you to walk out a door if you said otherwise. You’re no longer a newly free male who is finding his footing in life. You’re in control now instead of the other way around. She’s got no authority here.”

  “I can’t force her to stay if she wants to return to her world.”

  Harley snorted. “I would if I ever wanted a female that bad.”

  “I’m still angry at her for the past and she never came to Homeland to see me until this happened.”


  “What does that mean?”

  Harley leaned in closer and peered at him, frowning. “The female is yours. Face it. You’ve come in late for other meals right off a work shift stinking of sweat. You always shower to wash it away no matter what I put on a plate or how hungry you are. I’m smelling her because you’re having one of those weird reactions we experience when a female has us by the balls. You probably need her scent on you in order to keep sitting there instead of sniffing after her to get another whiff.” A smile curved his lips. “Deny it to yourself but I know you too well. You have that whipped expression we’ve both witnessed on the males who have mated.” He laughed. “That’s the one. It’s that oh-shit look as it sinks in that it’s true.”

  Moon knew the color had drained from his face. His best friend was right. He wouldn’t lie to Harley.

  “Go to human housing and wallow in your female. Be sure to tell her that I expect to still spend time with you. She made a mistake. Get over it. I refuse to watch you sulk and beat on the task force members we train with when you unleash your anger on them. They aren’t cute and fuckable. She is. Don’t allow her to leave because you hold a grudge.”

  “Sometimes I think you’ve grown too human.” It amused him though and Harley was right. He might hate what she had done to him once but she’d come back. They had things to work out but he did want to try. That meant he needed to ask her to stick around to be able to do that. He didn’t want to dwell on the past when Joy could become part of his future.

  “I spend way too much time with Trey and the guys. They are a bad influence in the best way.” He jerked his thumb toward the door. “Go get her.”

  As Moon slid off the chair the doorbell rang. He glanced at Harley, who shrugged.

  “I’m not expecting anyone.” Moon crossed the room in quick strides. It wouldn’t be Joy. Her escort would have called first to get his permission to bring her to his house.

  “Everyone was worried about you. Word spreads fast. It’s probably someone wanting to make sure you’re really back to normal after being told you’re home.” Harley followed. “Let’s hope it’s not a female to offer you a sympathy fuck. They won’t know you’re already taken until they smell her all over you.”

  Moon jerked open the door and bared his teeth when he glared at the human waiting on his porch. It wasn’t anyone he wanted to see. “You.”

  “Hello, Moon. Are you going to ask me in?”

  He stepped to the center of the doorway, spread his arms, and gripped the frame to completely block the entrance with his body. “No.”

  “You’re being extremely rude.”

  “Go away, Kregkor.”

  “I have come to evaluate you.”

  “You’re not my shrink. I don’t need one.”

  The annoying human gave him a chilly smile. “You’ve suffered a trauma and might still be experiencing side effects. Please invite me in. We’ll discuss all that has happened to you and how you feel about it.”

  “He thinks it sucks that an asshole shot him.” Harley paused behind him. “He’s fine now that the drugs have left his system. Evaluation over.”

  Moon resisted laughing. Justice had asked them to tolerate the shrink. That didn’t mean he’d invite him inside his home or waste time being asked stupid questions. His friend’s responses didn’t please the human. A scowl creased his face.

  “I came to speak to Moon. You can set an appointment with me if you wish to discuss your feelings, Harley. I have a few open timeslots tomorrow. I know you have a lot of serious issues that need to be addressed. It will save me the headache of going to Fury or Justice to make you come see me.”

  Harley’s chest pressed against Moon’s upper arm and he gripped the wood frame tighter to prevent his friend from reaching the shrink. Moon shot Harley a warning look that he hoped conveyed that he needed to remain calm. Kregkor had a habit of infuriating Species with his belief that all of them were desperately in need of his help. As much as the shrink might deserve to be knocked on his ass, they weren’t allowed to touch him. Harley growled but eased back.

  “I have things to do.” Better things to do than waste my time, he silently amended, forcing a smile. “It was thoughtful of you to drive to my house but I’m leaving.”

  “In other words, you’re in our way.” Harley glowered. “Don’t you have a mate to get home to? I’m sure she misses you. You’re so pleasant to be around.”

  Moon almost winced at the clear sarcasm. It wasn’t missed on the shrink either as his face reddened while his hands twitched at his sides. He needed to smooth things over.

  “I am to return to Medical tonight for a follow-up. I’m sure you don’t want me to be late for that.” It wasn’t exactly a lie. He’d go there after paying a visit to Joy.

  “This is part of the follow-up.” Kregkor’s beady eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “It’s mandatory that you be given a clean bill of health. That means you need to speak to a trained professional about the emotional ramifications of the trauma you’ve suffered. Justice agreed.”

  Moon bit back a curse. No one had told him that.

  “He won’t be talking to you.” Harley leaned in again to growl at the human. “It just so happens that you aren’t the only head shrink at Homeland. He’ll go see Dr. Yards.”

  That was brilliant. Moon grinned. “Good idea. I’ll go see her right now.”

  “That woman?” Kregkor shook his head. “She’s not qualified.”

  “She cared for me right after I was freed from Mercile.” Moon released the doorframe, not caring anymore if Harley wanted to intimidate the human. No one was allowed to dismiss Joy. “She knows more about Species than you ever will.”

  “She doesn’t want to kill us and would be smart enough to never verbally harass a mate.”

  Kregkor’s face flushed red as he shot Harley a furious glare. “You are of line. That was a special circumstance.”

  “I don’t like you.” Harley growled again, deeper, more menacing.

  The human paled slightly and stepped back. He addressed Moon. “I realize I’m not popular but you do need to be evaluated.”

  “Joy will do it.”

  “Dr. Joyce Yards left,” he said smugly. “When I was being processed in at the main gate, her vehicle was being checked for departure.”

  Moon’s heart skipped a beat. “You’re wrong. She’s at human housing.”

  “She has long brown hair and was driving a blue four-door sedan. They said she was Dr. Joyce Yards.” He jerked out his cell phone to wave around. “Do you want to call the main gate? It was odd seeing a stranger leave Homeland at this hour. Most of the day staff leaves at five.”

  Rage filled Moon as he spun, bumped into Harley, and rushed to his home phone. Security answered on the second ring.

  “Where is the female shrink?” He figured whoever answered would be able to identify her easiest with that descr

  “She left, Moon. Her car was searched to make sure she didn’t take anything with her that belonged to the NSO. Do you want me to find the one who spoke to the female?”

  “No.” He threw the phone and it smashed apart when it impacted with the wall.

  “Damn.” Harley sighed.

  He spun to face his friend. Harley held his gaze with an equally harsh expression. Kregkor had crept inside his door while they were both distracted. It made him a target in the worst way. Moon lunged before considering what he was about to do. Harley grabbed him before he got to the human to throw him out. He would have sent the male flying out the door into the yard.

  “Breathe,” Harley ordered. “That’s it. Let me handle this first and then we’ll deal with what to do about your female.”

  He nodded, his control held by a thin thread. Strong emotions were crushing into him. Joy had promised she would stay. It was the past repeating. The howl that wanted to burst loose nearly choked him.

  Harley let him go and stalked over to the shrink. “I’ll give you a five-second head start. If you’re still here, I won’t stop him from turning you into a screaming punching bag. Lesson number one about Species that you should learn is to never fuck with one when he’s about to snap. Take a look.” He jerked his thumb in Moon’s direction. “See that murderous glint in his eyes? Remember what we are. Run, human.”

  Kregkor turned tail and bolted. Harley slammed and locked the door.

  “Easy, man.” He slowly turned and his dark eyes narrowed. “Don’t mess up your house. Or my face. You like us both. We’ll deal with how to handle this as soon as you calm down.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Joy unlocked the front door to her condo a little after ten o’clock that night. It had been a nightmare dealing with the problem at work. She’d managed to reach the hospital within two hours but she hadn’t expected the three-ring circus she encountered there. Her boss had called in a legal team to protect their clients’ rights.

  The lawyer had demanded she respond to him in whispered answers to every question from the police. He’d been the one to speak to them directly after filtering what she said. It had been a slow, annoying process that had taken hours.