Page 6 of Fantasy World

  "Turn around," he repeated. "Don't argue."

  For a split second, she looked like she might refuse. Then, slowly, she did as he said, giving him a view of her damn fine ass with only a g-string between her cheeks. Her long brown hair streamed down her creamy white back. It was a sexy as hell vision. He wanted to fuck her just like this, with that ass in his hands, and her hair streaming down her back.

  He ran his finger along the thin string, between those lush cheeks, and she tensed. He squeezed her cheek lightly. "Lean on the bed."

  She looked over her shoulder at him, but did as he said. He stood back and just looked at her, his cock throbbing. He wrapped his palm around his erection in reaction.

  "Ryan," she whispered with desperation in her voice, looking over her shoulder again.

  "Just stay there, sweetheart. You have no idea how hot you look." But he stepped forward, sliding his hard length between her thighs, as his hands settled on her waist. "So fucking beautiful," he said as he slid his hands down the curve of her hips.

  He pressed his erection against her lips. She was so wet he could feel it with that simple act. Leaning back he took his cock in his hand and teased her entry with the tip of it. "Want this?"

  "Yes," she gasped.

  He dipped the entire tip inside her and then pulled back out. "Are you sure?"

  "Yes, damn you."

  He laughed and pressed inside her, all the way down to her core. He leaned forward, wrapping his body around hers, and filling his hands with her breasts.

  His mouth found her neck, feathering kisses there. He stayed deep inside her, teasing her nipples with his fingers, feeling her body tighten around him in response.

  Then, when he couldn't take it any more, he leaned back, covering her butt with his hands, as he began moving inside her. She was so wet and tight. Had he ever wanted a woman like this?

  She pressed up into him, asking without words for more. So he gave her more, pressing deeper, but keeping his rhythm slow and easy, making them both wait for release. He ran his hands down the sides of her legs, and up her thighs, and then circled her tiny waist.

  She leaned back against him, her back pressed against his chest. She reached around to cradle his head in her arms as his mouth found hers. He kissed her as his hands slid to her stomach and then up to her breasts. They clung together like that for long minutes, kissing and slowly moving together.

  But the intimacy of the act drove his need. He rolled her forward pressing her palms down on the bed. His hands settled on her hips as he started a faster rhythm, fervently moving, needing to find release. His breathing was heavy, his moans uncontrolled.

  She arched her back and neck, pushing him deeper as her body clenched at him, signaling the start of her orgasm. He was so close to release that her muscles squeezing him, milking his release, completely took it from him.

  He couldn't have stopped it had he wanted to. The control had become hers at some point. How, he didn't know. Didn't care. It felt too damn good as he buried himself as deep as he could, and let his head fall back. He experienced every shudder of his body with immense pleasure.

  When he stilled, she started to crawl onto the bed, and he followed. She flattened out on her stomach with him on top of her, his weight braced on his elbows.

  He brushed her hair to the side, baring her face and neck. He nuzzled her temple, gently trailing a finger down her neck. "Um," she murmured. "That feels good."

  He kissed her earlobe. "You feel good, Jill. So damn good."

  * * * *

  Jill woke with several blinks as her eyes tried to focus. She was curled spoon style in Ryan's arms, as if he was holding onto her so she couldn't escape. The thought made her smile. How many times had they made love since she had arrived at the hotel room? The man had stamina. Yet she didn't think she would ever get enough of him.

  She couldn't see the clock, but she knew she needed to get home.

  "If you're thinking about running out on me while I'm sleeping, it's too late." Ryan's voice was low, against her ear, as his hand gently stroked her hair.

  Her heart melted right then and there. In truth, it had melted a million times over during their lovemaking. He was so tender and gentle, yet wild and sexual.

  And she was in love with him.

  It was crazy. They hardly knew each other. And he was her boss. She couldn't forget that lethal fact. But her heart knew him in ways her mind didn't.

  She loved him.



  "What are you thinking about so hard?" he asked rolling her over on her back as he propped his body up on his elbow to look down at her.

  "Who says I'm thinking and not sleeping?"


  The way he said her name hit her in a strange way. It was almost like a plea, yet she knew better.

  "What time is it?" she asked.


  "Four?!" she exclaimed, and tried to sit up, but he stilled her by shackling her leg with his bigger, stronger one.

  He wrapped his arm across her stomach, his mouth nuzzling her temple. "Sleep," he said. "I'll wake you in time to take you home so you can change for work."


  "You might as well not argue. I'm not letting you up." His voice held stubborn, sensual authority, because he was using it to keep her in bed with him. How could a girl get upset about that?

  Jill really didn't understand his insistence. She liked it, but didn't understand it. Before she couldn't analyze it, he brushed his lips across hers.

  "Ryan," she sighed his name against his lips. He answered by kissing her, long and deep. Tenderly. It was an effective way of convincing her to stay. Her resistance was gone. Zilch.

  Then he turned her body so her back fitted against his front, wrapping her snugly in his arms. It felt so good that Jill couldn't remember why she had even wanted to leave.

  But in the back of her mind, she knew, she was in trouble. For Ryan this was probably standard bed play. For her, it was much more.

  Chapter Seven

  Only hours later, at eight o'clock in the morning, Jill stepped into the elevator, with Celia by her side. She felt surprisingly rested for a woman who had been up having sex all night.

  And morning.

  A tiny smile played on her lips at that thought.

  "Hold the elevator." Jill knew the voice. It was Ryan. Her smile disappeared. Now she was nervous. Seeing him here, after last night, was going to be awkward.

  At least for her.

  Celia hit the open button. "Hey, boss man. Lucky I'm in a good mood or I would have hit the close button."

  Jill had already figured out that Celia was close to Ryan, as was just about all the management at Carlson. Celia's joking helped a little. It took the attention off of Jill. How was she supposed to act around Ryan?

  Normal, she told herself. What was normal for her and Ryan?

  Ryan grinned at Celia, a boyishly charming grin. "Must have had your normal morning pot of coffee." Then he looked at Jill. "Morning, Jill."

  The way he said her name had a hint of intimacy. She thought. Maybe. Was it her imagination?

  She slanted him a quick look. "Morning."

  Celia shocked Jill by saying, "Would you believe she got paired with Greg for the BG campaign?"

  "Really?" Ryan said with a raised brow.

  "I told Tyler that was a bad way to start her career here at Carlson. He'll run her off. That man is trouble."

  Jill fought the urge to protest, settling for a mere fidget. She could hardly believe Celia was saying this in front of her. "It's fine," Jill said not wanting anyone to think she couldn't handle herself. She could.

  Ryan was looking at Celia but there was a hidden meaning to his words directed at Jill. It was as if he had read her mind. "Somehow, I bet Jill can handle Greg just fine. He would be sadly mistaken to underestimate her."

  Jill blushed. The elevator dinged and opened. Thank you. Jill stepped forward needing to flee. She murmu
red goodbyes, and took off towards her office.

  What had she been thinking? How could she have slept with her boss? This was so damn awkward? What if someone guessed? And why did it have to have been so damn wonderful?

  As soon as she was in her office, she dropped her things by her desk and slid down in her chair. And on top of it was another envelope. She grabbed it and stared down at it like it was poisoned. How had he managed to get this here before she arrived?

  What now?

  Open it!

  She did. And read.

  The room is lit with only candles. You stand before me in only your bra and panties. I crave the feel of your skin against mine. I pull you close, savoring the decadent feel of your soft curves in my hands.

  Same time, same place.


  She couldn't meet him again. Oh, but she wanted to. She stared at what he had written. She had to meet him again. Had to.

  She was a fool. She bit her bottom lip. But, Oh God, she was a really satisfied fool.

  This was bad.

  * * * *

  Each morning Jill received a new poem. She had been meeting Ryan every night for a week and a half. She still had the key to the hotel room. It was their room. She was getting more and more attached to him.

  Each morning he drove her home.

  Each morning she felt alone and empty when he drove away.

  The weekend had been the hardest. If their relationship was more than sex, he would have asked to see her for more than a bedroom blitz.

  But he hadn't.

  He had dropped her at her door.

  "This just isn't going to work," Greg said gruffly, breaking her out of her reverie.

  Jill sat at the conference table in his office, barely containing her frustration. He told her in no uncertain terms his ideas for BG clothing were better than hers.

  Jill disagreed. His were overused, recycled campaign ideas. Hers were fresh, new, and youthful--even sexy. The stats she looked over about BG supported the need for her approach to their advertising. BG had the older buyers, but none of the younger workforce. She wanted to help them get the young professionals.

  By the time she ended the meeting with Greg, she was fuming. Silently brooding, she moved through the hall towards her office. Celia had to call her name twice before her voice registered.

  Jill turned to find Celia rushing towards her, a huge smile on her face. "A delivery came for you. I left it in your chair."

  Jill's brows dipped. "A delivery?"

  "With a big red bow on top." Celia winked.

  Jill's eyes widened. Ryan. "Thanks."

  "Can I come see what it is?"

  Jill's heart leaped on her throat. "No!" she exclaimed, making Celia's eyes widen. "I'm sorry," Jill said softening her tone. "I just met with Greg and he has me on edge. And to be honest, I don't like surprises. I'd rather bare the strange gift on my own."

  Celia touched her arm. "Don't let him get to you."

  "Too late," Jill whispered.

  "He's a jerk, hardly worth getting upset over."

  Jill blinked. She almost laughed. Celia was talking about Greg. Jill was thinking of Ryan. No she was consumed and obsessed with him. "I'll remember that. Thanks."

  It took effort to contain her urgency as she finished the walk to her office. The instant she shut her door, she raced to her chair. An envelope sat on the outside of the box. She picked it up, urgently removing the card inside, and read.

  I was called out of town unexpectedly. I'll be thinking of you, wearing this, the next time I see you. Friday night, same place, same time, our little Fantasy World.

  Until then, dream of me, as I will of you.


  She blew out a shaky breath. It was Wednesday. Friday night felt years away. Reaching for the box, Jill slid the red ribbon from it, eager to see the contents. Pulling off the box top, she quickly put it aside and pushed the pink crepe paper away.

  Inside sat a pink and black satin garter set complete with bra, panties, and black lace-top thigh-highs.

  It was sexy, feminine, and incredibly arousing just thinking about wearing it for Ryan. Even thinking about him picking it out made her feel all warm and ready. She squeezed her eyes shut. This was crazy. She should break it off with him. He would survive this without effort. For her, it would destroy her heart, and maybe her career.

  Yet ... she wanted him so badly. She opened her eyes. She had two days. Common sense was bound to take over by Friday night.

  * * * *

  Common sense was not what made her go to work Friday with a prim black suit over the pink and black panties, and thigh-high, lacy pantyhose. Nor was it the thing that made her heart pitter-patter as she walked to the conference room to present her campaign ideas.

  It was the pure anticipation of seeing Ryan for the first time in days. It was lust, passion, and desire controlling her body and her mind. Common sense had apparently taken a vacation, forgetting to inform her somewhere along the way.

  She sat at the conference table with the same group of people she had on her first day of work. Everyone sat in pairs ready to present their campaign ideas, anxiously waiting for Ryan to arrive.

  Not as anxiously as Jill. Of that she was certain.

  Since common sense had been thrown to the wind in her love life, which was basically the same as doing so with her career, she had made a decision. When Greg was done presenting his ideas, she would present hers.

  He would be angry, but she didn't care.

  She didn't like his ideas, and wasn't going to be made to look bad. Period, the end. Not happening. She was living on the edge all the way. No common sense, no nice girl, no good girl. Great sex, career risks, and her pink and black lingerie. That was what today all was about.

  Look out world.

  Ryan walked into the conference room looking like a million bucks dressed in a gray pin striped suit that fit him as if custom made. Her mouth went dry. The man was so damn sexy. His impact on her was like stepping from darkness into a bright sun-shining day. He simply overwhelmed.

  She had the luxury of examining him closely, as did the rest of the room. He, of course, was bound by decorum, only able to scan the room. But she knew the instant his eyes were on her, felt the heat of his gaze, no matter how brief.

  Jill listened to each team present their ideas, taking notes as she did. She didn't like any of the ideas. Not one. When it came time for their presentation, Greg started talking as if she didn't exist. She couldn't look at Ryan, because she knew he didn't like the idea. It was in the vibe he put off, a sense she got.

  Ryan simply stared at Greg for long moments when he finished talking. Then he let out a long, distressed sigh. "Is this all, team? Because, if it is, I have to say, it's not good enough. I can't take any of these ideas to BG."

  Jill swallowed, and then delicately cleared her throat. "Actually," she said, forcing herself to meet his gaze, and ignoring the shocked faces around the table. She was new. No one expected her to speak up. "I do have one other idea."

  His eyes narrowed in a barely perceivable fashion. But she felt his speculation, and surprise. Greg bristled beside her. Jill wanted to kick him. "Okay," Ryan said. "Let's hear it."

  "Well," Jill said. "The statistics clearly show BG is already getting a key portion of the older professionals as buyers. What they need is an edgy campaign to draw in the younger group."

  She wasn't sure, but she thought she saw a flash of appreciation in Ryan's eyes. It felt good.

  Jill continued, "I picture an attractive female attorney sitting on her desk, legs crossed with an equally attractive man sitting in the chair in front of her. She would be holding a notepad and pen taking notes. He would be staring at her long, sexy legs. The caption would read:

  Professional never looked so good. The new face of BG clothing."

  The room was silent. Jill nervously wet her lips, keeping her eyes locked on Ryan's unreadable ones. Slowly, a smile turned up the corners of his mouth. "
Finally, something fresh I can present to BG. Excellent work, Jill."

  She nodded, her heartbeat starting to calm, her stomach slowly untwisting. "Thank you."

  Ryan looked at his watch. "We're through here. Meeting adjourned."

  Jill blinked, hardly believing things had gone so well. Several people murmured compliments. Greg leaned over to her. "I saw the way you were looking at him. I guess I was too small on the totem pole for you, huh? You want to sleep with the big guy. That idea wasn't so great." He snorted. "Wonder what that means?" He pushed to his feet.

  Jill felt like she had been slapped, but her fighting spirit won over her response. She looked at him with a glare in her eyes. "And you are a bunch of smoke with no flame."

  He clenched his teeth and bent down near her ear, "Bitch."

  "Jill." It was Tyler's voice.

  Greg stood up straight and made a quick exit. Jill looked towards Tyler, who stood next to Ryan. "We'd like to take you to lunch and discuss the details of preparing the presentation for BG."

  Jill wasn't sure if she hid her surprise but she tried. She looked at Tyler, afraid to make eye contact with Ryan after Greg's comment. Afraid he would see how she felt, and how personal it was. "Okay. Did you mean now?"

  "How about we meet up in the lobby in ten minutes?" Ryan asked, fixing his gaze on her and willing her to look at him.

  She did, and she could tell from his expression that her tension showed in her face. Hopefully, Tyler would just think it was nerves. Ryan knew better. She could tell.

  But the truth was, Greg's words hurt. The fact that anyone would think she succeeded because she slept with Ryan had been a huge fear. Even though she realized Greg knew nothing of their affair, his words had proven how people would react.

  She gave a quick incline of her head, averting her gaze and ignoring the question in Ryan's too warm, too familiar eyes. Here, he was her boss, not her lover. She wanted to laugh at her own idiocy as she turned towards the door. He was her lover no matter how she tried to paint the picture to make it seem right.

  "I'll be there," she said to both men.