Page 9 of Fantasy World

It was amazing. A talent. One he appreciated immensely.

  He was so close to coming. But he didn't want to come like this. Not now. Not tonight. He wanted to come deep inside her body. He grabbed her shoulders, but she kept her mouth attached to his body in a way that threatened to make his willpower fade.

  "Jill, stop. I want to come inside you." He slid his hands to the side of her face. "Stop."

  She looked up at him. Oh, what a vision. He was still in her mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut. It was almost enough to make him come. "No," he whispered and then opened his eyes. "Come here."

  Slowly, she did as he said, releasing him from her mouth, and standing up between his legs. He barely remained in control of his body. He really needed inside her.

  Taking her breasts in his hands, he kneaded them as he flicked his tongue over one nipple, and then the other. The need to kiss her was intense. Sliding his hands into her hair, he dipped his tongue into her mouth, tasting her with hunger, desire, and just plain lust.

  "Climb on top of me and ride me, baby," he said against her mouth. "Let me watch you come."

  Ryan lay back on the bed, his legs still hanging off, as she climbed on top of him. He could see the desire in her eyes, making them dark and dilated. When she was turned on, she always got this sleepy, sexy look he loved.

  He held her waist as she balanced above him, holding him in her hand as she slid down his length. "Oh, yeah, baby," he said breathlessly as she took him deep.

  She made a noise, her eyes falling shut, her face etched with need. Slowly, he started moving, and she met him, moving her hips against his. What a sight she made, sitting on top of him like that. Her creamy white body moving against his darker one, her nipples pebbled with pleasure.

  He kept his eyes open, watching her, increasing the rhythm, loving the show. As he increased the pace, moving with more frenzy, her breasts bounced, making him hotter and harder.

  He moaned as she arched her back, pushing her nipples higher, and taking him deeper. She rippled around him. He could feel her orgasm start. That feeling, the way her muscles worked, made him come. It always did. Pleasure spiked, making him buck, pressing deeper to feel release. And he shuddered and shook with one last delicious thrust.

  Deeply and gloriously, they finished together. And then she collapsed on top of him.

  And he held her tight, never wanting to let go.

  * * * *

  Jill woke up to the soft feel of Ryan's lips on her neck. "Morning," he said near her ear. She opened her eyes slowly, wondering if it was a dream.

  Ryan was on his knees beside the bed, his face looking sexy with a one-day stubble. She reached out and touched his jaw. "I like this."

  He smiled. "And I like waking up to you in my bed. I made coffee and ran a bath. Come join me."

  "What time is it?"


  She sat up, forgetting she was naked and sending the sheet to her waist. "Noon!" The cool air hit her skin and she looked down, yanking the sheet to cover her.

  "It's a little late to be shy," he said with a grin.

  She blushed. "I can't ... um ... help it."

  He leaned over and kissed her temple. "I love the way you're both wild and sweet. Now, tell me how you want your coffee."

  She looked at him long and hard. His chest was bare, and sexy. He wore only a pair of blue boxer shorts. And he looked good. Real good.

  But it was more than how he looked that had her staring at him. It was how he was making her feel with his attention, and she struggled to put a name to his affectionate behavior. He was making her fall more and more in love.

  She shouldn't have stayed the night.


  "Lots of cream," she said quickly, not wanting to give away her thoughts.

  He winked. "Be right back."

  Jill scooted up against the headboard, sheet tightly held around her body. She just sat there. Her mind wouldn't even work. She was blank. And in love.

  She heard the phone ring, over and over, as if Ryan was ignoring it. Not more than a minute or two later, Ryan returned with coffee. He had to have ignored the phone. He handed it to her, but as she reached for it, one hand still clutched her sheet like it was a shield.

  He smiled at her. "I'll go warm up the bath," he looked at the sheet with a twinkle in his eyes, "but you'll have to drop the sheet to take it."

  He was gone before she could respond. The water started running seconds later. Jill took another sip of coffee and looked around the room. It was a beautiful room, very masculine. All black furnishings with a matching leather chair in the corner, and with artwork that looked expensive.

  The most impressive part of the room was a huge fish tank in the corner. She had noticed it before, but had not had the chance to examine it closely. It was filled with all black and blue fish, accenting the room like a part of the décor. She could imagine falling asleep watching the fish.

  It was the first time she had seen the room in daylight. It reminded her of his wealth. She hadn't even liked to have him drop her at her apartment. It made her uptight. They lived in very different neighborhoods. He had acted like he hadn't noticed. She knew better. He was too astute not to. She had never let him walk her to her door. He had certainly tried, almost to the point of them getting into arguments.

  What was she doing here? This was like real life. No fantasy to protect her from the truth of things. He was her boss. She was his employee. He was rich. She wasn't.

  She didn't belong here.

  Ryan walked back into the bedroom. She watched him cross the room, smiling, charming as always. There was no hint that he might think this was a mistake, her being here in his apartment. He had even said he never brought women to his apartment. Yet he brought her. She was confused.

  What was going on between them? Did he want more than an affair? Did she dare believe that? And even if he did, it wouldn't change the fact that he was her boss.

  There was no good answer.

  He sat down on the bed as she brought the cup to her lips and took a tiny sip. He reached for the cup and took it from her, setting it on the nightstand. Then, he climbed on the bed, and put his knees on the sides of her legs.

  He tugged playfully at the sheet. "Time to give up the sheet."

  She couldn't help it. Despite her distress, the mischievous look on his face made her laugh. "What will you give up if I do?"

  "I can think of all kinds of things, all of which I promise, will be highly enjoyable." He took her arms and pulled her up with him. The next thing she knew he was lifting her in his arms, the sheet forgotten, and he was carrying her to the bathroom.

  She clung to his neck, loving how his strong arms made her feel protected and very female. He sat her in a huge tub of water. Bubbles swallowed her along with warm, relaxing water.

  "Oh," she said in a sigh. "This feels wonderful."

  Ryan looked down at her, unmoving for several long moments, before pushing his boxers down his legs. Jill watched, wide eyed, as he stepped towards the tub. She'd never taken a bath with a man. This was a new, very intimate, experience.

  Ryan sat down behind her and pulled her back to his front. She slid down into the water, the bottom of her hair getting wet as she rested her head on his chest.

  She sighed. This was too wonderful.

  Ryan rubbed his chin on the top of her head as his hands rested on her arms. "You like?"

  "Um," she murmured, shutting her eyes. "I like."

  "We couldn't have done this at the hotel. The tub was too short. I wouldn't fit."

  She laughed. "Being short, I never considered the length of a tub."

  "Most hotel showers are made for midgets."

  "Like me," she laughed again.

  They were quiet a minute. Ryan took water in one hand and dribbled it down her shoulder. He repeated the action on the other side. "I really like having you here, Jill."

  There was something in his tone that made her swivel around to see his face. The position thrust
her wet, bare breast against his chest. His eyes dropped. His index finger traced the bubble on one of her nipples.

  Her breath caught in her throat. There was something in his touch, the same something she had heard in his voice. "Ryan..."

  The doorbell rang. He looked up with a frown etched in his face. "Who in the hell could that be?"

  Her hand curled in his chest hair. She really didn't want to be interrupted right now. "You better get it."

  "No," he said looking down at her nipple and once again tracing it with his finger. "They'll go away."

  The doorbell rang again. Ryan looked up, meeting Jill's gaze, and then lowered his mouth to hers. He was not getting the door. That was clear. Their lips brushed, a soft caress, tender and sweet.

  And then Jill heard the voice. Very female. Calling Ryan's name several times.

  She stiffened, and then abruptly moved to her knees wrapping her arms in front of her chest. Oh, god. Who had she been fooling? Of course, he had other women. He had actually had the nerve to say he didn't bring women to his home, yet this one obviously had a key.

  "Ryan, darling, where are you? I know you're here. The doorman told me so."

  The voice stopped at the bathroom. Jill looked up to see a beautiful, curvy blond staring at them. The woman's hand went to her mouth. "Oh, no, Ryan. I am soooo sorry."

  Ryan practically growled at her. "Damn it, Gina, what were you thinking?"

  The blond turned and rushed out of the room. Jill wanted to move, but standing naked and dripping in front of Ryan felt wrong, even humiliating at this particular moment.

  Ryan reached for her. She tried to back away but he didn't let her. He pulled her into his arms, and Jill fought the tears that were burning her eyes. "She's my sister, baby, I swear. My sister. I know from the look on your face what you're thinking. Gina's my sister."

  The words didn't quite sink in. "Sister," Jill whispered into his shoulder.

  He slipped his hands under her hair and made her look at him. "Yes. My sister. My damn irritating sister. She has a key to feed my fish when I'm away. I don't know why in the hell she just let herself in like that, but I intend to find out."

  The words rushed over her like a wave of relief. She sank against him letting her forehead fall against his chest. He ran his hands down her hair. "Jill, sweetheart, look at me."

  Slowly, she looked up at him, feeling awkward in too many ways to define. She spoke before he could. "I'm sorry, Ryan. I know we've made no promises to each other. It was just seeing another woman walk in here while I was with you, it..."

  "I'm not seeing anyone else, Jill. I'm too obsessed with you to want anyone else."

  She blinked. Stunned. "You are?"

  "Yes, I am."

  She swallowed. "I don't know what to say."

  "Say you feel the same way."

  "I do, but..."

  He kissed her. It was a long, passionate kiss. When he raised his head, he brushed hair from her eyes, and said, "Save the 'buts' for later. I have to go deal with my sister. I'll grab you a robe and you can come meet her."

  "Oh, no, I can't meet her after this," she paused and added, "and especially not in your robe."

  Ryan laughed. "It's a lot more than you had on when you first saw her."

  Jill sighed as Ryan stood up, water dripping from his muscular body. So much for her bath with Ryan. She would definitely add a repeat to her fantasy list. Minus the sister.

  "I suppose that's true," Jill said, but she didn't make any effort to move.

  Ryan dried off and then disappeared out the door. He returned wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else and holding a dark blue robe. He sat it on the sink. "Hurry and get out and come meet Gina."

  "Ryan?" He looked at her with a question in his eyes. "Can we not tell her I work for you?"

  His face was completely void of expression, and his silence a bit too long. "If that's what you want." Then he turned and left the bathroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ryan walked into the living room to find his very pretty damn irritating sister fretting. She was pacing, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, her hands twisted together in front of her.

  The minute she saw him, she stopped moving. "I am so sorry, Ryan. You never bring women here. I just didn't think."

  "You're right. You didn't think." Ryan ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He walked to the couch and sat down. He couldn't stay mad at Gina. He loved her, and she wouldn't be here if she didn't have a reason.

  He patted the couch. "Now, come tell me what brought you here."

  She walked over to him, her hands still in front of her, entwined together. "I feel foolish now. I embarrassed your friend. I did try and call, and when you didn't answer, I came over. I just figured you were sleeping."

  "Stop fretting, Gina. Tell me what's going on. Whatever it is, I know you. It's important to you or you wouldn't be here. Now talk."

  A slow smile slid onto her painted red lips. "Carl proposed." Gina slid her hand out in front of Ryan. Excitement lit her face.

  Ryan had known Carl for years and thought a lot of him. He hugged Gina. "Congratulations, sweetheart!"

  "Thank you. I'm so happy. I just had to tell you."

  They hugged for several seconds. Gina cleared her throat, pulling away from Ryan, motioning over his shoulder. Ryan turned and smiled at Jill. "Come," he said to Jill. "My sister was just sharing her good news."

  Gina made an excited sound. She held out her hand. "I got engaged."

  Ryan watched Jill's expression go from distressed to a smile in an instant. She rushed across the room, in the ridiculously too big robe, straight to Gina's side. Ryan had to hold back a laugh when she almost tripped over the hem. She looked adorable, and sexy. And seeing her in his robe made him feel possessive. Or maybe Jill in general made him feel that way.

  He wasn't sure anymore.

  "It's beautiful," Jill said, holding Gina's hand in hers as she sat down next to her. "White diamonds are lovely."

  "Yes. He did great, didn't he?"

  "He did. When is the wedding?"

  "We don't know yet. We were thinking spring."

  Ryan listened to the two women talk for half an hour. He even got up and got coffee for everyone. Finally, he decided to reclaim Jill.

  "Gina, I'd like you to meet Jill. Jill, this is my sister Gina."

  Both women laughed. "Oh, yes, we forgot the introductions. Nice to meet you, Jill." Gina looked at Ryan and seemed to understand his silent message. "I, uh, better run." She pushed to her feet. "I really enjoyed talking with you, Jill. Maybe we could go shopping or something one day."

  Ryan watched Jill's expression change. Why that statement had upset her he didn't know. But he planned to find out. He kissed his sister, and walked her to the door. Before she left, she whispered, "I like her." Then she pointed a finger at him. "Be good to her."

  "Go home," he told her and shut the door, but not before he heard her laughter.

  Ryan found Jill still on the couch. He went and sat down beside her, pulling her into his arms. "She liked you."

  Jill laughed. "I liked her. She's hard not to like."

  "Yes, I know. She's a piece of work, that one."

  "You love her very much."

  "Yes, I love her." He nuzzled her neck. "Spend the day with me. Hell, spend the weekend with me."

  Jill's eyes went wide as she pulled back to look at him. "Ryan, I don't think that's a good idea. You're my boss. This is getting out of control."

  "Pretend I'm not."

  "I can't anymore. Being here with you makes this very real."

  He needed to get her mind off her concerns. "We don't need a hotel for fantasy, Jill."

  "Ryan, you already know how I feel."

  He nipped her earlobe with his teeth. "Very good," he whispered. "That's how you feel. Very damn good. And right now, I think I need a Jill fix."

  He started kissing her neck, feathering kisses down to her collarbone, as his hand pushed aside the robe
and found one of her nipples. "I want this," he ran his finger around it, "in my mouth. How does that sound?"

  Her eyes were shut, and she made a little whimpering noise. "You are not making this easy, Ryan."

  "Then lie back," he said, and moved her until she was flat on the couch and he was on top of her. His mouth closed over her nipple.

  She arched her back and moaned. "You don't play fair."

  He smiled and then licked her nipple. He parted the robe, running his hands down her ribs and stomach. "So sweet," he said softly, before leaning back on his knees and pressing his tongue against her navel.

  Then he ran his tongue up her stomach, and watched her tremble even as he slipped one finger down between her legs. "I love how wet you get for me, Jill."

  She leaned up. "Ryan..."

  He pressed his hand down on her stomach. Her tone said she was embarrassed. "I like it." He stared at her. This was the unique part of Jill. The woman could be almost shy, yet, at times was as bold as any woman he had ever known. "A lot," he added letting her hear his arousal in his voice, and see it in his eyes.

  He spread her silky dampness with his finger, still holding her eyes with his own. "Lie down, sweetheart. Just enjoy."

  Slowly she let her body sink back into the cushions. He kissed her stomach again, and then trailed his tongue in a straight line downward. Dipping one finger inside her, he heard her intake of breath. Slowly he caressed her, as his mouth kissed and teased her lower stomach. She knew what was coming as well as he did. He wanted her anticipation.

  He moved his mouth lower and blew a soft breath across her sensitive flesh before drawing her already swollen nub into his mouth. Gently, he suckled, as her body trembled. He slipped a second finger inside her. Her body arched to his caressing fingers, and he could feel her muscles tensing, her wetness increasing.

  He used his tongue to tease, and taste, and then dipped it inside her, intimately caressing her tenderness and making her squirm.

  He took his time, building her up slowly, wanting her to feel each and every stroke of his tongue and fingers with growing pleasure. She was grabbing the arm of the couch, her body tense, when she called out his name.