1948. *Intruder in the Dust. New York, Random House.

  1949. *Knight’s Gambit. New York, Random House. A cycle of five short stories and one novella, all dealing with the adventures in detection of Gavin Stevens.

  1950. *Collected Stories of William Faulkner. New York, Random House. Contains forty-two stories, all that Faulkner then planned to preserve, except for those fitted into more integrated volumes like The Unvanquished, Go Down, Moses, and Knight’s Gambit.

  1951. *Requiem for a Nun. New York, Random House. A three-act play with a narrative prologue to each act.

  1954. A Fable. New York, Random House.

  1955. *Big Woods. New York, Random House. Four hunting stories (two of them revised from chapters of Go Down, Moses), with interchapters to set the mood.

  1957. *The Town. New York, Random House. Second volume in the Snopes trilogy.

  1959. *The Mansion. New York, Random House. Concluding the Snopes trilogy.

  1962. *The Reivers. New York, Random House. Faulkner’s last novel, published a few months before his death on July 6, 1962.

  1965. Essays, Speeches and Public Letters. Edited by James B. Meriwether. New York, Random House.

  1966. The Faulkner-Cowley File. By Malcolm Cowley. New York, The Viking Press. Contains twenty-six of Faulkner’s letters.



  William Faulkner, The Essential Faulkner

  (Series: # )




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