Page 58 of Daddy-Long-Legs

Dear Comrade,

Hooray! I'm a Fabian.

That's a Socialist who's willing to wait. We don't want the socialrevolution to come tomorrow morning; it would be too upsetting. Wewant it to come very gradually in the distant future, when we shall allbe prepared and able to sustain the shock.

In the meantime, we must be getting ready, by instituting industrial,educational and orphan asylum reforms.

Yours, with fraternal love, Judy

Monday, 3rd hour

11th FebruaryDear D.-L.-L.,

Don't be insulted because this is so short. It isn't a letter; it'sjust a LINE to say that I'm going to write a letter pretty soon whenexaminations are over. It is not only necessary that I pass, but passWELL. I have a scholarship to live up to.

Yours, studying hard, J. A.