Alina was too drunk on desire to be irritated with his arrogance. As long as he did not stop kissing her, he was safe from her wrath. She let her hands run up his stomach to his firm chest and up around his neck pulling him tighter to her. The groan that rose up from his lungs said he approved of the bold move. His hand that had been on her face was now on her back as both powerful arms embraced her. He nipped at her lips playfully as he reached up behind her and removed the clip from her hair. It cascaded down her shoulders and back and Vasile immediately plunged his fingers into the dark tresses.

  His mouth left hers as he trailed soft kisses across her cheek and down her neck. Her head fell back giving him unimpeded access. She gasped as his tongue darted out and then his teeth latched onto her flesh just enough to cause her to want to beg him again, only this time for his bite. His lips began to travel lower, pushing aside the collar of her blouse. But suddenly he stilled. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, breathless from their passion. Vasile did not move; his mouth was still pressed to her skin just below her collar bone but he was no longer kissing or biting.

  “Is something wrong?” she whispered.

  He let out a shuddering breath as his hands dropped to her hips and gripped them tightly. “If we do not stop now, the blouse is going to go, then the skirt, and so on and so forth. My wolf was beginning to take over. He is tired of waiting. He was attempting to seduce you into bed.”

  Alina let out a slow breath as she attempted to gather her wits. Things had definitely started to get out of control. When Vasile pulled back from her, his eyes were on her chest not her face, and they were hungry. She looked down and saw that two of the buttons on her blouse had come undone in his exuberance. She blushed and quickly buttoned them earning a growl from her mate.

  “You said we needed to stop,” she reminded him.

  “I meant I had to stop making love to you with my mouth. I did not say I had to stop admiring your incredible form.”

  “You are shameless,” she scolded as she pushed out of his embrace.

  “I will not deny that, my love, and I have a feeling that once we are bonded you will begin to see just how truly shameless your mate is.” Vasile laughed as her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened.

  She had missed his flirting, but she had also forgotten how incredibly tempting he was.

  “Do you like your gifts,” he asked as he reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Alina felt warmth spread through her as she smiled at him. “Very much.”

  “Good, now unless you want everyone to know that I have thoroughly defiled you, you might want to straighten up a little.”

  She rolled her eyes at him as she straightened her skirt and blouse and then quickly braided her hair. Her lips felt swollen from the passion of his kiss but there was nothing to be done about that. “As good as it is going to get,” she declared as she looked up at him. He was grinning like a fool.

  “Everyone is going to know what we were doing regardless of how put together I am if you do not wipe that ridiculous grin off your face.”

  He shrugged. “Then I suppose they will have to know because the grin stays.” He closed up the barn assuring her that Cosmina would be fine, as he had a pack member looking after her.

  Reluctantly she let him lead her away, but only because he promised that as soon as he had destroyed his enemy and they were back in the castle, he would have Cosmina a stall of her own built right on the grounds. Then Alina could go to her any time she wanted.

  The night was filled with tension as the pack members in the village gathered in the meeting hall to eat together. Alina found a measure of peace amidst the horror of all that had happened and would happen as once again they were united. Maybe not everyone, but it was a start.

  Before they all went their separate ways to retire for the night, Vasile addressed them.

  “Tonight as you lie in your beds send up a prayer to the Great Luna that she would grant us strength, unity, and victory and that she would be on our side because we have honor and have not let our selfish desires rule our actions. Give thanks as well, for all that we have, for every member of our pack, for your mates or future mates. And then as you close your eyes and let sleep take over, rest in the assurance that our creator has heard our united plea, that She loves us, and will protect us.”

  As Vasile held Alina in his arms once again in the tiny bed, he did as he had told his pack, he sent up his prayer to his Creator. When his mate shifted restlessly beside him he looked down at her and blew gently on her face allowing his scent to fill her senses. She calmed and pressed closer against him. His mind wandered to earlier that day when he had finally kissed her. Nothing could have prepared him for just how completely extraordinary it would be. Her lips were soft as silk, her taste sweeter than the best ambrosia, and her response to him had nearly been the breaking point. His wolf had been demanding they complete the bond. He did not care that there was not a plush bed or soft candle lights. All he wanted, all he would ever need, was his mate, no frills necessary. But thankfully the human half was able to reason with the wolf as to why it would not be wise to strip themselves, as well as their mate, bare in a field, especially not for their first experience together.

  He had decided to give her his bonding gifts before the challenges because he wanted her to know how much he adored her. He had not planned on kissing her, but they were alone. She was finally of age, and he could not stop himself. A smile played at his lips as he remembered her outrage at his flirting. Little did she know he was being completely serious, because to him there was nothing more beautiful than her―every luscious inch of her. He finally began to drift off to sleep, unwilling to think about the fights to come. He thought instead about just how much his lovely mate would blush when he could finally look his fill without any barriers between them.

  Dawn came much too soon. Alina, like everyone else, seemed to be lost in thought as she dressed and got ready for the trek to the castle. She wished that she could somehow leap forward in time so they could simply skip all the fighting and killing and finally have a united pack again. And yet she knew not only from her father’s words but also through experience that it was when you were in the valley, with all of life’s difficulties raining down on you, that you experienced change and growth. The mountain top was wonderful, but if the only place she lived was on the mountain top, then how would she ever learn to love through pain, or laugh through heartache, or endure so that she could help someone else who might one day experience what she had? They needed the hard times in order to truly appreciate the good times but also to be refined into something better than they were before.

  “We must go.” Vasile’s voice drew her from her thoughts. She turned and saw that he had his hand outstretched to her. She took it without hesitation and let him pull her to his side. They walked silently, joining the other pack members in the somber caravan as they headed towards what was sure to be a blood bath.

  “You are quiet this morning,” Vasile said through their bond as he caressed the hand he held with his thumb.

  “I do not want to see him and yet I want to rip his heart from his chest.” She did not want to feel that way about Serghei. He had been a friend for so long, but then he had gone and betrayed her, violated her, and murdered her parents. She was a merciful person, but she had to draw the line somewhere.

  “He will not live much longer, my love. I will not allow it.”

  “I do not think he will challenge you at the beginning. He will wait until you have been fighting for some time, thinking that he will have a better chance if you are tired.”

  Vasile looked down at her and smiled. “Perhaps, I should make you the leader of my warriors. You think like a warrior.”

  “Will you be alright?” Alina did not want to ask this question out loud. She would never question her mate’s abilities in front of pack members; it would make him appear weak. “With no sleep, no rest, how long can anyone go on like that, Vasile? I ha
ve no doubt in your ability to destroy every male out there, but to have to do it one after the other with no time to give your body a chance to heal will be difficult, and even you are not invisible.”

  “I have fought in battles that lasted days. It is not easy, but when there is so much at stake you would be surprised what you become capable of.” He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed her wrist softly. “Have faith in me; I will not fail.”

  “I do, but I am your mate and it is my right to worry about you.” A smile twitched on his lips at her biting tone. “Why is that funny?” she huffed.

  “It is not that I think it is funny, Mina. I happen to find you incredibly attractive when you growl at me.”

  She rolled her eyes and inwardly groaned. “At a time like this, that is what you are thinking about?”

  “Beloved, you will come to learn that there is not a time when a mated male is not thinking about his female like that.”

  “Perhaps, we should go over the details again,” she suddenly said out loud. This brought a bark of laughter from her mate that had everyone turning to look at them. Alina ignored him and addressed Ion. “You and Nicu will be with me, right?”

  Ion nodded. “We will not leave your side.”

  “The other males will fall under the command of Alin while I am fighting,” Vasile added. “I want all of the fights being watched and I want a set of eyes on Emilian and Serghei at all times.”

  Alina looked up at him, then something struck her. “Why have I not seen Sisily?” She had thought nothing of it two days ago, but now she was surprised that Sisily had not checked on her even once.

  “I sent her and her parents to Anghel. They are embarrassed and ashamed by their son’s actions, and I did not want them to feel like they were under scrutiny. When things settle they will come back.”

  Alina understood why he had done it, and she even understood why he had not mentioned it. He had been trying hard to avoid any topic that might bring up Serghei. She could not decide if it was more for her benefit because he did not want her to think on it, or for his because he would not be able to control himself if he dwelled on it.

  “Both.” He answered her thoughts.

  Her brow rose as she looked up at him. “Do I get no privacy?”

  A wolfish smile spread across his face. “I will make sure you have plenty of privacy, Mina, just not from me.”

  She decided then was not the time to argue about it. They had a lifetime and then some to deal with their differences. It was only a short time later that she began to hear the rumble of voices intermingled with snarls and growls. They were less than a mile from the castle and Alina suddenly felt very sick. Vasile drew their group to a halt and looked at each of them.

  “There are dominants who have no control over their wolves. Four years under the leadership of a wolf who was not able to make them submit has allowed their wolves to run wild. They will try to bait you into a fight. Do not let them.” He pushed his power over them, commanding their wolves’ submission and obedience and every pack member present bared their neck to him.

  “Vasile,” Sevren, one of the younger males, addressed him. “It is an honor to call you Alpha and an honor to support you as you fight. We thank you, because we know you are fighting for us.”

  Alina’s heart swelled as all of the wolves nodded and spoke up their agreement. Whether they knew it or not, her mate had needed to hear that. She would have to remember to thank the young wolf for being brave enough to speak up. They started off again with Vasile and Alina at the front of the group. Nicu, Alin, and Ion followed closely behind and then the rest behind them.

  She held tight to Vasile’s hand as they entered the castle grounds and took in the chaos that surrounded them. Alina had known that the dominants were out of control, but she had not realized that it had gotten this bad. There were wolves who could not even hold their human form completely. Their hands were paws, and their faces were partially phased. Some had tails; some had all their human form but were covered in their wolf fur. Testosterone was thick in the air along with the smell of rage, envy, and even fear. She looked up at Vasile to see his reaction and was not surprised to see anger, but beneath that there was sorrow. The majority of these males had been his pack mates. They had sworn fealty to him, trusting him to help them keep their beast in check.

  “So many will have to die today, all because Emilian did not care that he could not make them submit. He left them to their own devices and abandoned them to the beast that, without their mate or an Alpha, will destroy them and all those around them.” Vasile’s voice had taken on the calm, collected tone that many had mistaken for passivity. Those who made that mistake had paid the price for their foolishness. Those who knew him as Alpha understood that when Vasile was calm, blood would spill, and no mercy would be given.

  Romanian Proverb # 20

  Ce ti-e scris în frunte ti-e pus!

  He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.

  Vasile motioned for Ion and Nicu to step forward and then looked down at his mate. “Do not leave their side for any reason. Promise me this. I will not be able to focus on my fight if I am worried for you.”

  “I give you my word,” she answered. He could see in her eyes how desperately she wanted to stay with him, but he could not risk being distracted or giving Emilian and Serghei the opportunity to use her against him. He had no doubt in Ion and Nicu’s ability to protect her. They were both more dominant than any of the other males present besides himself. Vasile leaned down and pressed a firm kiss to her lips. He decided that if that was the last thing he tasted on this earth then he could die a happy man.

  “I love you,” she whispered against his mouth.

  “And I am so unworthy of that love, but I will take it and cherish it always.” With one last kiss he spoke through their bond. “I love you.”

  Vasile walked away leaving Alin to take over. It was time to get his mind fully focused on the task at hand. His wolf was eager for the battles ahead of them and was in no way intimidated by any of the males present. He was not sure if his wolf was overconfident or if he truly was just that dominant. He headed towards the front of the castle where there was a large gathering of males. As he got closer he saw that Emilian was actually helping direct the contenders to where they should go. When the Alpha looked up and met Vasile’s eyes only to quickly shift his gaze away, he realized that Emilian was not helping for the sake of helping. He had simply been waiting around so that he could see Vasile the moment he arrived.

  Serghei stepped up next to Emilian and raised his hands to draw the attention of the males. “The first three challenges are already decided. Those wanting to challenge the winners will need to go and stand next to the fighting circle of your choice. You lose a challenge either by submitting or death. Submissions will be allowed until the final three challenges. At that point, victory must come at the death of the defeated wolf.”

  Vasile took one last look at the Emilian and then marched off to the grounds where the matches would be taking place. It was not difficult to locate. The cheering and snarls led him straight to the south side of the castle where three large areas roughly twenty feet apart from each other had been marked around into designated fighting areas. Two of the fights were already in progress and the third one was just beginning. He walked slowly around the three circles, watching each male battling to move onto the next round. They were in their human forms though they could phase at any time; it was up to them. He watched the way they moved and watched which way their eyes shifted just before they would strike. He took note of the tells that most warriors did not even know they had. Some would grit their teeth just before a lunge or punch while others would flex a muscle in his chest or neck. It was usually something they were totally oblivious to, and yet they did it every time they started their attack. This would be the only round where he would get to study his opponents because once he entered into a challenge he would stay there until he lost, which was an
unacceptable outcome.

  Each of the rounds finished quickly and all of them in submissions. That at least told Vasile that there were some who still had control. The defeated wolves each drug themselves from the circles while the victors called out their next opponent. That was when he heard his name.

  “I call Vasile Lupei!”

  Vasile turned in the direction of the shout and saw a large man standing in the furthest circle from him. He nodded to the wolf acknowledging his acceptance of the challenge and headed towards him. He stepped just outside the circle because he knew once he crossed over the line the battle would begin.

  “I would like to know the name of the man who challenges me,” he told the wolf that he did not recognize.

  “I am Ivan, Emilian’s Beta.”

  Vasile was surprised that Emilian would allow his Beta to fight the one wolf he wanted dead so badly. He figured that Emilian would want to kill him by his own hand. Without another word Vasile stepped into the circle and towards the destiny of his life with Alina and their pack. The next hours or days would determine whether he was truly capable of being their Alpha. It would reveal whether he was worthy of such an honor. There were so many things that he was unsure of, but one thing that rang true was that he knew that his heart beat, his blood flowed, and his lungs breathed for two reasons―to love his mate and to lead his pack. He was destined to be Alpha and not just any Alpha, but one that would eventually see their entire race reunited. If he was asked how he knew such a thing he would not have an answer. As the first charge was made Vasile side stepped his opponent and turned with lightning fast speed bringing his elbow down on the wolf’s neck just as he passed him. Vasile heard the crunch of bone. He had broken the man’s neck, but it was not a killing blow. He looked down at Ivan who bared his neck to him.

  “Do you submit?” he asked him.

  The man would have nodded had he been capable, but no matter, Vasile could see the defeat in his eyes. Vasile looked up and motioned for some of his wolves who had been watching to help the wounded man from the circle. He turned in a slow circle, taking in the crowd around him, waiting to see who would speak up next. He would only call out two men, but protocol demanded everyone must be challenged according to their rank. It would be a long while until he could call out Serghei and Emilian’s names.