Finally the next wolf stepped forward. Vasile knew this man and hated that he now had to fight him, all because his wolf was out of control. So be it, he thought as the man attacked.

  One after the other Vasile took down his challengers. Each of them submitted to him once he had incapacitated them. He had not kept count of how many there had been, but it seemed they were now becoming less willing to challenge him. Night was beginning to fall and he was waiting on the next wolf to step forward.

  “You are fighting well, Alpha mine.” His mate’s voice was like cleansing rain as her love poured into his thoughts. She did not say more and he knew it was because she did not want to distract him but just having that little connection renewed his strength. That was why having a mate made a male stronger. Her light, her love gave him something unmated males did not have―the ability to control the wolf and focus his deadly rage. Concentrated rage was much more powerful than out of control chaos.

  The challenges continued. More wolves stepped forward and each one fell at his feet. Night enveloped them, rain poured over them, and still they fought. Vasile and his wolf were merged as one utilizing the other’s strengths, working in harmony in a way they never had. He was tired, but he was far from weak or impaired in any way. For the first time since his parents’ death, he truly felt like the Alpha he had been born to be.

  It was well into the second day when he noticed only six wolves remained left to challenge him. These, of course, were the most dominant of the traitorous wolves, two of which were Serghi and Emilian. From here on out, the challenges would be either submission or death. Vasile fought in one circle while Serghei and his opponent occupied the next, and past them in the furthest circle, Emilian engaged his opponent.

  Vasile could tell a marked difference in the wolf he faced now compared to the wolves he had fought earlier. This wolf’s skill was much more honed and he was faster. Regardless, he was still no match for the Alpha. In less than fifteen minutes, the wolf was on his back conceding.

  Vasile’s muscles shook with exhaustion and sweat coated his skin. His breathing was faster than usual but he was not yet winded. He had only minor slashes on his skin, most of which were already healing. Other than being tired, he was more than ready to take on his next rival. Serghei’s voice ringing in his head had him smiling. The wait was over, and justice was about to be served.

  Alina’s stomach twisted as she heard the voice that she truly never wanted to hear again.

  “Vasile Lupei, I challenge you.”

  She looked over from where she and her two guards stood. Ion had managed to secure her some crates to stand on so that she could see because they were not about to let her get any closer. Serghei stood at the edge of the circle that Vasile occupied. He looked tired, and blood ran down his arms and legs from the wounds others had managed to inflict. Her mate, on the other hand, looked as though he could fight another day and night without stopping for a rest. He truly amazed her.

  She watched as Vasile held up his hand to stop Serghei from entering the circle, and then his voice rang out strong and powerful. “Serghei, son of Sain and Theris, brother of Sisily, I sentence you to death. You need to know that whether or not you enter this circle you will die by my hand. For the murder of my mate’s parents and for the violation that you inflicted on her body and mind, I will rip you limb from limb.” He lifted his hand and motioned for the wolf to step in, to accept his fate.

  “And if I kill you?” Serghei asked, still on the outside of the circle.

  “Then hell has frozen over.”

  Alina’s lips turned up slightly at her mate’s reply, but the smile faded as soon as Serghei moved forward. Vasile struck hard and fast. He leapt across the circle closing the distance between them and raked his claws down Serghei’s face. Deep gashes immediately began to gush blood, and one split his left eye, rendering it useless. Serghei staggered but quickly recovered and darted towards Vasile attempting to run his own claws across the larger wolf’s abdomen. Alina was surprised at how quick Serghei was. Both men were utilizing their wolf’s assets without fully phasing; their punches and kicks much quicker and more powerful than that of a human. They circled one another and Serghei managed to land a couple of blows to Vasile’s face and one to his stomach, but neither seemed to slow Vasile down. The longer the fight went on the more focused he became. Meanwhile Serghei appeared to become sloppier with each blow exchanged. His movements were jerky and inaccurate. It was during one of those uncoordinated punches that Vasile made his move. He grabbed Serghei’s arm and turned quickly moving behind the wolf and bringing the arm with him. There was an audible pop and then a shout of pain from the man held in Vasile’s deadly hands. The rage in Vasile’s eyes would have any smart wolf backing down, and the power rolling off of him in waves was making it hard for everyone to breathe. With a loud snarl, he jerked Serghei’s arm and ripped it from the wolf’s body.

  “You should not watch this, Luna,” Ion urged her.

  She shook her head. “I have to. He is my mate and to look away when he has been victorious would show weakness on my part and could be interpreted that I did not approve of his actions. I will not give either impression to our pack.”

  Both wolves looked down at her and she felt their admiration. She could not respond because her eyes were glued on her mate who was doing exactly what he promised. He had ripped Serghei’s other arm off and the wolf was no longer struggling, only screaming. Blood flowed from his body like a river and she knew he would be dead in a matter of moments. But her wolf was not done. He took Serghei’s head in his hands dragging his body up from the ground as if it weighed nothing. Then Vasile’s eyes met hers. His wolf stared back at her and she felt her wolf responding. She was in awe of their mate―in his ability, his power, and his confidence. He stood before them with his prey at his mercy and yet he was waiting for her approval. Alina looked at the man who had killed her parents, touched her in a way no man other than her mate had a right to, and even bitten her, stealing her blood and leaving her skin marred for life. She looked back up at Vasile and knew that whatever she chose he would concede. Even in his fury he kept control. She thought about the consequences of both―whether he tore Serghei’s head from his body or simply broke his neck. Some would find the latter as weak. The Canis lupis considered their females precious, and to touch the true mate of another was an action for which mercy was not given. Alina knew that in order to lead dominant males, in order to control their beasts, it was imperative that they have a healthy fear of their Alpha. That fear allowed them to keep their wolf in check, especially those without mates. It gave them security and peace, both of which were needed for a thriving pack. Decision made; she nodded.

  No sooner had he ripped the wolf apart, Alina saw a glint of silver moving fast behind her mate. She screamed both through their bond and out loud for him to move but it was too late. Emilian had plunged a dagger deep into Vasile’s back.

  Vasile heard Alina’s gut wrenching scream just before he felt the air rush out of him and the cold steel bite deep into his back. His wolf howled, enraged at the cowardly action of his enemy. Vasile could not have stopped his wolf from taking over at that point even if he had wanted to. He phased, jumping out of reach of his opponent at the same time, and though the knife was pushed out by his power, the wound was still bleeding and badly enough that it would take some time to heal.

  As he lowered his body, his muzzle pulled back in a deadly snarl revealing canines over two inches in length, he met Emilian’s eyes. He too had phased to his wolf. He foolishly believed he had a chance now that he had injured the larger Alpha. Vasile knew better. Vasile flew at the cowardly wolf in a rage, running straight at the Alpha and plowing his head into his ribs. Emilain’s claws dug into the ground, attempting to stay upright so that he didn’t end up on side with his vulnerable soft stomach exposed. He managed to keep his feet and bent his head around to clamp his powerful jaws on Vasile’s shoulder. Vasile immediately dropped and rolled. The
unexpected move caused Emilian to release him. They circled one another, now both fully aware of the other’s strength.

  Vasile watched Emilian step slowly to the right, his ears pinned down tightly to his head and his fur puffed up to make him appear larger. He could tell that the traitor was weary and probably would not be able to fight much longer. And as Emilian lunged forward fast and hard, Vasile knew that the other Alpha’s plan was to attack as hard as he could moving with quick in-and-out motions in hopes that Vasile would somehow make a mistake. He dodged the snapped jaws and whipped around just in time to take Emilian’s claws on his flank instead of across his ribs. No sooner had Vasile lowered himself to the ground then the usurper was coming at him again. This time when Emilian lunged, Vasile was ready. With lightning quick speed, Vasile jumped under Emilian’s snapping jaws and clamped down on one of Emilian’s front legs with bone crushing strength. He released it just as quickly and jumped out of the reach of Emilian’s own muzzle. The traitorous Alpha stumbled as he tried to put weight on the broken leg and quickly pulled it back up. Vasile’s wolf sensed victory as his prey weakened. It was time he show Emilian why he was the rightful Alpha for the Eastern Romania pack. He drew on the power of the wolves who had sworn fealty to him―something only an Alpha with a loyal pack could do. It fueled his own magic and strength. Then he felt something he had never felt, his mate’s magic and power flowing into him. It was warmth and light and goodness. He imagined that if he could see inside of himself it would appear as if the sun was shining brightly, chasing away the darkness.

  Emilian sensed the change and Vasile saw the cowardice in the other wolf’s eyes just before Emilian turned and started to run. He made it two steps before Vasile landed on him his back, crushing the other wolf’s spine. Emilian collapsed and Vasile latched onto his neck and in one smooth motion jumped off of him and turned him so his stomach was exposed. He met the wolf’s eyes and as soon as Emilian dropped his gaze, Vasile buried his teeth in his neck and ripped his throat open. He waited to see if his prey was indeed dead, and then he threw his head back and howled.

  Alina fell to her knees along with every wolf present as her mate declared his victory over his enemy. The howl that he sang out into the silence called to each of them. They joined him in one accord as they sang together. As the howl died she watched Vasile turn in a slow circle regarding his pack as one by one they bared their necks in submission. Finally, he was in his rightful place. He was where he needed to be in order to help their species thrive, to become the mighty wolves that the Great Luna desired they be. He met her eyes last and she alone among all of those kneeling could hold his gaze.

  “Come to me.” His voice was gravelly, the wolf still in control.

  She obeyed, standing and walking through the crowd. As she walked she heard the murmured words of her pack as they addressed her, accepted her.

  “Luna.” Over and over it was repeated until she reached Vasile’s side. He looked at her, and she saw the adoration burning in his eyes.

  “You must address our pack now, Luna of Mine.”

  She turned and looked out over them. Some she knew very well, others she had yet to meet, but for every single one of them she held love in her heart.

  “Vasile has taken back what was his by right. He is our Alpha. I am his mate and his Luna. Today we vow this to you as your Alpha pair. Never again will you live in fear. Never again will you be unprotected. Those of you who are dominant, never again will you battle with your wolves. Your Alpha is strong enough to control the beast raging inside you. We are pack; we will love each other, support one another, sacrifice for those who need us, and we will stand united. Declare your fealty to your Alpha and let us once again thrive under his care.”

  Vasile released them from his power and the howls and cheers were deafening as they rejoiced. From here they could begin to heal, to grow, and to face a future as a united pack with an Alpha ready and willing to do whatever was necessary to see them thrive.

  Romanian Proverb # 21

  Începutul e anevoie, urma vine de la sine.

  A good beginning makes a good ending.

  “I understand why you did not want my help,” Anghel told Vasile as they stood in library of the Eastern Romania pack castle. A mere twenty-four hours had passed since Vasile had retaken his pack and yet it already seemed like a lifetime ago.

  “I could not prove myself as capable and strong if I had to have your assistance, not for claiming the Alpha title.”

  “True, but I feel responsible for what has taken place, and I am sorry for all that your pack has suffered over the years.”

  Vasile patted the Alpha and longtime family friend on the shoulder. “You are not responsible for the actions of another. You know that. Emilian would have found another way. He was determined to lead a pack, thinking that the position itself would give him power. What he did not understand was that the power must come from within. To hold a pack together, to be able ensure that the dominants obey and that everyone is protected, requires true strength bestowed by the Great Luna. Attempting to do so, without such strength, is like trying to fell a mighty oak with a butter knife.”

  Anghel smiled. “Your father would be proud.”

  “I hope so,” Vasile admitted.

  “I hear that you have something quite important happening tomorrow, some might even say life changing,” the Alpha teased.

  Vasile did not attempt to stop the grin that spread across his face any time someone mentioned his mate. “It might change things a little.”

  “Treasure her, Vasile,” Anghel’s tone had become serious. “Things will not always be easy but what joy she will bring you. And what an amazing chance you have to live sacrificially for a female whose heart beats solely for you.”

  That night Vasile lay in his bed alone, not by his own choice and definitely not happy about it. His wolf was even more displeased, but it was what Alina wanted because tomorrow they would be bound as one. She had attempted to reason with him, and when that did not work, she simply told him that he could grumble all he wanted, but her bed would be occupied by only one for the final time that night.

  “It will be good for us to spend our last night unbounded apart, so we will remember just how empty we are without the other.” Her words echoed in his mind as he growled into the empty room. It was not quite as satisfying to grumble about something when no one was there to listen.

  “I do not need to be reminded, Mina. I assure you the four years without you are thoroughly engrained in my memory. You will sleep with me.” He thought that would be the end of it. He supposed now, he was being taught a very important lesson as he began his life with his mate; she was not one of his wolves to obey his commands or submit to him without question. She was his equal maybe not in strength or speed but in every way that mattered, and that gave her the right to question him, argue with him, and perhaps occasionally put him in his place.

  As he slipped into her mind he smiled to himself. He thought it only fair that she should learn a lesson as well. He did not like to be denied, especially by her, and a smart wolf was a patient hunter. It knew that often the best time to engage your prey was when they were not expecting it.

  “As the dutiful mate that I am, I wanted to make sure you were not lonely.” He dropped his voice to a deep purr and felt her immediate reaction. He pictured her in his mind, imagined his fingers stroking her cheek, his lips pressed to her neck, and his breath on her flushed skin. “I would be remiss in my responsibilities if I did not meet any needs that you might have.” He paused, listening to her breathing increase, feeling her desire for him grow. “Is―is there something you need, beloved?”

  “Vasile.” His name was a plea on her lips and it touched him to his soul.

  “Yes, Mina?”

  “I need…would you,” He loved that he had affected her so and loved even more that she needed him enough to ask. She was quiet for a moment and he thought his heart might beat out of his chest as he waited for her to
ask him to come to her, to hold her, and to ease the ache he knew they both felt. Finally she continued.

  “Would you please go check on Cosmina? I did not give her any grain this evening. And while you are up could you make sure the lanterns in the gathering hall have plenty of kerosene so that they will not burn out during tomorrow’s feast? Oh and one more thing, I love you, and I cannot wait to be completely yours.”

  He was growling and clawing the sheets until that last part. How could he stay irritated with her when she said something so sweet and something she knew he needed to hear? He let out a deep sigh and finally resigned himself to one last night of bachelorhood.

  While waiting for his mate to arrive, Vasile told Perizada, “Thank you for coming.” They stood by the river that had been Alina’s favorite spot. It was finally happening. Today he would be bound to her and she to him and nothing would ever separate them.

  “It is an honor, Vasile,” she told him respectively, but true to her pompous nature she added, “though the main reason I am here is to make sure your mate knows not to put up with the overbearing, often times obnoxious, and almost always ridiculous behavior of the males of your species. In particular―you.”

  “I am not sure that your advice will be needed. My female is quite outspoken without another’s encouragement,” he grumbled as he remembered his night with a bed very empty of his mate.