"I don't get it."

  "What's that?" Hudson asked, before taking another sip of his cocktail.

  "How someone so gorgeous hasn't been swept off his feet." Trent leaned against the bar, facing Hudson. It was a little disconcerting being the focus of Trent's intense gaze, but that was likely due to the fact Hudson hadn't been looked at in such a way in a long time, at least not by someone who wasn't Seb. Trent took Hudson's hand, his thumb stroking Hudson's wrist, making Hudson's cheeks flush.

  "Yes, well, being marked tends to put a damper on things for some."

  "Good thing I'm nothing like those idiots. Some people can be so narrow-minded. I admit, I didn't really get it at first, the whole being marked or marking someone, but it makes sense. I mean, you fall hard for someone, think they're going to be with you forever, and one day they're not. Why shouldn't you find happiness again?"

  Hudson's heart skipped a beat when Trent slowly straightened. He put his hand to Hudson's cheek, his smile stunning. "You deserve to be happy, Hudson."

  Before Hudson could respond, Trent kissed him. Hudson stiffened, the taste, scent, and feel of Trent foreign to him. This was not his mate, and his inner wolf was livid. Hudson quickly shook himself out of it. He leaned into the kiss and placed his hands on Trent's shoulders, slanting his mouth and parting his lips in response. It was a sweet kiss, their tongues exploring languidly, tasting, caressing. Trent was in no hurry, and Hudson relaxed. When they came up for air, Hudson felt his face flush at Trent's incredible smile.


  Hudson laughed softly. He averted his gaze, but Trent gently turned his head back to him.

  "I really, really don't want to say good night. Not yet. I thought maybe, since I missed your birthday, you'd let me make it up to you?"

  "Oh?" Hudson blinked at him, surprised Trent had known about Hudson's birthday.

  "Yeah, I got you a little something. It's back at my place. You can say no. I'll just bring it in to work tomorrow, and it's all good." Trent laughed and shook his head. "My God, that sounded like the cheesiest pickup line ever."

  "You bought me something for my birthday?"


  Hudson was touched. He really was having a good time. What would it hurt to extend the evening a little longer? It wasn't late by any means, and they were just getting to know each other. They didn't get to speak much at work, and it wasn't as if Hudson was committed. Besides, Trent wasn't some stranger he'd met at a bar or club. He was a colleague. This was the perfect opportunity to see where things could go with Trent. A chance at a new beginning.

  "All right."

  "Great!" Trent got up and offered his arm to Hudson, who took it with a bright smile. It started to rain, and Hudson laughed as they ran down the street to the garage where the car was parked. By the time they reached the front door of Trent's ground-floor flat, Hudson's hair was a mess. They were both a bit of a mess, actually.

  HUDSON TOOK a seat on the couch in Trent's living room as Trent fetched them each a towel. Hudson dried his hair and ran a hand through it before wiping his glasses. They'd fogged up from the run, forcing him to take Trent's hand.

  "Thank you," Hudson said, handing the towel to Trent. The flat was sparse but neat. A few boxes remained unpacked in one corner, but the living room was set up, for the most part. The leather couch Hudson sat on was comfortable, matching the sleek black-and-silver coffee table in front of it. A furry white rug lay elegantly beneath the coffee table, and a large flat-screen TV was nestled in a black entertainment center, its shelves occupied by video equipment, movies, and books. Everything was high-end, but a little... impersonal. No photographs of family, friends, or even art hung on the walls or sat framed on shelves. Perhaps Trent simply hadn't decorated yet.

  "Be right back." Trent left the room, and seconds later returned singing "Happy Birthday" and holding a blue-frosted cupcake with a lit candle in the center.

  Hudson laughed softly, touched by the gesture. Trent sat beside him and held the cupcake out. "Make a wish."

  Hudson thought about it. He smiled at Trent and made his wish, the only one he'd ever wanted to come true--to find happiness once again. Trent removed the candle and tossed it onto the napkin he placed on the coffee table. He held the cupcake out to Hudson, and when he went to take it, Trent tapped the frosted peak against Hudson's nose, making him laugh.

  "I'm sorry," Trent said with a chuckle. "I couldn't help it. You're so damn adorable."

  Hudson felt himself blushing as he took the cupcake. He peeled back the paper and split it in half. He bit down on his and handed the other to Trent. Instead of taking it, Trent took a bite while Hudson held it. Hudson watched Trent eat from his hand as he finished off his own cupcake. Two of Hudson's fingers were covered in frosting, and he gasped as Trent pulled them into his mouth and sucked the frosting off with a decadent hum.

  "I wonder if the rest of you tastes this sweet." Trent waggled his eyebrows, and Hudson's laughter was cut short by Trent kissing him again. The shock quickly wore off, and Hudson closed his eyes, parting his lips to give Trent access to his mouth. Trent tasted sweet, and Hudson leaned into him, allowing Trent to slip his hand around Hudson's nape, drawing him closer and deepening the kiss. Hudson curled his fingers into Trent's shirt, heat building inside him as Trent pushed gently. Hudson followed Trent's lead, lowering onto his back as Trent continued to kiss him. Trent shifted, bringing Hudson's leg up off the floor and over his hip so Hudson lay stretched on the couch beneath him. It felt so good to be desired, to feel Trent's ragged breath against his skin, to know Trent didn't care that Hudson had another man's mark scarred into his skin.

  "You're so beautiful," Trent said against Hudson's lips before he moved his mouth to Hudson's neck. Hudson's breath hitched as Trent ground his hard erection against Hudson's. It had been so bloody long....

  The doorbell startled Hudson, and he put a hand to Trent's chest.

  "Shit. Sorry." Trent stood, calling out over his shoulder as he walked to the door, "I hope you don't mind, but I invited a couple of friends over."

  Hudson was confused. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair. "Oh. Um.... Okay." Was their date over? Perhaps the evening hadn't gone as well as Hudson had thought. Trent seemed to have been enjoying himself. Had he not expected things to go smoothly? Why else would Trent invite friends to join them?

  "Guys, this is Hudson. I told you he was gorgeous, didn't I?"

  Smiling, Hudson waved at the two Therians. He wasn't quite sure what to say. Or do. This felt... odd. Trent dropped down on the couch beside him again, and the two men took a seat to Hudson's left, far too close for comfort. The one closest to Hudson put his hand on Hudson's thigh. Hudson bolted to his feet.

  "I should, um, I should go, Trent." Hudson smiled apologetically. "I had a wonderful time tonight, and thank you for the cupcake, but I have a very early start tomorrow." He lied. He had a half day tomorrow and wasn't due in until noon. "You know how it is." He headed for the door, but Trent caught his hand, turning Hudson to face him. He looked disappointed.

  "Don't go. Please." Trent's pupils dilated as he stepped closer to Hudson. He ran his thumb across Hudson's knuckles, his other thumb brushing Hudson's bottom lip. "I think you'll enjoy yourself."

  It took Hudson a moment to catch Trent's meaning. Suddenly he felt sick to his stomach, not to mention incredibly foolish. Was that why Trent had asked him out on a date?

  "Oh, I, um, I thought you--" Hudson shook his head. "Never mind. I'm sorry, Trent, but I'm not interested. I hope you have a good night." He tried to leave, but Trent gripped his wrist tightly. Hudson's inner wolf stirred, his hackles going up.

  "Come on, Doc. None of us care that you're tainted. It's just a bit of fun."


  Hudson glared at Trent. He didn't know which insult he found more disturbing. "I see. I'm tainted, so therefore I must be desperate for a shag from anyone who's willing and able to put their dick inside me." Hudson jerked his arm away, his voic
e a low growl. "Well, thank you for your charitable offer, but I would rather go celibate the rest of my life than let one of you touch me. Excuse me."

  "Come on. Don't be that way. We had such a good time at dinner, which wasn't cheap, by the way."

  "And neither am I," Hudson snapped. Was Trent serious? "Had you made your intentions clear from the start, I would have declined your generous offer." He ignored Trent's pleas, grabbed his jacket, and left the flat as quickly as he could, slamming the door behind him. He threw open the front door to the building and ran down the steps, then took off down the street, not caring about the rain, not caring that he had no idea where he was or where he was going. He just needed to get as far away from here as possible.

  Hudson hated himself for the sting in the back of his eyes. He'd been such a bloody idiot, believing someone might love him for who he was, mark and all. What a fool. Falling for Trent's charms, for his smile and sweet words, when all Trent wanted from him was a bit of fun. Hudson had nothing against a casual hookup. He wasn't such a prude, but to believe Hudson was so desperate for intimacy he would eagerly accept what Trent offered. Because he was tainted.

  Hudson had been called many names in his life. It came with being a Therian in a world that at one point believed them to be an abomination, a scientific mistake. But to be looked down upon by his own kind? It hurt more than any slur ever flung at him.

  Where the hell was he? He paused long enough to glance around, and found a closed thrift store to his left and warehouses to his right. The street was poorly lit, consisting of either residential buildings or businesses closed for the day. A blow to his lower back had him reeling forward, and he hit the pavement hard, his hands getting scraped on the concrete. His glasses landed several feet away. He pushed up to his knees, but he was dragged into the thrift store's empty parking lot and tossed to the ground behind a set of huge dumpsters. He hit the asphalt, the wind knocked out of him. With a groan, he rolled over and stared up at the three hooded men.

  "You think you're better than me?"

  Hudson's eyes widened. "Trent?"

  "You tainted piece of shit."

  Hudson scrambled to get up, but Trent kicked him in the stomach. The blow had him gasping for air. The kicks were fast and fierce, and Hudson did his best to protect his head. He grabbed one guy's leg and was kicked in the face. Coughing, Hudson tasted blood.

  "Stop! Please." Hudson put out a hand. "I work for the THIRDS! You won't get away with this."

  Trent crouched down and snatched Hudson's wrist so he wouldn't punch Trent in his stupid face. "Oh, you're not going to say a word. They never do."

  "Fuck off, you miserable wanker piece of shit!" Hudson spat in his face, and Trent laughed.

  "Ooh, I knew there was a wild wolf under all those sweater vests." Trent dragged Hudson to his feet and shoved him into the wall. He moved in, his fist raised, but Hudson managed to duck. He threw a right hook, catching Trent on his ribs and making him cry out. Hudson was going in for another hit when one of the other men grabbed a fistful of his hair and slammed him into the brick wall, his head smacking against it. He gasped for air, the world spinning around him. For a slip of a moment, he thought he was going to pass out.

  Refusing to give in, Hudson fought with all his strength, keeping his fists up in front of him. He kicked out, bit, and scratched whoever came close enough as they took their hits. Trent fell over as Hudson got a good kick in and managed to stagger free of the group, only to get tackled. His hands and knuckles were bleeding, his body sore from being used as a punching bag. They kicked him, and someone punched him in the kidney. Hudson shielded his head, but a blow to the face stunned him, his vision growing blurry. Another kick to the stomach had him coughing and wheezing as he curled up on his side.

  "You're a fucking tease, Colbourn," Trent spat. "You think you can strut around like you're better than everyone, getting guys to wine and dine you, and then when they get close, you pull the rug out from under them, acting all chaste, instead of the filth you are? Like that cocktease Daley."

  "You stay the fuck away from him," Hudson snarled. He kicked out, catching one of the bastards in the knee, relishing the painful howl the cougar Therian released.

  "You little shit."

  If it had been just Trent, Hudson could have defended himself and perhaps even subdued him. Hudson was a trained agent, after all, but he wasn't trained like Trent. Defense agents were prepared for all manner of lethal situations--situations THIRDS medical examiners rarely expected to encounter. Against three Felid Therians much larger and stronger than him, Hudson didn't stand a chance.

  The lights above the thrift store's side entrance flickered, and Hudson prayed it wasn't his vision, that he wasn't about to lose consciousness. Everything was plunged into darkness, and Hudson gasped, scrambling to get away. A white light burst around them, blinding him, and from the shouts behind him, the other men as well. A pungent odor Hudson couldn't pinpoint flooded the air around him, wreaking havoc with his sense of smell. He coughed, crawling carefully toward the parking lot exit. This was his chance to escape. He had no idea what the hell was going on, but if he didn't move now, Trent and his friends were going to put him in the hospital. If that's what they even intended. A firm grip on his arm startled him, and he clawed at the hand, finding it was gloved. Fear swept through Hudson, but before he could say a word, he was hauled to his feet.

  "Get the hell out of here," the figure growled in a low voice before shoving him past the chain-link fence and out onto the pavement. Hudson flailed but managed to stay on his feet. He spotted his glasses on the ground and swiped them up, then put them back on. One of the lenses was cracked, but he could see well enough. The rain poured down, but he was free. He forced his legs to move and ran down the street. A cab sat idle in front of one of the buildings. Hudson ran over, surprised when the cabbie opened the window.

  "You call a car? Geez, you okay, man?"

  Hudson nodded. He hadn't called a car, but the cab driver didn't need to know that. He got in and gave the address of the only place he would be safe. As the cab pulled away, Hudson wrapped his arms around himself as he began to shiver uncontrollably. It would be okay. He'd be okay soon. He just needed to get home.

  "COME ON. Answer your damn phone."

  Seb paced his living room, trying not to lose his shit or put in an emergency call to headquarters. He prayed he was overreacting. That any minute now Hudson was going to call him back and tell him to fuck off.

  His body was sore, his muscles ached, and his stomach was queasy. He hurt all over. Where the hell was Hudson, and why wasn't he answering? Even when Hudson didn't answer Seb's calls, he'd text to let Seb know he was being ignored. They hadn't talked in days, but Hudson wouldn't let him worry like this if he was okay. Hudson was out there somewhere, hurt.

  The doorbell rang, and Seb stilled. A multitude of scenarios ran through his head, none of them setting his nerves at ease. What if it was one of their own agents come to let him know something terrible had happened to Hudson? That he was lying in a hospital somewhere. Seb shook his head and hurried over to the door, unlocked it, and threw it open. He was stunned silent by the sight before him.

  Seb's heart warred with itself, struggling between the overwhelming need to comfort and the sheer rage threatening to consume him. He would have given anything to have been wrong. Hudson shivered violently as rivulets of water streamed down from his hair, over his bruised and bloodied face, to the torn, dirt-stained clothes plastered to his skin. The left lens in his glasses was cracked, and from behind the right lens, Seb could see the redness in Hudson's tear-filled eyes. His bottom lip was bloodied and trembled, much like Hudson's voice when he spoke.

  "I... I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have come... after... what I did, but I... I need.... You always make me feel safe."

  Seb didn't hesitate. He held out his hand, and Hudson took it. Seb closed the door behind them and locked up before leading Hudson upstairs to the bedroom. He grabbed a big
fluffy towel from the closet and began drying Hudson in the hopes of warming him up. Hudson tried to move away from him.

  "You're soaked to the bone and freezing."

  Hudson shook his head. "I ran out on you, and now you're taking care of me. Why?"

  Seb cupped Hudson's face. "You know why."

  Hudson nodded. He allowed Seb to take his hand and lead him into the bathroom. As Seb turned on the water and checked the temperature, Hudson stood silently, staring at the floor. It was likely shock was beginning to set in. What the hell happened to him? He had bruises, scrapes, and cuts all over. By the looks of his hands and knuckles, Hudson had fought fiercely. Seb didn't want to leave him, but Hudson didn't need him adding to his unease.

  "I'll be just outside, okay?"

  Hudson nodded. He looked up at Seb, his blue eyes filled with so much heartache and pain. Seb wanted nothing more than to take that hurt from him. If only Hudson would let him. Hudson opened his mouth as if to speak, then closed it again. He turned away from Seb and started unbuttoning his shirt. Seb quietly stepped into the bedroom and closed the bathroom door behind him. He walked to his dresser and pulled open the bottom drawer to remove a pair of soft pajama bottoms and a comfy T-shirt.

  Seb couldn't help his smile. When Hudson walked out nearly seven years ago, he left some clothes behind, and Seb never had the heart to get rid of them, telling himself Hudson could have taken those too. It had given him hope. The clothes sat where Hudson had originally stored them in the dresser. The gray T-shirt had an atom symbol in the center, and beneath the drawing, it said: "Never trust an atom. They make everything up." Hudson was so fucking nerdy it was adorable.

  Seb went to the bathroom door and cracked it open. "I'm just going to leave some clothes for you on the hook behind the door, okay?"

  There was no reply. Seb stepped inside, mindful to give Hudson his privacy. He hung the clothes up and stood facing the door. "I need to know you're okay, sweetheart." More silence. He was about to turn around, when Hudson spoke up, his voice barely audible over the spraying water from the showerhead.