"I'm okay."

  "I'll be outside, then. Take as long as you like." He left the door slightly ajar in case Hudson needed him. While Hudson showered, Seb turned down the bed. The water turned off quicker than expected, and a heartbeat later, Hudson was standing in the bathroom doorway, a frown on his face as he held his dirty clothes.

  "I don't want these," he murmured, looking as if he were on the verge of tears. "Can you get rid of them? I don't want them."

  Whatever the hell had happened, it had done a number on Hudson. Seb didn't make any sudden movements. He crossed the distance between them at a normal pace and carefully took the clothes from him, his voice gentle.

  "You got it. Why don't you lie down and rest? I'll be right back."

  Hudson nodded, and Seb left the room, hurried downstairs, and dropped Hudson's clothes off in the laundry room on the washing machine. He'd worry about them later, but at least this way they were out of sight. He made sure there was nothing Hudson might need in any of the pockets. Hudson's wallet, keys, and phone were still in his jeans. Seb removed them and brought them upstairs. Hudson hadn't moved from the spot where Seb left him. Seb's heart squeezed at Hudson's flushed cheeks and dazed expression. He looked like a lost little boy.

  Seb placed Hudson's belongings on the nightstand, then returned to him. He didn't touch Hudson, afraid he might spook him.


  Hudson didn't even blink.


  A sharp intake of breath was followed by Hudson's bright blue eyes meeting his. "Seb?"

  "Yeah, baby, I'm here. Why don't you come rest?" Hudson was a little unsteady on his feet, and Seb was afraid he wouldn't be standing much longer. He looked exhausted and in pain. Seb held out his hand. "Come on."

  Hudson nodded. He took Seb's hand and followed him over to the bed, where he sat down on the edge. Several heartbeats later, he lay down on his side, turning away from Seb. He curled up on himself, and Seb's heart broke all over again. He yearned to comfort, to seek out the source of Hudson's pain and take it away, but this wasn't about what he wanted. It was about what Hudson needed. Seb pulled the blanket over Hudson and stroked his hair before he realized what he'd done.

  He pulled back his hand. "If you need anything, just let me know. I'll be downstairs." He turned off the light and was about to leave when Hudson sat up.

  "Don't leave me."

  Seb turned, swallowing hard at Hudson's wide, glassy-eyed stare as he sat with the duvet pulled up to his chin. He looked so unlike himself, so... vulnerable.

  "Please. Please don't go."

  Seb climbed into bed under the covers. He lay on his side facing Hudson but didn't move. Hudson searched Seb's gaze. What was he looking for? Without a word, Hudson gingerly moved closer and shifted down, his head under Seb's chin as he snuggled as close to Seb as he could, as if he were trying to burrow inside Seb. He slipped an arm around Seb, his face buried against Seb's chest, and his right leg in between Seb's. His entire body was pressed against Seb's. When he was settled, he released a heart-wrenching sigh.

  "I'm not going anywhere, Lobito," Seb murmured before kissing the top of Hudson's head as he wrapped an arm around him, holding him tight. "I promise."

  Hudson nodded. He trembled in Seb's arms, his silent sobs tearing at Seb's heart. Closing his eyes, Seb pushed down his rising fury. Someone had hurt Hudson, and Seb wanted nothing more than to find whoever it was and return the favor. For now, he'd remain right where he was and be whatever Hudson needed him to be.

  Chapter 8

  HUDSON WOKE to the most wonderful smell.

  The pain that coursed through his body when he rolled onto his side was certainly not wonderful. With a groan, he opened his eyes. Wait. This wasn't his bedroom. Slowly he sat up. Last night came rushing back to him with exceptional clarity. He'd been jumped by that arsehole Trent and his friends, and someone had stepped in. Hudson remembered the gloved hand, the strange scent, and some kind of smoke, which was odd, but then again, everything happened so quickly. He could have sworn the man had said something to him. Perhaps someone walking by who heard the commotion? Whoever it was, Hudson hoped they were all right. He hated to think someone might have been hurt attempting to help him. He would make a discreet inquiry.

  Sitting on the edge of the huge Therian-sized bed, Hudson scanned the room. He was in Seb's house. In his bed. The room had barely changed since the last time he'd been in it. It looked somewhat different without his belongings littered about. Not that Hudson was messy; he simply had a habit of misplacing things and not realizing they were right in front of him. He had lost count of how many times he went mad looking for his glasses only to find them perched on his head. Speaking of.... He found his glasses on the nightstand and picked them up with a smile. They were his backup pair. Seb must have had them fetched from Hudson's desk drawer at work. Looking down at his clothes, he ran a hand over the soft cotton of the familiar T-shirt. He'd worn it often around the house. Their house. Had it really been so long ago that Hudson had called this home?


  Last night when he climbed into that cab, he could have gone anywhere. He could have gone to Nina's or Dex and Sloane's house. Hell, he could have gone to any of his friends for help, but he didn't. He came here. To Seb. To the man he knew without any reservation would always be there to catch him, no matter what they were to each other. It wasn't Hudson's intent to hurt Seb. In fact, Seb was the last person on earth Hudson wished to hurt. He'd just never expected to be so weak. For so long, he believed staying away from Seb was for the best, but he'd never imagined it would get harder with time.

  Hudson stood and winced. His body felt as though he'd been hit by a BearCat. As he left the bedroom, he recalled last night. He'd been so dazed, uncertain of what he needed. Seb had no such doubts. He hadn't poked or prodded for answers as Hudson had feared he might. In the past, he would have. He'd have demanded to know who hurt Hudson, and they would have likely argued over it. Instead, Seb left him to his thoughts. He cradled Hudson in his arms, held him close, and gave Hudson what he needed--time and space to work through what had happened. Hudson was still working through it, but Seb had been there for him, comforting him, his touch and words tender.

  Downstairs, Hudson found Seb in the kitchen with Dom. Dom sat at the counter, drinking coffee as Seb stood at the stove cooking up something delicious. He turned off the heat and moved the pan to one side before turning and stilling when he saw Hudson. At Seb's reaction, Dom turned around. Dom's hazel eyes darkened, and his expression turned grim. Was Dom angry with him for being here? Hudson wouldn't blame him in the slightest. Dom had become very protective of Seb in the years since Seb joined Theta Destructive. The two were close friends, and Hudson was grateful for it, knowing Dom had Seb's back in all matters, not only on the job.

  Dom stood, and Hudson remained where he was, rubbing his arm absently as Dom strode over. He stopped in front of Hudson, and Hudson braced himself. Whatever harsh words Dom had for him, he deserved them for showing up here after what he'd put Seb through, expecting Seb to take care of him after breaking the man's heart time and time again. Seb confided in Dom, and next to Hudson, Dom was the only one permitted to witness any vulnerability in Seb.

  Dom's lips pressed into a thin line, and he reached up. Hudson couldn't help his flinch. He hadn't meant to. It wasn't as if he didn't trust Dom. He was a good man and a good friend. Dom frowned.

  "It's just me, Doc," he murmured.

  "I know. I'm sorry," Hudson replied quietly, holding still when Dom placed his fingers under Hudson's chin and turned his head first to the right, then the left.

  "You okay?"

  Hudson swallowed past the lump in his throat. He couldn't reply, so he simply nodded. Dom wasn't angry with him; he was concerned. Why? He should be angry. Hudson couldn't understand it. Dom resumed his seat at the counter, and Seb appeared in front of Hudson, his bright green eyes filled with worry. He stood so close, his big, solid frame offering shelt
er. He was still dressed in his pajama bottoms and a threadbare T-shirt Hudson yearned to slip his hands under. Being this close to Seb and not touching him was painful, but Hudson basked in Seb's warmth, in the sense of calm and safety only Seb could provide. It was incredible how the man inspired such a feeling of absolute security.

  "I spoke to Nina and told her you weren't feeling well, and she said not to worry. She's got everything under control, so you've got the day off. You stay here as long as you need to. I left the spare key upstairs on my nightstand, and if you need anything at all, you call me, okay?"

  "Thank you," Hudson replied, his voice hoarse. Seb was still taking care of him.

  "You good to eat something?"

  Hudson nodded. He joined Dom at the island counter and took a seat in one of the tall chairs. He thanked Seb when a plate filled with two fried eggs, crispy bacon, sausage links, hash browns, Heinz baked beans, and buttered toast was placed in front of him along with a cup of tea. He stared down at his plate before moving his gaze to Seb.

  "You remembered the beans."

  Seb winked at him. "Of course. What's a full English breakfast without the Heinz beans? No mushrooms of course."

  The dish was one of Hudson's favorite comfort foods, but he was very particular about which beans he had with his full English. He'd shown Seb how to make the dish years ago, and on mornings after a particularly rough workday, Hudson would wake up to his favorite breakfast. Seb would bring it up to the bedroom on a tray with a cup of tea and a small vase with a rose in it. They'd have breakfast in bed together, cuddle, shower, then make love before having to shower again and head out to work. Seb wasn't one for grand gestures. He showed his love in countless other ways. He was exceptional at small details. When Hudson mentioned something he liked or would like, something he'd seen or something that made him smile, Seb remembered. If it concerned Hudson, Seb remembered every detail. He never tried to impress Hudson with flashy gifts, never presumed to know what Hudson was thinking or wanted, never made decisions for him. He was thoughtful. Always putting Hudson before himself.

  Hudson was suddenly overcome with emotion, and he bit down on his bottom lip to keep it from trembling. "I'm sorry," he said with a sniff. "Bloody arse. Crying over beans."

  Dom got up, his voice low when he spoke. "I'm, uh, just going upstairs to use the bathroom. Excuse me."

  Seb stepped up beside Hudson and swiveled his chair around to face him. He placed his hand to Hudson's cheek, and Hudson leaned into the touch, a shuddered sigh escaping him as Seb brushed his fingers down Hudson's jaw, his touch tender.

  "When you're ready to talk about what happened, I'm right here."

  Hudson met Seb's gaze, his heart in his throat. "What if I'm never ready?"

  The muscles in Seb's jaw flexed, and his eyes darkened on instinct. Hudson waited for an argument, surprised when it never came.

  "Then I'll respect your decision." Seb brushed his thumb over Hudson's bottom lip, and Hudson let out an unsteady breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. "Whatever you need, I'm here."

  "Seb, I--"

  Seb put up a hand. "I mean it. I'll always be here for you." He motioned toward the counter. "You should eat something before it gets cold. I'm going to take a shower and get ready."

  "Thank you for breakfast and for these." Hudson tapped the frames of his glasses. "I hope it wasn't too much trouble."

  Seb smiled that beautiful boyish grin of his. "I had Dom pick them up from work this morning and bring them over." With a wink, he headed for the stairs just as Dom came down.

  Hudson turned back to his breakfast. He was hungrier than expected and finished everything on his plate. Dom was silent beside him, which was very unlike him. As soon as Hudson washed up, he leaned on the counter across from Dom and studied him.

  "Something on your mind?"

  Dom released a heavy sigh. "It's killing him, you know. Not knowing who hurt you. You plan on telling him?"

  Hudson leaned forward on his elbows, his gaze unwavering. "Three men jumped me last night and beat the hell out of me for being marked and having the audacity to walk away from a proposition. If a stranger hadn't come to my rescue, I would most likely be in the hospital now. I know one of the men who attacked me, and so does Seb. Now tell me, Dominic. You're his best friend. What do you think would happen if I told Seb who did this to me and why?"

  "Shit." Dom ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. "Shit. So you're just gonna let the son of a bitch get away with it?"

  "I don't know what I'm going to do, but what I won't do is have Seb pay for my mistake." Hudson didn't bother telling Dom not to speak a word of this to Seb. Dom was many things, but most importantly, he was a good man. He wouldn't betray Hudson.

  "And if he finds out?" Dom asked. "This is Seb we're talking about."

  "He gave me his word."

  Dom nodded. He released a heavy sigh. "Okay. You know if you need anything, all you have to do is ask."

  Hudson smiled warmly. "Thank you. I really appreciate that."

  Dom wasn't happy with Hudson's decision, but he accepted it. Most likely because he knew Hudson was right. If Hudson told Seb, there would be no stopping Seb. When it came to Hudson's safety, Seb listened to no one, not even Hudson. It had been the source of many an argument between them. Hudson didn't need codling. He could take care of himself. Granted, he hadn't done a very good job of it last night, but he'd made a mistake, one he'd have to live with. Having Seb be there for him instead of rushing off to avenge him was what Hudson needed, wanted. What he'd always needed.

  Seb came downstairs, looking handsome as always, his hair wet and roguishly tousled. The man was breathtaking, and all he had on was a faded green T-shirt, the fabric pulling over his biceps and chest as he moved, while his jeans hugged his powerful legs and tantalizing arse. He had on his heavy biker boots, and he grabbed the beat-up leather jacket from the hook by the front door and slipped into it with ease and grace. Hudson stood in the kitchen, mesmerized by Seb's muscular frame as he moved around the house. Seb grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and frowned.

  "Shit, I forgot to empty the dryer."

  "I can do it," Hudson offered as he came around the counter and stepped up beside him.

  "It can wait until I get home." Seb shrugged and smiled. "Don't worry about it."

  "It's fine, Sebastian. Honestly. I don't mind." Hudson reached up absently and straightened the collar of Seb's jacket.

  "Okay. Thank you." Seb made to lean in, then caught himself. He cleared his throat and pulled back nonchalantly, motioning toward the door. "I'll, um, talk to you later. Just maybe leave me a note or send me a text if you go, so I know you're okay."

  Hudson nodded. He followed Seb to the front door, and Dom opened it for them.

  "Have a good day at work," Hudson told them, standing in the doorway as Seb headed down the steps. He took hold of Dom's arm before he could get far. Dom turned, his brows furrowed in silent question. "Keep him safe, please."

  Dom's smile reached his warm hazel eyes. "Always, Doc."

  Hudson had turned to go inside, when he spotted Seb's wallet on the small table by the door. Bollocks. He snatched it and rushed out the door.


  Seb strode back from around his truck and hurried over. "Everything okay?"

  Hudson held out his wallet to him, his smile wide. "You might need this."

  "I think you might be right." Seb took it with a chuckle and pushed it into the back pocket of his jeans. "Thanks."

  Hudson couldn't stop from tugging at the ends of Seb's jacket. "Take care out there."

  "I will," Seb promised, his voice low and husky. "You should get inside. You're barefoot."

  A sudden sense of possessiveness washed over Hudson, and he closed his fingers around Seb's sleeves, holding him there. He wanted Seb to stay. It was ridiculous, and he had no idea where the urge had come from. Hudson couldn't explain it. His thoughts were jumbled, and his pulse was erratic. His inn
er wolf stirred awake and whined. It wanted Seb here with him. Hudson flinched at the pull from his Therian half.


  Hudson quickly released Seb. He stood on his toes and kissed Seb's cheek before turning and heading back into the house. He was breathless by the time he closed the door. Once it was locked, he slumped against it. The engine of Seb's truck roared to life, and a heartbeat later it pulled away. Hudson remained where he was until he was certain Seb was gone.

  "What the bloody hell was that?" Hudson groused. He pushed away from the door, irritated. Had he actually kissed Sebastian Hobbs on the cheek and then run off? What was he, some chaste preteen at a school social? "I must be losing my bloody mind." He had to get it together before he truly lost it. "Trousers would be a start," he muttered. It would be best if he found something to wear and went home. Staying here was not a good idea. First, he would get Seb's clothes out of the dryer like he'd promised.

  Past the kitchen, tucked away in a cupboard was the washer and tumble dryer, same as it had been. An empty basket sat on top of the washing machine, and Hudson began to move dry clothes into it. Once all the clothes were out, he carried the full basket upstairs, then placed it on the bed. He could hardly leave it there. It wasn't as if he were in any particular hurry, and Seb would likely have enough to do when he came home after a long day. Hudson picked up a pair of Seb's socks and hesitated. Would Seb be bothered by Hudson putting his clothes away? It would mean opening drawers and hanging items up in the closet. Perhaps he shouldn't. Then again, this was Seb. If he were to get upset at all, it would be due to Hudson troubling himself. As if putting a little laundry away was any trouble.

  With that settled, Hudson busied himself removing items from the basket, folding them, and neatly putting them away. Everything was exactly where it had been years ago. Curious, Hudson opened the bottom drawer, and a lump formed in his throat. It still contained the clothes he'd left behind. A pair of jeans, tracksuit bottoms, black trousers, a couple of T-shirts, a shirt, jumper, and zip-up cardigan. The drawer above it had also been Hudson's, and he was surprised to find it lay empty. Hudson closed the empty drawer, then removed the jeans, shirt, and cardigan from the bottom drawer. He changed clothes, borrowed a pair of Seb's clean socks, and found his shoes by the bed. Once dressed, he folded up the pajamas and returned them to the bottom drawer.