Seb blinked at her. "I'm sorry, what?" What just happened? TIN Associate? Training? What? "Wait. Are you telling me Austen is TIN?"

  "Yes. You want to protect Dr. Colbourn? You need training. He does too, for that matter."

  "I have training." Training he continued every day, even when his knee was giving him hell. Sparks gave him a nod, and he frowned. What the hell was going on?

  "Hey, Sebby."

  "Shit!" Seb sprang from his chair so fast he almost fell face-first onto the carpet. He spun around, his heart in his throat as he stared at Austen. "Where the hell did you come from?" He looked from Austen to Sparks and back. "The room's still in privacy mode." Seb hadn't heard him, smelled him, or even felt Austen approach.

  Austen waggled his eyebrows and dropped into the chair Seb had just vacated. "Training. And my general awesomeness."

  "You'll be a stronger agent for it," Sparks assured Seb. "It's done wonders for Destructive Delta."

  Seb peered at her. "Are you telling me Destructive Delta are TIN Associates?"

  "They've been put through the TIN Associate Training Program." Some kind of unspoken exchange happened between her and Austen. Seb wanted nothing to do with it.

  "So you want to make Destructive Delta TIN?"

  Sparks shook her head. "Only Therians can be TIN operatives, or in Dex's case a Human-Therian hybrid. As good as Ash, Cael, and Hobbs are, they're better suited for the THIRDS, but with their skill set and TIN Associates training, they make valuable assets."

  It took a second for her words to sink in, and he gaped at her. "Dex is a TIN operative?"

  "He and Sloane will be sworn in after they return from their honeymoon. As TIN operatives, it's imperative they have a trustworthy network of assets."

  Seb couldn't believe what he was hearing. Dex and Sloane, TIN? He was having trouble processing this. "Does Destructive Delta know?"

  "Yes. Dex and Sloane will continue to work at the THIRDS under new roles. It's important they still have access to their team, which is why there will be some structural changes to Destructive Delta.

  "TIN operatives are required to bring on their own assets and contacts upon swearing in. No operatives are recruited without a team already in place. Dex and Sloane will work undercover, with Destructive Delta on hand to provide support if and when necessary. As TIN associates, you and Dr. Colbourn will become part of Dex and Sloane's assets."

  If Destructive Delta was ready to become an asset, it meant they'd been training for some time. Sparks cocked her head as she studied him.

  "You look thoughtful."

  "You've been preparing them for this." He still couldn't figure out why, though. She couldn't have predicted what Sloane's blood would do to Dex. "What if Dex hadn't become what he is? He couldn't be TIN, right? What then? Why train Destructive Delta?"

  "I would have taken them on as my personal assets."

  Seb was willing to bet his tiger Therian stripes that Destructive Delta wouldn't have accepted were it not for Dex and Sloane. Regardless. Whatever his friends' decisions, it had nothing to do with him. He didn't know TIN, and quite frankly, he didn't trust Sparks.

  "I'm not getting into bed with TIN."

  "You're an exceptional agent, Seb. Think of what you could accomplish as a TIN associate with the right training and the right... medical enhancements."

  "Medical enhancements?" Seb stared at her. "What the hell are you talking about?"

  Sparks dropped her gaze to Seb's knee before lifting her eyes back to his. "TIN could help you."

  "But only if I join you?" He shook his head in disgust. "You people are unbelievable." He wasn't sure what he found more astounding, that TIN had the medical capabilities to help him or the fact they would only do so if it benefited them. The thought infuriated him. "I'd rather live with the pain than work for TIN."


  "Keep your training, your associates program, your goddamn enhancements," he ground out through his teeth. "I want nothing to do with it. Protecting Hudson is my priority, and I'll do that my way. Now if you don't mind, I have a job to do."

  Sparks took the room off security mode. By the time the door opened behind him, Austen was gone. Seb hadn't even seen him leave.

  "Am I interrupting?" A handsome leopard Therian in a THIRDS uniform stood in the doorway.

  "Ah, Agent Carson. Perfect timing. Seb, this is Team Leader Trent Carson on loan from Unit Alpha over at Philadelphia HQ. Agent Carson, this is Agent Sebastian Hobbs, Team Leader for Theta Destructive."

  Seb held out his hand. "Hey, welcome."

  "Thanks. It's great to meet you."

  "Agent Carson is interested in transferring to our office. Seeing as how Agent Taylor is on leave for an unknown period of time, it would be a good opportunity for Agent Carson to show us what he's made of. He'll be in charge of Beta Ambush until further notice."

  Agent Carson gave her a curt nod. "I really appreciate this opportunity, ma'am. I won't let you down."

  "I expect not. Seb, please give Agent Carson a quick tour of Unit Alpha, then take him to Conference Room A. Sergeant Maddock will join him there with the rest of Beta Ambush."

  Seb nodded. He left the office with Carson at his side. Taylor hadn't been the easiest to get along with, and he could be a major pain in the ass, but he was a good guy and a hell of a Team Leader. Seb hoped he returned soon. Beta Ambush and Theta Destructive had a long history together. When either team was called out, they were usually backed up by the other, and they were the first on call to provide backup to Destructive Delta. Not having Taylor around was strange.

  "I'm going to assume you've been briefed, Agent Carson?" Seb asked, making his way through Unit Alpha.

  "Call me Trent. And yes, I have. Whatever you need, Agent Hobbs, just let me know."

  "Call me Seb or everyone will think you're talking about my brother Ethan. Everyone calls him Hobbs. It's more of a nickname."

  "His surname is his nickname?" Trent looked confused.

  Seb couldn't help his chuckle. "His partner's name is Calvin. He's short and blond."

  Understanding crossed Trent's face, and he laughed. "That's hilarious."

  "If you value your life, you won't tell Cal that. He's small, but he will bust your shit up. He's also a sniper."

  "Right. Don't piss off the sniper. Got it. So you've got a brother working in the same unit? That's great."

  "I've got two, actually. My older brother, Rafe, is Team Leader for Alpha Ambush, and Ethan's a Public Safety Bomb Technician for Destructive Delta."

  "Destructive Delta?" Trent let out a whistle. "I heard they've got a track record for kicking ass and taking names."

  "Yeah, just don't get too close, or you'll get your ass kicked. Those guys don't mess around. Well, one of them does, but that's a whole other story." They walked through the bull pen, and Seb pointed to the office behind his. "That's Taylor's office, so you'll be working with your partner from there."

  "Is that Sloane Brodie?"

  Seb followed Trent's gaze to the end of the hall where Sloane leaned against the wall next to his office talking to Dex. Seb nodded. "That's him."

  "I can't believe the guy got blown up and lived."

  "Sloane's a survivor." Seb admired that. Sloane had been dealt a shitty hand from the start, and over the years, it seemed like bad luck had a hard-on for him, yet Sloane kept fighting. He put one foot in front of the other and kept wading through the shit, grief, and darkness determined to bury him until he made it through to the other side. "Want me to introduce you?"

  "Yeah, wow, thanks, man. So, uh, what does it take to lead a Team like Destructive Delta?"

  "Besides a nifty little piece of paper confirming you're certifiably insane? Retirement." It took a special kind of crazy to lead Destructive Delta. Seb loved his job, loved being a Team Leader, but lead Destructive Delta? Hell no. Being their driver had been a tough gig, and that was before Dex, before all the relationship drama or the nutjobs crawling out of the woodwork. Seb mis
sed his teammates, working with his baby brother, and his BearCat, but they were all where they were supposed to be now. Plus, Ethan had quickly stepped in, taking over the BearCat's care. He loved that damn truck as much as Seb had.

  Trent looked confused. "I don't get it."

  "Destructive Delta has only ever had one Team Leader." Seb motioned to Sloane, who laughed at something Dex said. "They're also his family, so anyone looking for an in not only has to earn his trust and approval, but prove they'd be a good fit for his family."

  Trent shrugged. "All teams are tight."

  "No, I mean they're actually his family." Seb stopped walking and nodded over to Dex. If Trent was going to survive backing up Destructive Delta, he needed to know. "See that guy he's talking to?"

  Trent nodded. "He looks kind of familiar. I think he's been on the news. Shit, he's pretty."

  "Yeah, keep that to yourself. That's Dexter J. Daley. Remember that name, because if you fuck with him, you're finished. He's Sloane's partner, fiance, and mate."

  Trent's eyes went wide as saucers. "Fuck."

  "Yeah. Dex's little brother is Cael Maddock."

  "Wait. Maddock? As in Sergeant Maddock?"

  Seb chuckled at the horrified look that crossed Trent's face. "Yep. He's their dad. And Cael's boyfriend is Ash Keeler, Sloane's best friend. They're more like brothers, actually. Grew up together. Letty is Ash's partner. Rosa is Letty's best friend and Cael's partner. Then there's my brother Ethan, who Dex is a little protective over. Even if he wasn't my brother, you'd have Ethan's boyfriend, Calvin, to deal with."

  Trent braced a hand against the wall. "Shit. They told me I'd be providing backup, but.... Shit."

  Clearly no one had told Trent what he was getting into with Destructive Delta. Seb clapped him on the shoulder.

  "You'll be fine. Just don't piss Sloane off. Or Ash. Or the girls." He went thoughtful. "Don't piss anyone off. They're pretty laid-back and get on with most everyone, so you shouldn't have a problem."

  Trent breathed in deeply. "Right."

  Seb headed toward Sloane and Dex, with a somewhat pale Trent following along.

  "Hey, guys." Seb smiled when the pair turned in his direction. "This is Agent Trent Carson. He's stepping in for Taylor while he's on leave."

  Trent's smile couldn't get any wider as he shook Sloane's hand. The guy obviously had a little hero worship going on, despite his newfound terror. "It's an honor to meet you, Agent Brodie. I've heard so many great things about you and your team. You're a real inspiration. Please, call me Trent."

  "Thanks, Trent. Just doing our jobs," Sloane replied with a smile. "This is my partner, Dexter J. Daley."

  "Call me Dex," Dex replied with a bright smile, taking Trent's hand.

  "Nice to meet you. Uh, wow." Trent stared into Dex's eyes and took a step closer. "You're.... Wow."

  Seb groaned internally. What part of mate did Trent not understand? Come on, pal, you gotta be stronger than this. The rest of their unit had had time to adjust to Dex's mark, plus everyone loved the guy. Whether they were pulled in by his charm, amused by his antics, or preferred his company in small doses, everyone had his back. Also, not one agent in Unit Alpha was stupid enough to challenge Sloane Brodie or the backup that came with him. Everyone respected Dex and Sloane, and they were more than aware Dex was off-limits, no matter how much Dex's scent and mark tried to screw with their Therian halves. It took discipline but wasn't unachievable. Trent was obviously finding it hard to resist. Seb wondered if the guy was even trying, considering the way he began to stroke Dex's hand with his thumb.

  Dex cleared his throat and politely tried to pull his hand out of Trent's grasp. Trent held on.

  Let go. Now.

  Trent continued to hold on to Dex's hand, and Sloane straightened to his full height, his pupils dilating.

  Let. Go.

  Sloane took a step forward, and Seb grabbed Trent's shoulder, jerking him back. "Hey, look at the time. Maddock's expecting Trent. Excuse us." Seb dragged Trent along with him, whispering hoarsely at him, "Are you out of your fucking mind? What did I say?"

  "Oh God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. He... he just smelled so damned good. His eyes, and, Jesus, that mouth. Did you see those lips? Fuck, he's hot."

  Seb turned the corner and brought Trent up against the wall. "Listen and listen good. You are not off to a good start. You're talking about another guy's mate."

  "It's not my fault," Trent huffed. "Come on, man." He smirked and playfully smacked Seb on the chest. "You understand that kind of pull, right? Besides, those guys know what they're in for. I think some of them secretly like the attention."

  Seb straightened. "What?"

  "Those guys that let themselves get marked. They know what they're in for, know other Therians are gonna want to, you know." He shrugged, his lips curling into a wicked grin. "They're practically begging for it. Am I right, buddy?"

  Seb shoved Trent hard, slamming him into the wall. He ignored the man's pained grunt and fisted a handful of Trent's shirt, pinning the smaller Therian to the spot. When he spoke, there was no mistaking the threat in his low growl.

  "Now you listen here. I'm not your friend or your buddy. I hear you say shit like that again, and not only will I make sure you're on the first flight back to Philly, I will personally drag your ass over to Sloane Brodie, and you can look him in the eye and tell him his mate is begging for it."

  Trent threw up his arms. "All right, I'm sorry. Shit, man. I had no idea that was such a touchy subject for you."

  "Touchy subject?" Seb thrust a finger at the end of the hall. "Conference room is that way. You better fucking impress me out in the field, because right now, I am not impressed." He released Trent and turned to leave but not before growling over his shoulder, "Nice to fucking meet you, Trent. Stay the fuck out of my way."

  Seb shook his head as he stalked back to his office. If there was one thing he didn't tolerate, it was talk like that, and not just because of Hudson or Dex. That mentality that Humans and Therians invited trouble because they were marked pissed Seb off--though not as much as those who believed a marked mate getting sexually assaulted was the victim's fault, because it was "in their nature." It was disgusting.

  "Whoa, who pissed in your Cheerios?" Dom asked, looking concerned.

  "Just met Taylor's replacement. Agent Trent Carson."

  "That good, huh?"

  Seb didn't keep anything from Dom, and Dom didn't keep anything from him. They were partners and, more importantly, friends. His first instinct was to confide in Dom. However, Seb knew him well, and when something or someone pissed Dom off, there was no hiding it. Dom's passions ran hot, and his temper, if not controlled, was explosive.

  Seb pressed his lips together and sat without saying a word.

  Dom groaned. "It's going to piss me off, isn't it? What? Is he a douche?"

  Seb sighed as he took a seat at his desk. "I'll tell you if you promise to be an adult about it."

  "I'm always an adult," Dom protested, his frown deep. "But now that I know what you're gonna say is gonna piss me off, you expect me to be nice to this asshole?"

  "No, just--"

  "Fucking tell me already."

  Seb did.

  Dom's expression darkened, a silent fury washing over him. The only hints he was royally pissed off were the set of his jaw and the steel in his eyes.

  "Yeah, definitely an asshole," he ground out.

  Seb grunted. Even if he hadn't been keeping an eye on Hudson, he would be now. The last thing he wanted was to have Trent sniffing around him. The thought alone was enough to get his blood boiling. Again. Trent Carson better watch himself, because if Seb got even the smallest hint the guy was up to no good, Seb wouldn't hesitate to teach him some manners.

  Chapter 3

  THIS WAS a terrible idea, but also the most obvious choice.

  Hudson paced the concrete room, his wolf unhappy with the enclosed space. The small room made him anxious. He could only imagine what Sloane must be
feeling. Felid Therians abhorred tight spaces. "Are you certain you want to do this?" Hudson asked for the umpteenth time.

  "Positive, but Sloane has to stay here," Dex replied, cringing at Sloane's glower.

  "Are you out of your mind? You want me to stay in here while you face a Therian stuck in feral form?" Sloane shook his head. "Absolutely fucking not."

  "It's not just any Therian. It's Taylor," Dex reminded them.

  "Exactly! Taylor who tried to kill us!"

  Dex appeared to give that some thought. "He wasn't trying to kill me. Only you. I think."

  Sloane threw up his hands. "Oh, well, I feel so much better now." He folded his arms over his chest, his lips pressed in a thin line.

  Hudson couldn't blame Sloane for his concern. Taylor was far more lethal in this state, but Dex also had a point. If Sloane was present, Taylor's hostility would increase exponentially, and any chance Dex might have to reach Taylor would become nonexistent.

  "Babe." Dex tugged at Sloane's arm, and Hudson held back a smile at the way Sloane's anger melted away.

  Sloane pulled Dex into his embrace, his words laced with tenderness. "What if he hurts you? It's been weeks since Moros injected him with that fucked-up version of Shultzon's drug. We have to consider that maybe... maybe Taylor's gone."

  Hudson swallowed hard, his stomach lurching at the thought. For weeks TIN scientists and medical experts had worked furiously to determine what concoction Moros injected Taylor with to force his humanity to become dormant. Mere hours ago, they were informed Moros had pumped extremely high doses of Thelxinomine into Taylor's system. Hudson was horrified to discover it was the same drug Shultzon managed to get into Sloane, Ash, and Ethan before they were kidnapped, in hopes of turning them into mindless soldiers. With enough doses, Thelxinomine would short-circuit the Therian brain, leaving the feral half in control and susceptible to Peitharchia7, which would allow the Therian to be controlled in their Human form. The thought of what Moros had done to Taylor made Hudson sick to his stomach. He turned to Sloane.

  "We need to do what we can to help him, Sloane. What Moros did was barbaric. It's a miracle Taylor isn't dead."