Dex nodded his agreement. "If seeing me helps him in any way, I have to do it. Yeah, he's pulled some real dick moves, but he'd gotten his act together, and he sure as hell doesn't deserve this. Moros used him to get to us. We can't do nothing. Besides...." Dex sucked in a sharp breath, his expression pained as he held up his hand. Hudson stared at the claws piercing Dex's skin as he drew them out. "Things are different now."

  Hudson couldn't stop from taking Dex's hand to examine it. "Extraordinary."

  Dex chuckled. "Weird, huh? It's taking some getting used to." Something occurred to him, and he gasped, his wide eyes on Sloane. "Dude, I was right. X-Men."

  Sloane rolled his eyes. "You are not an X-Men."

  Dex looked unimpressed. He waved his clawed hand in front of Sloane.

  "Yeah, okay, Wolverine. Go do whatever it is you gotta do, and try not to give me any heart palpitations today. You might be strong, but your bones aren't made of Adamantium."

  With a big smile, Dex kissed Sloane. "I love that you're as big a nerd as I am."

  "No one's as big a nerd as you are. Except maybe your brother." Sloane gave Hudson a pointed look. "Make sure he doesn't do anything reckless."

  Hudson's expression was deadpan. "Oh? Mastered the feat yourself, have you?"

  "You know what, Doc? You're starting to sound like him. Stop it."

  Hudson laughed before knocking on the steel door. It was immediately opened by a very large bear Therian in a black suit and auburn tie. He towered well over seven feet tall, was as wide as the doorframe, and looked as though he was carved from granite. Hudson pondered how a man that size could be a spy.

  Seeming to read his thoughts, Dex leaned in to murmur, "I'm guessing they send him to places with a lot of mountains. Blends right in."

  Hudson snickered, following Dex and the giant bear Therian down a somber-looking corridor. Where were they? Dex had picked Hudson up at his office, and with Sloane, they'd walked to the THIRDS garage, where a black Suburban with opaque tinted windows waited for them. Inside, a partition ensured they couldn't see the front of the vehicle or who drove it, and the windows were as black on the inside as they were on the outside. Hudson attempted to listen to his surroundings but was met with nothing but silence, and all his sense of smell picked up was Dex and Sloane. It was impossible to discern where they were being taken, other than to a secure TIN facility.

  A large iron door slid open at the far end of the gray concrete corridor. Two uniformed soldiers with frightful-looking tranq rifles emerged and took positions outside the room. Hudson swallowed hard. He certainly didn't want to come up against those men in a dark alley, or anywhere for that matter.

  The vast room was bare, with nothing but what Hudson suspected was a two-way mirror high on one wall. At the end of the room was a steel cage, and inside, Taylor paced in his leopard Therian form, hissing and spitting. Hudson stopped cold with a gasp. He knew of feral Therians, had even come across several in his time at the THIRDS, but seeing someone he knew, one of his colleagues, in that state was difficult. Dex put a hand to Hudson's shoulder, and Hudson nodded.

  "I'm all right."

  They approached the cage, and Hudson's heart squeezed. Poor bloke. Taylor might have been brash, rude, and often inappropriate, but he didn't deserve to be locked up in a cage like a rabid beast. Inside that ferocious leopard beat the heart of a man, a good man despite his many flaws and past indiscretions. Taylor's change over the last few months had come as a surprise to everyone in Unit Alpha. At some point, the inappropriate comments had ceased. He no longer spoke incessantly of sex or his conquests. Where he'd once flirted with anything and everything that had a pulse, he had become thoughtful and at times playful. Hudson had overheard him reprimanding a fellow agent for boasting in lurid detail of his night spent with another agent. Hudson had no idea what had brought on such a change in Taylor, but it suited the man.

  Dex slowly approached the cage but stopped far enough away that if Taylor were to swipe his paw through the bars, he wouldn't reach Dex.

  "Hey, buddy, it's me."

  Taylor continued to pace, fangs bared as he hissed. He was agitated and frustrated by his confinement. Canid Therians despised being locked up, but they could cope far better than Felid Therians. A trapped Canid Therian would lose heart, whereas a trapped Felid Therian would lose its mind.

  "Taylor, listen to my voice. It's Dex. You remember me, right? I know you can smell me." Dex edged closer, gingerly approaching the bars. Hudson remained still. If Dex should need him, he'd have to move quickly. Dex crouched in front of the bars just a foot away, and Hudson stifled a gasp when Taylor roared and made a swipe at Dex through the bars. To Hudson's astonishment, Dex smacked Taylor's paw away before he could get slashed. He'd never seen a Human move that fast.

  "Knock it off," Dex scolded. "Don't be a jerk. I'm here to help you." Taylor hissed, and Dex moved closer. "Hey, what did I say? I'm here to help you, you ass. I want to help you. I know you're in there. Come on." Dex moved his hand closer to the bars, and Hudson had to refrain from asking him what the bloody hell he thought he was doing. If Dex lost a hand, Sloane was going to kill them both.

  Hudson waited with bated breath as Dex slipped his hand between the bars. "Come here," he said softly. "It's me. You like me. I like you too."

  Taylor flattened his ears. He lifted his head and sniffed. When he opened his mouth, Hudson thought they were doomed. Instead of biting, Taylor stuck out his tongue. He was sniffing the air, trying to get a better idea of who Dex was.

  "Yeah, that's it, buddy. It's me. Come on." Dex held his palm up, and Hudson stared, stunned as Taylor edged closer. He stretched out his thick neck and sniffed at Dex's hand.

  "Yeah, that's it. You remember me, don't you? It's okay. I'm not mad."

  Taylor rubbed his head against Dex's hand, and the very distinct motor-like sound of purring filled the room. Oh, thank bloody goodness. Hudson released a shaky breath.

  "Yeah, you remember. I'm here. It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay."

  Taylor lowered his head, releasing a grieving wail that broke Hudson's heart. He padded to the corner of the cage, where he curled up in a tight ball, his back to them.

  "Hey, don't do that. I know you didn't mean to. You probably don't even remember most of it, and that's okay. It wasn't your fault. Someone messed with you. Why don't you shift so we can talk about it?"

  Another low wail followed by a mewl came from Taylor. Hudson was familiar with the sound of a heartbroken Felid. Curious. Taylor no doubt felt remorse for his actions, but why did he sound so... despairing?

  "We've been worried about you. You need to come back to us."


  Dex took a deep breath before speaking, his voice gentle. "Ellis Taylor, you listen to me."

  Taylor's ears perked up, and he looked at Dex over his shoulder.

  "It's okay. I promise. Please. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be right here. For you."

  Taylor stared at Dex for a minute before getting up. He walked to the center of the cage and released a huff. After several failed attempts, an anguished cry left Taylor's mouth as his muscles flexed and shifted beneath his fur. Hudson shut his eyes tight as the roars gave way to harrowing screams. Taylor was clearly in great pain. It was to be expected after how long he'd been in his Therian form. When the screams ebbed, Hudson opened his eyes. Taylor's transformation was nearly complete.

  Hudson turned to one of the guards. "Bring us a blanket, please."

  "Someone open this door," Dex ordered, standing aside while one of the guards crossed the room, then opened the cage door just as Taylor finished shifting. He was so weak he lay curled up on his side, shivering violently. Hudson took the blanket from the guard and handed it to Dex, who quickly laid it over a stark-naked Taylor.

  The door opened, and several medical officers rushed into the room. Taylor flinched and curled up even tighter, shaking his head vehemently.

  "Hey, it's okay," Dex assured him gently, r
unning a hand over Taylor's head. "They're going to give you PSTC and take good care of you. I promise. Then we'll talk, okay?"

  Taylor opened his mouth to speak, but only a hoarse sound escaped. He cleared his throat and tried again, his voice low and rough. "Don't go."

  "I'll be right here," Dex promised.

  They stood to one side as the medical officers administered PSTC. They dressed Taylor in a pair of sweatpants and a white T-shirt, a hoodie, and white crew socks. He looked like he'd been dragged through hell, deep dark circles around his bloodshot hazel eyes. Once Dex coaxed Taylor into eating some protein, they helped Taylor out of the room and into the room next door. It was as sparse as the one they'd vacated, but instead of a cage, it was filled with medical equipment, including a state-of-the-art hospital bed. They helped Taylor sit on the bed, and then Dex pulled up a chair next to him. Hudson took a seat beside Dex.

  "Tell me what happened?" Dex asked gently.

  Taylor stared down at his hands. "I... I'm so sorry." He winced, as if it hurt to talk.

  Whatever tremulous hold Taylor had on his emotions shattered, and Dex was there to catch him, holding him as Taylor quietly sobbed against Dex's shoulder. Taylor clutched Dex's arms, as if Dex was the only thing holding him up. Several minutes later, Taylor pulled back with a sniff. He rubbed his eyes and averted his gaze, embarrassed it would seem. His face was flushed, his nose and eyes red.

  "I think you need to rest," Dex said gently. "We'll come back."

  Hudson agreed with Dex. Taylor didn't look well. He'd been in a feral state for so long, who knew if there was any internal damage after his shift? The room flooded with TIN medical staff, and a tall, elegant-looking cougar Therian with bright green eyes stopped at the end of the bed. Her smile was warm.

  "Agents," she greeted. "I understand Agent Taylor has important information you need. However, I must insist we be allowed to take all the necessary measures to ensure his health--both physically and psychologically--has not suffered irreparable damage due to the ordeal. I would suggest returning in two days."

  Taylor's eyes widened, and he grabbed Dex's hand, the fear in his eyes tugging at Hudson's heartstrings. Dex covered Taylor's hand with his.

  "It's going to be fine. She's right. You're more important. We'll talk about what happened when we return. I promise you I'll be back. Do you trust me?"

  Taylor nodded, his shoulders slumping in resignation.

  "Hey, you can do this," Dex assured him, squeezing Taylor's bicep. "You're a THIRDS agent, remember? We're made to kick ass, right?"

  Taylor's lips curled up on one side. He wrinkled his nose and nodded.

  They stayed a few minutes longer as the doctor in charge explained to Hudson what they'd be doing for Taylor, the tests they would be running, along with any medication he might be given. Dex spent some time reassuring Taylor, as well as making certain the doctor knew to contact him immediately if anything changed.

  "I'm leaving him in your hands," Dex told her.

  Despite his smile, Hudson didn't miss the intensity in Dex's eyes. He was certain the doctor hadn't missed it either. If anything happened to Taylor under her watch, she'd be dealing with Dex. What startled Hudson was how much sway Dex seemed to have around here. Not as surprising, however, was the confident manner in which Dex seemed to embrace that power.

  BACK AT the office, everything continued as if they hadn't left. Being involved with an organization as powerful as TIN was definitely odd. So much went on behind closed doors with not even a hint as to their existence. Of course they existed, and everyone knew they did, but on the surface, it appeared as if they didn't. No one spoke of TIN. What was there to speak of? Operatives were out there, but it wasn't as if they announced themselves or listed their employment as "Operative for the Therian Intelligence Network."

  As Hudson walked to his office, he surmised it was likely TIN had more operatives working at the THIRDS. Hudson's phone buzzed, and he received a text from Nina stating she was in the canteen grabbing some lunch and would be back soon. Hudson had just taken a seat behind his desk and powered up his desk interface when someone stood in his doorway. Rafe hovered by the door, and Hudson wondered if Rafe had been waiting for him. Odd. He couldn't remember the last time Rafe had been to his office.

  "Nina's not here," Hudson informed him. "She's gone to the canteen for some lunch."

  "Actually, I'm here to talk to you." Rafe motioned to the chair in front of Hudson's desk. "May I?"

  "Of course." What on earth could Rafe Hobbs have to talk to him about? Having Rafe in front of him was difficult. He stirred up too many painful memories of a time when Hudson had once again found himself losing what he cared for most. For some time, Hudson had feared he might lose his career as well. His life had been placed under a microscope. Every case he'd ever worked on, every testimony, every signature had been called into question, all of it gone over with a fine-tooth comb. Even though Hudson knew his work was beyond reproach, he feared for his position, feared losing the only thing he had left. It had taken years to repair his reputation. Few blamed Seb, believing he had no choice but to protect his mate, while most placed the blame on Hudson, even if they didn't say as much. As the one who was marked, his "pull" on his mate--as if he had any control over the actions of others--was always brought up. It wasn't fair, by any means, but it was the way it had always been. Hudson lay the blame at both his and Seb's feet. Together they had failed, and a little boy died because of it.

  "How are you doing today?" Hudson tried to summon a smile. The least he could do was be civil, for Seb's sake. The brothers were closer than ever, and Hudson wasn't about to come between them. Rafe squinted at him, and Hudson let out a soft sigh. "I'm not being snide. I'm genuinely interested."

  Rafe still had a way to go to redeem himself in Hudson's eyes, but Hudson felt for him. Having known the Hobbs family for years, being present for some of Thomas's worst days, Hudson wouldn't wish the condition on anyone. The knowledge that Rafe would one day end up in a wheelchair like his father, at the mercy of agonizing pain, hurt Hudson. Rafe was Seb and Ethan's big brother. A huge tiger Therian, built of what seemed like solid muscle. At seven foot two and over three hundred pounds, he eclipsed Hudson's smaller wolf Therian frame. As big as Seb was, Rafe was just that tiny bit bigger, certainly broader. It saddened Hudson. Rafe hadn't always hated him. Once upon a time, Rafe had been kind to him, even smiled.

  "I'm okay," Rafe replied. He cleared his throat, looking larger than life as he sat across from Hudson. "Thank you for asking."

  Hudson nodded. "What can I do for you?"

  "I wanted to talk to you about Nina. I know things are still strained between the two of you, and it's my fault. She did it to protect me. Please, don't be mad at her. She loves you, Hudson. If you could only see how much pain she's in, how much she misses you."

  The last six months had been rather awkward. Although Hudson was on speaking terms with Nina, their relationship had suffered greatly. How could they get back to the way things were after she'd purposefully kept him in the dark? For months, day after day, she'd looked him in the eye, going on as if nothing had happened, and all the while sharing Rafe's bed.

  "I would have thought you'd be happy to be rid of me once and for all. She's the only connection left between me and your family." There was no bitterness in Hudson's voice, only sadness.

  Rafe straightened, looking affronted. "How can you say that? You're connected to my brother in the most significant way possible, which, by the way, I don't get you. You took three bullets for him, are obviously still as much in love with him now as you were then, and he worships you, yet you keep pushing him away. Why won't you come home?"

  Hudson inhaled sharply. Rafe's words hit him harder than expected. "Why... why would you say such a thing?"

  "That you two should be together?"

  "No. That I should come home."

  Rafe raked a hand through his hair and let out a heavy sigh. He appeared to give a lot of thought to
the question, as if trying to find the right words.

  "Fuck it." Rafe met Hudson's gaze, his eyes intense. "Because you're a part of our family, always were. You're his home, Hudson. He's been lost since you left, and I don't want to see him in pain anymore. He deserves to be happy, and that'll never happen without you. He needs you. My family needs you. My mom misses the hell out of you. She's always asking about you. Ethan misses you, my dad--"

  "Don't," Hudson pleaded, blinking back the tears in his eyes. "Please don't use Thomas."

  "It's the truth. You may not want to hear it, but that's the way it is. We are your pack, Hudson. You walked away from us, and yes, I hated you for a long time for what I believed you were doing to my brother, but I think I also resented you."

  Hudson was stunned. "For what?"

  "For leaving. No one blamed you. Okay, I blamed you, but I was an asshole. My mom, dad, Ethan, Seb, none of them blamed you. They just wanted you home."

  Hudson didn't know what to say. The Hobbs family had taken him in, a lone wolf without a pack in dire need of a family, of love. They'd embraced him from the moment they met him. Unlike his own family, who had looked down their noses at Seb, the Hobbs family had welcomed Hudson with open arms, despite knowing his family had cast him out. If anything, it made Julia more determined to show him how much he was loved. How could he have thought they'd not miss him?

  Hudson studied Rafe, a man who for so long had been a source of grief for him. Unlike Seb and Ethan who looked so much like each other, sharing their father's pitch-black hair and bright green eyes, Rafe had his mother's chestnut hair and hazel-green eyes. His edges were harder, his expression stoic. Seb and Ethan had kind eyes, and despite their size, appeared gentle. Everything about Rafe radiated fierceness, which was why Hudson was caught off guard when Rafe reached across the desk, his palm up and his eyes filled with unshed tears.

  "I'm sorry for what I did to you. Even if you never forgive me, don't turn your back on Nina. Please."

  Hudson had opened his mouth to reply when a knock at the door startled him.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm looking for Dr. Colbourn."

  "Yes?" Hudson asked. An agent he'd never seen before stood in his doorway. A handsome leopard Therian. Curious. The patch on his uniform stated Beta Ambush. "Can I help you?"