Sloane nodded, amusement in his eyes. "The very same. He told Ash what he could do with his fern."

  "Oh dear Lord. What was Ash's response?" Hudson was stunned that Herrera, who was not only a cheerful, even-tempered man, but spent a good portion of his time avoiding Ash Keeler, would not only have a few choice words for the fierce lion Therian, but shove him.

  Sloane cocked his head. "After the initial shock wore off, Ash just stood there quietly until Herrera was done. Then Herrera stormed off."

  "And Ash let him go? Pardon me, but did you say Ash stood there and let Herrera curse at him?" Hudson shook his head. Was he missing something? Ash Keeler had let another person--one whom he threatened with imminent demise on an almost daily basis--be aggressive toward him?

  "Ash is more perceptive than he gets credit for," Sloane replied. "Herrera's not one to fly off the handle like that. And he did. About Taylor. Seeing his name removed from the roster hurt him somewhere deep. Ash saw that."

  Hudson agreed Ash was a very perceptive man. He was far more intelligent than most believed him to be. Sadly, it was one of many ridiculous assumptions made about lion Therians. That they were lazy, thick-skulled hotheads. Ash might have quite the temper, but he possessed a greater range of emotions than simply anger. His relationship with Cael exhibited as much. The young cheetah Therian seemed to bring out Ash's gentler side, one few believed he possessed. Hudson's thoughts wandered off to his relationship with Seb, and how much Hudson had changed from the man he'd been when he first arrived in New York City. He'd been so closed off from the world, from everything around him.

  Two TIN operatives appeared out of nowhere, startling Hudson from his thoughts. He let out a very--in his opinion--rugged squeak before glaring up at one of them, a sleek-looking jaguar Therian.

  "Blooming hell! Honestly," Hudson huffed, "must you pop out of the shadows like some bleeding vampire? We're in your facility. There's no one else here!"

  Sloane had some manners and put a fist to his mouth to keep from laughing. Dex on the other hand had been raised in a bloody barn and didn't bother, laughing without reserve.

  "Oh, quiet, you." Hudson pointed a menacing finger at Dex. "If you ever sneak up on me like that, I will kick your arse."

  "No, you won't," Dex said with a chuckle.

  Hudson pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed. "Well, I'll be miffed at you, that's for certain."

  "That, I don't doubt," Dex said, throwing an arm around Hudson's shoulders, his boyish grin wide.

  Hudson grunted his displeasure at being so blasted predictable. Maybe he wouldn't kick Dex's arse, but he'd certainly want to.

  They were escorted out into an empty garage, where an SUV like the one that brought them waited to transport them back to HQ. The doors had closed behind them when Dex surprised Hudson by taking a seat beside him instead of across from him where Sloane was sitting.

  "Everything all right?" Hudson asked.

  "Yeah. So, you know how TIN let you come along with us and take notes?"

  "I was curious about that," Hudson admitted. "Why were they so... agreeable? Whatever you asked for, they jumped to it, as if you were--" Realization slammed into him, and he gasped. He moved his gaze from Dex's concerned expression to Sloane's somber one and back. "You...? Both of you...?"

  Dex nodded, but Hudson couldn't seem to grasp the situation. Dex and Sloane... TIN?

  "But... how? Why?"

  Dex explained all the good he wanted to do with TIN, and the more Hudson listened, the more it made sense. Dex was a passionate man, with a strong sense of righteousness the likes of which he'd never seen. Family was as vital to Dex as breathing. After everything he had suffered with the loss of his parents at the hands of Moros and his cohorts, it was no surprise he wanted to do everything in his power to protect the family he had now. Hudson understood. For Sloane, his passion was akin to that of his future husband.

  "I know I've put you in danger by bringing you into this, but it's not too late to back out," Dex said, placing his hand on Hudson's shoulder. "If anything happened to you because I pushed you--"

  Hudson put his hand up to stop Dex. "You didn't push, Dex. You came to me in need, and I agreed to help. Since that day you walked into my home, you've made no secret of the dangers I could be facing. You've given me ample opportunities to walk away, and have continued to voice your concern since Wolf's warning. I appreciate it. I truly do, but I want to do this." He smiled warmly at Dex. "You're not the only one who wants to make a difference. I've spent a long time dealing with victims who've met their ends too soon. If I can do something to help prevent them from ending up on my examiner's table, then please, let me do that. Let me help you."

  Dex nodded. "Okay. But if you ever want out, you tell me."

  "You have my word."

  Hudson loved his job, but sometimes he wished he could do more. This was his chance. It had been rather frightful knowing a lethal killer had been observing him closely enough to have photographic evidence of events in Hudson's life. Why Wolf decided Hudson needed protecting was beyond him. Then again, no one could explain why Wolf did anything. The man was an enigma. It could all be an elaborate setup. For now, Hudson would continue to exercise caution.

  With Hudson's assurances, Dex changed the subject to a more jovial topic, including the party taking place this evening at Dekatria. Dex and Sloane would be announcing their wedding date, which they refused to share with Hudson despite his poking.

  "Very well," Hudson said with a sigh. "Any thoughts on the stag nights?"

  Dex eyed him. "The what now?"

  "Stag night. The, um...." What the hell did Americans call it? "Oh." He snapped his fingers. "The bachelor party."

  "Ah, stag. Right. Makes sense." Dex shrugged. "I have no idea, to be honest. Cael's my best man, so he's been put in charge of that."

  "Ash will be putting mine together since he's my best man," Sloane said, smiling.

  Dex shook his head, his eyes wide. "I don't know whether to laugh or be absolutely terrified at the idea of Ash putting together a bachelor party. I can't even picture it. The dude hates everything. A gun-range theme maybe? Bobbing for grenades?"

  Sloane rolled his eyes. "I'm sure it'll be fine."

  "Just as long as he brings you back in one piece," Dex replied sweetly, patting Sloane's knee.

  Hudson looked between Dex and Sloane. "Two stag nights during which both of you will be without the other. This should be interesting."

  Sloane sat up suddenly. "Shit, that's right." He stared at Dex. "I won't be there for your bachelor party."

  "That's sort of how it works, babe," Dex said, laughing softly.

  "You'll be at a bachelor party, where there's lots of alcohol, and then let loose on the city. All night. Without me." Sloane looked like he was on the verge of hyperventilating. "Please don't blow anything up."

  Dex arched an eyebrow. "Being a tad dramatic, aren't we?"

  "Who's going to keep an eye on you?"

  Hudson pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. Poor Sloane.

  "Babe, it's fine," Dex cooed, running his hand through Sloane's hair to soothe him. "I won't be alone. Lots of people will be there."

  Sloane scoffed. "Yeah, none of whom are equipped to handle a Threat Level Fuchsia." He gasped and clamped a hand over his mouth.

  "A code what?" Dex peered at him, and Sloane groaned. He let his head fall into his hands.

  "What's a Threat Level Fuchsia?" Hudson asked. Whatever it was, clearly Dex didn't know either.

  Dex crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowed. "I'm waiting, oh love of my life. Husband-to-be. Holder of the sexy pants. Snuggle muffin who is five seconds away from sleeping on the couch tonight."

  "All right. It's a code Ash and I came up with when you first joined." He put his hands up, his expression pleading. "It was before we were dating. I'm so sorry. It was immature."

  "And when was this code used?" Dex asked, his expression unreadable.

  "When w
e came across a situation that might possibly lead to you going a little, um, nuts, and where maybe it would be necessary to keep the situation contained."

  Dex studied him. "So, let me get this straight. You and Ash came up with a threat level code for me and my crazy, and when said threat level code was used, it meant you and/or Ash would need to contain the situation."

  Sloane winced. "Yeah, something like that."

  "And who would be the one in charge of containing my crazy?"

  "Well, me obviously. You're my partner. Ash helped. Sometimes. Not often."

  Hudson had no idea what to think of that, other than it was genius. Not that he was about to mention it.

  "Sloane," Dex growled, and Sloane pouted before Dex threw himself into Sloane's arms. "That's the sweetest thing I ever heard! You were crazy about me from the start even if you didn't know it." He trailed kisses all over Sloane's face.

  "You're not mad?" Sloane asked, laughing at Dex's enthusiasm.

  "Mad? Even if I was your partner and nothing more, you didn't have to care. You could have just looked the other way, or reported me, but you didn't. You cared, and you kept an eye on me, and you and Simba cared enough to give me my own code. Whatever he says, I know Ash loves me too. This confirms it."

  "Yeah, I think maybe we should keep this between us. You're really not mad?"

  Dex chuckled. "Are you kidding? I have my own threat level. How awesome is that? Let me guess, Ash picked the color."

  Sloane nodded.

  "Of course he did. The big dork."

  "So we're good?" Sloane eyed him.

  "Yes," Dex promised. "And don't worry about my bachelor party. Hudson will keep an eye on me." Dex turned his 1,000-watt smile at Hudson. "Right, Hudson?"


  Chapter 4

  HUDSON ARRIVED at Dekatria a little earlier than the time indicated on his invite, as per Dex's request. Destructive Delta was already there, save for Sergeant Maddock, who preferred intimate family get-togethers over boisterous parties filled with "boozed-up, karaoke-singing shenanigans." Hudson couldn't blame him. Maddock had, after all, raised Dex and Cael on his own. He deserved some peace and quiet.

  As per usual, Destructive Delta had commandeered the entire second floor of Dekatria, and later in the evening, they would move up to the roof garden as well. Bradley was very generous, graciously closing the bar for their private events. Dex had tried to pay Bradley once, and very handsomely, but Bradley had refused to take his money, stating he didn't need it. He much preferred the company.

  Ethan smiled brightly when he saw Hudson and came over to pull him into a huge bearlike embrace, making Hudson chuckle. Ethan was an exceptional hugger.

  "Hello, love." Hudson pulled away, noticing Calvin was over by the bar with Dex, helping him pour snacks into giant colorful bowls. "How are things between you and Cal?"

  Ethan beamed at him and put his thumbs up.

  "I'm so glad." Hudson cleared his throat, his face growing warm. "Is, um, your brother here?"

  Ethan shook his head. He tapped his watch and put up both hands, fingers splayed.

  "Ten minutes?"

  Ethan nodded. He patted Hudson's shoulder before Calvin called him over to help, warning him not to eat more than he put out, then handed Ethan a large bag of some unnaturally orange curled cheese snack. Hudson was tasked with moving the biscuit trays over to the long table at the end of the room, seeing as he was the least likely to eat what he was putting out. Silly buggers. Hudson pilfered a couple of chocolate-and-caramel biscuits when no one was looking. Ooh, the double chocolate biscuits with cherries looked heavenly! He took one of those too, as payment for services rendered. Did they think he'd work for free? He had a biscuit in each hand, and one between his teeth, when he turned and almost ran into someone.

  "Shooz me," he mumbled around a mouthful of chocolatey goodness. A low grumble of a chuckle stilled him, and he looked up, eyes going wide.

  "Caught red-handed, Lobito." Seb peered at him, amusement lighting his eyes. "Does Dex know he's put the Cookie Monster in charge of his cookies?"

  Hudson wrinkled his nose since he couldn't scoff. I don't know what you're talking about.

  "I think you need to back away from the table, Dr. Colbourn. Back away slowly," Seb teased, taking hold of the chocolate biscuit poking out of Hudson's mouth. Hudson refused to release it, a low growl rising from his throat. This was his tasty treat. Seb tugged at it, and Hudson narrowed his eyes. Was Seb seriously attempting to take a delicious morsel of food from him? He knew better.

  Seb laughed. He snapped the biscuit, then popped it into his mouth. Hudson gasped around his remaining half of biscuit. The fiend! He cursed at Seb, who waggled his eyebrows as he chewed, then let out a decadent moan.

  "That was so good."

  Hudson put his biscuits on the table and removed the one from his mouth to curse at Seb, but Seb snatched the remaining piece from his hand.

  "Oh, you bastard!" Hudson made a grab for the biscuit, but Seb raised his arm high above his head. "You give me that back, you thief!"

  "Technically, you thieved it first."

  Hudson latched on to Seb's T-shirt with one hand to hold him in place, while stretching to reach his biscuit, except not even standing on his toes could he reach Seb's palm.

  "Why are you so blasted tall?" Hudson griped.

  Laughing, Seb threw an arm around Hudson's waist and tucked him at his side to make getting the biscuit even harder.

  "I don't know. Why are you so adorable?"

  "Flattery will get you nowhere," Hudson said with a huff as he pushed at Seb's arm. "Give me my biscuit!"

  "Your what?"

  "Piss off, Sebastian. It's a biscuit."

  "It's a cookie, and there's a whole tray of them," Seb said, motioning to the table, as if he didn't already know Hudson's reply.

  "None of them are my biscuit." It was ridiculous, but wolf Therians were very particular about what was theirs, and they did not like having their food thieved. Anyone who attempted to take food from his plate did so at their own risk.

  "It's not like I borrowed one of your DVDs and never gave it back."

  Hudson gasped in horror. "Don't joke about such things."

  Seb threw his head back and laughed. At that moment, Ethan walked by, plucked the biscuit from Seb's fingers, and tossed it into his mouth. Seb and Hudson protested simultaneously.


  Ethan waved a hand cheerfully before returning to the bar.

  Hudson pouted miserably. "He ate my biscuit."

  "Half of it," Seb corrected, patting his stomach. "I ate the other half."

  Hudson folded his arms over his chest and glared up at Seb accusingly. "He gets that from you, you know. Bloody biscuit thieves, the lot of you."

  Seb laughed, releasing Hudson when he poked Seb's side. He noticed Seb glance at the table where Hudson's remaining biscuits sat. Seb's grin turned wicked.

  "Don't even think about it," Hudson warned, backing up against the table and placing his hands to his sides to cup his biscuits. "Get your own."

  Seb's lips curled up, a sinful tug of his mouth that sent Hudson's pulse racing. How was it possible the man grew even more beautiful with age? Several additional silver strands had appeared in his pitch-black hair in the years since they'd met, and a few more laugh lines joined the others at the corners of his eyes. He dressed in a stylish faded green T-shirt that made his eyes stand out even more and emphasized the expanse of his broad chest and shoulders before tapering down to his waist. His black jeans encased powerful thighs and legs, and what Hudson personally knew was an incredible arse. The heavy, black biker boots on Seb's feet probably weighed more than Hudson. Seb exuded strength, yet his heart was capable of a gentleness that could bring Hudson to tears.

  Seb stepped up to Hudson, widening his stance so he could get in closer, Hudson's feet between Seb's. Hudson could smell his shower gel--a fruity, minty concoction--mixed with his own masculine scent. Butterflies ap
peared in Hudson's stomach, fluttering wildly as Seb took hold of Hudson's right hand and tenderly pulled it away from the table, his eyes never leaving Hudson's.

  "Such a messy little wolf," Seb purred, turning Hudson's hand over. Hudson dropped his gaze to his now-chocolate-covered palm. Bugger. He'd melted the chocolate off his biscuit. Seb lifted Hudson's hand, and Hudson's breath hitched. He wouldn't....

  Seb smiled sweetly before running a finger across Hudson's palm. He brought his finger to his mouth and closed his lips around his chocolaty digit before sucking on it. A tremor ran through Hudson, and a small whine escaped him before he could stop it. Seb chuckled. He winked at Hudson before walking away. Swallowing hard, Hudson quickly straightened, relieved no one had been paying them any attention. He grabbed a napkin and cleaned his palm before tossing the napkin in the trash bin at the end of the table. Inhaling deeply, he straightened his cardigan, then let his breath out slowly through his mouth. He was fine. He could do this.

  Boisterous cheering and catcalling resounded from the stairs, and Hudson smiled as fellow agents from Unit Alpha arrived, all of whom Hudson knew. Dom and the rest of Seb's team soon followed, along with Beta Ambush, including Trent Carson. Trent looked around the room and smiled at Hudson when he spotted him. Hudson returned his smile.

  "Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight."

  Dex's announcement caught the room's attention, and everyone quieted, gathering around Dex and Sloane, who stood in front of the bar facing them.

  "What's going on?" Ash asked with a wicked grin. "Sloane knock you up already?"

  "Ain't you cute," Dex drawled. "No. Next September, on the twenty-third, it'll mark four years since Sloane and I first met. We've decided to make that our wedding day."

  The room erupted into cheers, and Hudson joined his friends as they rushed Dex and Sloane. When it was his turn, he gave Dex a big hug. He couldn't help but get all teary-eyed. He was such a sucker when it came to weddings.

  "I'm so happy for you both," Hudson said as he pulled away. Dex wiped a tear from his eye before playfully punching him in the shoulder.

  "Stop it. You're going to shatter the illusion of what is otherwise an exceptionally cool and composed agent of awesomeness."

  Hudson gave him a sly grin. "This from the man who just the other day screamed like a small child over a spider."