"Your memory seems to be failing you, Doctor. It wasn't a spider. It was a hairy, eight-legged mutant beast out to steal my soul right before it sucked my brain out through my nose. It was undoubtedly a minion of that goat hell-beast that attacked me last week."

  Hudson looked to Cael for verification of this hell-beast.

  "It was a pygmy goat, and it was adorable," Cael said, laughing at his brother's stricken expression.

  "It tried to kill me!"

  "Kill you, huh?" Cael pulled out his mobile, tapped the screen, then scrolled through his photos until he found what he was looking for. He handed his mobile to Hudson, who let out a bark of laughter. There stood Dex in full tactical gear, holding his tranq rifle, his expression one of horror as a tiny goat in a pink knitted jumper chewed on his shoelace.

  Dex put a hand on his chest. "I can't believe you took a picture of me in the midst of such a traumatizing experience."

  "You're exaggerating," Cael said, rolling his eyes.

  Hudson returned Cael's mobile before studying Dex. "Do you really have a goat phobia?"

  "It's not a phobia," Cael informed him. "He just doesn't like them."

  "No, not dislike." Dex narrowed his eyes, his voice coming out low and gravelly. "Loathe. I loathe them."

  Cael shook his head. "You're such a drama queen."

  Ash appeared at Cael's side. He held his hand out to Dex. "Congratulations, man."

  "Are you... are you getting misty-eyed?" Dex peered at Ash, and Hudson tried his best not to laugh. Ash did look a little flushed, and his eyes were glassy.

  "Screw you, Justice." Ash turned away only to have Dex tug on his sleeve.

  "Aw, come on, big guy. Bring it here." Dex held his arms open wide, receiving a glare in response. "Dude, I'm entitled to two hugs from you in my lifetime. Now, and my wedding day, so suck it up like a big boy and bring it here."

  Ash hung his head in defeat. He shuffled over to Dex, who wrapped his arms tight around him and closed his eyes.

  "Mm, yeah, just like that. So good."

  Ash pushed Dex away from him, ignoring his laughter. "You had to make it weird."

  "I think we all need to cut loose." Dex clapped his hands together before declaring, "Shots all around!"

  Everyone cheered, and Bradley began lining up shots at the bar. Dex grabbed Hudson's arm. "That includes you, Doc."

  Hudson's eyes went wide. "Oh, no. Dexter, no." Unlike most of his brethren, Hudson could not hold his liquor. It was sad, really. Ash was always teasing him that he was a disappointment to Brits everywhere.

  "Dexter, yes." A wicked gleam came into Dex's pale blue eyes, and he led Hudson over to the bar. Down the length of it was a row of colorful shots. "We're celebrating my engagement, and we are going to get shitfaced."

  Ash gave Dex a hearty pat on the back that knocked him into Hudson. "Hurry up and pick your one shot that'll get you shitfaced, and leave the rest for us grown-ups. That goes for you too, Doc. You're as bad as he is."

  "Piss off," Hudson muttered, his eyes narrowed at Ash.

  "Ooh, look at that. The Doc can get snippy. Who'da thought? So you boys gonna drink something or just look at the pretty colors all night?"

  Hudson and Dex exchanged glances before they picked up a shot glass in each hand. Hudson held his up.


  A mischievous smile came onto Dex's face as the blue of his eyes melted into amber. Absolutely fascinating. Equally interesting was the fact Dex was now on his fourth shot and didn't appear the least bit fazed. Realization seemed to hit Ash, and with a low growl, he turned and punched Sloane in the arm.

  "Hey, what the hell, man?" Sloane rubbed his arm with a frown. "This is my party. Why are you hitting me?"

  Ash thrust a finger in Dex's direction, and Hudson chuckled as Dex waggled his eyebrows and threw back another shot.

  "That's his sixth one, and he's not shitfaced." Ash poked Sloane in the shoulder. "That's your doing."

  "Oh." Sloane pursed his lips, looking thoughtful. "Did I forget to mention he can drink you under the table now?" Sloane laughed at Ash's horrified expression before punching him in the arm. "That's for hitting me."

  "Dick," Ash grumbled.

  Dex grabbed Hudson's arm, turning him to give him another shot. He really shouldn't, but it was a special occasion.

  "Why not." Hudson took the shot glass and tapped it against Dex's before they threw back the burning liquid. Hudson was feeling wonderfully tipsy. He needed this. It was good to let go for a while. A pink shot glass materialized in his hand, and Hudson didn't hesitate. He tossed it back as well. "Oh, goodness." That tasted phenomenal! Like pink lemonade. Frankie Valli's "Grease" burst from the speakers, and Dex grabbed Hudson's arm.

  "Come on. Time to boogie."

  "Dex, I appreciate the gesture, but it's not necessary. I--" He caught Seb's eyes on him then. Bloody hell, Seb was handsome. Hudson smiled, but Seb looked away, his attention seized first by Dom joining him at the table, then by a very pretty young man. Hudson recognized the agent.

  West Delray was a king cheetah Therian who worked Recon for Theta Destructive. Not only was he a very rare classification of Therian, he was stunning. Petite, slender, with sandy-blond hair interspersed with black streaks, West possessed a heart-shaped face, a dazzling smile, and the golden-amber of his eyes stood out against the dark kohl around them. He looked more like a rock star than a THIRDS agent. The winning combination of good looks and cheeky personality made it so West had a steady stream of admirers vying for his attention, all eager to become the object of his affections.

  Dom flexed his arm, and West laughed. He squeezed Dom's bicep before turning to give Seb's bicep a squeeze. He leaned in close to Seb to say something. Whatever it was, it made Seb laugh. Not a polite laugh, but a genuine laugh that reached his green eyes and formed little creases at the corners. What could West have to say that could possibly be so entertaining? Seeming to take Seb's laughter as an invitation to join him, West grabbed an empty chair from the table behind him and placed it between Dom and Seb before dropping down into it. He looped his arm through Seb's as he laughed with Cael. The two cheetah Therians had become good friends since Seb had taken over Theta Destructive. Hudson frowned. Why hadn't Seb pulled his arm out of West's hold?

  Not that Hudson could fault West. Seb was ruggedly handsome, and despite his large size, muscular build, and lethal tiger Therian classification, he had a kind face and gentle eyes. He was a protector. A nurturer. It was no surprise Humans and Therians alike sought the comfort and safety his fierce tiger Therian frame offered. Cheetah Therians especially craved affection and possessed an inherent need to feel safe. They tended to gravitate toward those who could fill those needs, something not easily found in some larger Felid Therians.


  Hudson gave a start. For a moment, he'd forgotten all about Dex. "Terribly sorry. You go ahead. I think I'll have another one of those lovely shots."

  "Okay. See you on the dance floor." Dex gave him a wink and headed off, dancing his way to Sloane.

  "Hey, Doc."

  Turning, Hudson found Trent smiling brightly at him. "Oh, hello, Trent."

  "Listen, um, I was wondering if you'd dance with me?"

  Hudson was going to politely decline when he heard West laughing and asking Seb to protect him. He turned in time to catch West all but climbing onto Seb's lap in an attempt to avoid Dom's playful assault. Instead of extricating West from his person, Seb simply laughed. He threw an arm around West's back, catching him before West could topple out of his chair. Hudson's inner wolf bristled as Seb pretended to drop him, making West flail and laugh. He threw his arms around Seb's neck as Seb pulled him up.

  The hell with it. Seb clearly wasn't giving Hudson a second thought. Besides, they weren't attached. Seb could flirt with West all he wanted, and Hudson could dance with the handsome Trent Carson. Time he stopped pining after Seb like a lovesick pup. Trent didn't care Hudson was marked, and he was clearly intereste
d in him. Why shouldn't Hudson give the man a chance? He'd been telling himself for years that he should see other people. Perhaps it was time he stopped being such a coward.

  Sod it. Hudson turned and took Trent's hand. He smiled brightly.

  "I would love to dance with you."

  "STOP POKING me," West said through his laughter. "You're so pokey." He rolled and jumped to his feet. "Wanna dance?"

  "Thanks, but I'm good." Seb gave him another poke in his side just for good measure. He pulled his hand away before West could swat it. With a big smile, West grabbed Cael's arm and tugged. "Come on, Chirpy. Let's bust some moves."

  "Oh my God, you did not just call me that, you turd!"

  "Ha!" West darted off with Cael on his heels.

  "Those two are adorable," Dom said with a chuckle.

  Seb agreed. West was a great addition to the team. He'd originally been recruited by Intel for his IQ and talent, but unlike the rest of the agents who made up Unit Alpha's Intel Department, West was not content to sit behind a desk. It went against his very cheetah Therian nature. West needed action. He needed to be out on the streets.

  Putting in a transfer and pleading his case to Sparks herself had gotten West transferred to Recon for Theta Destructive. He and Cael hit it off right away after a callout placed them both behind the same security console in Destructive Delta's BearCat. Dex had taken one look at the two excitedly "talking nerd," as Dex put it, and officially adopted West, much to everyone's amusement. Ash didn't seem to mind that his boyfriend had found a new best friend.

  Ash's smile had Seb groaning. "West's single, you know."

  "We're just friends," Seb assured him, then took a sip of his beer. Why was everyone always playing matchmaker? Was his love life in that bad a state that even Ash felt the need to get involved? Shit. It really was.

  Dom let out an indelicate snort. "Yeah, I always sit in my friends' laps."

  "He wasn't sitting in my lap. Come on, man. He's like Cael. He's affectionate and very hands-on. It doesn't mean anything."

  Ash shook his head. "Cael's playful, but he doesn't flop all over other guys. You can't be that blind, bro."

  "Whatever, Keeler."

  "What? He's a good guy, and he obviously likes you."

  "I like him too. As friends." Cheers and catcalls caught Seb's ear, and he moved his gaze to the source of the ruckus, his jaw muscles clenching. Beside him, Dom cursed under his breath, and Ash leaned in to Seb, his voice low.

  "You maybe wanna reevaluate that?"

  Trent Carson was wrapped around Hudson from behind, his front plastered to Hudson's back as Trent all but dry-humped Hudson on the dance floor. Hudson had his fingers in Trent's hair, his free hand over Trent's where it rested on Hudson's inner thigh. It was provocative, sinful, and boiled Seb's blood. Not because Hudson was dancing like that with another guy--though he wasn't over the moon about that either--but because Hudson was looking at Seb while he was doing it. Son of a bitch. Keeping an eye on Hudson was going to be the death of him. Mostly because he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off Hudson.

  "Christ, man. Just watching you watching him is fucking torture. Why do you do this to yourself? I would have hightailed it outta here years ago. Transferred out of state or something."

  "Yeah, 'cause you did such a bang-up job staying away from Cael." Seb met Hudson's blue gaze, the slow smirk all the confirmation Seb needed. Hudson knew exactly what he was doing. Well, this was a new development.

  "Completely different. I was the dick screwing things up. He was waiting for me. Hudson's told you time and time again that it's not happening."

  Seb couldn't tear his gaze away from Hudson, or the way he moved his lean, sculpted body against Trent's. "So what you're saying is I should abandon my team, my family, my life, and then what? Start over?"

  "I'm saying you can't keep doing this to yourself."

  "On that we agree," Dom muttered.

  Right now he wasn't doing anything to himself. Hudson was the one baiting him, and he didn't appreciate it. Had it been anyone else, he might have given them a pass, but no one knew him like Hudson, and right now his ex-lover was using that knowledge to light a fire under his tail. What reaction was Hudson hoping for?

  "Excuse me." Seb stood, and Dom's iron grip on his wrist made him pause.

  "Come on, Seb. Just leave it."

  Seb turned to meet Dom's hazel eyes, and the concern he found there. "You see what he's doing, right?"

  "Yeah, and it's fucked-up, but you gotta keep your shit together. Not here. Not now."

  Ash nodded, his expression stern. "It's Sloane's engagement party, man."

  His friends were right. He let out a heavy sigh. This was a happy occasion. It would be shitty of him to drag his friends into his drama and ruin their evening.

  "I won't let it get out of hand. I promise."

  After some hesitation, Dom nodded and released him. "I'm here if you need me, okay?"

  Seb patted Dom's shoulder before he made his way over to the crowded dance floor. He stopped in front of Hudson, his voice just loud enough for Hudson to hear.

  "I need to talk to you. In private."

  "Perhaps later, Sebastian," Hudson cooed, his head falling back against Trent's shoulder.

  "Now," Seb demanded, grabbing hold of Hudson's wrist and jerking him away from Trent, who took hold of Hudson's arm.

  "Hey, what--"

  "Back the fuck off," Seb snarled, putting his hand to Trent's chest, stopping him in his tracks. "This is your only warning." Trent peered at Seb, his jaw muscles working. He released Hudson but didn't move away.

  Hudson chuckled. "Well, this is a bit of a pickle, isn't it?" He put a hand to Seb's chest. "Trent, you know Sebastian. He's my old mate. I'm sure you've heard all about him. He's something, isn't he? So strong. The boys love him. Like a moth to a flame. Can you blame them? Look at him. Sebastian, I believe you know Trent." Hudson moved his hand to Trent's jaw. "He's a very good dancer, and I suspect he's very good at other things. We were getting to know each other."

  Christ almighty. Really?

  "That's enough." Seb dragged Hudson along with him, ignoring his protests and his attempt to get out of Seb's grip. The music was loud, and with so many people crushed together on the dance floor, no one paid them any attention. Their friends were too far away to know what was going on. Thankfully Trent didn't follow Seb as he pushed Hudson through the door leading to the back of the club. Seb brought Hudson up against the wall, crowding him so he couldn't walk away.

  "What are you doing?"

  Hudson pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his eyes slightly wide. He poked his tongue out to lick his bottom lip.

  Christ, how could one man have such an effect on him? Seb put a hand to his heart, the other against the wall to the side of Hudson's head. "You're killing me here, Lobito."

  "Don't call me that."


  Hudson eyed him. "No? What do you mean 'no'?"

  "I'm not going to stop calling you that." Just like he'd never stop loving Hudson, or missing him, needing him, wanting him. He'd had enough of giving in to Hudson's every whim simply because Hudson asked. It was what he'd always done, and look how well that turned out. Time to do things a little different.

  Hudson blinked up at him. "But... I asked you not to."

  "Well, we don't always get everything we want, do we, sweetheart?"

  "Why are you being so difficult?"

  "Why are you determined to drive me out of my fucking mind?" Seb growled.

  "I'm doing no such thing."

  "Really? So you weren't letting Trent dry-hump you to make me jealous?"

  Hudson's jaw dropped. "Of all the bloody cheek!" When he next spoke, it was through his teeth. "I was dancing."

  "And watching me."

  "Because you were watching me. Or do you think I can't feel it when your eyes are on me?"

  Seb grunted. "Hard not to when you're making a spectacle of yourself."

Hudson's cheeks flushed a deep crimson, fire burning behind his eyes. "Piss off, Sebastian. I can dance with whomever I damn well please. What you choose to believe is your concern. How dare you judge me? Why don't you go find West? He couldn't keep his hands off you, and you obviously enjoyed it." Hudson was indignant, a pain in the ass, and the most beautiful thing Seb had ever seen. Since when did Hudson get jealous? Not even when they'd been together had Hudson ever become jealous. If he had, Seb never saw it. Hudson was always calm and in control, rational and sensible.

  Seb placed his fingers under Hudson's chin and lifted his face so he could look into his eyes. "You've ruined me, you know. I can't love anyone else."

  "You need to move on, Sebastian."

  "Then give me back the heart you stole from me." Seb ran his thumb over Hudson's bottom lip. "You're a very beautiful thief. Stealing hearts, just to break them and leave them irreparable."

  "If West isn't enough, I wouldn't fret. There's no shortage of cheetah Therians in Recon to fill your bed."

  "Jesus, the mouth on you," Seb growled, feeling his anger rising. Hudson knew which buttons to push, and he was pushing them all mercilessly. "When are you going to grow up and stop being such a spoiled brat?"

  Hudson gaped at him. "I beg your pardon?"

  "You're a spoiled rich boy used to getting everything he wants. Your parents, your brothers and sisters, they all bent over backward to make you happy, but you never were. The more they gave you, the more you rebelled. Their precious little Colbourn prince. That's why you went out with me in the first place, wasn't it? One last 'fuck you' to the old man just before he disowned you. That's what your sister Evelyn told me when she had her husband's lackey track me down. What a pleasant phone conversation that was, by the way. Oh, how disappointed Mummy and Daddy were when you took up with a poor American nobody. Then your big brother had me investigated. His telling your folks I lived in a car at one point with my mother, big brother, unemployed disabled father, and spaz little brother was a nice touch. That's what George called Ethan, remember? A spaz."

  "Stop it! Why are you bringing this up now? And you bloody well know that wasn't why I said yes to you."

  "The only one who didn't put up with your bullshit, with your family's bullshit, was Alfie, and where did that get him? Six feet under."

  The sting left behind by Hudson's hand to Seb's cheek was both startling and well deserved. What the hell was wrong with him? Seb drew in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."