Page 8 of Siren Beloved

  “You feel so fucking good, Lexi.” He pumped into her, his cock pulsing. His balls drew up, and he felt his blood racing through his system. He looked at Master A, their eyes meeting, and Lucas saw it.

  Such a small thing, but then he’d memorized the man’s body. He’d had one night in paradise, but he’d loved Aidan for so long before then. The mask had slipped slightly, and his eyebrow was visible. So was the scar Aidan had gotten at the age of seventeen. He’d told Lucas the story over beers one night while they waited for Lexi. Aidan had been playing at a bar. Aidan had lied to get the gig.

  Lexi sucked at him, pulling his cock to the back of her throat and swallowing. The soft heat of her throat did him in. He pulsed and came as he watched the man he thought he’d never see again.

  The bar fight had resulted in Aidan damn near losing his left eye. Master A’s eyebrow was creased with a perfect crescent-shaped scar.


  Lucas’s mind whirled as he pulled out of Lexi’s mouth. He took a step back, trying to understand what the fuck was going on. One moment the world had been close to perfect, and now he didn’t understand a damn thing.

  Aidan’s eyes—yes, he could see that plainly now—were on him. “Lucas, take over for me here.”

  Lucas didn’t move. He looked down at Lexi. Her eyes were closed as she concentrated, probably trying to hold off the orgasm that was coming.


  Lucas turned to the man who had once completed their threesome and then torn them apart. A bitterness welled up inside him. Aidan thought he could play a game with them? A sick feeling hit the pit of Lucas’s stomach. This betrayal could go far past Aidan playing a trick.

  “Does my brother know you’re here?”

  Aidan stopped. Lucas knew the minute his face fell that he’d been right. There was a long moment of silence.


  Lucas simply turned away and began working on Lexi’s bindings. Her eyes were open and questioning.

  “You can talk, baby,” Lucas said, his voice flat and emotionless. “We’re done here.”

  The Master drew himself up to his full, intimidating height. “Lucas, stop it right now. You signed a contract. Do you really want to put your rights at this club in jeopardy?”

  “Lucas, what’s happening?” Lexi’s hands came free. Lucas wished he’d brought a shirt or a freaking robe with him.

  “Get behind me, Alexis.” Lucas pulled her off the sawhorse and unhooked the vibrator, tossing it away.

  Aidan O’Malley seemed a bit miffed his game was up. He invaded Lucas’s space, but Lucas was done being intimidated by him.

  “This club can go to hell for all I care now. And so can my brother and Julian.” Lucas turned to Leo, whose eyes were grave.

  People were talking now. There was a hum in the crowd. Despite Julian’s disdain for gossip, The Club thrived on it. They would be grist for the gossip mill for years after this, but it didn’t matter.

  “Lucas, please.” The Dom was gone. Aidan seemed to almost deflate.

  Lucas felt Lexi’s hands on his waist, tightening. “Who is he?”

  Aidan pulled the mask off his face, and for the first time, Lucas really looked at the man. He looked older and harder, his once stunning face now hard as granite. He was still a beautiful man, but he’d changed, and there was no doubt that he’d been through an enormous amount of pain. What the fuck had happened to Aidan?

  “Lexi, I came back to fix things.” Aidan tried to take a step toward them, but Lucas merely moved back.

  Lexi curved around Lucas’s body, straining to see what was going on. “Oh, my god. Aidan?”

  Lexi took off. One minute she was on the stage behind Lucas, and the next she was pushing her way through the crowd. She didn’t seem to care that she wasn’t wearing anything. Lucas started to take off after her, but a big hand pulled him back.

  “Lucas, please listen to me,” Aidan said, his gravelly voice deep and pleading.

  Lucas pulled away. “Yeah? Like you listened to me? I believe both Lexi and I begged you to listen, and what did you say? You said you didn’t want this fucked-up life. I believe you called me a queer.”

  “That’s not true. I said I wasn’t gay. I would never have used that word.”

  “Yeah, well, you made yourself plain.” Lucas started to walk past him, but he got in the way again.

  “Lucas, I was wrong, so fucking wrong—”

  Leo placed a hand on Aidan’s shoulder. “He’s done for now, Aidan. Let him go.”

  Lucas strode off the stage after Lexi. He tried not to think about the sorrow in Aidan’s eyes.

  “I love you, Lucas.”

  Yeah, he wasn’t going to think about that, either.

  Chapter Six

  Lexi slammed into the private room, wishing she’d thought about picking up her damn clothes. At least she could have held them in front of her. As it was, she’d run through the club, pushing her way through the crowd with her boobs and ass hanging out. Did she even have a shred of dignity left? God, did any of it matter? It felt like the walls were closing in on her.

  Aidan was here.

  What the hell had he come back for?

  Bitterness welled up inside her as she kicked out of the heels she’d been wearing. Just minutes ago they had made her feel feminine and sexy. Now they just hurt her feet and made her feel like a fucking idiot. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her mascara was already streaking. She’d been so happy for a moment. She’d had Lucas, and it had been perfect. She’d adored the way he filled her mouth. She’d reveled in his masculine taste. It had been all the more perfect for the man behind her.

  Master A had tortured her in the sweetest way possible. She’d felt a real connection to him. He’d called to her, with his damaged face and body. He’d been a true Dom, and the sub deep inside her responded. She’d pushed, and he’d been an unmovable brick wall. It totally turned her on. As she’d lain there, bound and helpless, she’d wondered if he was the one who could complete her and Lucas. She’d had no doubt in her mind that this was what they needed.

  It had all been a lie. Like everything about Aidan.

  “Lexi, please put on some clothes.”

  Lexi started and practically jumped into the robe sitting on the counter at the sound of her stepfather’s voice. She wrapped the white silk robe around her body and turned to face the big cowboy who was averting his eyes. Jack Barnes sat in one of the elegant chairs, a glass of Scotch at hand. Normally, her big, strong stepfather was a comforting presence, but not today.

  He’d told her he was leaving. It seemed to Lexi like he’d been lying to her a lot lately.

  “You knew.”

  He took a long drink of that Scotch. “Yes. I’d like a chance to explain.”

  “Really?” Lexi asked, her arms over her chest. Her stepfather was dressed in his usual jeans and western shirt. Somehow he managed to be more powerful in casual clothes than most men were in thousand-dollar suits. She wasn’t intimidated by it this evening, though. “I would have enjoyed a chance to decide whether or not I wanted to perform several sexual acts in public with a man who ripped my heart out. Guess we can’t always get what we want. You tell me something, Jack Barnes, did my mother know?”

  Tears welled in her eyes at the thought of her mother being in on this—plot, scheme—Lexi had no idea what to call it. Her mother had been her rock for so long, but now she had a new family. It struck Lexi forcefully that even her mother had left her behind. She had Jack and Sam, and now little Olivia and Josh. Maybe her mom didn’t need her anymore. Maybe she was just a reminder of how crappy her life had been because she’d had a kid at the age of seventeen.

  “No, she doesn’t know, and she might divorce me when she finds out.” Jack’s hands tightened around the glass, and his face was flushed. It was the most emotional she could remember seeing him aside from the joy he had on his face when he was with his family. Now he looked haggard and worried. “If it makes a difference t
o you, Sam doesn’t know, either. I couldn’t tell him because he can’t keep his mouth closed around Abby.”

  Good for Sam. “Well, at least one of my mother’s husbands isn’t a bastard and a half.”

  Jack’s eyes came up. “Lexi, just hear me out. Aidan came to me a little over six months ago.”

  Lexi held up a hand. The last thing she wanted to hear was Aidan’s story. She didn’t want to know what he’d been doing in the years he’d been gone. She didn’t want to know what had happened to him. God, she didn’t care how he’d gotten those scars. They covered his body. If he’d been a car, she would have wondered if anyone had survived the wreck. She forced herself to be strong. “I don’t care.”

  “I find that very hard to believe. You were ready to marry this man.”

  She remembered that very well. She also remembered how it felt to call all the people she’d invited and tell them the wedding was off. She’d burned her wedding dress one night on the barbecue grill while she made her way through a bottle and a half of Pinot Noir. “And he dumped me three weeks before the wedding. You know, Jack, usually the family of the dumped girl doesn’t invite the man who humiliated her to abuse her in a club.”

  “He didn’t abuse you. I made damn sure he was properly trained, and Leo would have stopped anything that could have possibly hurt you.” Jack’s voice was annoyingly calm.

  The door slammed open, and Lucas was there, his eyes immediately finding her and honing in. He strode inside and gathered her close, his scent and touch so familiar and comforting they brought more tears to her eyes. Lucas was her touchstone now. Sometimes Lucas was the only thing in the world that seemed real.

  “Baby, we’re getting out of here, and I swear we’ll never come back.” He buried his head in her hair, his mouth close to her ear. “I’ll quit tomorrow, and we can go wherever you like. If you want to, we can pack up and move anywhere. I have a lot of money saved up.”

  It was a sweet gesture, but not really practical. Lucas had worked his ass off for his career. He couldn’t leave it all behind because she was pissed. Of course, she’d left her career behind, but that was different.

  “I would greatly prefer you didn’t quit, Lucas.” Jack’s voice held a wealth of weariness.

  Lucas’s arms came down, and he turned to his brother, his expression changing from tender to angry bull in an instant. “You son of a bitch! You planned this.”

  Lexi put a hand on his chest. The last thing she needed was a Jack/Lucas throwdown. She was fine with fighting with her stepfather, but she couldn’t stand the thought of Lucas going toe-to-toe with his brother. Jack was the only family Lucas had. She didn’t want to be the reason Lucas lost him. Damn it. She hated being reasonable. “Stop. Let’s hear him out.”

  She owed that much to Jack. The man had made the last few years infinitely more comfortable for her. He’d never turned her down when she needed a favor, and he always seemed to care. If something had changed, Lexi wanted to know.

  Reason didn’t seem to be something Lucas was interested in at this point. “We don’t have to hear him out. He’s a manipulative son of a bitch who can’t keep his goddamn fingers out of other people’s business. I know exactly what’s going on here. Do you really hate the fact that I’m with her so fucking much that you need to bring back the jerk who broke her heart?”

  Jack blanched, the blood leaving his face in an instant. “Lucas, how can you even think that?”

  Lucas was standing tall, his shoulders thrown back. There was a blank expression on his face that told her he was feeling inconsequential. It was the same look he had when he talked to his father. “I’m not so far outside the tabloids, am I, Jack? You can’t forget how you met me. I tried to blackmail you. I was known as a drug user and a queer. I’m the black sheep of the family. Guess I’m not great son-in-law material.”

  Lexi flinched. Jack couldn’t think that, could he? When Lucas had met Jack, he’d been the darling of the tabloids. Lucas had been young and lost. His father had cut him off. Lucas had lashed out by being the baddest boy around. But Jack knew it was an act, right? Since Jack took him under his wing, Lucas had blossomed into the most responsible man she knew. Lucas was the one who took her car in for service, and fixed things in her apartment. Lucas brought her lunch when she forgot it and took care of her when she was sick.

  “Lucas is good for me,” Lexi said, holding on to him.

  Jack ignored her, choosing to stare at Lucas. “What the fuck are you talking about? You are my brother. Don’t you ever fucking talk about yourself that way. You’re the black sheep? Hell, son, I’m the bastard Dad swept under the rug. You never used a drug once in your damn life. I don’t care how many tabloids you showed up on trying to get the Senator’s attention. I love you, Lucas. I am proud of the man you’ve become. I would be thrilled if you would marry Lexi. I’ll open my wallet and pay for the whole damn thing. I’ll write you a blank check, but that won’t happen because you need him.”

  “We do not need him. He walked out on her.” Though his words were stubborn, Lexi felt a bit of the fight go out of him. His shoulders relaxed slightly. Jack had said the right thing.

  Jack deflated, the righteous anger leaving him like a balloon that had just been popped. “Oh, Lucas, he left you, too. I know the whole story. He told me everything, and he didn’t leave out a single bad thing he did. He left both of you, and you haven’t been the same since.”

  The room seemed to calm, and Lexi was finally able to ask the question on her mind. If she knew one thing in the world, it was that Jack Barnes loved her mother. “Why would you risk pissing off Mom?”

  Jack’s lips pursed, and he sighed, a long, sad sound. “Because you need help, baby girl, and this was the only way I knew to give it.”

  “Help? I’m fine.” She was. She was making it just fine.

  Jack’s head shook. “No, you’re not. You drink too much, and you’ve utterly given up on your dreams. You’re a writer, a good one, but you haven’t written a word in years. You’re wasting your life. You’ve had three jobs in two years. I can’t stand it. I worry about it all the time. I know I’m not your father, Lexi, but I swear I love you like you were my own. If I thought rehab would fix you, I would have you hauled to a clinic.”

  Lexi huffed, utterly shocked at the accusation. Sure she’d had some trouble with jobs, but it wasn’t her fault all her bosses had been jerks. And she didn’t want to write. It wasn’t like it was a crime or something. “I am not an alcoholic.”

  “That’s why you’re not in rehab, but can you honestly tell me you haven’t been drinking too much? Can you tell me you aren’t using a bottle of wine to dull whatever pain you’re in?”

  It was just a glass to help her sleep. That was what she’d told herself, but then one became two, and three. All so she wouldn’t dream about it at night. The nights with Lucas were easier. She didn’t want him to suspect, so she curbed it. She kept it to one, but when Lucas was gone, sometimes she lost count, like the night before.


  Lucas’s quiet question made her want to retreat. She stared at the floor so she didn’t have to look at Lucas.

  “Damn it, Lexi.” He pulled her close.

  Suddenly it was all just a bit too much. Between Jack and Lucas, she felt so small. They were in control of their lives, and Lexi just wasn’t. She was drifting. She knew it, but she couldn’t stand the thought that she was just a fuckup they needed to take care of. She was such a screwup that apparently they needed to bring in yet another man to spread the load of taking care of her.

  Lucas looked so hurt as she pushed him away, but she couldn’t stand to be coddled at that moment.

  “Don’t. I just need some time,” she muttered, grabbing her bag. “I won’t go far, just up to the suite, but I need to be alone. And I promise not to fall into an alcoholic haze. Tell room service not to deliver. I’m sure I can’t be trusted.”

  “Alexis,” Jack began in a tone that let her know he was reachin
g the end of his patience.

  It didn’t matter. Her patience was a live, frayed wire waiting to explode. Lexi needed to get out of here. She had zero intention of staying in The Club, but she wasn’t about to let them know that. She needed to be alone.

  “I’ll talk to you in the morning. I…I have to go.” Lexi fled the dressing room like the devil was after her.

  * * * *

  Lucas slumped down on the small sofa and let his head fall into his hands. How had the night gone so fucking wrong? One minute it was perfect bliss, and the next it was an avalanche of their old baggage hitting him squarely in the nuts. Now Lexi had retreated. Not exactly how he’d seen their first real sexual encounter ending.

  “Here, drink this.” His brother pressed a glass of Scotch in his hand.

  The irony was not lost on Lucas. “Pot, meet kettle.” He still took a swig.

  Jack sat back down. “It’s not the same, Lucas, and you know it. And you know she’s a little out of control. She has been since that goddamn accident.”

  “What do you know about that?” Lucas stared at his brother, willing him to change the subject. Jack could be a manipulative SOB when it came to his family. He often knew things about Lucas’s life and his job before Lucas knew them. It was one of the many things Lucas admired about him. Did Jack know something he wasn’t telling? Lexi had been adamant about not talking about what really happened that night. Lucas thought she was wrong, but she wouldn’t listen to reason. It would almost be a relief if Jack had found out.

  Jack’s mouth became a flat line of frustration. “I know hospitals are a bitch to get information out of. I even tried bribing some people to get records. Julian could do it. You know he’s got shit on just about every power player in Texas, but he’s gone all ethical on me. He’d change his tune if it was Dani or Finn. But I have my suspicions.”