Page 10 of Fighting for Love

  Mine. Ugh. He wasn’t mine. We were only on our first date.

  Then again, so far it had been amazing.

  It didn’t take me long to realize we were headed to the children’s area of the library.

  When we walked in, the librarian looked up. She was probably about my age, maybe a year or two older. Her face lit up like the Fourth of July when she saw Finn. Then her eyes drifted down to our clasped hands and her smile faltered, though only for a brief moment.

  Oh great…even the librarian has a thing for him. Clearly this was something I was going to have to get used to.

  “Finn! It’s so great to see you. The kids are super excited about your reading today.”

  My eyes widened in surprise as I realized what was going on.

  “Awesome. Did the book I requested come in?”

  “It did! The Little Fire Engine by Lois Lenski.”

  My heartbeat must have increased ten times as my stomach fluttered.

  I want to have this man’s babies.

  “Perfect.” Finn glanced at me and then back to the librarian. “Oh, I’m sorry. Jessica, this is Rory. Rory, this is Jessica, the children’s librarian.”

  She reached for my hand, causing me to snap out of my daydream of birthing Finn’s children.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet one of Finn’s friends.”

  Oh, okay…wow. She’d really stressed “friends.” She was clearly jealous.

  Plastering on a fake smile, I replied, “The pleasure is mine.”

  It wasn’t lost on me that Finn wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me closer to him. As if to tell her that in his eyes we were more than friends.

  “You’re a few minutes early, so if you’d like to show…Rory, was it?”

  “Yes, Rory,” I answered, suppressing an eye roll.

  “If you’d like to show Rory around, please feel free to. We’ve got about twenty minutes or so.”

  Finn turned away from her, and my breath hitched at the way he looked at me. “I think I can find something to show her.”

  Before I knew it, we were heading back downstairs. “So you read to the kids here?”


  “That’s very sweet, Finn. I have to say, I’m kind of surprised.”

  “Good, then that makes two of us caught off guard today by the other.”

  I couldn’t help but chortle at his comment. It was so true.

  He led me through the library and toward a corner that was empty. “Are we getting a book?” I asked, glancing around. All of the books looked and smelled old in this area of the library.

  Weaving in and out of the bookshelves, we soon found ourselves in the very back corner. Finn stopped and pushed me up against the shelf.

  His lips were soon on my neck, moving ever so lightly across my skin. My entire body became inflamed.

  “So tell me, Rory,” he whispered. “Have you ever had sex in a library?”

  My eyes widened in shock. “W-what?”

  “I’ll take that as a no.”

  I swallowed hard and tried to get my mind to think straight. But it was so difficult with the way he was kissing me. His hand moved up my body and cupped my breast. “Do you have any idea of how much I want you?”

  “N-n-no,” I panted. “I mean yes. No. Wait. I don’t know what’s happening right now, Finn. I can’t breathe.”

  The idea of being in a public place and making out was doing something to me. It was turning me on even more than I already was…which surprised me.

  He moved back and gazed into my eyes. “I want our first time together to be magical, Rory, but five years is way too long for you to be deprived of having someone give you an orgasm.”

  My eyes drifted to the back of my head as he kissed up the side of my neck and nipped on my earlobe.

  I gasped. “I’ve never…had a man make me…orgasm.”

  Finn came to a stop. “What?” he whispered. “You’ve never had an orgasm?”

  “I have…but by my own hand.”

  He slowly took another step back, and I felt completely vulnerable. I had no idea why I felt the need to blurt every honest-to-God truth to this man, but I did. I was batting a thousand today.

  When he smiled, my legs went weak. “You just made me the happiest man on the planet, Rory.”

  Swallowing hard, I asked, “I did? How?”

  He grinned wider, and my world was knocked off its axis. Then his hand moved to my jeans, and he began to unbutton them.

  Oh. My. God.

  My libido kicked in big-time. The sound of my jeans unzipping had my panties instantly wet, and my desire to have him touch me spiked through the roof.

  “F-Finn…what are you doing?”

  “Relax, Rory.”

  The calmness of his voice helped me do just that. I was positive I slumped against his body, especially when his hand slipped into my pants and found its way into my panties.

  “You have to be quiet, baby. I really like this library, and I don’t want to get kicked out when they find you falling apart at my touch.”

  “What?” I gasped as his finger slipped between my wet lips.

  “Jesus Christ, you’re soaking wet already.”

  My hands grabbed onto his shoulders in an attempt to hold myself up. He lifted my right leg and slipped another finger inside of me, pulling out a long, deep moan.

  “Goddamn, I want you, Rory,” he panted in my ear while his thumb massaged my swollen bundle of nerves.

  “Finn, wait, oh God.” What am I doing? I’m a lawyer, for goodness’ sakes. I’m letting a man get me off in a public library…and I like it. Hell if I don’t like it…a lot.

  He buried his face in my neck while he worked his fingers in and out. My body quickly came alive, my orgasm building fast.

  I gasped when he applied more pressure with his thumb.

  “So tight. Jesus, you’re so tight, Rory.”

  My fingers dug into his shoulders while my hips began to grind harder into his hand. I was close. So. Close.

  “My God…oh hell.”

  Finn pushed harder on my clit, causing me to drop my head back against the bookshelf and cover my mouth with my hand. I was about to have what I could already tell would be the most amazing orgasm of my life. In the middle of the public library!

  “That’s it, baby. Look at me.”

  Jerking my head up, I looked at him and captured his eyes. “Finn!”

  His mouth was over mine, swallowing my cries of utter joy as my body trembled from the orgasm.

  Between the taste of his mouth and the feel of his fingers moving inside of me, I was adrift in a sea of feelings I’d never had before. Lost in a moment I never wanted to forget. Shared with a man I knew I had just given a piece of myself to.

  When I finally started to see daylight again, I realized Finn was now holding me up.

  My breathing was fast and hard as he held on to me and smiled. “How was that?”

  The only thing I could do was smile. I was feeling so many different emotions. High from the orgasm, a rush from having had it in a public place, and something else I’d never experienced before.

  I gazed into Finn’s eyes and moaned, “The most…amazing…orgasm…ever.”

  The corners of his mouth rose and his dimples popped out on both sides.

  “That’s only the beginning, babe. Only the beginning.”


  My body was still humming as I leaned against the checkout counter and listened to Finn read a story to the kids. How he’d just morphed into the zone of reading to a bunch of four- and five- year-olds was beyond me. I was a mess, though a good mess. He on the other hand was as cool as a cucumber. I was sure my face was still flushed, and the way Jessica looked at me I swear she knew what we had snuck off and done. If looks could kill, I would have been flat on the floor here in the kids’ section of the library.

  When I heard clapping, I jumped and glanced over to Finn. He was high-fiving each of the kids. A few of the boys told him
they were going to be firefighters like him when they grew up. My heart swelled with pride as I stood there and took it all in. Then I thought about Robert Long, and how much he loved volunteering with kids.

  An idea popped into my head as I walked over to Jessica. “Jessica, may I ask you a question about volunteering to read here?”

  She grinned, but I knew it was fake and that she was only attempting to be nice for Finn’s sake. “Sure you can. Are you interested?”

  “Um, yes, I would love to, but my problem is finding the spare time. I’m a lawyer, and a new one at that, so I put in long hours trying to work my way up the ladder, so to speak.”

  She flashed me a smirk.

  “Anyway, I was wondering, do other firefighters come and volunteer to read here?”

  “Oh yeah. A number of them do, but only a small handful do it each week like Finn does.” She turned to him, and a dreamy expression covered her face. “Finn’s an amazing guy.”

  Oh brother. She has a serious crush.

  “Yeah, he is. I’m a lucky girl.”

  I pressed my lips together, not really sure where that had come from.

  She inhaled a deep breath and slowly blew it out. I reminded myself I wasn’t going to get anywhere if I pissed her off.

  “Do you know if a Robert Long has volunteered here?”

  Her eyes lit up. Okay, clearly this lady had a thing for firefighters. “He did, yes. But he had to stop coming when one of the moms started to get a little too…attached to him.”

  My brows lifted. “Attached? What do you mean?”

  She looked around and motioned for me to step farther away from the kids. “There was a mom who used to bring her son in here. Mark was his name. He adored Robert and always told him he wanted to be a firefighter like he was. Kind of like what you saw today with Finn. Everything was fine at first. Then Mark’s mother started asking Robert for things.”

  Leaning in closer to her, I asked, “What kind of things?”

  “Like would he be able to take a look at her car, it wasn’t starting very well. Then she asked him if he would like to join her and Mark for dinner one night. Robert turned her down and told her he had a girlfriend. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. He finally approached me and said he felt like she was stalking him and that he would be going to a different library to volunteer. When she asked me where he was, I didn’t tell her. I’m not sure if she ever found out which library he went to.”

  I chewed on the corner of my mouth and glanced over to see Finn still talking to the kids.

  “Jessica, you wouldn’t happen to remember her name, would you?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m sorry. I talk to so many parents it’s hard to keep track of them all.”

  With a warm smile, I nodded. “That’s okay. Have she and her son been in lately?”

  Tilting her head, she thought about my question. “No. She hasn’t. Not for a few months. Do you know Robert?”

  “Yes. I’m his lawyer.”

  She gasped. “Is everything okay? Oh gosh, he didn’t get in an accident, did he?”

  Before I had to chance to say no and change the subject, Finn walked up and took my hand. Bringing it up to his lips, he grinned, kissed me softly, and asked, “Ready?”

  Turning back to Jessica, I said, “Thank you again. It was nice meeting you.”

  She lifted her hand and replied, “You too. See ya next week, Finn.”

  His only reply was, “See ya around.”

  We walked out of the children’s library and to the main stairs.

  “You ready to continue with our date?”

  My face heated. “It depends. How many more surprises can I expect?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Only one more. I promise. Then we need to go check on the beast.”

  My chest squeezed and I instantly became a bundle of nerves. Back to his condo. Together. Alone.

  As we made our way through the library, I couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had heard us earlier when Finn had me falling apart on his fingers.

  Covering my mouth, I forced my silly giggle down as Finn squeezed my hand and urged me to walk faster.

  Chapter 16


  Nuts, lies, and pigeons

  My dick had been hard since Rory had told me how long it had been since she had sex. I couldn’t stop thinking about sex. Sex on the sofa with her. Sex on the beach. Sex in the tree house at my parents’ place. Sex in a cab. Sex on the kitchen floor. Sex in the shower. Sex in an elevator.

  Fucking hell. I wanted to have sex with her everywhere.

  “Finn? Are you even listening to me?”

  My head jerked to the side. Rory was staring at me with a lost expression on her face.

  “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  She chuckled. “We’re standing in the middle of the park. I thought we were heading back to your place.”

  Shit. Could I take her back to my place and keep my hands off her?

  “Right. Sorry. I was lost in thought for a second.”

  “I’d say so. Gesh, what were you thinking about?”

  My dick jumped in my pants. “How much I want to kiss you.”

  She grinned, and a beautiful rose color moved across her cheeks. Glancing over my shoulder, her face dropped and turned white as a ghost. “Oh my God. My father.”

  “What?” I spun around and saw him running toward us. He hadn’t looked our way yet.

  “Hide!” Rory said as she pushed me away. Quickly looking around, I dove into a group of bushes. When I landed, I made a grunting sound.

  “Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” she called out. I pulled out a bag, opened it, and chuckled.

  “Yeah, the nuts broke my fall.”

  “Your nuts broke the fall?” she called out, then said, “Shh! Don’t talk! He’s coming. Oh my God…why am I here? What am I doing in the park?”

  Pushing my arm through the bushes, I threw the bag of nuts at her and said, “Feeding the birds!”

  I heard her rustling with the bag.

  “Rory? Sweetheart, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the office?”

  I slid farther down and prayed like hell he hadn’t seen or heard me.

  “Daddy, I um…well I ah…wasn’t feeling good. So I worked from home. Then I

  um…decided to get out and go for a walk. In the park. For fresh air, because that’s where you go when you need fresh air.”

  The bag rustled again. “Feeding birds. I was feeding the birds.”

  I closed my eyes. She was a terrible liar.

  “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Sore throat? Fever?”

  “No, nothing like that. I think I was just really tired. I’ve been working a lot.”

  “I know. Your mother tells me about all the hours you put in. Rory honey, you need a private life. What about a boy?”

  Rory halfheartedly laughed. “A boy? Daddy, I’m almost twenty-seven years old. I’ve moved on from boys.”

  Captain Adams chuckled. “Well, you’ll always be my little girl.”

  My head dropped into my hands. He will kill me if he finds out what I did to his little girl today. Or what I plan on doing to her in my bed.

  “Listen, how about you come over for dinner this week. I met a nice young man at the bank the other day.”

  Rory groaned, and anger instantly flowed through my entire body. “Dad, no. I’m not interested in meeting the guy who works at your bank.”

  “Why? You seeing someone?”

  I held my breath and closed my eyes. “No, I’m not seeing anyone.”

  Opening my eyes, I stared at the bush in front of me. A part of me ached that she’d lied about us. How long would we have to go on hiding?

  “Good, because I heard you were hanging around a few firefighters the other day.”

  “Dad. I was at the station interviewing them for my job. You know…where I’m the lawyer for a firefighter who’s been accused of sexual assault. I wasn’t ‘hanging around’ them,
I was working.”

  “Good. I hear about you snooping around any of those guys and you know what will happen.”

  I turned and leaned closer to the bush to hear him.

  “I’ll break every bone in their goddamn body, that’s what I’ll do. I especially don’t want you at my station. There are a few guys there that I don’t want getting their eyes on you.”

  “Like who?” Rory asked.

  My body tensed.

  “No firefighters, baby. You know my rules. Now, I’ve got to run. Should I tell your mother dinner on Thursday?”

  “I’ll check my schedule and call one of you guys.”

  “Sounds good, sweetheart.”

  Captain Adams’s voice grew distant as he kept talking. “Get home and rest!”

  “I will,” Rory called out. “Bye, Daddy!”

  Waiting in silence, I thought back to what Rory’s dad had just said. How long would we have to keep this a secret from him? If he found out about us, what would it do to their relationship, with him knowing his daughter had done the exact opposite of what he wanted?

  I was too damn greedy to care. I had a taste of Rory Adams, and I wanted more.

  So. Much. More.

  “He’s gone, Finn. You can come out now.”

  I stood and pushed my way through the bushes. I stopped when I saw her standing there, staring in the direction her father had run. Her normally confident posture was slumped over as she dragged in a long breath and forced it out. “He’s never going to accept the fact that I’m dating a firefighter. Ever.”

  My heart slammed against my chest. I dropped my head and sighed. Looking back up at her, I went to say something, but my eyes were drawn to all the ants coming out of the bag.

  “Hey, Rory. You might want to drop that bag.”

  She lifted it and asked, “Why?”

  That’s when she screamed. And then threw the bag up in the air, letting all the peanuts escape and fall everywhere around her.

  “Are they in my hair! Ohmygod! Are they in my hair?”

  Her arms flailed in every direction. I wouldn’t have thought arms could move like that. “Get them off! I feel them crawling on me.”