Page 11 of Fighting for Love

  The cries for help and the movement of her arms must have been some kind of bird call, because before I could even take a step to help her, pigeons swarmed in and started going after the peanuts. Even the ones in her hair were fair game.

  Short bursts of screams came forth from her mouth as she ran in every possible direction to get away from the pigeons.

  “Pigeons! They’re trying to eat me! Help!”

  It only took about thirty seconds for the shock of what was happening to wear off and for me to rush in to save her. I picked her up in my arms and started off toward my condo. Rory had a death grip around my neck as she continued to scream for help. In my ear.

  “Rory! You’re going to call your dad back, or worse yet, someone is going to think I’m actually trying to eat you!”

  Burying her face in my chest, she started crying. “I feel ants on me, and I think a bird pooped in my hair! Pigeons hate me, Finn. They always have!” she sobbed.

  Laughing, I picked up the pace, leaving the ants and the pigeons behind with the peanuts.

  My chest squeezed as she sobbed into my neck, holding on to me like I was the only thing that could protect her. I cherished every second of it. “I promise I won’t let them get you.”


  Rory slowly walked into the kitchen and flashed me a shy smile.

  “I think I got all the ants off me.”

  I lifted a brow. “Bird poop?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t see any.”

  Her body shuddered.

  “So what was that all about back there? The whole pigeons-hate-me thing.”

  Her face turned white, and I really had to work hard at not laughing. “They do. All birds hate me. It’s like I have some weird energy field that they don’t like. They tend to leave me alone, but if I have any food in my hand they are all over me trying to take what’s theirs. It all started when I was five. All I wanted to do was feed the pigeons some bread. They swarmed me and separated me from my mom. I was pretty sure if there had been enough of them they would have picked me up and taken me back to their lair.”

  I chuckled. “I believe that’s where dragons live.”

  “Well, they would have taken me to wherever pigeons live and lived off my flesh for days.”

  Was it possible to fall even harder for this woman?

  Sitting down at the counter, she rested her hand on her chin. “So. Is our date over?”

  “Do you want it to be over?”

  Her teeth sunk into her lip. “No.”

  “Then it’s not. How do you feel about roller skating?”

  She laughed and then looked at me with a serious face. “Wait. You’re serious?”

  “Hell yes I’m serious.”

  With a half shrug, she answered, “Well, I haven’t done it since I was probably ten or so. I probably forgot how.”

  Making my way over to her, I lifted her off the stool and brought her flush against my body.

  “It’s like riding a bike, baby. Once you’ve done it, you pick it right back up.”

  I watched as she swallowed hard. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not talking about skating anymore?”

  Smiling, I leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose. “Let me put Flash in his crate and we’ll leave.”

  My phone started ringing as we made our way out the door. Turning once more to Flash, I pointed to him and said, “Behave, beast!”

  He barked from his crate, circled twice, and lay down while I pulled my phone out and closed the door behind Rory and me.

  “It’s Preston,” I stated. “Hey, man, what’s up?”

  “It’s time.”


  With a frustrated groan, he practically screamed at me. “The baby! We’re on our way to the hospital. Finn, the baby is coming.”

  “The baby is coming?” I repeated.

  “Did I stutter?”

  “Holy shit. Okay. Wait. I have a job….What’s my job again?”

  “The phone calls, Finn. You make the calls so I can concentrate on Harmony.”

  “Right! I’m on it.”

  I heard a muffled sound, then Harmony’s voice. “It’s okay. We’ve got time. It’s all good.”

  “Harmony sounds pretty calm,” I said as Rory jumped and clapped. “Harmony’s in labor,” I confirmed to her.

  “Who is with you?”

  I winked at Rory and replied, “Rory.”

  “Rory who?”

  “Adams. We’re on our first date.”


  “You still there, Preston?”

  He laughed, then stated, “Finn’s on a date.”

  “Oh! My! God! Like a real date? With a girl?” Harmony cried out.

  I rolled my eyes. Clearly Preston had put me on speakerphone. I hit the elevator button to take us down, glanced over to Rory, and put my phone on speaker. “Yes, Harmony. A date. With a girl.”

  “What does she look like? How did you meet? What does she do for a living?”

  Rory covered her mouth to hide her giggle.

  “I’m stepping on the elevator, so I might lose you.”

  “No! Finn! Wait! I’m going into labor. I need to meet her. Bring her to the hos—”

  The signal dropped as we descended.

  I blew out a soft breath and turned to Rory. “So. How do you feel about meeting my entire family on our first date?”

  I was positive she was about to either pass out or throw up.

  Chapter 17


  Meeting the whole family

  My eyes widened in horror and I felt like I was about to hurl my lunch. “What? Your whole family?”

  Finn nodded. “I mean, unless you want me to take you home, but I was really wanting to continue with our date. The plans just changed a little bit.”

  “Your family? You want me to meet your family?”

  Instead of getting off at the lobby, we went to the garage. “Honestly, Rory, I can drop you off on the way to the hospital. Depending on how late it is, maybe I can swing by to say good night.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  He took my hand and led me into the garage. My head was spinning. This was way too fast. Meeting his family. Was that something I was ready for?

  My whole life I’d always played everything safe. For once I wanted to be daring. I’d already played hooky…so I figured maybe I should meet Finn’s family. The guy I’d officially dated for not even a full day. The man who’d already given me an orgasm in a library and saved me from near death by pigeons. Since I was living on the edge today, I decided I might as well keep going.

  “If you don’t think your family would mind, I’d love to come along.”

  Finn stopped walking and faced me. “Are you kidding? My family won’t mind at all. I was hoping you’d say yes. I really didn’t want our day to end yet.”

  With a smile, I replied, “Looks like we’ll be finishing up our first date with a bang.”

  He leaned in and kissed me quickly on the cheeks. “Just don’t let my mother freak you out. Hang close to my sister and you’ll be safe.”

  As he tugged me along, my heart dropped.


  He laughed and stopped at a red sports car and opened the door for me.

  I lifted my brow. “A sports car?”

  He winked. “I like to drive fast.”

  I slid into the car and looked around the gray leather interior. It looked brand-new.

  Finn got in and started the car and quickly backed out. He handled it like he drove it all the time.

  “What kind of car is this?”

  “Porsche Cayman.”

  “Wow. It’s nice. New?” I asked.

  “It was Wes’s car. He bought it eight months ago and decided he didn’t need a car in New York, so I bought it off him. I like driving it out to where my folks live and hitting the gas.”

  I chewed on my lip. “I take it you like to do dangerous things as hobb

  He pulled out into traffic and laughed. “I wouldn’t say ‘dangerous.’ But I do like to have fun and live life to the fullest. Not you?”

  Laughing, I glanced out the window. “No. I’ve always been on the cautious side. I think I got it from my mother. She was always so worried about my dad, she never really let me do things where I might get hurt.”

  Finn peeked over at me, then back at the road. “How did you ever have any fun?”

  “I had fun. In a controlled-environment kind of way.”

  He chuckled. “Sounds like a boring childhood, Éan.”

  Pinching my brows together, I was about to ask what he’d called me when his phone rang.

  Finn hit a button on his steering wheel.

  “Hey, kiddo.”

  “Hey, Finn, what’s up?”

  It was a young female voice, and I was guessing it was Angela, Finn’s sister.

  “Harmony’s in labor.”

  She screamed, and Finn chuckled.

  “No way! Oh. My. God! I just finished the baby blanket I was knitting for her! Okay, who’s calling the parents and who’s calling Wes?”

  “If you do one thing for me, I’ll call Mom.”

  “Anything! If it saves me from one of her speeches, I’ll do anything.”

  Finn looked at me and winked. “I was in the middle of a date. One I really didn’t want to end, so Rory will be with me. Keep Mom at a distance, will you?”

  She gasped. “A date? With one girl? Like not two, right?”

  An uneasiness moved across my body. Two?

  “Angie, I have you on speaker, and Rory’s sitting next to me.”

  “Shit. Oh um…hi, Rory!”

  I forced myself to speak, praying my voice wouldn’t crack. “Hi there.”

  “I was totally kidding! Ignore me. It’s not every day Finn goes on a date. Well, I mean he goes out with women, but usually it’s more of a—”

  “Angie, can you please stop talking?” Finn asked in a frustrated voice.

  “Yes! I will stop right now. I’m hanging up and calling Wes.”

  “Bye, sis.”

  “Bye, Rory!” she called out.

  “Goodbye, Angela.”

  “Call me Angie!”

  I chuckled. “Angie it is.”

  Finn waited a few seconds before taking my hand in his. “I’m not going to lie and tell you this is normal. It’s not. I’ve never brought anyone home to meet my family before.”

  Sickness quickly hit my throat. How many women had Finn been with? Clearly my father had some idea, if he’d already formed his own opinion of him. Even Russell made mention of Finn’s reputation.

  Was I in over my head? Could a guy like Finn really settle down with a girl like me? One with hardly any sexual experience? He was probably used to women doing all sorts of things with him. Maybe I was a challenge for him?

  My chest heaved up and down, and I was ready to ask Finn to bring me home when I jumped at the sound of a phone ringing.

  “Well, if it isn’t my baby boy.”

  I hid my grin while Finn groaned. “That would be Preston, Ma.”

  “Nonsense. Each of you is my baby boy. How are you doing, sweetheart? Are you eating good? How is that puppy dog you’re taking care of? Did you figure out why the captain is punishing you?”

  I turned to look at him. “No, Ma. I haven’t.”

  “Well, hang in there. Your father knows Captain Adams, and said he’s a good guy and takes care of his men.”

  My heart swelled with pride.

  “Hey, Ma. I’ve got news.”

  She gasped. “You met a girl?”

  I pressed my lips together and felt my face heat as I waited for his response. Would he tell her?

  “I did, but you can’t say anything to anyone.”

  She covered the phone and yelled, “Mike! Finn met a girl! Oh, Finn, tell me all about her! Is she pretty? What does she do for a living? Does she have good birthing hips?”

  My mouth fell open, and Finn laughed. “She’s sitting next to me in my car, Ma. I’ll fill you in later on, but I need to let you and Dad know something.”

  “Oh Lord. Let me sit down.” She covered the phone but we could still hear her. “He’s gone off and done it. He got a girl pregnant. Get me the scotch out of the cabinet, Mike.”

  I was positive a look of horror moved across my face, but Finn acted like it was no big deal his mother thought he had gotten a girl pregnant. “No, Ma, I didn’t get anyone pregnant. Harmony’s in labor. They’re on the way to the hospital now.”

  Screams and muffled noises came across the car speakers. I could hear a man in the background crying out in joy.

  “Finn, I’ve got to go, sweetheart! Meet you at the hospital.”

  “Tell Dad to drive safe.”

  “Will do!”

  The line went dead and Finn took my hand in his again. Butterflies flittered about in my stomach, causing me to place my other hand over it.

  “I’m sorry about that.”

  I shrugged. “So I take it your family is used to you dating a lot of women?”

  He didn’t respond, and that made me even more nervous. Maybe he was regretting bringing me—like I was slowly regretting coming.

  His. Whole. Family.

  Chapter 18


  What just happened?

  Was I ready for this? Was Finn ready for this? We were moving too fast.

  Panic started to settle in my chest as I glanced out the window.

  My phone beeped, and I pulled it out to see it was Russell.

  Russell: Will you be in the office tomorrow?

  I quickly replied back.

  Me: Yes. I got a bit of information I want to go over with you.

  Russell: Can you meet for a late dinner? I stumbled across something today as well.

  Chewing on my lip, I turned to Finn. I couldn’t help but smile. He looked beyond thrilled, and a part of me really wanted to be with him for this.

  Me: Sorry, I can’t tonight, but I’ll see you first thing in the morning.

  I was proud of myself for putting what I wanted ahead of my job. But it wouldn’t become a normal thing. I couldn’t afford to be taking days off and having fun. I needed to focus on this case and build my career at the firm. I couldn’t do that hanging out at libraries while I watched a hot firefighter read to kids. No matter how freaking much it turned me on.

  “We’re here!” Finn called out with excitement.

  After parking his car, he insisted I let him open the car door for me. It was sweet and not something I was used to. As we walked up to the hospital my heart started beating faster and harder.

  The closer we got to the maternity floor, the more panic set in.

  The elevator doors closed, and Finn pinned me up against the wall. His lips pressed to mine. I instinctively moaned into his mouth as he kissed me like I’d never been kissed before.

  He stepped back when the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. Reaching for my hand, he gave me a slight tug to snap me out of my daze.

  My lips tingled. My body was on fire. I’d never in my life had a man kiss me like that before. It was almost like he was afraid it would be our last one.

  “Ready?” he asked with the cutest smile on his face. You could see how excited he was, and that melted my heart on the spot.

  Quickly nodding, I replied, “I think so.”

  With my hand in his, we walked toward the waiting room.

  It was empty.

  I silently said a prayer of thanks.


  We both spun around, and my jaw dropped to the ground. The guy walking toward us looked almost exactly like Finn.

  “Preston, how is she?”

  Preston glanced over to me and shot me a megawatt grin. “Excuse my rude brother. Preston Ward.”

  “Rory Adams. Pleasure to meet you.”

  You could see the happiness on Preston’s face. “Come on, Harmony is dying to meet

  My face fell. “What? Right now? She’s in labor!”

  Preston laughed. “It’s not every day Finn has a girl on his arm. Harmony’s been sending me out here looking for you guys.”

  He motioned for us to follow him, and we did. When he opened the door, Preston almost hit the nurse with it.

  “Mr. Ward, we were just coming for you.”

  My eyes scanned the room and landed on a beautiful young woman with blond hair. She was breathing heavily but wore a huge smile. Her hair was pulled up in a slobby bun that bounced around as she let out a small yelp.

  “Oh. My. Goodness! You’re beautiful!” she said, pointing to me.

  My face instantly warmed as Finn pushed me farther into the room. “She doesn’t bite,” he whispered.

  Too fast.

  Holy mother of angelic hosts…I’m meeting the in-labor sister-in-law.

  Harmony reached her hand out for me, and I quickly walked up and took it. “Rory, is it?”

  I nodded. “Yes. It’s a pleasure meeting you and my goodness…congratulations on the um…well for being…ahh…your baby! How exciting.”

  She giggled and then squeezed the living hell out of my hand, about dropping me to my knees.

  “Oh…what in the hell!” she yelled out.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I counted to ten. I was pretty sure if she gripped any harder my fingers would break.

  The nurse quickly looked at her, and then popped her head up and said to the other nurse, “Page the doctor. She’s crowning.”

  “What?” four voices cried out at once.

  “Oh, my God! The baby is coming right this second?” Harmony said as she started to cry. That totally explained the death grip.

  Preston quickly went to the end of the bed and looked, and I instantly felt out of place. “Do you see him, Preston?” Harmony asked as she let go of my hand and I quickly pulled it away.

  I glanced over to Finn, trying to get his attention so that we could leave the room. The door opened and the doctor and two more nurses walked in.

  I turned back to Preston, knowing what was about to happen. You could see it on his face.

  “Oh God! Another contraction!” Harmony called out, and two seconds later, Preston was on the floor. Finn ran over and tried to help him up, but caught a glimpse of the same thing that had taken Preston down.